Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Tarot for the Year of 2024

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024

FREE Yearly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-reading-for-december/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re doing your forecast for 2024 we’re going to do your first messages then we’re going to do a double up of cards for January through to December and then a last message that comes through for you okay what are the three energies we’re going to have for Taurus for the year of 2024 thank you my beautiful Guides and my mentors first one imagine using your imagination in 2024 Taurus this is going to be a time where you use your imagination to make things work where you use your imagination to achieve your goals and your dreams doing things differently doing things that you want to do how are you going to see it how are you going to do it seeing the light at the end of the tunnel sharing your love your abundance and your your vision to the world here in 2024 Taurus and if not to the world at least to the people around you sharing your vision making decisions that are going to be powerful decisions powerful okay what have we got what else have we got another two energies please for Taurus

Taurus unfinish Symphony in 2024 you’re going to finish something you’re going to put an end to something that was either one bothering you in 2023 or something that needs to be concluded it’s either a decision that you really need to make right now or it’s going to be a chapter of your life that you close and that chapter has been want you’ve been wanting to close this chapter for quite some time so something good comes to an end and when I’m saying good it means that you’ve wanted to close this chapter for some time it’s actually going to give you a lot of peace and Tranquility in closing this chapter of your life okay one last energy please for 2024 for Taurus one last energy for Taurus please for 2023 thank you one last energy for two oops happy happy 2024 is going to bring you a lot of Happiness you’re going to be settled within your family life your work life within your friends your Social Circle whatever it is that you’re doing it’s going to give you an overall feeling of being happy it’s something that you’ve wanted for quite some time it’s something that you’ve been working towards and you’re going to see that come to fruition in 2024 Taurus so please don’t give up in whatever it is that you’re doing you’re imagining your goals your dreams keep going and finalize that chapter that needs to be closed okay what else have we got let’s see with l m what the cards are saying for Taurus please for January through to December what card are you going to give Taurus for each of the months followed by the tarot will do after this they want me to mix it so mix it it is thank you so much one more okay one more mixing just flow through the energy okay what have we got for January please January card for January for Taurus thank you we’ve got the four lefta clovers decisions and decisions that may be very good for you okay February what have we got I’ll put all the cards down and we’ll go into it okay February the heart okay March March please thank you the boat March April Place

April the finish of a [Music] cycle okay April May May mountains grow

mountains May June Janu February March April May June yeah June June thank you another the dog came out then June July July please July the sun beautiful July August [Music] August the book

September coffin which is a good thing don’t worry September October please October

October the snake November November thank you the man and the last one December December for Taurus December for Taurus thank you the child beautiful okay now let’s go with the tarot and see what they want to compliment all these cards with mix okay we’re

mixing we mixing okay Taurus please cutting for Taurus for each month of 20124 okay for of clover what’s going to compliment that full live Clover for Taurus in January thank you Ace of Michael beautiful look at that the heart February heart for February for Taurus the star beautiful the boat for March March the boat thank you the nine of Rafel the boat April what have we got for the

