Taurus Horoscope Weekly Psychic Insights for October 2023
FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Insights for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Taurus how are you today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and let’s see what we have for Taurus please let’s see what we have for Taurus chaos and conflict Taurus number 33 is spiritual
soulmates Treasure Island and underneath chopping wood Taurus this first line comes to say to me that someone here may be in chaos and conflict now in regards to finding their right person they’re trying to find find their soulmate and their Treasure Island I’ve got two scenarios here and they want me to present both the first scenario is that someone here is in search of their soulmate they are in search of some of something special something that they imagine their relationship to be for some of you here you’ve been through some hard times and you’re wondering whether you’re ever going to meet your soulmate that person that comes and completes you shows shows you the love that you crave the love that you deserve and for many of you here your wish and your dream and your your your wish to the universe is bring me my soulmate if I’m meant to have one and you’re going to find that Taurus you’re going to find that soulmate someone is going to cross your path that’s going to surprise you and it may not be in the next week or two but what they’re saying is you’re currently in conflict and Chaos within yourself not understanding what you need to do to find this person Taurus what they want me to say here is that when you least expect it that’s when this person is going to cross your path and I know that it’s so easy to say that and but for someone here you’ve been waiting to meet that right person and it feels like you’ve been waiting forever but know this that if that person hasn’t entered your life as we speak or anytime now it’s because it wasn’t the right place the right person has has not been ready to enter your life sometimes it’s not that we’re not ready to accept somebody sometimes it’s that their Journey their Journey doesn’t allow them to meet someone right now so when the two Journeys that you’re on and they’re on meet that’s when it will be the right time so there is someone here for you Taurus so if you’re questioning whether you’re going to meet somebody or not then just know that your soulmate is out there there and when you find it you’re going to know it’s not going to be a what if it’s a Treasure Island which means that you know when they say and I know this is a cliche but they say you’ll you’ll know when you made the right person well that is true and I can tell you that from experience because I knew when I met my husband that that was the person for me I just knew deep down in my heart and in my soul that that person was there to complete me and you’re going to have that feeling you’re going to know that that person is the right person for you so whilst you’re in Conflict you’re also going to have to take things out that you’re doing right now and that may be that you’re projecting you know sometimes when we want something so badly we move it away even more because the desperation of us and I’m not saying that desperate is a bad word it’s not it’s us wanting to find someone so bad Sly and here they’re saying the chaos and conflict that you have within you you need to cut out it’s not bringing you the stability that you need it’s not allowing your spiritual guide to work with you your mentors and your guides to work at what you need to work on sometimes we need to do some work within ourselves to be ready sometimes we think we’re ready but the universe and our guides and mentors say to us you’re not ready it there’s something that you haven’t worked on or cut out in order to bring this in chopping wood is looking at what your wants and what your needs are versus what you’re doing and what you’re vibrating right now what vibration are you bringing towards you because sometimes when we want something so badly like I said before about the desperation we become desperate that we we we may think that everyone we meet is going to be our soulmate and they’re not so once you work your inner power and your inner strength your inner love and self love you’ll understand that this person that comes on is not there to make you they’re there to complete you you make who you are you need to be happy within yourself without somebody else they’re just an addition to your life and addition to who you are as a person does that make sense they really wanted me to bring that in also sorry and they are saying to me now mention the other side of it there is one person here that has got everything that they imagine their relationship to be however there is something that is not right there is something that is not making sense whilst you feel that that this person is your soulmate and brings the Treasure Island that you imagined this is someone that’s married here that there is chaos and conflict that needs to be worked out between the two of you there’s something that’s not right either a discussion that took place or something that came to the Forefront that is putting a real dense energy in this relationship you may be with the person of your dreams and you may with that soulmate but fix this issue that you’ve got that’s causing conflict and and Chaos here this needs to be sorted out it needs to be sorted out and cut out of that relationship or that relationship is going to suffer in the long term make sure that you address things even if it’s the hardest thing to do you need to address something that’s not right right now in your relationship because you have got the person that you’re meent to be with it’s just something that’s weighing you down and I don’t know what that is Taurus only you will know for this one person that I’m speaking to but there’s something that’s not right in that relationship that’s come to the Forefront and needs to be worked out in order for you to continue with this beautiful soulmate in this place of peace and Harmony within that relationship let’s see what else we have here for Taurus please what other energy do we have here for Taurus
protection for many of you here you’re feeling like you need to be protected in some chaos and conflict that’s facing your life right now you’re going through some spiritual growth Taurus and here there’s an eclipse on the 28th of October I think it is in Taurus and that’s going to bring to the Forefront something that is being causing you conflict and and Chaos you’re in need of protecting how you feel and your emotions being true to who you are and understanding why you’re feeling the chaos and the conflict
within change for some of you here the soulmate for you to meet your soulmate you need to change what you’re doing remember we said about the vibration that you need to understand that for you to to bring in this change to meet your soul person you need to number eight 3 and 5 is eight which is internal power and growth you need to understand who you are and feel totally comfortable with you with your self-love first before you can welcome anybody else in into your life who’s going to complete you and be your
