Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for January Week 3

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 3 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your forecast for the next 7 to 14 days start off with two energies then the tarot then we’re going to finish off with the moon card as an advice for final um final message okay Virgo thank you so much to all our beautiful subscribers for subscribing for commenting for sharing for liking that all makes our video possible to be on air and Shar to millions of other people that need to hear it so thank you so much Virgo this week I’ve noticed a lot of all the signs I’ve done so far are very particular so they’re not coming out to resonate with everybody it’s coming to a certain person or group so if this doesn’t resonate with you please make sure you check your moon and your ascendant sign release this energy and check the the Rising Sun and your um moon sign in your birth chart okay let’s see what we have for Virgo please what’s the first message for Virgo nourishment nourishment Virgo let me put on some light we need a light for

Virgo that’s it perfect we’re ready to go nourishment Virgo here it says it’s it’s a Time now where you’re consolidating everything around you what is it that I need to bring nourishment into my being what am I missing what do I need am I happy with everything that I’m doing right now and if not what is it that I need to change it’s like you’re having a look at your whole existence and asking yourself what is it that you’re not doing that you can be doing to improve your health your mental being your physical being and you as a person empowering yourself it’s like you’re looking at certain things and thinking what is it that I want to learn where what path do I want to take where where do I need to be what’s my purpose what’s my re reason what nourishment can I bring to my life powerful ver go powerful some of you are assessing assessment of where you are to where you want to go to what you need to do let’s see what else have we got for Virgo from Archangel Michael The Way Forward is open look at that map Virgo you choose where you want to go Archangel Michael is saying your path is open the way forward is open it’s now up to to you to choose what you want to do where you want to go where do you want to stop what does your path look like what are your plans where would you like to be in 3 years time in 5 years time and that doesn’t have to be concrete but what are you working towards he says you’re not trapped possibilities and opportunities are abound I will guide you to personal and spiritual freedom so ask for guidance if you’re lost at the moment Virgo which I think some of you are ask for guidance ask your mentors and your guides give them permission to come and guide you in the right direction show you the light give you answers help you find Solutions dreams goals your ways open so if you’re wondering what it is that it’s going to take you to find your nourishment the answer is with you where would you like to go what is it that you’d be like you’d like to be doing where would you like to

be let’s see there’s someone here that’s like finding themselves a little bit lost they feel lost could be a group of people but here it’s you finding your path your reason your purpose to get up in the morning and love what you do Virgo please cutting for Virgo thank


choice choice the choice is yours Virgo you make the choice you choose where you want to go you choose where what you want to do it’s your choice nobody else’s if you if there’s one thing that you can choose to do what would that

be the other thing I’m getting here too is it’s your choice whether you stay in the dark side or the Light Side how you look at things how you react to things looking at the glass half full rather than the glass half empty it’s your choice how you choose to look at your life your purpose and your

reason you have a choice of looking at it in a light way a positive way sending positive vibrations out or you have a choice to do nothing stay stagnant and wonder why or wonder

how you’re a ground zero here Ground Zero it’s your


the eight of Earth maybe it’s time Virgo you’re an earth sign to ground yourself I just said this to Capricorn who’s another Earth sign just like you it’s time now for you to go and find your ideal purpose and reason in your own element in the Earth element go to a park trees forest park anywhere that there is greenery take your shoes off walk baref fooot on grass on sand in water ground yourself so you can find your

answers nature is your element your Forte where you shine the most go to that area of abundance in what the beautiful Earth has given

us you will find your answer and you will know your purpose when you give yourself time and permission to take time out to find your answer your purpose and your


king of air the more you think the more you get confused the more you wonder the more you don’t know which way to go at the moment I see a lot of thoughts going through your mind a lot of wanting to do things but not sure how to do them wanting to go forward but not knowing what to go forward

with very much in the mind and here Virgo it’s you coming out of that mind and grounding yourself because that’s you you’re an earth sign you’re a practical sign at the moment you’re in the element of an air sign which is you know the Libras the Gemini the Aquarius the thinkers and your thinking so much that you’re confusing yourself you’re losing the purpose of grounding yourself with nature with Earth because that’s where you are at your best that’s your

element so what they’re saying here Virgo is get out of your mind get out of your mind and go and connect with nature the ideas will be then clearer for you cuz that’s where you think you’re best the queen of

air you’ve got a king and queen of air

here here the queen of sorry the queen of fire you’ve got a king of air and a queen of fire the queen of fire is you finding your passion what are you passionate about what do you love

doing where do you want to go what do you want to do if there was three wishes what would they be practical

wishes it’s you finding your passion again for someone here You’ve Lost Your Passion You’ve Lost Your Ideas you’ve lost your your knowing

how you need to find that passion again for something that interests you that you love

doing the two of

water for some of you it’s you being passionate enough about a relationship that you may have lost your purpose your

reason for some of you you want a passionate

relationship but how are you going to get


the best and the best thing Virgo right now that you can do is make the choice to ground yourself and find yourself first even if you’re in initiating a new relationship or you’re devoting yourself to somebody else there’s someone here that still feels empty you may have the love that you want or someone that’s exciting but why are you not feeling fulfilled why is it that you feel that you’re not balanced or that something’s

missing is it because you don’t have you’ve lost your passion for what you want to do for who you want to be you may be dealing with someone here of an air sign which is Gemini Aquarius or

