Virgo Horoscope for 1st June 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
How are you today thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose for those of you that don’t know me from today we’re here to do your stars for the next 7 to 14 days and if you’re not aware as yet I have released June 2023 for your Stark so if you haven’t seen it yet go there it’s quite long but there is messages from the beginning to the end so take your time grab a cup of coffee and sit back and listen to the messages that come through remember these are General readings so if this doesn’t resonate with you please feel free to give it back to the universe and go and see your ascendant and your moon sign thank you so much and let’s get going Virgo what have we got for Virgo two messages please for the next 7 to 14 days wow you’re ready you sorry you’re already doing it so stop overthinking keep facing your true north ah Virgo I’m in love with this card and you know what I am so impressed because I’m a Virgo Moon my moon sign is Virgo which keeps me very grounded and very in tune with the universe and who I am so you’re already doing it so whatever it is that you’re doing already Virgo remember to keep doing it keep doing it because you are on the right path for those of you that sometimes question whether you’re on the right path or whether you’re doing something right or you start to question whether um your intuition is working then here the universe is saying you’re already doing it my love stop overthinking keep facing your North keep going in the direction you’re going in and for those of you that had questions about where you are going then this is your answer go on the path you’re on already and don’t question yourself don’t um doubt yourself the universe is saying just don’t doubt yourself use that intuition and that wisdom to guide you because you are on the right path you’re on a beautiful path there and transformation things are changing at a cellular level deep healing for some of you here you are on a transformation path and you’re on a path of coming through maybe a rough time in your life and a questionable time in your life a time in your life where you questioned what you were doing who you were the people in your life what what was coming for you what your future looked like and the transformation is bringing you closer and closer to the to the answers that you need things are changing at a cellular level stay true to who you are as there’s deep healing taking place within you things that hurt you in the past that all needs to be healed memories that weren’t so great that all is being healed disappointments let downs and just in general things that didn’t work out the way you wanted them to well now with this transformation everything is being cleared everything is being healed so be patient and at times you might feel tired and at times you might find it hard to sleep but just know that is all part of that transformation and that cleansing so take it with your heart and just trust the universe has your best interest beautiful Virgo so I love those cards so loved those cards
let’s say oh okay the hangman look at that it just popped out now the hand man came upside down usually I don’t read reverse cards because I I just think you know the card is what it is but this energy came on its own and I need to put it there we’ve also got some other cards here that came upside down so I’m going to put these cards down so we’ve got the hangman reversed we’ve got the Two of Wands any other cards yes the queen of cups
these don’t happen by mistake Virgo these cards don’t happen by mistake because look at them they’re all they were all the right way around look at that I need to take these cards that’s it they were meant to be your six I need nine cards but they gave me the first six so there you go another three cards placed for Virgo and I’ll explain what’s going on so some of you have come uh have come from a place of holding where you were not making any firm decisions staying very very still and just sassing out your whole surroundings not only were you um focusing on the people around you and what they mean and what they bring but also the circumstances your career it was all in question for some of you here you stood back for a little while and you really took notice of what was taking place for some Virgos here there are decisions that you’re going to have to make within the next 7 to 14 days like I said I can’t remember your June star sign so you need to go back and have a look at your June horoscopes but here it says very clearly that there are two two paths that are open for you the decision at the end of it is going to be yours I’ve also got the queen of Cups here so what that tells me is that you could be either one for one group it could be that you are deciding what path to take in your career and you go with love you will follow your heart and you will do what is right for you for others here you may have an option of two people to choose from to Partners or two people that are interested in you and out of those two people you will make your decision you’ll go with love in both options however you will know what is right for you you’ve grown a lot Virgo when you talk the the so the hangman usually comes like that and it’s hanging yeah but this card came up like that which means now you are you know who you are you know what you want you’ve taken the time to hang upside down to take time out but now you know what you want and who you are more than before so tell me in the comments is that you Virgo did you take that time to really understand where you were coming from or where you are going and who you are and today