Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023
FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-reading-for-december/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re here to share your horoscope with you for the next 7 to 14 days I’ve already done all the mixing and the energy of Taurus so here we’re going to do a row of um intentions and energies Then followed by two tarot and the last is a message from the Moon oracle cards so let’s get going get into this reading Taurus for those of you that don’t know Taurus uh 2024 predictions out and the horoscopes for December the month of December is out now so you can go on there and see what’s there for you I would highly recommend that you save the 2024 down um download it and keep it and watch it during um your times okay during the month all right Taurus what have we got for for Taurus please energies for Taurus thank [Music] you energies for Taurus thank you oh it’s flying out wow Taurus you may have cancer in your sign very heavy in your chart or you may be dealing with a cancer but these are exactly the same cards that came out in the same way for them too and I did them way way before adaptability something that you’re going to need to adapt to you’re going to see the light in a in a certain with a certain solution you’re going to find the solution to an issue and you’re going to need to adapt to something that’s coming through let me get more cards out the Detachment you you’re detaching yourself from something and coming to terms with something else here what else have we got for Taurus please it’s important I say the next two
cards you must have
voice I can’t remember if that one came out as well for cancer I’m sure it was cancer it might not have been I can’t remember the readings once I do them that’s it I’m in that energy one more card for Taurus please thank you oh two two wow they want me to take two okay two itties you get an extra
card Taurus you get an extra and they’re probably trying to make me understand why your cards are the same but they’re not they’re are they’re giving me an extra card for me to understand that a totally different area
okay Taurus there’s going to be a situation within the next 7 to 14 days and it’s like you’re you’re making a change you want to change the circumstances you’re in the relationship that you’re in or the way your relationship is you want to change a career we or there’s something that’s very very big for you something that you feel needs to be changed no longer can it keep going this way and here they’re saying to me Taurus you need to use your voice you need to accept that things are not going to change if you don’t voice your opinion you need to adapt to being able to speak up and say how you feel some Tauruses are quiet and many
people they go with the flo to keep the peace and they’re saying No this is a Taurus that’s going to break free from that Norm from being the quiet one the one that agrees to everything the one that goes with the flow the one that keeps the peace no no no you are shedding your skin and you are Untamed no one is going to tame you this time you’re going to put things where they need to go you’re going to say things the way it needs to be said and you’re not going to take anybody’s rubbish in this cleansing and in this change no one is going to hold you back navigation you now navigate your path you don’t wait for others to tell you where you need to go for for a long time there’s been a Taurus here that has gone with the flow kept the peace stayed quiet but guess what now the volcano will erupt The Voice needs to be heard and if you’re prepared you’re prepared to change that much you’re changing in a big way this hasn’t happened overnight this is you you know like when a a volcano look at here there’s a volcano there there’s a mountain there and whatever it is has been building up building up building up and it gets to a stage where you can you can start to feel the boil like it started at the bottom of your tummy in the base of your chakra and it’s gone G up and up and up and now it’s about to reach your throat and that that turmoil inside is about to erupt and God help anybody that is in front of you or that stops you because you’re not going to take any more rubbish from anybody anymore this is serious stuff this shedding you’re changing now to a new person not the person that people could take you for granted not the person that stayed quiet and did it to keep the peace you’re ready for the battle and you’re all armed ready to go you’ve done a lot of assessing of your situation of your relationship of your circumstance of your career and you’re ready to let go and detach yourself from anyone and anything that stops you you’re ready to go out into an Island by yourself because you’ve had enough you’ve had enough about of the way that people treat you how they discount your opinions how they treat you as a whole they disrespect you they don’t listen to your
opinions you’re now going to adapt to a
change you’re going to adapt to being different and not putting up with rubbish anymore you’re going to use your voice and you’re going to detach from anybody that holds you back anybody anyone that gets in your way anyone that tries to manipulate you anyone that tries to Discount your feelings your thoughts your hopes Your Dreams they’re not going to have a place in your world or in your heart anymore it’s like you know you know snakes are coldblooded and it’s like you’ve had you’ve been this warm person for so long that now you go no no more am I going to live this life I’m untameable you’re not going to tame me and tell me what I should and shouldn’t do what’s good for me and what’s not I’m Untamed now with all the voice all the force and the voice to match it this is someone that’s that’s just going to take a lot of people by surprised by surprise in the next 7 to 14 days you’re going to set yourself free and set free everything that’s bottled up inside and someone here is going to cop the brunt of it or a few people will cop the brunt of it whoever it is that has tried to manipulate you to tame you to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do and you kept quiet all that time is going to cop the brunt of this
boil just make sure Taurus that you don’t take it out on the people that haven’t done anything for some of you it’s going to be career you’re going to tell your boss exactly where to go and what you think of them for others it’s a partner that has been manipulating being a narcissist and you’ve had enough of that you’ll tell him where to go and for others it’s a situation that you see yourself in that needs to
wow the seven of Pentacles you looking at all the things that that you’ve done for others the hard work you’ve put in you’re looking at how much you’ve contributed to someone’s life ace of cups for many of you here it’s you detaching from an old relationship and starting something beautiful and new or detaching from a relationship that doesn’t give you what you want in your love doesn’t treat you with respect you’re detached from someone that doesn’t know how to love or hasn’t shown you