Libra and you may have fire sign in your chart so you’ve got this passion to want to do something that you love and you need to make decisions whether it be in relationships whether it be in your career whether it be in your in your life you need to make decisions that are going to be right for you that are going to reignite that passion you have within

you does that make sense to somebody

here the 10 of Swords the 10 of air this is you looking up asking what am I meant to be doing what is my path what are my choices where do I go what am I meant to be doing I want to

know the minute Virgo the minute you take time out in nature this is the victory card here the minute you take time out in nature you will find the answer you’re looking for the idea that will change everything the the reason and the purpose for your being once you T get in touch with your element in nature you will find your reason and your purpose and it will be victorious because the minute we are in our element and we love what we do everything looks Rosier everything is more abundant because we’re happy within ourselves we’re happy and we start to look after ourselves we start to get excited we start to re ignite that passion Within the minute we find ourselves Virgo everything starts to fall into place and your vibration will change you become a magnet to others where they will not help but notice you because you’re vibrating in this beautiful Aura that’s capturing

attention when we know who we are and what we want everything changes when we’re lost we allow ourselves to get down to get depressed to get

anxious the queen of water get in touch with your emotions here Virgo we started off with you overthinking things in the king of air here they’re saying Virgo get in touch with your element you’re not a water sign but earth and water are compliment to one another your complimentary sign is

Pisces so connect with your compliment water connect with mother

Earth connect with your purpose your power your power comes from the

earth and connecting with your emotions is important rather than in the head it’s too draining for you when you overthink things it’s draining when you’re all in the mind allow yourself the freedom of the water the

Earth you’ll find yourself furer the minute you connect with your powerful element which is Earth and your compliment water there is nothing else but for you except


the nourishment your soul needs is your element the rest will come you plan the way forward once you are confident of where you’re going once you know who you are by reconnecting

yourself you’re going to find something very very precious Virgo in this whole search you’re going to find something that’s passionate that you’re passionate about you’re going to draw passion from

others you’re not going to pretend to be someone else or or try and fit into someone else’s world you’ve got your own that you’re passionate about

you become the queen of fire then the element of passion of reason of purpose of of determination and will because you’re no longer trying to satisfy others and do what others want you’re now taking off that mask that doesn’t belong to you and you’re finding yourself again

connect with your emotions Virgo connect with your emotions and get out of your head those thoughts that you’re having are taking you to a negative place a place that you you don’t belong up there you don’t belong in the air you belong on the in on Earth you’re an earth sign an abundance sign earth and water are going to be your

power and look at that the counselor talk to somebody if you’re making decisions you can talk to your partner or you can find someone that is someone totally out of your your range of circle of friends and family connect with someone a counselor that is there to help you someone that can give you advice on what you need to do before making decisions or connect with your partner and ask what they what what their passions are for some Virgos here your partner knows where they’re going they know what they’re doing but for some reason and some Virgo here lost themselves along the way trying to fit into someone else’s world it’s now time Virgo to bring your passion into play you’ve given so much of yourself to others you’ve dedicated your time to others now it’s about you regaining your passion and your power back to you taking that mask off and being as honest as you possibly can to

yourself there’s someone here as well that may be dealing with an aries or you have got Aries very strong in your sign but that there is about finding that willpower and that strength to be able to become true to who you are it’s not going to be easy but it’s a step in the right

direction it’s about you the like I said to you if the minute you connect with your Earth element that gives you that strength and that power cuz that’s where you get a lot of your strength and power from is nature is finding things of

value you will be victorious in many ways financially in love in abundance in in happiness in confidence you’ll find your key to the

map once you find the nourishment that your soul and spirit needs on Earth through Earth with the elements you found your

Victory when we overthink sometimes Virgo we get lost and Things become so much more complicated than what they truly are and I’m not saying that there’s no complications in everybody’s life absolutely there is but sometimes we need to connect with what our element is and we need to bring our emotions into it a little bit and get out of our heads because whilst our brain is the most powerful tool we have it can also be the tool that destroys us to a certain extent if we overthink things it starts to play games with us what else have we got for Virgo please tell me if you feel that you’ve been overthinking things that you’re in that your mind is so tired surrender to the Divine surrender to the Earth ask for direction ask for for light show me the path show me my purpose and my reason Give Me A

Sign I’m thinking about doing this Give Me A Sign show me

feathers show me my

dream give give me something some guidance surrender to the

Divine one more

please a time to give rather than take new moon in Virgo time to give you reason Virgo some sometimes we take so much out of ourselves to give to others and we don’t give ourselves enough credit enough worth enough thought and then we wonder why we feel a little bit lost so now is the time for you to give to yourself rather than take to give to others now it’s time for you to ground yourself this is your card ground yourself and give more to yourself cuz you deserve

it adjustments are required absolutely the minute you make the adjustment of knowing how important you are and that your worth your health your mind is the only thing that’s important right now you will understand that you’ll make the required adjustments where you take time out to look after yourself mentally physically and spiritually taking time out you’re never too busy Virgo the thing is sometimes we say I’m too busy to do that but how busy are you going to be when you’re in bed sick for one or two weeks that you won’t be able to get up because you’re exhausted you haven’t looked after yourself your health your mental how busy will you be then here it’s about setting your priorities where you become the priority the adjustments that are required here is that you take time out for yourself to get yourself right first the rest will follow the Love Will Follow the relationship will get better you’ll find your abundance your Prosperity your financial

abundance but first we need to nourish our own Body Mind and Spirit and

soul that’s a huge call out here for someone Virgo that someone needs to hear this but I hope that’s helped somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being [Music] here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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