Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for January 2024

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024

FREE Monthly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re going to do your January forecast so sorry it’s not a round table it’s not going to be a long one today because I am totally booked with readings so the first one is energies for Virgo for January then the two tarot and then the moon card as a final word for um Virgos Virgo I am like I said totally booked um I have a couple more bookings available for um January there’s still a few a few more window bookings there so if you want a reading there’s still a couple of Windows that haven’t been booked um and then I will not be available until the 17th of March I am totally booked out up until the 17th of March so um yeah like I said if there if there’s one or two people that made a reading last minute then January is okay but after that totally booked until the 17th of March so let’s go and see what we have for Virgo thank you and for you to book if you do want to book you go on to our um website tarot readings live.com.au or our Australian website which is www. psychic.com.au on the tarot readings live.com sorry tarot readings live.com you can book on there pay via PayPal and you can choose what you want whether it’s a zoom call face to face with me phone whatever it is that you want and then if you’re in Australia you go to the psychics live.com.au and there we’ve got a landline service and we’ve also got um you can send us a message okay first card embrace your life purpose Virgo it’s time to embrace your life purpose are you doing what you want to to do are you exactly doing what it is that you dream of doing it says I am guiding you toward your Divine Life purpose whatever makes your heart joyful is what you’re meant to be doing so it’s important important that you embrace your life

purpose there’s nothing better than doing what you want to do and Archangel Michael here is saying I’m guiding you Virgo to where you’re meant to be sometimes we end up doing things that we’re not meant to be or is not part of our path be the real

you be the real you your greatest power comes from being who you truly are don’t let anyone sway you from expressing your authentic self how many times times Virgo do we not be who we truly truly are because we feel that we we have a

a it’s like it you know what this is it’s like there’s a Virgo doing something that they shouldn’t be doing because they’re worried about what other people think so they have a life purpose and they’d love to do something totally different and do something that they love in a way that they love but they might be doing something that they love but not in the way that they would love to do it due to the fear of what others would think it’s like for example you love to speak or you’re you like to talk and you might have a YouTube channel um that you speak about certain things but you never show Who You Are in because you’re afraid that other people will see you and judge you does that make sense and I’m not saying that’s what it is but that’s an example so tell me if that resonates with you Virgo are you being who you truly are and are you doing what you truly want let me know in the comments the father for some of you here you’ve had um that fear of being who you truly want to be is a fear that you’ve brought from your childhood maybe for someone here you couldn’t be who you wanted to be because your father was quite strict and didn’t allow you to be the person you wanted to be or didn’t agree with the path that you wanted to follow they wanted more from you they didn’t believe that what you wanted to do was right or was worth pursuing they had their own ideas of what they wanted for you but what they forgot was that you wanted different ideas you wanted to be someone different and for someone here you may have wanted to please your father and you didn’t do what you came here to do or what you were meant to be doing due to the fear of not being accepted or not being allowed to do it body and mind mind it’s now time Virgo for you to align your body and mind as one it’s now time for you to listen to your heart and your intuition and go with the ideas the paths that you truly want to follow getting your mind and your body aligned with one another is so so important but also very very hard to do especially when you’ve been led to believe for a long long time that you couldn’t do what you wanted to do because it wasn’t what society would value your value is not what someone else’s value was the child mhm it comes from child and I got that straight away look at that it’s like from a child from your younger years you you’ve always gone towards something but you’ve had to keep that quiet or you didn’t pursue it in fear of what your father or others were going to say this could be sexuality as well you you are inclined to a certain sexuality which would never be accepted by your father or others in your family or you wanted a career that would never be accepted by your father or others in your family so this is you trying to embrace Archangel Michael is saying I’m guiding you to where you’re meant to be because I feel that there’s a Virgo here that is not doing what they’re do they’re meant to be doing and if they’re doing what they they’re meant to be doing they’re not doing it the way that they should by putting yourself out there by being the real you you you’ve got so much to offer Virgo but for some reason you’re scared to show yourself for who you truly are that is what’s going to bring you the victory look at that cup he’s holding a cup there see that it’s a victory the minute you embrace your life purpose who you are the true you you start to see Victory come alive that’s what’s missing so for some someone here that’s been racking their brain on how they’re going to do it different on how they can make something work on how they can pursue their dream then Now’s the Time to do it and do it the way you want to do it despite what others think and I know Virgo I know that it is so hard sometimes because you may be doing something that others don’t agree with or that there are a lot of critics out there or whatever it may

