Virgo Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Virgo. This week’s Virgo Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Virgo Horoscope can also be viewed here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for coming here today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days uh if this doesn’t resonate remember to go to your ascendant and your moon sign and let’s get into it and find out what energy the universe wants to send Virgo the tower Virgo number one and six which is don’t give up there’s something here Virgo in regards to your home this here this Tower is different to the tower in the normal tarot that one comes to create chaos however this one is still showing that there may be um issues or things that need to be resolved around the family home your family or something around that that’s worrying you at the moment one and six is don’t give up one in six is seven which means don’t give up don’t give hope give up on hope I’m getting here hope so for some of you you’re giving up Hope on a particular situation or on a particular person in the family um foreign yeah yeah it’s this is a situation what they’re saying is this is a situation that’s been taking you your patience for quite some time and you have tried to uh keep the peace within the home keep the peace within this person with this person and what they’re saying is don’t give up because just when you’re about to give up things start to change remember you’re at the Pinnacle of the situation right now there is going to be a turning point someone needs to hear this and I don’t know who it is but that’s why this has come up for others here you may decide that you’re going to move home you’ve had you’ve been in your home for quite some time for some of you it’s the the children have moved out and now you’re starting to think about where you want to live where you want to retire what you want to do so there are people here like that as well and there’s also people that want to buy their first home that want to get into their first home so there’s a there’s a lot of message here but a lot of it’s around the home around the family around the stability of it and don’t give up on whatever it is for some of you that are wanting to buy a home you maybe get you may get disillusioned when you go to um to see new homes to see homes to buy and you may feel that what the money that you have is not sufficient for what you want there’s going to be some [ __ ] there’s going to have to be some readjusting from what you want to what you can actually afford
okay Virgo there you go and underneath we’ve got the Sun so it’s all going to be okay whatever it is that you’re worried about or you’re looking for or anything to do with your home or your family it’s going to be okay let’s see what Archangel Michael wants to bring Virgo as a message what message do you want to bring Virgo Archangel Michael needs to fall on the table oh thank you oh yes he was very precise stay the course
the guy I love the energy stay the course remember I said to you don’t give up you got a one and a six which means don’t give up well here Archangel Michael is saying stay the course Don’t Panic you’re not on the wrong path you’re just having a bumpy start learn from your experiences and keep going foreign
the intuition and the voice The Voice coming through explaining that because it’s said it all for those of you that are looking for a new home don’t give up stay the course you’re going to find something that that is meant for you if you’re not fine if you haven’t found anything as yet that’s because those homes are not meant to be your next home or those houses I should say those houses are not meant to be your home you can find lots of houses but the one you call your home you haven’t found yet and that’s for a reason and for those of you that have that situation with families stay the course because like I said to you you’re at your Pinnacle moment where things may turn and don’t give up don’t give up
okay let’s see what else we have for Virgo please what have we got for Virgo [Music]
it’s for Virgo please tarot thank you thank you so much
the seven of swords some of you have been through a battle some of you are going through that battle and some of you are thinking about walking away from that battle for some of you you have got to the stage where you’re starting to give up and we spoke about that already
the moon many of you are looking deep within and really looking at what it is that you want to do what it is that’s going to take um for you to accomplish this goal of yours or this dream you’re looking deep within and asking your soul what it is that you want to do some of you have been through battles some of you are ready to take on the next step but deep within yourself you’re trying to understand how you got here and where why you got here there’s a purpose and a reason for everything and I always say that so understanding what you want to do to what you will do is going to be quite an experience for yourself for no one else but yourself understanding what makes you tick
understanding your purpose in all of this
for some of you here you’re starting to look at can I do things better am I out of um can I do things better and am I expecting too much of who I am or what I have
the world it comes to a completion for those of you that was stressed out about a certain situation you’re going to find that there’s a remedy there’s an answer and things come to it Final End for those of you that feel that you’ve been through a battle Virgo and you have really had to look deep within for you to keep going you’re going to find your answers are coming through you’re going to find that you start to find your answers you start to see things change you start to see how um everything you went through was worth it
don’t give up and stay the course the Sun everything becomes a lot clearer now everything that felt like a battle becomes a lot clearer everything that felt like you were going to you couldn’t take this anymore you couldn’t do that situation anymore everything comes to an end and you’re going to see the light at the end of the tunnel you’ve worked extremely hard you’ve had your battles but there is light at the end of the tunnel that’s why Archangel Michael is saying stay the course stay the cause and see how it’s pointing to the yellow can you see this it’s important you see this see how he’s pointing to the yellow in that card stay the course because your experiences are going to be worth it and here you’ve got the Sun [Music] it’s finding your light seeing the light at the end of the tunnel Virgo
there is absolute light at the end of this tunnel for this situation for this for this purpose for you
everything you went through was not by mistake everything you went through had a purpose
