Virgo Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for the Year of 2024

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024

FREE Yearly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today today we’re going to do your horoscope for 2024 so this is going to be a round table reading as well and we’re going to do three energies at first for the whole year and then we’re going to do uh lad deck from uh January to December and then we’re going to um complement it with the Tarot deck and at the end you’ll have one message keep this video throughout 2024 so that way you can keep going back to it and having a look at what each month represented okay there’s bigger energies in certain months than others and you’ll be able to see that throughout the year remember to subscribe like and comment as we need to share this video with as many people as we can so Virgo let’s see what we have for Virgo which is my moon sign so I’m excited to find out what’s in it for us for 2024 Virgo energies for Virgo please 2024 First Energy Community wow serving the community doing things in the community being part of the community whatever it is that you’re doing you’re going to share your gifts your speech your thoughts your ideas with the community or whatever you’re going to share is going to help the community for example I do readings and I also do these horoscopes and I don’t get paid for these but I do it because if I can help one person in the community then I have done something great and that’s good enough for me so then I ask you to do something great and support our Channel so that’s helping the community get this message more out into the community it’s little things that you do or little things that you say or how you help somebody that makes the difference so Virgos are going to be very in tune to helping others in the community with what it is that they do the good gestures which will in return come back Virgo I guarantee you what you put out is what you receive yeah okay another energy for Virgo let’s see what else we have for us no place like home Virgo sometime during this year you’re going to go this could be you coming home to your home town your home suburb if you’ve been away from home you’ll come home this year if you have been at home you may go somewhere and feel like you belong there that you’ve been there before that that was you feel so comfortable that you feel like you

belong it’s it’s going to be a feeling of I belong here I’ve been here before for others it’s you spending time at home spending quality time at home fixing your home making everything beautiful at home and really taking pride in your home in 2024 last message for Virgo please last message for Virgo and Virgo we’re very grounded and very some some a lot of Virgos are home bodies and we love our surroundings to be perfect you know that’s the Perfection that we have in us and so some Virgos here are going to use that Perfection gift they’ve been given to make their surroundings beautiful okay last energy for Virgo please thank you mending in 2024 some may be mending mending your heart mending a relationship mending an area of your life that needs attention that needs mending maybe you’ll be mending a relationship that you’ve currently got but needs attention maybe you’re mending friendships that need to be mended or mending a heart that was broken and disappointed but whatever it is it’s time for mending it’s time for you to be true to who you are Virgo in 2024 we have Saturn ruling 2024 which means that there it’s going to bring us to a point of being true to who we are and being very aware of our truth and how things and people H affect us we’re going to see things for for the truth of what they are good or [Music] bad okay let’s see what we have for January for Virgo please with Leno M January please M beautiful the ring for January forming bonds I’ll I’ll do all the cards and then we’ll go into it okay cuz then I need to complement it with the tarot February please the crops very March March please thank you the lady April April for Virgo pleas April the man May May the book June please June for Virgo June another man July please July for Virgo July July for Virgo the

mountains August pleas August the house office career September place the Stars October Place October o Place October Virgo the stalk November please November for Virgo please November thank you November thank you the birds and the last one December please December for Virgo December no one more card for December PL thank you the boat beautiful look at that Virgo I need to say to you as well you’re the first sign that I’ve done um so far um cuz I’m halfway through and it’s it’s the first sign that’s got three people in the the months some some signs only got one but you’ve got three people so a lot of interaction this year a lot of interaction and a lot of circumstances with others around the home around The Mending around the community okay let’s let’s see what the tarot has to compliment and then we’ll go straight into it okay January for Virgo please January thank you Ace of Gabriel February place thank you king of Raphael beautiful I like that March March please March what have we got for March

thank you three of Michael for March okay wow okay April please April if it doesn’t fall I’m not taking it April thank you the world M April okay

may may thank you the star Beautiful May mhm Jun please Jun what have we got for Jun thank you five of rafha okay that’s

June July please July July for

Virgo nine of Michael it’s going to be some good months but there’re also going to be a couple of challenging months Virgo August please August for Virgo please August for Virgo thank you August for

