Virgo Horoscope | Month of August 2023 By Marie Rose

by | Jul 30, 2023 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Monthly Virgo Horoscope for AUGUST 2023 By Marie Rose

FREE Virgo Horoscope for the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

I would also encourage that you look at the Virgo Horoscope video for the Next 6 Month Forecast, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you for being here today my name is Marie Rose from we had two energies taken for your August horoscope and the first energy that came for Virgo was not for you and Virgo this card here says that something that’s happened recently or something that happened in your life that didn’t work out how you would have liked it to was never meant for you so sometimes we look at things that we’ve lost with sympathy or we look at things that we’ve lost with sadness but the reality of it is in this instance to look at something that didn’t work out or something that you lost for a purpose and a reason and what I mean by that is the universe has a way of keeping things in our lives that are meant for us and things that are not meant for us they let release and they make those things slowly disappear from our surroundings and our beings so not for you is saying to you there was some time in the recent past or you’re going through it now where or you will be going through it in August where it’s something that you want it so much or you thought you needed was actually not for you there was something better planned for you there is something better planned for you so just be patient see this figure here that we’ve got in this window you can’t see that very clearly and that’s because what you can see clearly is not for you what’s behind here is what is going to surprise you and bring you the stability that you’re after

the other card we had he was Envy Virgos many of you here are very Spiritual Beings and many of you hear Everything You Touch turns to gold and you have a way of working with things and making things work for you you’re a an earth sign which means you’re very planted on the ground you’re very um how would I say that you’re very down to earth you look at things the white for the way they are you look at situations for what they present and you see things that are real and here you’ve made some real big decisions that have paid off for you and in return that’s brought you a lot of Envy from friends from people in the family and you may have heard this before where someone says geez Virgo everything that you do always works out why is it that I can’t do that or why don’t things turn out for me the way that they turn out for you the one thing that people fail to understand is that Virgos being an earth sign along with Tauruses and Capricorns are very hard working but not only that they’re very grounded human beings and they see things truly for what they are they don’t imagine they don’t fantasize they play with what they’ve got they plan with what they see is real very very good Virgo let’s see what else we have for you with the tarot thank you so we have for Virgo mix yeah just getting the instructions to mix your cards

Virgo thank you

look at that the bottom of the deck is the ace of cups so for those of you looking for a relationship that may be coming to you in August so be prepared to meet someone new don’t discount this this friendship or this relationship as just some some other relationship and look at that the victory card directly underneath it so there is someone coming into your life in August um Virgo so if you are looking for love August may just be the month that you meet that Mr Right or Mrs Right don’t discount people from based on your past experience take it for face value of who they are and that past person was not for you okay Virgo please thank you first one is the world and the world talks about a cycle in your life right now that you’re eating or something that’s coming to an end this could be you leaving a job it could be you leaving a relationship it could you could be you finalizing something in your life that needed to be worked on because look at that you’ve got the Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune is the new changes coming your way new changes bringing New Paths new people and new situations for you the reason things weren’t for you is because there’s new things coming for you which may cause people to have Envy The Three of Wands for some of you here you will travel in the next um in the next month I’m in August I’m doing this at the end of July so for some of you you’ll be traveling in August overseas I see water so wherever it is it may be somewhere where you are as well but it’s over water and I do see a huge opportunity coming for you financially now they’re saying here don’t do anything um don’t do anything that you haven’t planned for with your finances if there is something that you’re going to invest in or something that you’re going to do with your finances just wait for now wait to see how the FI the economy plays out wait to see certain things play out because there are going to be changes that may change your mind about the way you invest your money

here we have the Queen of Wands for some of you you’re standing very very strong in a court in regards to a decision or a situation that you’re currently facing and they’re saying here that Virgo you’re going to need to stand firm with a decision that needs to be made or you’re going to need to stand firm with your opinions on a particular situation The Hermit the hermit with the new changes look at that the changes that are coming through are going to give you a lot more uh wise thoughts and wise actions that you’re going to implement and I feel here that many of you here have got a lot of wisdom spiritual wisdom many of you have listened to your intuition for some of you here I really do feel that we have people dealing with um the universe and the spiritual World understanding your how your archangels and your your guides and your mentors work and here it’s a powerful month for you to tune in into your intuition and into your wisdom you’ve learned a lot Virgo from your past you’ve learned a lot from cycles that you are now ending and you’ve done that with certain um understanding of what had to happen at the right time you knew that this person or this situation was not for you you now understand or you will understand in August that it’s the end of a cycle for a reason and a purpose and I feel that may any of you have had insights here you’ve had that intuition you’ve had dreams telling you that you’ve had signs being brought to you so you can see the truth for what it is for here with the hermit I feel that many of you have isolated yourself so you can think through how you want your life to commence from here on in [Music] what else do we have for Virgo thank you [Music] we have the five of Wands [Music] and the king of Wands for some of you here I feel that um you may have been dealing with someone who’s a fire sign and that is someone with Aries Leo or sagittarius virgo you may have been dealing with someone that’s an Aries layout or Sagittarius and that person has brought a lot of questioning into your life a lot of Chaos a lot of unsettlement into your life and you’re at the point now where you say no I understand who I am and you’re not taking rubbish anymore from this person that keeps wanting to push you forward or wants to keep changing you to be someone else for others here I do feel that there may be an opportunity that you get to either join forces with someone in a fire sign or your boss is someone from a fire sign however whatever that may be there is some Financial dealings with someone who is an Aries Aaliyah or a Sagittarius [Music] thank you don’t make any moves and don’t make any major decisions that’s your that’s your um your message for August um any any moves that you’ve got to make or any major decisions especially around the finances area please don’t make any cut any concrete decisions don’t sign any paperwork or don’t do anything until you’re absolutely sure because there is going to be a change either in the economy or the environment or or it may be that you find out that where you are going to invest your money is not a good place and the return is not going to be what you want it to be just straighten up these cards so you can see them what else do we have for burger place thank you all messages for Virgo thank you the page of Swords we’ve got here three of Cups beautiful celebration