the five of Pentacles absolutely for some of you here you were went through a time of Solitude of uh questioning your worth not having enough finances to even buy the smallest needs you went through Rock Bottom for some
and that made you look within you grew from that experience you when you look back now and you start to see that light at the end of the tunnel Virgo when you get your answers one day you’re going to look back and you’re going to say it was the hardest time of my life but it was the most a man of experience I could have got that money can’t buy and here learn from your experiences and keep going
everything comes to teach us to either be strong or a lesson that we need to learn the four of Wands you’re going to have a celebration after this conclusion there’s going to be beautiful times ahead Virgo you are going to feel like you conquered the hardest time of your life the hardest period of your life everything you gave everything of yourself that you gave to make things work or to to get somewhere you’re going to see Victory this is people finding their home this is people eliminating that issue that was in the family you’re going to see answers coming to you even though you hit rock bottom in this situation and you had to pull yourself together and understand yourself from inside out it has come now to completion and there’s going to be that celebration that you so need and look at that a knight of Wands it is time now Virgo after all of that to move forward it is time now for you to get on that horse and move forward with certainty you may be getting a message from someone as well that could be or the person that’s helping you see the light at the end of the tunnel may be a fire sign and that could be from another Aries Leo or Sagittarius that you’re dealing with
this person may help you see that light at the end of the tunnel
mm-hmm there were times where you had to isolate yourself in order for you to see what you had to see here it forced you this situation forced you to go into hiding this situation this situation here of the the uh
because this the five of Pentacles is a card of Sorrow of disappointment of even Poverty of uh Alone um of uh not having someone there to talk to being very much alone within what you’re going through going through this is at the bottom of the pit really you are in a a place of despair and you needed to look within to find yourself again here the hermit says the time you spent on your own trying to find your light again it was all worthwhile that time that you spent on your own trying to construct where you were going to go and who you really were and what you were made of is what is taking you to the next level the experiences you learned from going through this has made you see the light at the end of the tunnel has made you be stronger today than what you were two years ago
beautiful a story of strength here a story of perseverance a story of um not giving up knowing deep within your heart that what you are doing or where you’re going is exactly what you want to be doing
and the celebration comes
that completion is a complete when you went into this hermit stage this is where you were at you felt here that you were on the floor and you just couldn’t get up you didn’t have the energy to get up you felt like everyone was against you the whole world was against you you couldn’t see what was coming you couldn’t see a way out of this situation
but today that all changes you had that time to yourself
and the universe is saying whenever you’re ever in that stage again if you cross that path again which you may use your intuition and your wisdom and your experience that you’ve learned to get yourself out of that really for some of you here we start with the swords and we finish with the swords this journey of learning this journey of experience the journey that took its toll on you
took its toll on you and here we have the guidance of the universe giving you that light and saying go with your intuition and use your intuition and wisdom to advance in life for some of you here I need to say this as well for some maybe one Virgo here you are going to complete an end of a relationship there is something that was dragging you down and this Tower here is the Family Circle and your home something comes to an end here and I feel that it may be a relationship and that is going to take you to a place of Despair but remember that you need to pick yourself up you need to believe in who you are and for some of you you’re on this journey for others you’ve gone past this journey everyone is on a different Journey that’s why it’s a general reading not a personal but for some of you here through through difficult circumstances in your home and in your family you have really had a look at yourself and said I don’t want to deal with this anymore and this is someone that’s dealing with someone that’s manipulating them or domestic violence in some shape or form it could be just verbal domestic violence but whatever it is that comes to an end you are now picking yourself up again moving on even though you are at the bottom of the pit right now you’re going to pick yourself up have faith do not lose your faith and go with your intuition and your wisdom sorry to finish off on that point but that’s what they’re showing me you’ll find your light you will find that when you get out of this relationship although you may be here you are going to find your light again and you’re going to move forward more sure than what you are today about who you are [Music]
because no one deserves to live in a home of domestic violence no one deserves to live with someone that is not treating them how they should be treated and sometimes people do that for many many reasons and not not here to judge I am way not here to judge I’ve been through circumstances like that and I understand that you stay in a place
because it’s hard to get out or you’ve got children so I had family that’s gone through this angel of inspiration you are always going to have an angel of inspiration with you the universe doesn’t leave us alone when you feel that you are alone you’re never alone just know that you are never alone Virgo the angel of inspiration comes to inspire you to get up from that ground go into Solitude if you need to and Find Your Way Forward
because there is light for you
there is light for you because after being treated like that you’re going to find how powerful you really are and that you’re never going to deal with that again in your life because it marks you forever doesn’t it and the angel of inspiration is with you so whenever you think you’re alone think again
stay the course stay strong [Music] and use your intuition intuition and wisdom here Virgo I hope that’s helped somebody along the way here lots of love and light your way thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)