Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for January Week 4

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days let’s see what comes through remember if it doesn’t resonate the energy is not yours release it to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign let’s see what we have for Virgo please whoops purification Virgo time to purify your surroundings yourself your being and time to be as pure as you can in your thoughts in your words and in your mind and body Soul and Spirit this is about a cleansing you’re cleansing yourself of negative energies cleansing yourself away from people that are negative cleansing away from situations that no longer suit you no longer Belong To You

purification one more message please for

Virgo adaptability look at that look at the Green in that Virgo you’re an earth sign look how much green is here the purification and adaptability it’s like you are purifying yourself from every everything that you’ve always had to adaptt to you’re cleaning your energy and clearing away things that you always had to be somebody else to fit into that circumstance into that relationship you had to pretend at times to be a certain way or believe certain things you had to put your opinions aside to allow others to shine you didn’t speak your truth sometimes times to keep the peace now you’re clearing that out you are clearing away people and situations that no longer let you be who you are you’re no longer going to be the one that adapts to everybody else you’ve got your own light your own

shine you know who you are now and through this purific of understanding who you truly are and how much you’re worth makes you realize that others need to adapt to you and you’re not going to adapt to everybody else if they want to fit into yours what you’re doing then they’re more welcome then they’re more than welcome to but the days are ending here of you fitting into everyone else’s life when they made no effort to fit into

yours let see what else we have with the tar very strong here Virgo a strength of no longer no more it’s like a big no more emotional emotion and intellect you now have a very good balance between your thoughts and your feelings the way you think and how you feel in the past you adapted your thoughts to other people’s feelings your feelings to other people’s thoughts no more this is a Virgo that now says today I take control of my own thoughts my own own feelings and I need to stay true to

those a clearer understanding of who you

are wow look at all that the hero this came out in the last reading that I did last week and I don’t know who it was for but your you have now understood and you feel that you are your own hero that nobody el else is going to fight your battle nobody else is going to treat you how you want to be treated if you don’t see yourself as a hero no one’s going to respect you unless you respect yourself no one’s going to know your worth unless you know your worth yourself you’re your hero Virgo and you’ve got a clear understanding about that

now the five of a it’s time for me to remove the mask of who I no longer am I’m no longer that person that adapts to everybody else

that is a follower I’m not following anybody’s dreams or goals unless they’re my own I’m going to stand true to who I am now because I realized that everything that I did in the past was either taken for granted or was not even

acknowledged I now take this mask of who I no longer am and although I can’t see what’s ahead of me yet I know it needs to be it’s going to be better than where I am today or where I’ve

been if I am my own hero I’ll find my way for some of you this could be you could have dealt with your father your father could have played a big role into your life of you needing to be someone else to fit in to his values his beliefs his opinions never allowing you to be who you truly came here to be never allowing you to be true to your form of your wants of your needs of your goals and your dreams it stemmed from your father for some of you it could have stemmed from your father or a very important male figure in your life it wasn’t okay to speak up it wasn’t okay to say how I felt it wasn’t okay to follow my dreams and my goals because it didn’t fit in with what the family wanted or had in mind for

me look at the bottom of this deck the perception the perception now changes your P perception changed when you realized and your mind and your feelings were aligned your perception changed of who was your hero in your life that it wasn’t your father the hero the perception of your he dad or your father or a male figure being the hero in your life changed to understanding that the biggest hero in your life is

you sorry don’t couldn’t say those

cards once that perception changed Virgo your life starts to change your purification starts to happen you start to gain momentum in your own life belief in who you are and what you came here to

be tell me if this resonates with you obviously it’s not going to resonate with everybody but for someone here they’re going to know what I’m talking about Virgo

please you kept the paace you kept your feelings and your thoughts very close to your chest to keep the peace this could even be with a partner

here you did what someone else wanted you to do because that’s what the right thing was to do they

said or you felt that way anyway today you’re about to walk away from that situation and find your own Sunshine your own light your own purpose and your goals and dreams you walk away from somebody that you no longer see as your hero because you found your hero within

yourself today you walk away from a situation a person or people that didn’t value you didn’t value your opinion your thoughts it’s not a mistake someone’s leaving here someone’s leaving a situation to find their life their purpose their reason and their goals somewhere else you’re walking away from the negativity the manipulation the narcissism in some cases not


where you felt alone discounted not valued not

appreciated at times you felt alone

abandoned you’re walking away Virgo from a situation that no longer belongs to you from a person a group a relationship that doesn’t deserve you and you’re going to find your place in another situation in another suburb in another country in another city in another state you’re leaving a place that only brought you a lot of pain a lot of solitude

within you’re purifying yourself from all the negativity from all the

blockages and letting go of that broken heart that they destroyed or he or she destroyed that place

destroyed I’ve got a broken heart but I walk away purifying myself from everything and everyone or that person that hurt me no longer am I going to be adaptable to their needs their wants their life their goals or their dreams full stop that ends

now go Virgo the Virgo I’m connecting it took a lot of guts to get here emotionally and intellectually you’re in tune you are your hero and now you see it clearer than ever thir that

please your your dreams need a practical plan ground yourself Virgo and put plans together on what you want to achieve now

now it’s about you now what do you want how what’s important to you

now no one else nothing will come of this situation for those of you here that may be worried about whether there’s going to be repercussions with this person this place or these people nothing will come of this situation so don’t worry do what you need to do purify yourself from that energy that stagnated you that broke you that disappointed you and walk away with your head held high walk away looking into a future of success of abundance of happiness because nothing is going to come of the situation you left behind nothing would ever change nothing was ever going to be different

and on the bottom step out of your comfort zone Now’s the Time to act leave what was Secure behind and that card came upside down I turned it around it’s like your comfort zone stays where it’s meant to

be what you thought was your comfort zone it’s not it’s face down it was never your comfort zone Virgo your comfort zone is you believing that you’re the

hero lots of love and light Virgo thank you so much for letting me do this reading for you


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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