you have a clearer under understanding if you don’t within the next seven to 14 days you will have a clearer understanding the magician is also here and I feel that you’re going to meet someone that not only is very interesting but someone that has all brings all the stops you know they they are Charming they’re loving they might be financially secure and they have a beautiful mind so it’s someone that actually has taken you by surprise because of their complete personality I don’t know if that makes sense but this is the sort of person that I see coming into your site into your circle for others of you I feel that some Virgos here have been doing a lot of study lately you want to broaden your horizons you want to be in a more um uh how do you say a more marketable uh position you want to be more marketable and you want to be able to get more opportunities through careers and jobs if you learn more and a lot of you may or or have already joined courses that is is going to broaden your horizons going to broaden your knowledge and give you the opportunity to to open more doors in in later date
I have no question about you meeting the right person not only are you feeling the love uh not only are you in a blessed place right now where you are totally comfortable with who you are but you are ready to share your love but you’re not ready to share your love with just anybody you’re very particular about who you’re going to give your love to and here are the two of cups I really feel that you will find someone that is on an even Kiln with you they come with with absolute respect and with um the right frame of mind and they also come with stability they’re not going to be an in and out person not someone that dashes in has a one or two night stand and then dashes out of your life again no no no no this is not the person that’s going to come into your life in June but especially within the next seven to 14 days you may meet someone that then you realize is actually someone that’s very stable and the six of Cups the six of cups is all about finding that love being feeling feeling like all your baskets are full you finally have found the person that you’ve been asking for you have finally found that person that you wished for
all the baskets are full and you are very very happy with that notice how there’s a cat here as well you might find that this person loves cats has a cat or will fall in love with a cat that you may have the other thing is something related to a cat this person has got something related to a cat
I don’t know what that is but that stood out very very clearly or maybe they’ve got green eyes or blue eyes or those cat eyes you know those beautiful stern look that just you for memorable you’ll be memorized by
something about that cat because I pointed that out to me so keep let me know let me know in the comments because I would absolutely love to know what that is that is bizarre but it is what it is okay let’s go three more cards please for Virgo three more cards thank you so much page of Swords news comes to you and this news the page of Swords is very direct you may find that one of these people that you may meet someone or this could be that person that comes into your life and wants to be part of your life but someone here is going to be very direct you get a message that is very direct they’re not going to beat around the bush they’re going to tell you the way it is and that is going to put you a little bit standoffish however being honest is what they’re all about and you will appreciate that Honesty
as well that you’re thinking about doing um it could be for some of you here for some burgers as well I did get the notice of something a project or something that you’ve been asked to do and that news comes through now and it’s something that you’re going to think about don’t know what that is but anyway
the three of Pentacles you’re starting to put your things back into place you’re starting to see things come into place the three of Pentacles is all about um you starting to build your confidence and starting to see things all fall into place Virgo for some of you here you were in um you were very unsure about where you were going at one stage or if things were going to work out but all of a sudden either you’ve started something new and you start to see that come through or you’ve had a new idea and that starts to pay off in some way but you will be very very uh you’ll start to see things come come together what you thought may not work is going to come together for you I hope you can see all the cards there one more place one more card thank you oh absolutely whether it be a relationship or a new opportunity of employment it is going to be just it’s something that you’ve hoped for it’s something that you’ve wished and now it’s something that’s coming your way it is Justice you have worked extremely hard you have asked for something to come your way and you’ve done it beautifully with all the faith and love in the world and the universe is saying I hear you I have heard you and now it is only just that I give you what you asked for beautiful beautiful
