Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast JULY Wk 1

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For JULY Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for JULY Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-july-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring your reading for the next 7 to 14 days or a bit longer or the day that you come to this video nothing happens by mistake so let’s see what we have for Taurus please what are the messages for Taurus please for the next one to two weeks first one the seven of Wands what else do we have for Taurus please the hangman Taurus the hangman staying still defending yourself

waiting the fool beautiful the Eight of Cups M interesting the nine of Pentacles and on the bottom we’ve got the nine of Swords 99 you’ve got in your number Taurus so make sure you have a look at 99 9 to9 angel number in Google or number nine that’ll be a message for you Taurus in the middle of your your reading here we’ve got the fool which is you’re going to take a risk there’s something that you’re thinking about or you’re wanting to do and for some reason it’s stopped you in the past from doing it however now you’re getting the courage and the motivation to throw everything to the wind and do what you need to do here we’ve got something that you’ve had to stand strong on and you’ve waited for a long time it’s like I’ve waited for an opportunity I’ve waited and waited to do something and I’ve had to defend myself along the way I’ve had to stay strong in order to stay still in my current position and I haven’t had the courage to do it or the motivation to do it because something was holding you back so you stayed where you were for quite some time and there was no movement however with the fool in the middle this is what’s going to give you that lift that motivation that push that determination to put things into place and here we’ve got Eight of Cups and the Eight of Cups is you walking away from a situation that no longer serves you you waited so long for this you waited so long and maybe the circumstances weren’t right maybe you weren’t uh strong enough to to make this move or maybe you stayed in the one place because you were you were afraid of not knowing where you were going to however what it says here is that you are waiting you may have been waiting for some money to come through in order for you to be financially stable to be able to make this move and here I feel that someone’s leaving with financial backing it’s like I’ve waited for this to happen I’ve waited a long time for this to take place and now that it’s here I’m going to move forward knowing that I am stable I am going to be okay and I’m going to get away from a situation that just tore me apart it it made my mind go into meltdown most of the times I couldn’t stop thinking about it I couldn’t sleep properly I was forever in doubt and in anxiety and here there’s a message that comes through that tells you what needs to happen but I feel here that it’s going to be a bit of a battle it’s like you’re going battle you’re going to have to battle to get this done and it’s not going to be an easy path but I feel now Taurus that you’re more stronger than ever to make this action take place and it’s time now it’s like you you say to yourself now it’s time for me to action this I can’t deal with this for much longer and put up with the way things are I need to make my move and I know that I need to do this the king of Cups there you go king of cups is the person you’ve had to stand firm against that you’ve had to defend yourself against it’s like someone that you love has tested your patience someone that you loved or still love is someone who um forever made you stand stand have to it’s like they had your back against the wall asking for answers doing things that that made you angry but you still had to stand firm you had to stand up to this person this person may be of the sign of a a Pisces a cancer or a Scorpio someone who you loved dearly and you had to stand firm against it’s like they challenged you the three of Pentacles look at that as a team it’s like here you’ve got someone whilst you stood still for so long you now have incorporated into a team or someone that’s going to help you through through this it’s like now I’m not alone I know I’ve got backing I know I’ve got help I know what I need to do now someone here is helping you get through this you’re not alone now and you’ve got the courage look at that the world I put an end to a situation and I take that leap of faith I’m no longer scared to act I’m no longer scared of what’s going to happen I need to close this chapter of my life that’s being tormented tormen of in my life and I’m going to take the risk and do what I need to do it’s like this chapter closes it closes it’s it’s drained me for way too

long the five of Wands remember I said you have to go into a battle you will you’re going to walk away from the chaos and the conflict in your life it’s like there was forever conflict and chaos and you were never really really in peace your soul was always scared it feared it was going going through anxiety it was you were going through a stage of uh despair sometimes and and uncomfortable you were so uncomfortable in the situation you were in but today you walk away you walk away with your head held high and in confidence or you’re going

to I don’t know if this is going to resonate with you Taurus let me know in the comments look at that that that star came upside down which means that things weren’t clear before things weren’t clear and I feel here that you financially stable now but you you weren’t before it was like you’ve been putting pennies aside planning for this day to happen or waiting for this money to come through so you can you can do what you need to do and for so long you didn’t see what was happening or you couldn’t you couldn’t act on what on what was happening because things weren’t clear things weren’t resolved

