Virgo Horoscope | Forecast from 4th -10th September

by | Sep 8, 2023 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope with Psychic Forecast from 4th -10th September

FREE Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast from 4th -10th September. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for SEPTEMBER Monthly Forecast and the Virgo Horoscope for the 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot and today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days thank you to all our beautiful subscribers lots and lots of love your way and light and to all the news all to the sorry and to all the subscribers that haven’t subscribed us yet we’d love you to be part of our community we welcome you with open arms lots of love and light to you too remember Virgo that not everyone is going to resonate with this reading I can only give you the messages that come through they’re not always great messages they’re they’re real messages and I’ll tell you what exactly what comes through and I’m not going to pretty things up as I want to be honest with you and always be true to who you are okay Virgo let’s see what have we got for Virgo please again

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Virgo thank you one more energy for Virgo oh thank you wow a lot of energy around here Virgo lighten up lighten up I can feel the tense energy I’m connecting here with someone that’s got a huge amount of tense energy at the moment you must be going through something right now or a situation or an argument with someone and it’s making you really tense really question your dignity and really question who you are someone’s making you feel like you’re you’re not it’s your fault for something I’m getting that I’m getting a real tense energy of they’re blaming me for this and I had nothing to do with it all it was misunderstood that’s not what I meant to say or do so for someone here it’s the universe is saying Virgo lighten up lighten up Let It Go Let It Go one thing you have to understand is we’re never going to make everyone happy we’re never going to get everyone’s approval for Everything Jesus Christ was put on the cross because some people hated him if you know a power like that doesn’t have everyone’s approval how can we expect to have everyone’s approval we can’t and we’re never going to so here it’s lighting up be happy with who you are and despite what others think and what others feel or how others feel allow yourself allow yourself to be who you are and be proud of who you are you’re absolutely beautiful know that within you and allow yourself the the peace and the Tranquility that you deserve despite what others think I know it’s hard and especially with when it’s with a loved one if it is with a loved one or someone you love dearly but just know that you’re never going to make everyone happy

for someone here as well I’m also getting there’s another message here too that you’re really tense about how you want things done or how you want things to pan out Let It Go no matter how much we force something to happen or we want something to happen it doesn’t happen in our time it happens in the universe time which is not our time when it’s right it’s going to take place if it’s right it’s going to take place

take a reality check

lighten up and take a reality check Virgo wow you’re someone here is being called to take a reality check something that’s going on that maybe you’re you’re you’ve got in your mind it should be a certain way or it has to be a certain way but when you really think about it or see it for what it is or what it stands for or who who it is you understand that what you had in your mind is not what you’re seeing or not who you think that person is

okay pretty heavy no wonder those cards were heavy at the beginning the minute I touched them they were quite heavy let’s see let’s see what laying Ahmad has for us he’ll tell us exactly what it is

Virgo please what have we got for Virgo

burger place message the the letter which is a message or a contract or something that’s coming through so if you’re waiting for an answer it’s coming the answer’s coming the crops number 10.

the coffin number eight a man 29. some of you are going to get a message from a male that you’ve been waiting on and this could be a message in regards to your career or a romance of someone that you were waiting on finance and it’s a male so for some of you here you may have met someone and you thought that they weren’t interested in you or you um you I feel he that there is a burger here that’s met someone and this mail that they’ve Met has not called them in a few days or a week or so and they’re starting to feel that they’ve been used in some way shape or form and that this person was only using them that they were only a one-night fling or they were just a very quick meet and that’s it however you are going to receive a message from this person so it’s not over yet Virgo here at the mountains

some of you were thinking of cutting this person off and and putting an end to a situation for some of you here this person that you’ve met you were saying that’s it I’m not going to receive their calls I’m not going to take their calls because if they wanted me they would have contacted me by now however something may have happened or something has happened in their life that’s given them a bit of stagnation to get back to you so don’t think too much about it lighten up lighting up because when you find out the situation you’ll understand that it wasn’t what you thought

the fish beautiful it’s actually going to be quite prosperous for those of you that it is a new relationship here and you thought you were going to end it because this person wasn’t interested in you anymore they were taking their time and getting back to you then guess what there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is going to be quite prosperous

others of you here I feel that you have been either dismissed there you go there’s a horse number one yeah yeah let me put the other two cards down and I’ll go into it

there’s a lady

one more one more thank you and the fox beautiful okay and underneath the bond the ring