for some of you here as well you may get I don’t know if you’re um if you the other thing I’ve got here is some of you here may have asked or may have been entitled to some money and you are going to receive a message this week that that money is coming to you and it’s coming to you because it’s just either someone’s done the wrong thing by you in the past and now they’re being forced to pay that back I don’t know what that is but I’ve got to tell you what’s here so for some of you you may be getting some money that’s owed to you and it may be owed to you from someone that Did You Wrong all part of that transformation and all part of you being in the right place at the right time okay and on the bottom of the deck the five of Pentacles yes I feel that a lot of you here have been in an area of solitude of loneliness and you were where the hangman was upside down you were at a stage where you did nothing but observe you did nothing but question you did nothing but think and now now that that hangman is turned turned the other way around and you’re standing up straight now the decisions that you make are going to take you out of this lonely this lonely Solitude period that you went through a lonely period a period of question a period of solitude and a period of um not being able to have what you wanted in your life for some of you here you struggled financially that’s now going to change that is now going to change and for those of you that are doing those courses um or that are starting at the moment things are going to come your way through your studies for other people here you may get a new job here that comes your way a new opportunity that you get given and you may be given an opportunity or a choice of two jobs and out of those two jobs you need to pick one but I really feel that with that whatever you pick you may be entitled to do some training with them which is only going to broaden your horizons make you a lot more marketable in future the resume is going to improve out of sight and that’s going to allow you to be more marketable later and I did get the marketable you’re going to be a lot more um in tune with what people want out in the market so it’s not going to be so hard to get a job if you ever had to get one again I hope that makes sense okay let’s ask the Gypsy for two cards please two cards you’re already doing it and transformation oh that one flew hold on
you’re already doing it and transformation the transformation is bringing you a lot of power three and five is power and strength it’s going to bring you stability so whatever you’re doing right now don’t give up keep doing it whether it’s applying for a new job whether it’s um meeting new people whether it’s a a business you already have and you’re doing a task something that you’re already doing keep doing it that’s going to bring you a lot of strength and power just have faith and stability the anchor is all about stability sometimes it might seem that we’re working extremely hard and for very little feedback or very little recognition but just know that when it when you’re doing this and you’re doing it with love that the stability will come the power and the strength will come out of all your hard work
okay what else have I got one more card one more card please transformation the four leaf clover decisions that you make and I did say that to you that there’s going to be decisions that you need to make it’s going to bring you a lot of luck and like I said to you before it’s going to come out of Merit and Justice the universe gives you what you deserve and what you’ve asked for and does it with love so there are going to be decisions that need to be made but whatever decisions are made they’re going to bring you a lot of luck this transformation that you may have gone through or are going through right now is going to bring you a complete understanding of the decisions that you’ve made that you made them for a reason they weren’t just by mistake and it’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity and abundance your way so whilst you may be feeling tired and out of sorts a little bit because that happens when we’re going through a transformative a transformation in time then you’re going to understand why this was absolutely Paramount for your success
at the time we don’t know why we’re feeling the way we are or doing what we’re doing and sometimes we question it but it’s only going to open up New Paths look at that 22 consolidating everything you’ve learned consolidating everything you’ve done opening up New Paths these decisions I said to you are going to make you more marketable this this study and this training is only going to make you more marketable so it is uh it is definitely going to open up more paths in your life okay let’s see what Angel are you going to send Virgo plus Universe what Angel are you going to send our beautiful Virgos
what Angel do you see Virgo netting right now for the next 7 to 14 days based on the cards that are here on the table thank you one angel please one angel thank you
angels of the universe I said before and it was very clear that the this hope to find love was what you asked for this new job was what you asked for and I have no question that this Angel of the universe is what is answering your call this Angel is what is helping you through this and you may feel a huge presence within the next 7 to 14 days of a feeling of being complete a feeling of being sure for some reason even though things are still taking place that you are going to be more sure that you’re on the right path this Angel of the universe is transform transforming your surroundings and who you are in order for you to be fulfilled in this universe and here see how there’s butterflies butterflies in this card is all about transformation you may see butterflies in your your walkings um you may see butterflies out of nowhere or you may see pictures of butterflies but whatever it may be these two cards are all about the transformation taking place within you right now fur guys all I have to say to this reading is absolutely Amin thank you Universe for bringing this beautiful reading for all our beautiful Virgos lots of love and light your way thank you Virgo bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)