Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for May

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 3 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to bring you your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days for those of you that are not subscribed we’d love you to join our Channel like the video and share with people that need to hear it thank you so much in advance Taurus let’s see what we have for you Taurus ask for help from others what is it that you’re going through Taurus where you need to ask for help let’s see what else have we got for Taurus please what else have we got for Taurus take action they’re asking you here to take action on a particular situation or something that you may be going through and it’s asking for your action on this and for some reason they’re saying if you’re not able to do this on your own it’s time now to ask others for help it’s important that this is done it’s important that you conquer this it’s important that you action

this what are you doing there Taurus what is it that you’re doing right now it’s of huge importance whatever it is it’s of huge importance you need to sort something out that’s what I’m getting here like it’s it’s time to sort this out once and for all and if you need help reach out to other people as they can help you Taurus placee it’s it’s giving you a headache it’s worrying you whatever this is it it’s bringing you a lot of

worry I feel here that this has been playing on your mind for quite some time but it’s it’s bringing you worry it’s bringing you despair it’s like you’re saying I need to sort this out once and for all five of Pentacles for some of you it’s got to do with money for others it’s a situation that’s leaving you you may be in a position right now Taurus where you you feel like your your world’s Fallen apart you may have lost your job or you may have got yourself into a situation that you don’t know how to get yourself out

of financial I feel here you know what I feel that you need financial help here from somebody and there are people that can help you with

this Justice it’s like justice is going to be served someone may have done something here Taurus to you or you’ve you’ve been through a situation here that left you abandoned left you without anything you’ve lost something

here and you’re feeling like you’re on your own to to complete this you and and you’re not you’re not thinking straight or or or you’re not feeling capable of doing this on your own you’re need

help the hermit for some of you here you’ve been on your own or you or you are on your own and you’re going through this by yourself I feel here that some of you may not want to tell other people what you’re going through and that could be your pride it could be that you don’t want to stress anyone else out but whatever it is Taurus people are more than willing to help you it’s important that you action

this they’re saying hiding away from it it’s not going to solve it does that make sense to anybody

here let’s see what else have we got four of Swords these are all sad cards here Taurus it’s like I I’ve got someone here that is hitting rock bottom that you’ve hit rock bottom and you just can’t find a way out of this cave you can’t find it you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel you can’t see a way out of this you don’t know how you’re going to work this

out oh look at that you’re self- sabotaging yourself it’s like you’re blaming yourself for for this happening or or you’re you you couldn’t see this coming you didn’t see this coming for some of you here it is someone’s lost their job for somebody else it’s you got yourself into a situation or you got involved with somebody and now you don’t know how to get yourself out of this situation you’re in a place of despair of of not finding answers Solutions paths that you can access

Six of Pentacles it’s time look I told you someone is going to lend you some money to get yourself out of this it’s it you need to you need to allow others to help you when you allow others to help you you will find that everything starts to balance out so ask for help don’t be afraid don’t be too proud don’t worry and stress and and beat yourself up ask for the money cuz someone here next to you has got it and they can help you out of this

situation you’re trying to do this all on your own quietly so that nobody finds out but if if there’s someone that you can trust then please go and ask for help look at that broken

heart wow Taurus I don’t know what you’re going through but someone here is in is in a lot of trouble in a lot of trouble mentally physically energetically your well-being is being tested here it’s like your world has fallen

apart please ask for money to get yourself out of here there’s going to be one person that can help you with this put your pride aside let that ego of yours go for now now and get yourself back on your

feet I know you’re shattered I know you’re hurt I know you’re going through so much right now but the only way you’re going to be able to get up and start to crawl out of that cave is to get people to help you

out six of Cups something from the past it’s either got to do with a past situation or someone from your past or this person from your past can actually help you but I feel here that there’s a reason you don’t want to tell this person or ask for help from this

person something that you’ve you’ve had for quite some time or something from the past has caused this or can help you with this for some people it’s something from the past that’s caused this for others this person from the past can help you get out of this situation whatever it is that you’re going through right now what have we got for Taurus please urgent help is needed that’s what I’m going to put as the heading urgent help is needed clear out the Clutter you’re hanging on to stuff you’re hanging on to a lot of pain or a lot of um things that you need to clear out now now’s not the time to hang on to things now’s not the time to let things get in the way of you getting yourself out of this mess now is to get rid of everything that stands in your way any way any thoughts that stop you from going forward or stop you from asking for help they need to go

now it’s time for you to take that leap and and trust that you’re going to be okay if you just take that chance slow and steady wins the race it might take you a while to get back to you being yourself but you know what you’re going to do it again you’re going to rebuild you’re going to re recover everything that was lost or or where you are now one day you’re going to look back and think my Lord did that situation teach me a lot but while we’re in it we can’t see a way out

be fearless and bold don’t be scared don’t be scared to put yourself out there don’t be scared to ask for help don’t be shy don’t be too proud to ask for help do it with certainty with your head held high and tell people I’m I’m I’m I’m currently at my lowest I need a helping hand

I hope that this doesn’t resonate for a lot of people I really truly do but if this resonates for you please like the video and let me know if you want to share if you don’t want to share I completely understand lots of love and light thank you so much Taurus bye-bye


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