Virgo Horoscope by Marie Rose | For the Next 6 Months

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope for the Next 6 Months of 2023

FREE Virgo Horoscope for the next 6 Months of 2023. I have also be released the Virgo Horoscopes For the month of July and the Love & Relationships For July 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Virgo Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot readings live and today I’m here to do your reading for the next six months I don’t know if you saw the shorts but I did draw two energies for each sign for the next six months and the first one you got was strategy so number three is growth two-in-one and strategy so a lot of Virgos here will be strategizing for the next six months you’re going to be thinking about where do I want to be where do I want to go what are the seeds I want to plant right now so I can gain the fruits later on what is it that works for me what do I truly stand for what does my soul truly want a lot of strategies are going to be put into place and a lot of things of where am I going to live where do I want to live what do I want to be doing for the next six months where do I want to be in two years time all of that is all going to be part of strategizing on where you want to go it’s also going to be for some of you here um any new business that you have you’re going to put into place a blueprint of what you want how you’re going to achieve it and what the next steps are going to be this is about really sitting down and planning out where you see yourself going having some plans in place that can also be manipulated along the way because no plan that we put up front is always going to say stay the same way but a lot of you here to think about where do I want to be and what have I done for the first six months that’s made a difference for some of you you’ll say not much and it’s time that I get up and really look at where I want to be for others it’ll be I started to think about the strategies now it’s time to start putting all those plans into place or start planning on where you want to go and what you want to do

so that’s one and that’s going to bring you a lot of growth a lot of where am I and who am I and here no other but the moon the change three and two is five which is change you’re going to look deep within as we spoke about here look at where you are in your relationships look at where you are in your family look at where you are in your career and just where you are as a person really having a look deep down about what’s stopping you from moving forward what’s holding you back what are the fears that you face what are the challenges within that are holding you back why are you holding back looking at things from a deep lit level within understanding where you came from understanding the challenges you’ve faced until today do they have a a huge impact where I am today really looking at where your soul has come from and where you are today what does your soul ask you to do today deep down in your heart is this where you want to be are you with the person you want to be with are you going to places that you want to go to are you achieving the goals that you set out to achieve

questions you’ll be asking yourself all those questions are all need to be answered before you can move on and make that change the minute we understand ourselves really understand ourselves when we can make that change that’s when we know what needs to be done for us to move forward a lot of soul-searching here Virgos for some a lot of soul-searching here let’s see what the tarot has to explain those to us

wants to be part of the free readings before I forget for those of you that want to be part of the free readings that are going to be drawn in August if you’re a subscriber and you want to be one of the two that get half an hour readings with myself please put yes in the columns in the in the comments below we will be taking two people from the comments in every sign they will be going into a draw and we’ll be drawing two people out but you need to say yes you do want to be part of the reading that we draw out for those of you that want a personal reading and you don’t get that reading or you’re not drawn out for that reading or you don’t want to wait just in case you’re not then we have got 50 off all readings for the month of July only

strategy Three of Wands for some of you you are strategizing uh leaving where your current location is at you may decide that you want to move overseas broaden your horizons see what else is out in the world for you that what you have to offer may be good somewhere else you may feel that it’s time for you to move from your current location for you to make growth in where you want to go some of you feel that it’s time to leave where you are where you are that opportunities await you elsewhere so for some of you part of the strategizing is to move to another location to another country City or place the sun things will become clear for you the minute you start strategizing you will start to see things a lot more clearly when you really dig deep and do that soul-searching that you need to do things will become a lot clearer your idea of where you want to go and what you want to do when you put pen to paper will become so much clearer [Music]

the world the end of a chapter that you no longer want to live you for some of you here you no longer want to be in the relationship you’re in for some of you here you no longer want to be working in the same place you’re working right now for some of you here you don’t of the society you’re in right now you want new you want more Adventure you want to expand your knowledge you want to expand your horizons in what the world has to offer you and you put an end to where you are right now you draw the line and say from here on in I’m going to take this new adventure I’m going to make things work where I am now is not completing me it’s not making me happy I need to be true to who I am and if that means I need to move then so be it I’m willing to make that move if that means putting an end to a society or people that I have around me now then I need to move away from this circle of of people of family of uh of responsibilities I need to release myself from all these barriers I need to release myself from everything that blocks me let’s find out more about the moon the soul-searching for many of you you want to be Financial financially abundant for many of you you are chasing that dream you are chasing that goal you want to be something enormous one day and you want to go and Chase the dreams and the goals that you’ve always had fulfilling your inner Spirit to boundaries that know that we’re not part of your day-to-day now the ten of Pentacles not only have we got the nine of Pentacles C Virgo but you’ve got the ten of Pentacles the minute you understand who you are when you ask yourself those deep hard questions your world is going to open up your abundance is going to open up because you know why you will know your value your worth and how much you are capable of achieving when you release all the fears all the blockages and understand that those fears and blockages are only internal that we’ve thought them up you will understand that the world is your oyster that the possibilities are endless and you start doing and thinking in a different way you start doing things differently you start thinking different you release yourself to be the most abundant you can be but you need to understand who you are first huge soul-searching that’s not something that happens overnight Virgo that is not something that happens overnight but you for some of you here you’ll be doing that hard soul searching Two of Wands you’ve got decisions you you need to make you know that there are decisions you need to make in order to change your current circumstances there are going to be some hard decisions that need to be made there’s going to be some um decisions that you make that may be mentally challenging and the reason it’s mentally challenging is because there are decisions that you know what the right thing to do is however emotions are going to get involved those two decisions or those two paths that you face today which way do I go you’re going to do all the pros and cons about moving in those directions you’re going to look at the yeses and the no’s the pros and cons the what-ifs the A’s and the B’s plan a and plan B a lot of soul-searching is about you being finding the truth that you feel is right for you use your intuition