April April Taurus pleas thank you the three of

Gabriel May mountains please may mountains the four of

Gabriel my my June June for the dog please June for the dog Taurus beautiful KN of Michael June July I know this is all a little bit boring but we’ll get to the story in a minute the king of Gabriel July August what have we got August the Taurus seven of Raphael September while you’re waiting Taurus if you’d like to subscribe like and share this video it would be so grateful September Taurus please September thank you the queen of Michael which was the first one that came up September October with the snake what are we doing with October with the snake than you the four of Raphael sorry the eight of Raphael my apologies eight of Raphael November November the man the Knight of Gabriel and December with the child what have we got with the child what we got the last one child please for December thank you the three of Raphael yay okay all right let’s go Taurus so the first one you’ve got here is the Ace of Michael which is the Ace of Swords in the normal tarot and here you’ve got you’ve got the four left Clover you’re going to come up with a beautiful idea in January and that idea is going to be exactly what you needed at the right time and at the right place you’re going to feel like that was an idea that you had that you couldn’t you couldn’t think why didn’t I think of this before so you’re going to be taken back by it and this is going to take you to where you need to go it’s like you find this air the answer or the solution to an issue that had to happen for you to be able to to complete it making sense now with the unfinished Symphony so you may find the answer that you’ve wanted to complete something in January and that’s going to be an idea that’s going to be at the right time at the right place and quite lucky for you bringing abundance so it’s it’s going to be a very very fruitful idea for you okay in February Taurus some of you here if you want to find love that’s going to be your month it is a Time where you see things clearly where you find beautiful people and you f you are again at the at the right time in the right place to meet that special someone that brings a lot of light into your life so for those of you that are looking for love February is a huge month for you and for those of you that are in a relationship already then just be aware that um in February there may be some hugely romantic uh occurrences happening in in February okay so there February is your month for love and passion okay March in March there’s going to be a a time there where you may have a wish come true you may have wanted one of your wishes may be to travel or to go to a distance Lo a distant location or visit someone from another location it’s a wish that you’ve had for quite some time and it’s a goal that you’ve wanted to achieve and in March you get to do that so number three it brings you a lot of growth it brings you a lot of satisfaction because it’s something that you’ve always wanted to do so that’s March so March you may be traveling or a wish of yours comes true in March in April you may cut things out that no longer suit you and you do that in order for you to be able to move forward it’s like something that wasn’t finished that now gets finished it’s like you’ve cut you’ve cut through something that was holding you back you’ve cut through a boundary that held you back or something that didn’t allow you to move forward so in April you start to think about what is it that I need to cut out of my life to free myself to move forward and be who I want to be be what I want to be and and be able to do what I want to do it’s something that comes to an end like the unfinished symphony is number number 10 and number 10 something that you complete that allows you the freedom now to move forward and that’s in April so in April you’ll see that a big um heaviness off your shoulders comes off okay in April May in May you may have been through some tough times in the past Taurus but in May you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel for you will complete something or have achieved something which has taken quite some time for you to achieve or you’ve wanted for quite some time and that is now completed for some of you you may meet the most beautiful person in your life and that could come to you in April January February March April sorry May in May so we’re in May here so whilst you’ve gone through some difficult times May is going to be the month that turns things around whether it be in your relationships whether it be in your dreams your goals whatever it is that you wanted to achieve you’re going to achieve that in May all right what else have we got May June what have we got for June in June there’s going to be someone that comes your way and that could be a friend that offers you something but it’s something that you need to act on straight away it could be an opportunity or something that comes towards you Taurus in June that you need to action straight away it’s something that comes to you through kindheartedness so someone offers you an opportunity or offers you a solution or offers you a job or offers you to offers help to get you to a certain place and accomplish a certain something but you need to act on it so quickly because it’s like something’s quick it’s really quick whatever it is or you may meet someone that’s really quick um and that is is there for a