Virgo Ace of Michael beautiful like that okay September September for Virgo September September for Virgo please thank you Knight of Ariel okay October for Virgo please October oh that one flew out king of Michael okay beautiful we like that November please for Virgo November thank you oops oops it doesn’t want to come the four of Raphael wow okay and December please December one card for December please oops no it’s too many I’ll take the first one that fell and it’s the seven of Michael there okay let’s go and have a look all right January Virgo in January you’ve got um something beautiful happening you may form a bond or a friendship with someone and it’s going to be prosperous it’s going to allow you to move forward I do feel that this opportunity that comes through and this bond that you create is going to be a bond to do with work here Ace of Gabriel is all about moving forward making things happen you know um something amazing takes place it could also be a relationship absolutely it can so in January you either formalize a relationship with someone that you’ve met or you will get proposed to in January which that can happen too Virgo or the other one is that you form a beautiful bond with someone in your workplace in your career in your project but there is a beautiful Bond forming here it’s a beginning of a new Venture for you whether that be work relationship social or whatever it may be it’s a new bond that brings a lot of prosperity and movement forward okay that’s January so that’s going to be a big thing in January in February you’ve got the king of Raphael and the crops so in February Virgo you’re more than willing to cut things out that no longer serve you here you are in a place of being generous to people and very refined about who you keep in your life and who you don’t what situations you keep in your life and what you don’t so February is going to be more of a month of where you take away from you circumstances or move away from people that no longer serve you it’s like you’re looking at your friends you’re looking at your relationships you’re looking at your work life and the people in your in your career and or where you work and deciding who you will associate with and who you won’t what situations you’ll keep in your life and what you won’t so February looks to be a very um prominent month for you to choose and pick what you want in your life in March there’s going to be a bit of a disagreement or a breakup with a woman in your life it’s going to be a woman that you have a lot of affection for and that break can be something that’s said or that’s done that’s going to disappoint you so in March you’re going to see that somebody that you you thought had your back or some or a friend a mother a sister cousin Auntie whoever it may be your partner May disappoint you in March with something that they say or that they do and that’s going to mark your M your m month in March it’s something that you’re not going to get over very very quickly it’s something that you’re going to hold with you but whilst it takes time to get over you’re going to allow yourself to understand why that took place what is it that happened for that person to feel that way or do what they did you won’t have answers to why they did it but you’ll have an understanding of roughly why they did

it okay here the world in April we come to a close with a male in your life you will shut out one of the m that plays a plays a role in your life that could be the end of working with a particular boss it could be a friend that you no longer want to have part of that could be a a relationship you’re walking out of or a relationship that you’ve worked you’ve walked out of and a divorce is settled in April this could also be a brother a cousin something that happens that you move yourself away from this relationship away from the circumstances that hold this that holds this person um with you so you walk away from a relationship I don’t know in what level that relationship is because for everyone it will be different but it’s definitely a man in your life or or in your surroundings that has no longer a place in your life it’s it’s a relationship you’re going to end you know that mending that mending that you’re doing that probably a part of it yeah okay that’s April May in May you’re going to want to learn something Virgo and this is going to be something that you’ve either one always wanted to learn or two you’re going to see value in learning certain things whether that be a different language a different um course that you want to do to make yourself more marketable out there but you’re going to put yourself out there and Market yourself in A Better Way once you have learnings that you need it’s like you’re going to spend more time looking after your your needs to become more marketable and be more of value so you will add more value to who you are by learning more and really discovering more for others this is a promotion that comes through and there’s contract or paperwork that you need to sign this may also be someone for a new job you finally find that new job and if there are contracts in regards to a new job or a new proposal or a new promotion just be really careful to make it clear the star that you read all the fine print that there’s nothing there that you miss and if you need to give it to somebody else to get their opinion then do that because it’s worth your while okay so that’s May in June in June Virgo you’re going to realize that

um there’s there’s another disappointment here with a man and it’s either you lose that man in your life someone that you love that could be a possibility Virgo you know I will always be honest and true to you but in in June you may lose a beautiful man in your life um and it could be a father a grandfather or somebody that um either takes their place and is no longer on this planet they will go to a better place yeah the other the other thing here is that for some of you here you may find that someone a man that you deeply love is doing something that you don’t agree on or has done something to you that you don’t agree and you’ll you’ll understand that everything that you needed to find out this you needed to find out this information because and then you will realize that everything has a reason everything has a purpose whatever it is that you find out in June in regards to this man that you love it’s a love right so it’s either a father a brother a husband husband um a son whatever it is you’re going to see that in June everything happens for a reason you need to let it go let them go and this could be a son it could be that your son decides to move to another location to another country you it could be that your husband decides to take a job somewhere else it could be that um Anything Could Happen where they make decisions and their decision might not be what you want them to do however you need to release it and let it go everything happens for a reason and you will understand that later on sometimes when we love people we need to let them go and allow them to come back yeah okay in July in July there are going to be circumstances that you overcome it’s something that has been worrying you for quite some time Virgo and in July you start to see the answer and the solution to this problem that you’ve had you’ve gone through ups and downs in regards to this and now you start to see an ending happening a light a solution at the end of the tunnel all those nights that you couldn’t sleep all those nights that worried you sick over this situation you’re going to see that that situation happened to make you grow two and one is three which is growth but you also lost a lot of sleep and you had a lot of worry and anxiety over this it all comes to an end in July you start to see the answer for some of you here it could be that someone comes home and no place like home is directly in that line so you may feel you may have been worried that someone was far from you but you’ll see that in July things start to happen for a reason and a purpose and some may even come back home okay in August in August there is some truth here Virgo there is going to be some truth around the home new ideas you may even have a new idea to refurbish your home to redo your home you may even have thoughts of moving to a new home selling the house that you you have right now to move to a new place a new country a new city there’s going to be new ideas that you take into the home new ideas that can help you um move

