Why Clairvoyants & Psychics Use Candles

by | May 9, 2023 | Articles | 0 comments

Beautiful Crystal Ball in the Sunset

Nearly All Clairvoyants & Psychics Use Candles – Why?

There are many tools and techniques that clairvoyants and psychics use to enhance their abilities and connect with the spiritual realm. One of the most common tools used by psychics and clairvoyants is candles. In this article, we will explore why clairvoyants and psychics use candles in their practice.

Candles have been used in spiritual practices for centuries. The flame of a candle is said to represent the light of the soul, and the warmth and energy it provides can help to create a sacred space for spiritual work. Here are some of the reasons why clairvoyants and psychics use candles in their practice:

  • Candles create a peaceful atmosphere: The gentle, flickering light of a candle can help to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere. This can help the psychic or clairvoyant to relax and focus on their work.
  • Candles can be used for divination: Some clairvoyants and psychics use candles as a form of divination. This involves observing the way the flame behaves and interpreting its movements and patterns.
  • Candles can be used to set intentions: Candles can be used to set intentions for a particular ritual or practice. By lighting a candle and focusing on an intention or desire, the psychic or clairvoyant can bring their energy and attention to that goal.
  • Candles can be used for energy work: Candles can also be used in energy work, where they are used to represent different energies or elements. For example, a green candle may be used to represent healing, while a red candle may be used to represent passion or desire.
  • Candles can be used to honor spirits or deities: Candles are often used in spiritual practices to honor spirits or deities. The act of lighting a candle can be seen as a form of offering or tribute to these entities.

    In modern times, crystal balls are often associated with fortune-telling and are used to gain insight into the past, present, and future. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the history of crystal balls and how they are used today.


Overall, candles are a versatile and powerful tool for psychics and clairvoyants. Whether used for divination, setting intentions, energy work, or honoring spirits, candles can help to create a sacred space and enhance the psychic’s connection to the spiritual realm.

Learn More : Read What is the Difference Between a Psychic & a Clairvoyant


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