reason in July what have we got in July in July you start to see Things fall into place you need to keep your eyes on the bigger picture in July you’ve got what it takes you you you’ve got all the drive the determination the knowhow all the knowledge everything you need to make something happen it’s all clear here for you what you need to do next so Taurus there may be a situation that happens in July and you’re going to feel at home with that decision with that circumstance or with that situation you’re going to know exactly what it is that you need to do and you’re going to be very content with how you approach that others will also be there to help you but it’s a time where you now um are very aware of what you need to complete in order to be successful so this could be a promotion it could be a new job it could be relocating to a new a new location it’s something that you have wanted for quite some time or wanted to achieve and there’ll be someone there to help you through this okay in August in August there’s a bit of learning that you need to do or here there’s a decision that you need to make that’s going going to involve paperwork now this may be a decision to sign up for a new job and there’s going to be contracts that you need to have a look at so Taurus in August be super um super watchful that it’s fine to take an offer that you absolutely want just make sure that all the the all the pros and cons all the all your eyes are dotted and your tees are crossed because there may be something in these contracts that need to be looked at but you will feel so powerful once this opportunity and this thing comes your way it’s documentation that you’ve been waiting on it’s documentation that’s going to help you move forward and it’s documentation that you need to um to to bring together something that you’ve wanted it’s also a time for you to be able to allow yourself to learn how to look after you know when it’s time time to give up what I’m what I’m saying is and give up was a wrong word know when it’s time to take time out know when it’s time to allow things to fall into place and take time out to rest you can’t do things without having a clear mind and for some of you before you make this decision to sign this paperwork or to even look at it take time out to really clear your mind clear the scene and to be able to see things that you need to see it’s you just regaining your power if you like okay in September we’ve got the queen of the queen of Michael and the coffin what this this says is that in September you’re going to cut things out that no longer serve you you’re going to look at things very rationally you’re going to look at people’s attitudes and their behaviors look at different situations and see if those situ situations suit you or they don’t but in September is a month of cuts thinking very rationally and allowing things to go that do not serve you anymore it is a time where you will evaluate your relationships where you will evaluate your friendships well you you’ll evaluate your career and everything happening in in your life you’ll make some very definite Cuts in your life or around you and those definite cuts are things that need to go you’re going to use your internal power and your intuition when making these Cuts you’re no longer going to uh have relationships or friendships for the sake of it you’re going to have relationships or friendships that are true and honest you no longer just want to have friends for the sake of having friends you know the people that are not good for you and you know the situations that are not good for you in October being be super careful because there could be people around you that have a mask on right and you just need to watch out for people that are that come across quite fake but on another level here you need to do what’s right for you this is you changing your skin not only did you make the cuts necessary here but now you’re transforming in the way you think how you behave what you want in your life and you’re making those cuts certain Don’t Give Up On Believing on who you are and what you want you’re shedding skin to allow your new you to come out and conquer the world conquer what it is that you want to do be with the people you want to be with you’re now transforming into a new person that no longer puts up with rubbish from

others in November Taurus there may be a beautiful gentleman that comes here and you may meet someone beautiful in November just be careful though for all the singles out there that are looking for a relationship be careful that this person that comes into you whether it’s a man or a female it doesn’t matter be careful that this person that comes your way is is there to stay because you may meet someone that comes in with comes in fast passionate and wants wants to change your world and change it in 2 days but when they leave they’ll make a big mess when they leave including a broken heart on your part so just be careful that you give yourself but you stand back and evaluate is this person going to stay or are they just an in and out relationship here are they ready for commitment ask them and if the answer is no then you know but please be sure to ask them in November if they are there to stay or if there is they have no intention of a a long-term commitment because that’s going to answer your question for a lot of you okay in December in December what can I say it is a month of celebration for you something new so some of you may have a baby in December and that will be caus for a huge celebration you you been wanting this child for quite some time for others that are not having children it’s something special that happens that you’ve conquered you’ve you’ve gained you’ve gained a lot from it’s something new that’s come your way it’s an opportunity that you’ve been fighting for it’s it’s new Financial abundance it’s a whole heap of new things coming your way and that’s going to lead you to celebrate it’s going to be a time and a month of Celebration and happiness hence the happy happy there okay so you finish off the year on a strong strong foot Taurus yes there’s ups and downs but there’s ups and downs in everybody’s reading and everybody’s life so in December you finish off the year on a huge high note so that’s a huge positive let’s see what the last message is for you Taurus what have we got for Taurus for the last message remember to like share and comment on the video Taurus let me know if you if there’s something that you want to finish off in 2024 that you haven’t finished off okay last message please for Taurus thank you last message for Taurus thank you so much last message for Taurus what have we got for Taurus last message pleas no oh yeah two Peacekeeper which is let go of the need to be right and your T trust your talents in Changing Times so we’re not always right Taurus and it’s okay that we’re not always right so sometimes it’s it’s okay not to be right or even if you feel that you’re right just to keep the peace because I feel that there may be a situation in 2024 where keeping the peace is going to be more important than causing um causing chaos to prove your right and here trust your talents in Changing Times you’ve got what it takes to go with the flow and make it all work you know what you want and you know what you need and in testing times trust your talents the trust that you’ve got what it takes to change things around trust that you’re going to close something off that needs to be closed off and you’re going to do it in very very um beautiful fashion there okay so that’s your messages for 2024 Taurus I hope you got a lot out of that lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here bye-bye [Music]

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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