forward and here also they talk about clearing communication it’s important that you have clear Communication in your home in the month of August make sure that the communication is clear so there are no confusions there are no you did this you did that you didn’t tell me this you didn’t tell me that that everything is clear and everyone seems to be on the right page and everyone understands where you’re trying to get to that’s in August because there could be a bit of confusion around the house in August in regards to communication but be your speak your truth and stand true to what you want okay in September you’ll see very very clearly who you can count on on and who you can’t in September there’s going to be either a an event a function or something that takes place in September and with that you’re going to have a very clear understanding of who are the friends that you can trust and who you can’t who are the family members that have got your back and who doesn’t who’s got your best interest at heart and who doesn’t so September’s going to be a month where things become clear things will become clear for you of who’s got your back who’s there for you in October you’ve got the king of Michael and the stalk you may get an information in October some news that comes to you in October it could come to you directly or it could come to you as gossip but whatever it is it’s going to be um information that helps your cause helps you to understand a certain why a certain reason for something or or now you understand why things happened that there was a reason and a purpose for something you start to understand that whatever news you get gives you a clearer understanding of why things happened and you’ll think about things in a very rational manner you’re not going to be emotional about whatever you hear you’re going to look at it and say okay I’ve got this communication and I’ve got this issue or I I need to resolve it in the most very direct way with no emotions me getting emotional about what I’ve heard is not going to help me so what do I need to do and how am I going to action this this is in October so something may come to shake things up but the way you react is going to be absolutely vital to being successful in how what the outcome you get because if you’re emotional it’s just going to bring more chaos to the situation where if you think about it in a rational way you’ll see that things clear up pretty quickly okay in November in November you may get some news that is not so pleasant it might be some news that makes you sad it may be some news that makes you feel alone it may be some news that comes through or someone has been speaking about you or someone has done the wrong thing about you or someone doesn’t want to include you in something things like that whatever it is it’s going to be something that you hear or something or some news that comes to you that’s going to leave you quite sad really there’s no other word for it it’s sad it something that happens in November not all of November is going to be like that but just remember Virgo that you’re never alone you are never alone you have always got your guides and your mentors right beside you so if you ever need to talk to somebody if you ever need help speak to them just speak out loud how do I speak to them Marie how do I speak to them just speak just say it the way it is tell them how you’re feeling tell them what you want tell them what’s not working out tell them how you it’s like looking at yourself in the mirror tell yourself in the mirror what it is that you want them to want yourself to know and the way you say it they’ll be hearing they’ll they’re right beside you so don’t be afraid to it you’re never alone you’re not in this alone okay in December you you decide in December there’s going to be a situation that presents itself to you and it’s a situation that you’ve wanted for quite some time this could be you’re moving to another place location or city or you have been asked to go and work in another place city or lotion you’re going to take that and you’re going to work um in that place but you’re going to learn a lot stand up for who you are and I feel that you’ll stand up to others that don’t want you to do this it’s important that you travel that you do your thing for those of you that have got family you may have encourage your family to come with you but you’ll be standing your ground in wanting to do things that are different you want to go on different Adventures see what else is out there for you look at different paths that you can take you’ve got this urge urge Virgo that in November sorry that in December next year you are about to change paths you’re about to change where you live about to change your career about to change something that is of huge importance to you and it may be in another city place or suburb okay perfect so that’s we’ve got for January through to December major any any any they were the major events that came up now let’s see what other message we have for Virgo please overall it’s not a bad reading there’s a couple of months that I’m not really excited about Virgo but uh like the June the June worries me a little bit um and also um which other one the June and I would say the March so March June and November are going to be challenged in months for us okay all right let’s see what the last message is here last message for Virgo please last message for Virgo thank you so much what did I say Virgo read that line read that line excuse my dog he’s snoring away you are not alone the guardian angel that is always with you remember I said that to you remember I said that this Guardian Angel is always going to be with you you are never alone Virgo you may also in times of need see some feathers in your backyard whilst you go for a walk whilst you’re out shopping and you’re walking along the street you may just find a feather out of nowhere Falls at your feet or Falls in front of you enough for you to realize that there’s a feather there that’s them saying to you Virgo go remember tein up you are not alone it’s a process you’re going through but it’s a process we’re with you on we’ve got you don’t worry you’re not alone how beautiful Virgo remember those feathers remember those months that I said to you come back to the video keep it so you can go back to the video and see what it is that you need to see lots of love and light Virgo and thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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