Virgo Horoscope | Psychic Forecast for October 2023

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Monthly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Monthly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful birthday thank you so much for being here today horoscopes for October 2023. that’s what we’re here to do your forecast for October Virgo my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot Readings and thank you so much for being here we’re going to see what energy we’ve got for Virgo stay with me right till the end as I’m using quite a few oracle cards in Tarot to get quite as much information as I can seeing that it’s a whole month so it’s important that you stay with me as there’s different messages and they could be super valuable if nothing resonates visit your moon and your ascendant sign Between Worlds Virgo in October you may find yourself through the growth that you’ve had Between Two Worlds you’ve you’ve gone from being in this world here to entering a new phase a new life something new that you’ve implemented in your life you’re now in between two worlds you’re in your old world because that’s where your family and friends may be but you’re entering this new world of com of passion and knowledge and determination something your spiritual world you’re expanding your your determination and your knowledge and becoming more spiritually involved with the new you you listening to where you want to go you feeling that you want to change at the moment you’re in between the two worlds there’s something that’s holding you back in that world that you’re you’re wanting to leave that life that you’re wanting to leave that person or that job that you’re wanting to leave something is holding you there but you’re about to enter into a new cycle a new a new life A New Perspective a new relationship a new job something that’s new and adventurous and exciting for you

when more energy plays for Virgo thank you not for you that old is not for you Virgo the old world the old Social Circle the old things that are no longer for you you’re feeling that this part of you that’s a part of you that was that is no longer does that make sense it’s something that once was important to you but today it’s not so important your your thought process is different your way of being your way of seeing things has changed what was is no longer what’s priority for you

tell me if this makes sense further for some of you here but this is my moon sign so I’m loving this so I’m with you Virgo I’m trying to place myself in here as well and yes I can resonate with that very much

images for Virgo you’re stuck you’re feeling stuck in something for for some reason you’re feeling stuck in that old

energies for Virgo plays for October we’re gonna go up to okay thank you okay embrace the flow of life let it happen Embrace what life is bringing you don’t fight it for some of you here full moon in Gemini for some of you here you’re trying to fight something you’re trying to uh control something you want to control it so it happens the way you want it when you want it and they’re saying embrace the flow of Life Burger Let It Go embrace the flow if it happens when it happens just let it happen

for some of you here you’re trying like I said to control the time that you’re trying to control how it happens when it happens and they’re just saying embrace the flow of life just keep doing keep going go with what you feel

release your blocks there are things that are blocking you Virgo remember I said you were stuck in this old world there’s something holding you back now the universe is saying release those blocks there are things that may happen in October Virgo that take you to releasing blocks

circumstances or situations that may happen in October will if you go with the flow you’ll see that things start to change on their own you’re not going to have to do much from from

going from the old to the new because the new will just present itself in a way that it just Falls right so they’re saying go embrace the flow of life the past is not for you the new is coming through so just accept it for what it is allow it to come in and release what you’re trying to hold on to release those blocks

release that control

let’s say that the tarot has I like that

look at that the King of Swords speaking your truth stand in your truth standing in control lifting your sword of truth and saying this is who I am today this is what I want in my life this is what I expect this is the happiness I want to work towards this is the type of life that I want to live I don’t want constraints anymore I don’t want to feel blocked anymore

October is going to be the line in the sand that you write for many Virgos you happy birthday for everybody that had their birthday Virgo and this has also made you enter into a new cycle when we have our birthdays we enter into a new cycle a new way of thinking a new life we want and this is you creating starting to think about your new life your new way the new cycle has opened up the tower the tower comes Virgo to did I remember I said to you at the beginning things are going to take place in October that allow you to enter your new world without too much effort it’s going to release the blocks that were holding you back

that Tower didn’t come by mistake that Tower comes to free you from the blocks that it was holding you back and not an it comes to release you for you to lift your sword and go on the on your Merry way to where you want to go and do what you want to do this Tower releases you from what was holding you back

what else for Virgo Place Virgo October Thursday October thank you yeah all the demons the fear the self-sabotaging the guilt that you are feeling about not being able to leave the old behind not being able to leave that circle of friends not being able to leave that boyfriend that no longer fits your life not being able to leave your family behind or that job that was so loyal to you not being able to leave that situation that you now no longer fit into

this tower has brought you the Tower and the devil together is no small feat further in October it is going to be powerful you’ve got the King of Swords the Tower and the devil that is bombastic it’s bombastic of what’s going to happen there are things that are going to be brought forward to allow you the freedom to move in your truth to be your true self

when you get cards like release your blocks and in between two worlds normally I would say oh my god get ready it’s it’s going to be something that’s you know pretty full-on and it is but this is to release you this is coming as positive movement for you you have been feeling like you you’re bound to a place or to certain people or to a certain somebody you feel guilty about leaving that Circle that that place that job that person and this here is going to set you free set you free or something situations happen that it sets you free in October

look at that

Burger it’s no mistake that the hangman felt upside down the hangman usually comes out like that when you are undecisive about what to do about a situation but it felt that way standing upright you are you know what you where you’re going you know where you want to go you know where you wanna where you want to reach you know what you stand for today

you know the new life the new purpose the new reason you want to leave this old feel it in your bone look at that look at that