soulmate there you go look at that it doesn’t happen by mistake you will find your Treasure Island when you find your self love for someone here you’re looking for someone to be your Treasure Island to complete you to make you to be part of you you feel empty without somebody else giving you that love you feel empty without that somebody else to share your life with where they’re saying Taurus change that vibration give your yourself the love that you deserve first you are your Treasure Island don’t look for it outside don’t look for another human to bring you your self-love that’s yours you need to find that within yourself before you meet that somebody you need to find the self-love that you deserve and who you are you need to be absolutely in love with who you are before you meet someone else you are your Treasure Island if you don’t stick up for yourself nobody else will if you don’t give yourself the best nobody else will no one can love you more than you love
you it’s hard to understand that sometimes but sometimes we vibrate in this need to have someone else to love us to feel valued to Feel Complete to feel like we’re worthy and what the universe is saying here is Taurus change that vibration you are worthy you are your Treasure Island the minute you realize that you will have understood that now anyone that comes along is a bonus you’re comfortable within yourself and underneath is the will you need to have the will and the power to go through your genuine feelings and understand what it is that you need to change you need to have the will and the power to be true to who you are and understand very clearly what it is and what’s driving you what makes you get up in the morning what drives you to be you what are the beautiful things that you see when you look in that mirror what are the beautiful things that you have deep within that you want to find in somebody else that you’re not you’re not treasuring right now within
yourself a Time For Thought Taurus the universe is bringing this message for some reason for someone that needs to hear it here it’s you discovering yourself before you can allow anybody else in there’s a there’s a bit of soul searching here required a lot of love self love self love and treasuring who you are Taurus placee
I usually do a general reading then romance and a and a message so here we’re getting we’re getting someone here that’s looking for love but come through here 10 of Pentacles you’re going to find your peace you for someone here chaos and conflict could be brought in to your life through through a lack of finances but once you understand what it is that you need to do and you have this self Discovery you’re going to come up with some Grand ideas not only how to love and look after yourself but also how to generate abundance into your life there is a protection here for you to do well someone is looking after you
Taurus the king of Wands there is a change here for you and I wouldn’t be surprised Taurus if you meet someone that’s a fire sign that’s an Aries Leo or Sagittarius that comes into your life and brings that passion and love that you want but first work on who you are that could be your soulmate yes someone that’s passionate someone that’s charming someone that’s loving someone that’s got a lot to give but that person is only there as a bonus into your life once you find that that love with in yourself your soulmate will come into your
life the Two of Wands for some of you here you have got two paths you’ve been contemplating One path is looking attractive the other path will be a little bit challenging whatever it is that you’re going to do do it through self-love be true to who you are whatever decisions you make make them for yourself make sure that they right for you don’t take anyone else or anything else into consideration when making choices in your life you need to make sure that you’re absolutely happy with the choices that you make and don’t make choices in the hope of finding that treasure because the treasure is already within you make that choice because it’s right for you I hope that’s making sense to someone here and on the B the Knight of Swords it’s you being true to who you are understanding who you are allowing yourself to be free in loving who you are and allowing yourself to be who you are with pride with
honesty taking everything out that no longer serves you having the will and the power to reconstru Str struct the way you see yourself and the way you stand up for who you are being honest and being open to redirecting your life and your choices to suit
you wow okay let’s see what we have for romance for Taurus please what is it that you’d like to bring for Taurus married and single we’ve got the single here but let’s see what else if they bring anything else here for Taurus message for Taurus in relationships please message for Taurus in relationships thank you let go of control issues allow this situation to unfold naturally Taurus do you remember I said about the desperate TR trying to control what happens trying to control where you go looking for someone deter to find something when you least expect it that’s when it’s going to happen let go of trying to control the timing let go of trying to control who you find where you find that person the minute you you discover that selflove that you have everything’s going to fall into place when we try and control things we sometimes move them further away from
us your soulmate will cross your
path finances and career and that’s come up again the chaos and conflict Financial issues are a factor in your love life right now for some people here the chaos and conflict that’s been caused in your relationships is due to financial constraint financial problems Financial um problems that you’re having that’s causing the arguments and the conflict and the chaos within your home so for those of you that are in this conflict and Chaos you may be arguing about finances and we had that here that the the chaos here is about financial constraints and you’re going to find a peaceful resolution to that for those of you that are going through this it’s important that you sit down and plan have a plan a plan B and put a budget in place only buy what you can afford and don’t put yourself out there and buy things that that is beyond your
means okay what else have we got last message for Taurus please last message for Taurus so for in a married couple or in a partnership there is chaos there in for finances and that’s what’s causing that bit that coldness with within that relationship the stress of the finances and usually like I said in another sign when we have Financial constraints the first place that suffers is our relationships because we take it out on those most closest to us go for it Taurus you’ve got what it takes you know what you need to do go for it don’t question yourself don’t stop believe Don’t Stop Believing in who you are don’t doubt your capability don’t doubt the love that you have inside and don’t doubt that you’re not worthy of finding that beautiful person that beautiful job and that amazing lifestyle that you so deserve go for it and don’t have regrets let yourself be free and Follow That
Dream lots of love and light Taurus and I hope that that’s made sense to somebody here thank you talk to you soon bye-bye [Music]
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)