pardon me Virgo there is no mistake here that this male that you have meant and you weren’t hearing from is going to message you or someone from your past it’s a male is going to message you and you’re going to start a new relationship there is definitely something new here and there is a bond forming so for some of you here you’re going to start a relationship and it could be from someone that’s a far from you now or that sends you a message and asked you out on a date for coffee or dinner but you are going to get that message lighten up and don’t overthink things go and be yourself because you’re beautiful and don’t doubt who you are don’t feel like you’re not worthy of this person because you are because I’m speaking to a Virgo here that feels that they are not good enough or that they have uh they have met someone that’s way above their their capacity well guess what it’s not and don’t lower your self-esteem and yourself to feel inferior to anybody else because that’s how one of you are feeling here and could be just one person for someone else here there’s been a situation that you’ve had to cut out of your life and it’s to do with a woman so um and and this woman has been cut out but now you’re starting to see that the the best thing that you did was to cut this person out of your life it’s you’re now feeling a lot clearer about things and understanding things a lot clearly now that this person is out of your life that brought you a lot of a lot of um questions and you you never felt right around them so now you’re glad that this person is going for others of you here a situation comes to an end but that ending brings prosperous prosperous future you have got a beautiful future ahead something that you’re going to be given after you’ve lost something so it could be that you’ve lost a job and then a new offer comes to you had you not lost that job you would never have got this new one because you wouldn’t be looking so things happen for a reason here Virgo and whilst she thinks whilst you thought um that that job was the be-all and end all well guess what now you’re going to look back and go thank God I left that job or I lost that job because I would not have been able to to look for or be in search of something better for me and this is going to bring you a lot of growth so don’t give up don’t give up if that’s you that’s left a job keep going because there is a new job coming and you need to look for it you need to be smart about how you go about it and be smart in the interview do your homework I’m about to release um some employment things and relationship ish advice on my website which is um so dot IU so if you go into psychics live in the next week or two there’ll be some new articles there in regards to careers and relationships so go on there if you’re going for an interview because I’ve got there how little tips of how to get a job successfully if you really want one okay so that’s basically it there for others of you here you’re going to get a message and that message is going to bring you fruitful um and this is probably that job that’s coming through so you will get a message or a contract to start a new job and that new job is going to bring you a lot of prosperity so whilst one door closes another opens so don’t give up for some of you here you’re going to meet this beautiful man and this beautiful man is going to bring you a lot of love and light into your life a lot of prosperity around this person too if you’re a male there’s a woman there too so a female or male whichever you’re going to meet your partner in the next week or two if you’re looking and that’s going to happen quite quickly it’s going to be a new beginning here so there is a male or a female here so whichever you choose perfect let’s go what else have we got with the terror

remember to lighten up be who you are be true to who you are Virgo because you’re absolutely beautiful and take a reality check you know for those of you here that questioned yourself or looked at a situation or a person in a different light you’ll be able to see people for who they are in situations for what they really are okay message for Virgo please Virgo thank you

the queen of fire Virgo the queen of fire is not someone that is here to mess around the queen of fire is very in control and this can be a queen a male or a female there’s no gender but this energy here of the queen of fire is someone that is very determined knows exactly what they want and they’ll stop at nothing to get what they want and and obviously good yeah they don’t go out of their way to make people’s life hell to get what they want no that’s not what I’m saying but person does either they believe in themselves they believe in who they are and that’s what the universe wants you to do lighten up be yourself and don’t worry about other people or how they’ll judge you or how they’ll see you if they really like you or they love you they will want to see you again and again and again and that’s what you want you want someone that’s going to see you for who you are and like you for who you are not want to change you or want to see you in a different light no no no this is who I am this is what I stand for uh you like me or you don’t then the issue is not yours it’s theirs yeah the nine of water for some of you you’re going to um for some of you here you were very worried about someone not getting in contact with you and here the nine of water is you being very very unsure about this person that came into your life made you fall for them and then hasn’t contacted you well now you’re going to get a contact from this person and we spoke about that and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the Justice you will get your Justice what’s meant for you is always going to be yours Virgo and number 11 is a master number for some of you you’ve got a huge amount of intuition use that intuition to be the best you can be and love yourself absolutely for who you are don’t worry about other people and what they think and how they judge you be who you are and what you came here to be and look at that temptation some of you will be tempted to take on something new some of you will be tempted to start a new relationship Go With It Go with your intuition it’s going to bring you a lot of growth and a lot of prosperity foreign

Wildcat be still and tune in for there is something aloof lurking alongside you look at that there is something around you you just can’t see that there is someone thinking about you there is a job opportunity happening for you it will come don’t give up and just believe stand firm and believe in who you are you’ve got what it takes Virgo you’re no pushover so lots of love and light Virgo I hope this has reached out to someone that needs to hear it if it hasn’t check your ascendant and your moon sign or send this to a Leo that needs to hear this lots of love and light thank you bye-bye [Music] thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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