love you’re going to have a voice you’re going to celebrate you’re going to celebrate your voice because for too long Taurus the person I’m connecting to here kept quiet for too long you just wanted everything to be okay you wanted to allow others to stamp all over you and you kept quiet to keep the peace now you celebrate your
voice Letting Go letting go of people and situations that are not good for you that no longer serve you and only bring you chaos and torment into your life you’re letting go of all the misconceptions of who you are you’re letting go of things that have been harming you putting up with rubbish when you shouldn’t have because you’ve self-sabotaged yourself thinking that you deserve that getting rid of the guilt the
fear that someone gave you to deal with your you’re now untamed and not going to be in this position anymore you’ve been stopped blocked blinded to a lot of things you felt like you didn’t count you felt like it didn’t matter what you said or did no one took notice everyone ignored you’re now unable you’re now untimed you will conquer Mount Everest just don’t give up you’ve got what it takes Taurus to take your life to the next level to do what you want to do without other people’s opinions and other people putting you
down it’s someone here saying enough is enough it’s someone here saying I don’t deserve this and I’m not going going to take this anymore I’m just going to move these up so you can see the other cards when they come through okay what else have we about for Taurus please there’s also some other messages here which I’ll I’ll share with you for those of you that speak for your job or you teach or you do a podcast or you do something in in advertising or social media you speak that’s you’re going to celebrate a uh a reward here you’re going to get a reward for your speaking for your voice for your sharing people are going to love listening to you and you’ll be noticed you will be recommended and you may even have a job that comes through from something that someone saw on social media and you using your
voice Three of Wands for some of you here you may be leaving to another location for work you may be having an offer come to you that you need to adapt yourself into a new career or a new location but I feel that this may be you may need to travel for this job and I feel that you’ll take it this is all part of you changing changing to do what counts for you changing to do what matters for
you look at that for someone here has left a relationship someone he has left a relationship and now you’ve met someone that may be the most beautiful person that you come across but you’re very much in doubt whether you’re ready to go into another relationship whether you’re ready to let your guard down whether you’re ready to spend more time with another person that may may just hurt you the only thing I’ll say to you here Taurus is you need to be able to understand that not everyone’s the same although you’ve detached yourself from people or from other relationships that didn’t work this one just might for someone here it could be that you’re leaving to another location and you’re getting aob job in another country or another city or state and you’re going to meet someone that you met start a new love but you’re still very unsure about how this whole process is going to work for someone here is that you’ve met someone that doesn’t live where you live and you’re going to get a job overseas and adapt to a new place a new way of living in a new area a new country and with that it’s you following someone that you’ve met
setting yourself free your voice and this your voice is going to bring something about your voice I don’t know if you’re a singer if you do podcasts if you teach Taurus but something here is going to allow you to set yourself free to be who you’ve always wanted to be there is a Taurus here that their voice is very very big and it’s going to be your success it’s going to set you free in many many ways let me know in the comments if that makes sense to
you look at this you’re shedding you’re shedding your skin and you were in doubt about doing what you had to do changing the way you had to change but you have no doubt now you’ve given up up things that no longer serve you you’ve given up things that no longer belong to you you’ve given people back their baggage that you’ve had to carry and now although you’re not sure about what happens next there is it can only be one way and that is better than what you’ve had before snakes don’t shed their skin until they’re ready to change and when they change they go into hiding because they they’re very exposed
for someone here you may have also you may be going to therapy for a drug addiction an alcohol addiction a gambling
addiction and you’re you’re putting yourself in therapy to get rid of what you know is no longer good for
you look at that remember I said to you someone here is now Untamed ready to conquer Mount Everest and I’m not going to give up you were in a place of despair of being blocked of being stagnated your life was stagnated you couldn’t see a way forward now you’re going to see your way forward you’re going to celebrate your conquering your change and your move there is no mistake here that someone is moving to another location another city another state I’m not connecting with everybody as it’s a general reading but someone here is making a big change a big move detaching themselves from relationships that no longer serve them careers that they no longer want to do Social Circles that don’t want to be part of some are getting therapy to help them with things that they were using that is not good for them there’s a mixture here Taurus just like Gemini Gemini was a mixture as well I hope that’s made sense let’s see let’s get two more messages for Taurus please we’re reaching quite a few people [Applause] here expect powerful change make no mistake Taurus I’ve got that to begin with someone that sheds their skin as and is Untamed there’s absolutely big changes coming through one more message for Taurus please conclusions are within reach you’re going to find your answers you’re going to find your solutions to the issues that you had you’re going to stand firm and be strong about who you are and what you want you’re no longer going to be the peaceful Peacemaker that stays quiet in the corner doesn’t say much you’re going to make people hear you change positions change circumstances put your foot down and get the conclusions that need to get to be reached and on the bottom of that Prosperity lies ahead so don’t fear that things are not going to work out don’t self-sabotage yourself and and think that no one nothing’s going to work because it is believe and strive because you’ve got beautiful times ahead believe in yourself Taurus everything is possible lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)