Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and Taurus thank you so much for all the beautiful subscribers if you haven’t subscribed and you’d like to we’d love to welcome you to our Channel and also please like and share the videos so that we can reach millions of other people that may to hear this message thank you in advance Taurus what’s the energy for Taurus

please Taurus

anxiety huge worry you’re at the end of your tether with something you’re at the end

of a period in your life where there’s something that you have had enough of really you you something in your life is testing your limits is testing your patience you you’re feeling the anxiety of being in this place in this with this person with these people in this

situation and you’re worried you you’re stressed you’re really worried about

something walking away you leave a situation that really stresses you you’re thinking about walking away from this person from these people from this situation from this place something that’s tearing you apart

inside let’s find out what this is Taurus let’s find

out you’ve sheded a lot of Tears a lot of sleep you’ve lost a lot of

sleep this is not something that’s just been going on for the last week this is something that’s that’s been going on for quite some time Taurus placee unsettled a mess a bit of chaos the maiden something from the past something from the past it’s got to do with something that’s happened in the past or someone from your past

what is it

Taurus what’s getting you so upset let’s have a look you you’ve needed strength you’ve tried here it’s like you’ve tried you’ve given it everything you had you’ve had to be [Music] strong it’s tested your patience your strength your ability to stand

up look at that the four of

fire what is

that do you know what I get here Taurus the first thing I get here and the first message I heard was they’ve hit a sore point someone here keeps on hitting a sore point or or something here doesn’t allow you to let go or someone’s not letting go of something it’s one thing here that’s destroying you one thing from the past that’s come back maybe to just to make you it’s it’s one specific thing it’s one thing

here everything else is fine it’s the one thing that’s not fine that keeps on being an an

issue desire look at that maybe it had to do with your desire maybe I don’t know for one person person here you may have betrayed your partner or done something wrong to somebody here and that keeps coming back to to remind you of what you did in the past that desire that one thing back then that you did keeps coming back to bring this anguish and this anxiety and this torment that still surrounds you today and you don’t think you can be strong enough to keep going with this it’s like I can’t keep hearing this or dealing with this I need to sort it out once and for all and that may mean I need to walk

away does this make sense to anybody here

Taurus look at that the arguments the chaos that this thing has

brought this is something that’s caused the desire over the desire that you had back then now it brings you anguish and pain and

sorrow and it was one thing only one time

only queen of

water I have here that it it may have had to do with something that you did in the past to do with your love life to to do with the a love in your life a relationship something that you did in the past that this person may think or doesn’t forget that you betrayed them or you lied to them or you know something like that just an example but that’s what I’m getting here it’s like it’s something to do with someone who you love or you loved or who you still love but this person keeps on bringing something from the past of an ex ex partner an ex


healing I I feel here that some of you here are trying to heal your eles you’re trying to pull yourselves together to get over this it’s it may not be something you’re proud of but it’s something that still that still brings a lot of anxiety into your life

today look at that the saving

I you know what my intuition does not go wrong Taurus this is someone has deceived somebody here once one time they have deceived somebody and to this day either you can’t get over that deceive that person who deceived you or you’ve deceived somebody and they can’t get over it this is Taurus you know what I’m getting here that this is someone in a relationship who cannot get over a once off Affair or once off deceiving or you can’t get over your partner deceiving you even if it just if it was just once you’ve tried strongly to forget you’ve tried strongly to heal but you still can’t get over

it does this make sense it’s like there’s been you were tricked or you tricked I don’t know you were you I’m going to say it and you work it if it was the other person that did it to you or you did it to them but someone here was tricked and deceived and now for because they were deceived that once once only this has brought a whole huge of chaos and conflict into this relationship to the point where that once’s desire has become a lifetime lesson do you know what I mean because it was once off it was a desire that you had for the one time or they had for the one time it’s gone on for a long time

it’s to do with the heart it was a desire at the time it felt right at the time it was right at the time I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong at the time things just

happened but this one time has brought you a lifetime of anguish within you or within the other

person oh my God look at

that this is what it is exactly what I’ve explained I don’t have to say anymore someone’s integrity was questioned someone’s integrity was taken for granted someone wasn’t n honest someone’s love was

compromised and although you’ve tried strongly to get over this what you’ve done or what someone else has done to you it doesn’t Fe it doesn’t go away and you’re coming to the conclusion that the only way to solve this is to walk away because it’s never going to be right either you’re never going to feel right or that person that you’re dealing with is never going to forgive

you look at

that it was a precious time in your life where you know here it’s like I I I I can’t see

forward as much as I want to give this a second chance as much as I want to be part of this relationship as much as I want to continue with this fairy tale there’s still something that’s not right there’s still something that’s not right there was a mask taken off here

and there was two people

here two sides to a story two sides to

acceptance and it happened when you were younger there’s youth here you both young

vulnerable I don’t know if this makes sense to anybody please let me know in the comments Taurus I know that at the moment there’s a Taurus here that’s thinking of walking away from this situation because you don’t see a way out of making things right especially something that happened so long ago and in the past there’s no way you can change it now so what do you do

lots of love and light Taurus thank you so much bye-bye


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