be self it’s about you see how these cards don’t come out by mistake the person I’m connecting with understands what I’m talking about and here they’re saying look after number one yourself that’s what it’s about because Virgo when you tumble no one tumbles with you when you when something happens it doesn’t happen to anyone else at the time it happens to you so what they’re saying here is try and think about those times and I know it’s so hard sometimes I know because I’ve had my battles of my own to prove that I’m a certain person totally different to who my family is and you know what it is so hard but at the end of the day you’ve got to say well am I here to make others happy for the rest of my life and when I go when it’s my time and my calling no one else is going to go with me I’m not going to hold my life back because of what others want from me or what others believe I should be doing emotional intellect in January there’s going to be a click it’s going to be a key that gets turned in your mind in your in your in your feelings it’s like you’re going to have a balance between this is how I feel and this is how I think you’re going to get the two tuned in and when you get your emotions and your intellectual on the same page this you’re going to be no one’s going to beat you at what you do because Virgos when they do something they do it well and there’s no mistake why that victory card is

here perfectionists Virgo wanting to do things perfectly fine tell me about this father who am I tell me about this father give me a card to describe this father please what’s what’s with the father card for Virgo please for January father please thank

you The Happy Home the happy family you don’t want to upset your family whatever it is that you want to do would upset the family and especially your father it’s someone here that has a lot of respect or had a father that was very strict it’s one of the two it’s like you stayed that you you stayed with the peace in the family rather than stating or being who you wanted to

be you may want to do something but you’re trying to keep the peace body and mind a new offering there’s going to be a new offer or something happens in January that’s new and that’s going to make you realize that you need to align yourself with the joy and the love that you have to share your gift your your purpose your reason is to give to others Give Love encouragement care someone here just is going to understand that their body and their mind needs to be aligned for them to do this type of work maybe you’re a Healer a counselor someone that can give advice to others help others child please tell me about this child is this the inner child the inner child that didn’t come out that’s what they’re saying the inner child that didn’t come out and what they mean by that is that’s the inner child that’s not doing what that person yep look at that Virgo I love what I do the inner child can’t see a way out feels blocked feels tied down cannot express themselves the way they want to cannot tell people who they truly are what they truly want to do in fear of creating chaos in the family or with your father

especially this is a child that was held back this was a child that was not allowed to do what they wanted to

do that they you they had this urge to do and be someone else but what you’re doing or what you ended up doing was something totally different but Archangel Michael is guiding you and I don’t know if you realize or if you felt a presence of a presence of him being around and forcing you in that direction or giving you those ideas again and look at that for many of you this blockage this

stop this holding back from someone else or others or you held yourself back so you wouldn’t Rock the Boat has led you to this alone feeling an empty

feeling when we don’t do what our life purpose or our intuition and our body and mind came here to do we feel an emptiness it’s like we’re not completing our our mission here on Earth what’s this victory card please the victory what are we winning what’s the victory card for Virgo look at that you’re going to go places Virgo the minute you find your purpose and you become you show people the real you remember I said to you there’s no stopping

you you are on a mission and there’s only one way for you and that’s

Victory only one way and that is Victory what’s it about the self tell me about the self what’s Virgo feeling right now in January

trying trying to put the pieces together trying to come up with ideas on how to do this process with without upsetting others but still doing what you love but you know what Virgo what they’re trying to say here is although you’re trying to be somebody that you want to be and you’re trying to find ways of doing it without upsetting people it’s it’s NE you’re never going to find your Victory unless you release the real you finding different options and different ideas may be okay for a certain period of time but you’re going to get annoyed with that because it’s not going to bring you the true victory that you deserve sometimes when we avoid to do something a certain way or we avoid to do something Virgo it’s like we’re stopping the real Us coming out yet we could be in the best Victory it have have we’ve had we followed our dream or we allow ourselves to follow our

Dream look at that once your emotion and intellect entwine and you decide no more am I going to allow others to call my paths no one is ever going to say what I can and cannot do no one is I’m going to do things my way my way because that’s what’s going to bring me the prosperity I know that and someone that I’m connecting to here knows that there’s a better way of doing whatever you’re doing and following that dream and goal that you’ve always had or disclosing who you truly are and being happy for the rest of your life

you know Virgo the one thing I’ve leared along the way through life is that people are always going to judge good or bad so at the end of the day they’re going to judge you anyway let them judge you by you doing what you want to do and staying true to who you are because you’re never going to make everyone happy honor your feelings honor your feelings feelings that’s what matters if you feel like you want to express to people who you are then go ahead and do it if you want to do something because you’ve got this urge to be a certain way or do something in particular honor your

feelings January is going to be a turning month for you Virgo yeah a turning

month focus on the positive don’t let anybody pull you down there’s going to be lots of that Virgo get ready for it they’re going to say what are you thinking have you lost your mind are you going mad that’s not for you you’re going to hear all of this get ready to focus on the positive because it’s too easy to focus on the negative and to listen to negativity and believe it but focusing on the positive when you’re getting all that negative that’s the hardest bit know you are loved know you are loved new moon in Libra you’re loved Virgo you’re loved by many and you’re loved by your guides and your mentors and the higher creator that looks after you every day even though you can’t see them doesn’t mean that they’re not there talk to them ask them to give you the faith the the desire the determination and the power within you to move forward without fear without worry and without judgment or discrimination from

others no you are loved Virgo I hope that this has made sense to somebody here let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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