Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023
FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Virgo how are we today thank you so much for being here today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and what we’re going to do is we’re going to do some intentions here a row of intentions then with the two tarot cards and then a message at the end okay so let’s get going I hope everybody’s well and um if you haven’t noticed already we’ve got all the horoscopes for December and 2024 already up so if you want to have a look at that you’re more than welcome to do that um and here we go let’s see what energies we have for you for the next 7 to 14 days Virgo let’s see Virgo please thank thank you I’ve already mixed all the cards so Virgo please energies for
Virgo thank you Cycles Virgo Cycles there are changes that bring a lot of cycles and in the next 7 to 14 days you may see that there’s going to be changes that come in that change the circumstances or change the attitude or change the way um either one people around you behave you behave and the way you see things so sometimes we go through different Cycles where everything is beautiful and then we go through some times where they’re tougher to deal with but these changes are going to bring you time for you to um understand that there are different cycles that we need to go through and all of those cycles each one of them bring some type of learning so if you if you look at it that way it may be a little bit easier to get through um some things roach it’s it’s going in the next 7 to 14 days you may feel different or breathe different air feel a a a sense of wanting to start something new you you have this air circulating you of inspiration of creativity of looking at things in a different way wanting different things wanting to start new projects wanting to put things into place so 2024 you’re very in tune to start something new some of you here may be thinking of starting a new career a new job a New Prospect a new project New Opportunities coming your way you’re going to sense a fresh air of beginning new beginnings new new new adventures you want to do it’s you breathing fresh air and letting go of things that are stale in your
life hence the
Cycles breakthrough look at that there is lightning which is the same as the the um Tower in the tarot there is going to be some occurrences that are going to bring the solutions and the answers you were looking for make no mistake Virgo there are new things coming through there are new changes coming into your life and all of those are going to bring you growth there’s New Beginnings there’s new adventures there’s new it’s like there’s a sense of I want to start something new I want to be different I want to see differently I want to behave in a different way I’m not I’m no longer going to allow others to stagnate my existence and that’s exactly what it is it’s like you’re standing up to people you’re you’re standing firm on what you want and what you expect and look at all these blue cards like blue is peace tranquility finding yourself allowing yourself to breathe and want new it’s a new beginning it’s a new Venture it’s you uh looking at things in a different way you may also be dealing with a lot of air uh um air signs which is you know which is your Gemini’s Aquarius or Libra there’s a lot of air sign there but there’s also a lot of water here which is the the water signs so you being an earth sign you’re dealing with a lot of other energies here air and water so you may be dealing with Libras Scorpio or Geminis or it could also be the water signs which is Pisces Scorpio and
cancer it’s like there’s something coming through there’s news or you receive news of something that’s coming through a new cycle that’s presenting presenting itself for you it’s like there’s a new sense a new I can’t even explain it how do I explain that please help me my guides a a new adventure a new A New Perspective of seeing things that’s what they’re saying you have a whole new perspective of seeing things one more card please for Virgo one more
card Virgo you end cycles that no longer serve you use your intuition for any thoughts any ideas or any decisions that you need to make go with that inner voice it is calling you for change it is calling you for adventure look at things like from an Al perspective they you they use their intuition to see things that others don’t they use their intuition to find their prey to find their adventure to find new ideas to do different things it’s the end of a stale cycle it’s the end of a cycle that has left you questioning whether you are good enough it’s an end of a cycle of you giving everything to something or someone and not getting it in return the adventure now is coming coming and it’s coming through your voice look at that the bottom of the deck use your voice Virgo use your voice to express how you feel Express what you know to bring stability into your life use your voice like a sakata a sakata you hear a sakata from anywhere you know that sound you everyone knows this sound of a Sakara it’s it’s it’s like everyone will know your voice everyone will know who you are everyone is going to know what you’re doing use your voice to take messages out to others your intuition if your intuition is telling you to use your voice to do something then do it if you want to sing go Go and sing if you want to teach go and teach if you want to do podcasts a YouTube channel teaching people if you want to do something that includes your voice
Virgo I don’t know how many of you here this is going to resonate with and if you’ve got an inspiration to use your voice for a new project a New Prospect a new a new thing that you want to start let me know in the comments if this is you but make no mistakes you are giving you are taking out what no longer serves you anything that stopped you from moving forward is gone 2 and 8 is 10 it’s the end of a cycle it’s the end of you being held back it’s the end of you being quiet about things it’s the end of you taking things on that doesn’t belong to you it’s you using your intuition for you you to create your your journey your life your emperor empire you to be the Emperor of your
Empire Virgo there are changes coming in the next 7 to 14 days you’re going to receive an answer or a solution to a problem that you have already that’s going to take a lot of Burden off your shoulders it’s going to be the Breakthrough that you’ve been asking for it’s going to be the Breakthrough that you’ve wanted for quite some time and it may Rock a few people it may bring other people to take notice it’s like you need something in order to move forward you need that finish look at this it could be a relationship your moving forward make no
mistake Virgo please what have we got for Virgo there is definitely a new coming through Virgo in the next one to two weeks justice justice is it comes out to say there are different Cycles but this cycle that’s coming through for you comes with Justice you deserve the new Cycles you deserve this change don’t let anyone get in the way don’t let anything get in the way you know what you want and Now’s the Time Virgo to put that into practice for those of you that want want a new job that’s coming that’s
