Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast July Week 3

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For JULY Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for July Week 3 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

hello beautiful Virgo let’s see what you have for you my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me I’m from um psychics as well we doing your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days even sometimes 3 weeks so let’s see what we have for Virgo please what are the main energies for Virgo that was quick Burg be playful look at things in a very playful way it’s asking you to be playful with all the ideas everything that’s around you look at it in a playful manner like a child a child never takes anything seriously and they’re asking you to get in that Spirit of looking at Life as a game rather than a than a big daunting thing it it’s asking you to look at different things in a playful way not so serious all the time you don’t have to be perfect all the time it’s play with things experiment look at things differently magic Works through you look at that so some of you may be looking for an opportunity or something to happen or looking for a magic place where really the magic lies within you the minute you ignite that inner child of yours you’ll see that life becomes so much more simple you know it’s about appreciating the simple things in life and not making too much of everything we complicate as humans we complicate our lives more than what we should and here they’re saying sometimes it’s it’s good to be like a child they have no conception of what’s coming up they don’t care about what’s going to happen in two weeks in 3 weeks in 4 weeks they just love now and they enjoy their time now and they make the most of what they’ve got now they don’t look for magic everywhere else they create Magic themselves it’s like when when especially me growing up um playing with rocks was a big thing cuz we didn’t have a lot of money to buy all these you know Technic you know all these electrical games that kids have nowadays we used to make the most of what we had with what we had and that’s what they’re asking you go back to the basics and the Simplicity that life has to offer what’s the main card for Virgo please the main card for Virgo Justice look at that the Justice card and see here she’s got she’s holding a a scale and she’s got a black and white cat there but she’s also got a a rag around her eyes so you’re not seeing things in a balanced way you’re looking at things and making things um more complicated than what they should be and that’s what they’re saying here with these cards here they’re saying look at things in a more balanced way when we when our life is out out of balance we in we try to fix everything and that’s and that’s our human nature trying to balance things out that are in our control and trying to control what’s not in our control so take the control out of things and go with the flow of life or go with the flow in a certain situation in your life but there’s something here part of your life that is out of balance right

now Ace of Swords look at that it’s time to own your ground it’s time for your truth it’s time for you to really look at where you’re at look at the situations that are in your life and say now I want truth I want to live my truth I want to be my truth and I want want to see my truth I make the decisions now of what happens I take control of what happens and I am going to play looking at things truthfully and playing with those is going to give you a totally different perspective to what you have

now the Ace of Pentacles look at that A New Beginning some of you here maybe opening up your own business A New Beginning a new project a new opportunity and they’re saying be playful with the ideas play with the ideas that you have play and see the truth in things but create new and allow yourself to be creative to be uh playful in the way you present things you don’t need to do what everyone else is doing what everyone else is doing is there already play with different ideas to make it unique because the magic here is within you and I feel here that someone has been trying to do or fit into something it’s like you you’re trying to fit into a market trying to fit into a place trying to fit into a group where if you did it your way and only your way the magic use the magic you have within you to create your own in your own truth your own way and you’ll see that things start to change so I don’t know what it is that you’re doing that’s not working but whatever it is change it in a more playful Way Queen of Cups give it love give whatever you’re doing love do it with love see it with love and just love what you do it’s important that you love what you

do two of Cups celebrate celebrate your your what you conquer celebrate people around you take time out take time out to really look at it from a a different perspective meet with different people ask them what they would do get listen to conversations that you have with others because something that they say may just ignite that magic within

you for someone here you’re about to meet someone beautiful so if you’re looking if you’re looking for love there’s going to be someone here that asks you out on a date or a coffee or even for a

drink eight of Wands throw it all up in the air everything you’ve done up until now that hasn’t worked or that’s brought you doubt throw it up in the air and start from scratch start a new idea with the new truth of who you are and do it with love everything that you that’s not working for you throw it up in the

air the four of Swords time to rest Virgo time to rest when you take time out you’ll see that Things become a lot clearer

what else have we got for Virgo

[Music] please what did I say the new beginning the new adventure the new project the new career the new way of doing things the new new new with a lot of determination playing with the idea and looking at it for what it truly is in how you can truly be yourself yourself not nobody else everyone is unique and when you find that magic within you that will be your truth and with that you’re going to

conquer Six of Swords leaving something behind that’s not working for you leaving people a job a project or a relationship that’s not working for you that doesn’t complement you that doesn’t bring you happiness that doesn’t allow you to be who you want to be leaving behind things that no longer make sense and for some of you here it’s a job a job that you do but you do it for the sake of doing it for the sake of getting money not that you love it and it and for some of you here it eats you all the

time oh nine of Pentacles look at that when you find the magic in you and when you find the playfulness in you that inner child that wants to have fun you’ll find your balance and with that you’ll give love to anything that you do and that will bring you Prosperity the nine of Pentacles that is happiness abundance Prosperity a beautiful balance in your life a a a meaning a purpose it’s you being at peace with

yourself seven of [Music] Wands What’s blocking you right now is you having to defend yourself cuz that card fell that way you seem to defend to feel like you have to defend your ideas with others you have to defend who you are you have to defend your your your uniqueness and they’re saying no that’s what’s blocking you you don’t need to defend yourself with nothing or nobody what you see is what you get and if people can’t see that then you need to create your own magic you need to do what’s right for you for some of you here you may have to defend yourself with a partner it’s like I’ve got to defend my ideas or who I am with my own partner who doesn’t support what I want to do or doesn’t see the magic in

me strength be strong be strong if you feel that you’ve got to defend yourself in a relationship Vergo or you’re forever got to be something that you’re not you need to question whether that is for you or whether it’s time for you to leave that relationship or that circle of friends or that environment or move away from people people who don’t bring you or believe in you for who you are have the strength to stand up have the strength to stand up for what you believe in and if others don’t agree that’s not your [Music] problem you don’t have to get everybody’s okay and

approval the emperor look at that you are in control you make your destiny you deal with what you need to deal with and you do what you want to do for some of you here you may be dealing with a uh this is either you or you’re dealing with someone who’s super strong in your life could be a father figure it could be a partner a husband a boss but you’ve got magic in you and someone is not seeing that here some of you are lost because someone is not appreciating you the way they

should and now you’re at the point where you’re going you know what I’m done with it all I’m done with trying to be the most loving person that I am I’m done because this person here seems to know it all and now it’s about you having the strength to stop defending yourself and make the decisions you need to make for you what’s right for you Virgo what is right for you the minute the minute you release all the pressure that this person this job this this this circle of family put on you you’re going to find your abundance because you’ve given and given and given for far too long to the point where you’re now not going to do

that look at the bottom of the deck here the four of swords and the Queen of Wands I’m going to take time out to understand how I got here how I allowed myself to be what people wanted me to be and I’m taking control and anyone or anything that gets in the way I’m just going to run over them because I’ve come to the point in my life where I am good enough I am great I’ve got a lot to give and if people don’t want that then that’s okay with me too but I need to be true to who I am and I’m going to invest the time I used to invest in others to create my own world to create my own abundance to create things that I’ve always wanted to create to do things that I’ve always wanted to do as a child to bring that magic back within

me for someone it’s going to make sense I don’t know who Burger but if it makes sense to you let me know in the comments lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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