Virgo it’s no mistake that I’m dealing with someone here that’s very spiritually guided that’s got a huge amount of intuition and knows that this had to take place you stand firm in your beliefs stand firm in October in what you believe in and doesn’t matter who tries to probe and and push you or disagree with you and judge you you stand firm you know who you are Virgo you know who you are you’re capable of so much and yet I feel that some Virgos here are being held in little places with little-minded people of wanting to live the same life for the rest of their life and this is not Virgo here Virgo is one Virgo here that I’m connecting with is ready to expand is ready to grow is ready to stand firm and move forward with their new life in their new place in a new way

oh [Music] Virgo you know I’m not extremely well at the moment but I had to and I’m so glad look the will of Fortune not only is remember I said to you this is going to be bombastic and that is to release you here is the changes and remember remember Virgo that you had embraced the flow of life that is the purpose of the will of Fortune it comes to take you out of a situation that you are holding on to or you felt like you had to hang on to a situation that you know deep down in your heart was no longer right for you but you held on to it for for sacrifice for fear or being scared to let go of of what was now they say Let It Go Go With the Flow because we’re gonna get you out of this situation there is it’s no mistake that this Tower and the devil card here and the will of Fortune and the hangman which is another major card Kane in the right places that they came through ten of Wands for many of you here you are feeling the burdens of others you are carrying a ton of burdens that didn’t belong to you you were carrying a lot on your shoulders that didn’t belong to you you are making everybody else’s life easy how about you Virgo how about your life how about your changes what’s important to you

huge change huge New Beginnings a new career path a new project a new business that you’re going to initiate there is new here for you for some people this may be a job that we’re talking about for some others it might be something else but for those of you that want to leave a job you are stand firm stand firm and you’re going to get what your your promotion your job a new job a new a new career a new project look

the beginning of an abundant Journey Virgo you are going to start something new and that new is going to bring you a huge amount of abundance you self-sabotage yourself for so long the changes that are coming in the universe can see that you deserve so much more the universe can see that you have put yourself out there in many ways and now they’re saying we’re now here after all the burdens that you carried all the hard times that you’ve had all the long days that you’ve sacrificed we’re now here to give you what you deserve the new beginning the dream the goal is coming your way and you stand firm in who you are and what you believe in

for many of you you took time out to understand what you wanted in life and Justice is being served now you see the light at the end of the tunnel and you understand perfectly well that everything that comes towards you it is just and right things don’t happen by mistake this Tower and this devil doesn’t happen by mistake it happens to get us out of situations that no longer serve us and put us where we deserve to be Virgo beautiful let’s see what else we have with Elena what else do we have tell me verga tell me where you’re seeing me from where are you watching this video from if you’re in the US whereabouts in the US if you’re in Canada we’re from are you in the Philippines Indonesia India Australia where are you seeing us from let me know in the comments

what messages do we have foreign

Virgo decisions that are going to bring you a huge amount of Fortune you’re going to be able to make decisions now that are going to put you in the right place with the right people in the right situation you know that you know that saying right place right time that’s you right place right time look at that the changes are going to allow you to not only build your worth your the changes are going to bring you a huge amount of stability and love your way you’re going to find yourself stable again for many of you you are worried for a while you’re you were between the two the old and new not knowing what to do these changes are going to be exactly what you need in favor exactly what you needed

finding a new home a new place to leave moving locations moving countries going to live in a different place finding your New Castle

building a new home a new a new life

haha you can’t get better than that Virgo you cannot get better than that my beautiful one the Sun this move is not just any movement and I told you it’s not any move and you’re going to be a lot of been a lot of people this CH these changes that you’re going to make is going to leave a lot of people around you curious about all the changes that you’ve made they’re going to be curious how you made those changes they’re going to be curious about what you’re doing everyone’s going to want to know what Virgo’s up to why is Virgo now beaming of excitement loving life for what it is you’re going to create a lot of interest amongst your friends and family

what a beautiful reading Virgo I’m speechless look at this look what card fell out angel of determination look at that

the angel of determination number nine is the end card and that’s saying here your old is now your old and now you’re going to find your determination to make your new your new is a step away now Virgo in October allow and understand that every change every situation that takes place in October even if it’s gonna rock you a little bit just know it’s good for me these changes are good for me somehow these changes that are coming through are going to be good for me just remember that third guy lots and lots and lots of love and light your way well done thank you and thank you so much for being here lots of love and light bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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