coming the four of cups that’s you giving up sometimes sometimes Virgo when we’re not getting the new inspiration when we’re not feeling the new adventure you know it’s like you’re waiting for something to happen so you can begin something new it’s like you’re waiting for an answer from somebody to give you an opportunity you’re waiting for a proposal you’re waiting for a job offer you’re waiting for someone to come through for you to begin your new
Journey it’s going to come whatever it is whoever I’m connecting to just know and get ready use your intuition it’s going to take you out of an area of loneliness
despair poverty for some some is struggling struggling to make ends meet struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills there’s the Breakthrough look at that it’s no mistake that this card came through your breakthrough Virgo is coming it’s going to bring you a lot of growth it’s going to take you out of this position of being in despair of being annoyed disappointed not being able to afford what you really want I really feel here that it’s a job offer it’s a job offer or an opportunity to grow a new project a new someone offers you something there’s a breath of fresh air here it’s a breath of fresh air this new beginning number
one tell me if you’re waiting for an answer Virgo are you waiting for something to come through look at that what did I say about an Offa there it is there’s the offering there may be a woman and a man involved but there is someone coming to offer you something a job offer a proposal a
contract use your intuition if you have to go if you have to go for an interview then use your voice use your voice and use your intuition to get that job job be confident and know that you’ve got this don’t
doubt you’ve got this Virgo you’ve got
this you will know you will know for many of you you’re going through an internal battle right now you’re fighting with others because you’re in a bad in a bad place right right now which means when we stress about different things we argue with those that we love we argue with people around us because we’re not feeling good we don’t feel good this may be an internal battle but it can also be that you’re battling with people around you because of your circumstances you’re fighting with your partner over money you’re fighting with your children about not being able to give them what you really want that frustration that depression that anxiety that’s within you comes
out it is not going to last Virgo if you’re in that position whoever I’m connecting to get ready there is a new cycle changes with a new cycle a fresher breath air a breakthrough that you’ve been waiting for and use your intuition it’s going to be pivotal and your voice Virgo please what else have we got for Virgo thank you I just saw the tower then I wonder if that’s going to come out because that’s like the Breakthrough okay what have we got for Virgo please what have we got for Virgo thank you it’s the end of a cycle of being in a a place of Despair the temperance it’s no mistake that this card came out you may have two choices coming your way Virgo you may have to make a decision between two opportunities that come your way you know when they always say when it rains it PS it’s that feeling I’ve got here of nothing happens nothing happens nothing happens and then when it happens it all happens at once and you’re going to need to
decide this person that’s that that’s offering you something may be a Libra here we’ve got the Justice card very fair very just it’s only just that you get this you deserve it you’ve worked extremely hard to change your circumstances you’ve put yourself out there and now you’ve got choices this new offer is going to give you choices the universe is saying don’t look down there’s that opportunity I was never going to leave you alone and leave you in this place but many of you that have been through this disappointment and this place of Despair you’re going to appreciate this new offer this new proposal this new career Prospect this new promotion more than anyone because you know what it’s like to be on the other
side and and you’re going to be able to make choices when this happens this breakthrough is going to bring you choices you’re going to be able to make choices with what you do with your money what you do with the the position that you get what you do with the proposal that comes
through I’m obviously connect oh look at that many times you were heartbroken many times you went to bed crying many times you couldn’t put food on the table or very minimal of it you felt worthless you felt in despair Lonely with no one there to help
you but that now ends Virgo there’s your breakthrough there is your
and look at that look at that the king of Wands you also may your this person that offers you an opportunity that you’ve so been waiting for is could be of an a a fire sign which is uh an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius but if they’re not and you have got that in your chart this is is going to be you sitting on your throne you’re going to regain that position of being in control of your life again you may have been down and out but you you weren’t gone you came back you fought hard you had faith that things were going to turn and they
will look at that make no mistake Virgo when I say to you that your life is going to change from what it was to where it’s going now then believe it there you have the king of Wands and then the emperor in control very calculated very responsible you’re going to find someone that gives you that helping hand and that’s all you are for you didn’t ask for donations you didn’t ask for things for free you just wanted that chance you just want that
opportunity tell me if this makes sense tell me if you’ve been waiting for a job proposal or if you’ve been waiting to change your life around Virgo tell me in the comments below or just say it resonates you don’t need to tell me your story I understand it will be personal and I never ask people to share their personal stories Virgo if you haven’t already please subscribe like share and comment on the video as that helps us reach millions of other Virgos that may need this help may need this news what’s the messages for
Virgo the new moon eclipse expect power change Virgo I said that to you
before there is no mistake that there is a change here no
[Applause] mistake one more
please thank you full mooning Virgo you are good enough don’t uh don’t underestimate how good you you are don’t put yourself down and self- sabotage who you are your soul and your spirit deserves to be your hero your
hero Virgo there is no question that you are good enough it’s up to you to know that deeply know that because when you know how good you are there is nothing or anyone that’s going to stop you nobody is going to stop
you Virgo I hope that this has helped somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here please let me know if it resonates thank you
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)