and here I feel that there’s quite a few Virgos that are going to take the king of Wands approach now it’s time to move forward I am tired of sitting here waiting waiting has got me nowhere and now I need to put things into play I need to put things into practice for some of you here you may have Aries as a strong moon sign or all your ascendant in in Aries so for some of you here you may have that fire that deep Fire Within to make things work or you may find that fire once you do your soul-searching here but either way you’re going to change the way you think and the way you feel the way you approach things is not going to be tender and um

uh planned some of you here are going to take risks that you wouldn’t normally because Virgos are very centered and very grounded they do everything with certain strategy which is not surprising but this Virgo or this group of Virgos here is now after doing all the soul-searching and looking at all your fears and what’s holding you back in the blocks you’re going to decide to take the area’s approach and say this is it I’m going to take the bull by the horns and the only person that can change my circumstance now is me I need to decide what’s right for me Big Move

Big Move Virgo

let’s see what the moon card has for you as well


humble whatever it is that you do always remember where you came from always remember the sacrifices that you’ve had to make to get here remember why you feel the way you do release all the blame from everybody and yourself and look at things in a strategic way things happen for a reason I’ve learned from the lessons I’ve learned from my my par my circumstances I’ve learned lessons that are Priceless I’ve learned a lot in my life that I’ve had to learn and I’ve gone to places that I had to go but today I stand here and I understand who I am I understand the processes I had to go through and today I am a different person to what I was [Applause] being humble and understanding why things have worked the way they have

unleash your kindness self be kind to yourself don’t blame yourself for anything you went through the sacrifices that you made the choices that you made the places you went to be kind to yourself like I said before it was all part of learning you were guided to a particular place or to a particular person for a reason know now that all those circumstances and all those learnings are going to help you in the future Unleash Your kind of self be kind to yourself above all and be kind to those around you and releasing the guilt and the blame is going to be part of unleashing your kind of self for some of you here you may blame someone else for where you are or what you’ve done or for feeling the way that you do but unless you release that you can’t move forward that feeling of being blocked is always going to hold you back if you hold if you hold feelings and

um things that imprisoned you to a certain place or a certain person

the dog number 18 reassessing everything around you reassessing who’s important in your life reassessing who your true friends are reassessing everything that you love and who the most important people and things are in your life you’re having you’re reassessing about who’s been there for you and who hasn’t reassessing who bought you the the love and the light when you needed it number 34 don’t give up and the fish is all about abundance you will find your abundance the minute you let go we spoke about that here Virgo the minute you understand who you are the abundance is going to open up for you and it’s here again when you unleash your kindness self the love the abundance everything that’s meant to be in your path will be and it’s all good the fish is all about the love and the abundance and new feeling like you are in control again of who you are but not only who you are your true self you have found yourself

so don’t give up a lot of sacrifices we spoke about this you’re reassessing where you’ve come and where you are Nine and Nine look at that look up 99 and look up nine Angel Number there will be a message there for you but Nine and Nine the sacrifices you went through the things you had to do without the places you had to go to in the dark moments when things weren’t making sense

a lot of you here turn to spirituality through your dark moments a lot of you here found people in unknown places that you hadn’t been to before

and the woman for those of you here that wanted to find that beautiful partner you will for those of you that want wanted to to really know who deep down you were a lot of you will find that this is a new person A New Beginning there are new beginnings here for you you need to unleash your kind of self as the abundance will come through you’ll meet that beautiful person for some of you here if you’re not married you will meet that beautiful person for some of you here the ones that are married once you release your kind of self you’ll find that the person beside you is going to be right there with you to hold your hand through the process of finding out who you really are

there is a lot to be grateful for Virgo a lot of sacrifices yes but there’s a lot for you to be grateful for and the minute we understand that and we’re humble about our beginnings our place our circumstances and where we’re at we will know and we will find our abundance and more opportunities open up the one last message for Virgo please one last message for Virgo

mending Virgo for a lot of you here look you’ve got don’t give up as well you’ve got subscription you’ve got constant numbers following you look up 77 and seven there’s a message there for you to mending Seven and Seven you a lot of you here amending yourselves after going through so many sacrifices a lot of you here amending a relationship a situation or just yourselves you are now starting to understand why you went through what you did why you’ve come to where you have and what now stands for you what is now going to be your purpose from here on in for the next six months what are you going to focus on you’re mending your heart you’re mending what you want you’re mending your career you’re mending a lot of things but more importantly that strategies you’re mending who you truly are [Music] the deep focus of soul-searching is going to mend many many things do that soul-searching as I feel there are here there there are a lot of Virgos here that need to do this exercise before anything abundant can happen in their lives

Virgo I hope this has made sense to a lot of people if it hasn’t checked your moon and your ascendant don’t forget to write yes in the comments if you want to be part of the free readings that are going to be announced at the end of July and for those of you that want a private reading in relationships career and finance that’s what I specialize in and we’ve got 50 for all of July lots of love and light your way thank you so much Virgo bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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