and three cards please thank you

the five of cups

the Knight of Pentacles and one more card please one more for Thursday please thank you ah the Harvard absolutely you’re getting messages from your guides and your mentors right now and it’s important that you use your intuition remember we said at the beginning Virgo that it’s not for you this dealing with this finances is not for you you’re going to have to make decisions um based on some financing decisions and that is bringing an alert to some Virgos here saying this deal is not right so please don’t get involved in it if you get involved in it there is going to be some losses on your part so please um stand firm and don’t make any decisions regarding finances in the month of August for others here I feel that you’re moving away from someone that brought you a lot of um a lot of pain and a lot of chaos into your life a lot of unsettled times and times where you couldn’t you couldn’t see each other’s uh there was the respect fell apart in this situation and this can be a relationship with with a partner or it could be in the family but it’s something that you’re moving away from you’re tired of dealing with people that are causing you chaos constantly in your life and you’re not up for that anymore Virgo you’re giving up on something or someone that is uh constantly giving you a lot of stress a lot of worry a lot of anxiety so and and I do feel that it could be someone that’s living a far from you or living on the other side of the world it could be someone that’s living overseas in another country but you don’t seem to see eye to eye so for some of you you’re leaving a situation to go overseas for others you are dealing with someone from overseas and I do feel that this is a family member it’s not a partner it can be but here I get that it’s more it’s more like a family issue that you’re dealing with that is a constant battle in your life I also get here burger that for some of you here these changes that are coming in are going to be enormous for you not only have you had time to plan for these but you’ve seen it some of you here have have got a huge amount of intuition and a huge amount of spiritual guidance and you’ve seen which way you need to go to find your light at the end of the tunnel this is going to bring a huge amount of Celebration and those changes are exactly what you needed after going through a cycle of ending things that no longer served you that’s going to bring you a lot of Envy that’s why we’re going to have the Envy card here so there are things that you’re going to change and those changes that you’re going to force you’re actually going to force this change to happen because you’re ending things that no longer serve you which means that the Universe says okay now that you’ve learned what you need to do with those things now your time is here for you to enjoy and I feel that this is going to be a very successful start to either career a business or a relationship that’s going to be quite fulfilling all right what else do we have for Virgo here

for the month of August burger place thank you the gardens number two decisions that you’re going to make that may involve community and that can be decisions that you’re going to make about what career you’re going to take what steps you’re going to take next for some of you you may be in a situation where you need to make decisions based on something to do with your family but it’s going to be something that’s going to bring you a lot of peace and your home this could be also a new career this is an end of a cycle of something that no longer worked for you now you’re going to start something that’s going to bring you a lot of um settlement a lot of stability into your life and a lot more peace he had to harvest it’s for some of you here you started something in an area of um either serving the community and that could be a lawyer or it could be a doctor or it could be a nurse or it could be any anything like that and in that you have excelled you’ve excelled or you’ve come up with something that is amazing in your area of work and that is where you’re going to collect your Harvest it’s the end of the cycle of of battling through something that you’ve been working so hard to achieve I do feel that whatever it is that you’re you’re wanting to achieve is going to come through there may be new contracts or new information that come through to you Virgo in August information that you need to know information that you’ve been waiting on for many of you you’ve been waiting on this information to come through and look at that the stalk the stalk is bringing information and I do feel it’s got to do with something in your family for some of you here you’re going to get information that comes to you that is about time for some of you here you’ve been waiting for information or for contracts to be finalized or for answers to come through or for something that you were waiting on comes through now in August and I do feel that that’s got something to do with your home look at that in the Sun look at that the sun with the Harvest Virgo you are finally going to see that wish of yours come true that that that dream of yours come true whether that’s buying a house whether that’s moving forward in a career or starting a new business whether that’s to do with your family um and agreements that you that come through or to do with your children even but whatever it is you’re going to get information that’s going to make you quite happy and it’s going to be a harvest that you’ve been waiting to achieve for quite some time well I hope that’s made sense Virgo to most of you if it hasn’t please go on to your ascendant and your moon sign don’t forget to leave a like and um subscribe if you’d like to lots of love and light your way thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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