and the devil look at that you’re no longer going to be manipulated or persuaded by people or a person or a job that has not got your best interest at heart people that made promises and didn’t deliver people that were toxic in your life that made you feel a certain way made you feel like you weren’t were worthy you weren’t you weren’t strong enough you weren’t able to or capable of moving on with your own life and here although they made you lose a lot of sleep you worked out a way and a strategy to get out of this

situation let me know Taurus if you can resonate with this what else do we have for Taurus

please the nine of Wands you have been through quite a bit this king of Cups this person that you love loved you gave your Devotion to you did everything for made you exhausted and tired to the point where you can’t go on anymore in this place in this relationship you’re now you’ve gone from the seven of Wands to the nine of Wands it’s like enough is enough for too long I had to put up with it but I don’t have to today I’ve got backing i i as much as I stayed there for certain reasons today I’ve got it’s like someone here stayed in a relationship because their kids were young now they’re standing with their kids planning and strategizing of what’s going to happen next the six of Wands and here you go the victory the day you’ve been waiting for the Strategic plan comes into place now [Music] Taurus so for someone here it is a plan to get out of the relationship and take your kids The Hermit I pondered and I pondered and I pondered but I know what I need to do I need to close this chapter because that’s the only way I’m going to release myself to be happy again to find joy to improve my health because it was taking a toll on your health too

taus the Queen of Swords I’m cutting everything and anything that stands in my way that doesn’t allow me to be free anymore if people don’t make sense anymore in my life I’m going to cut through those and I’m going to leave them behind if situations don’t work for me I’m going to cut through those too I’m going to move away from me anything or anyone that only blocks me that puts misery into my life and doesn’t make sense anymore in my life I know my truth and I’m going to stand up for that

and if I go into battle with others I’m going to say exactly how I feel the 10 of Pentacles I have got a huge impact of following look at that you got the nine of Pentacles you’ve got the star upside down which you couldn’t see before or things weren’t clear or you weren’t strong enough before but now the 10 of Pentacles that’s the absolute most here and this is you finding your Prosperity amongst your family your friends your your loved ones people that matter to you are going to Pro protect you they’re going to financially support you this was a move you had to make and when you are strong enough to do it that’s when you’re going to do it and you’ve got support here Taurus you’ve got support and look at that the Six of Pentacles now I give and I take before it was not a give and take it was all a trick it was all a trick to keep me in the right in the same place all the time now I give and take and and it’s right it’s Justice it’s valued I I don’t hang on to false promises anymore if you make a promise you stand by that promise I want stability in my life I want people in my life that are going to be

[Music] true I don’t know what they going through there Taurus but whatever it is this is changing it’s like you’re in what used to be is no longer dream and journey my dream and my journey I’ve planned for this I’ve strategized I know what I need to do I need to follow my dream and I need to change my journey my journey is no longer

this see beyond the current situation and this is exactly what you’re doing where you are right now or where you’ve been is not what you want to live you saw beyond that you saw how how much you could change your circumstances just by making that move and although you needed to be in that place or with that person for quite some time so you felt safe then now you’re the you’re going to find your safe place it’s like I need to stay here otherwise things may happen there may be consequences that I’m going to have to deal with so it was always feeling safe but not safe at all you are in fear and um here you’re going to see beyond what you’ve lived beyond what you’ve gone through you know that there’s a better life out there for

you stay rooted and grounded it’s important you stay grounded stay true to yourself stay true to the circumstances and do what’s right for you stay grounded in everything that that you go through and here it’s not about getting um or becoming uh vindictive or wanting to get someone back it’s about being true to who you are and walking away with your head held high knowing what you’re worth You Are Not Alone look at that in the next few days Taurus you may see some feathers or you may be um walking around in a bird takes you by surprise or captures your attention or you may find feathers in the garden or somewhere where you’re walking that’s just a sign for them to say to you you’re not alone your Spirit guides your mentors are all behind you you’ve got help and they’re giving you the strength and the motivation to do what you’re doing or to think the way you’re thinking Taurus I hope that’s made sense for somebody here because you’re about to release yourself from a prison cell not so so to speak that is like from a relationship that tormented you manipulated you maybe you were dealing here with a narcissist I don’t know but this is you freeing yourself from a situation whether it could be a partner a boss a parent I don’t know who this is but whoever this is is someone who you loved and had a lot of admiration for at some stage lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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