Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au we’re bringing this reading today for May 20124 Taurus I call in all your angels guides and mentors and my guides Mentor mentors and angels to come together to bring this reading for Taurus place for the month of May 2024 please give us the message that Taurus needs to hear and where they’ll be in May 2024 Taurus if this reading doesn’t resonate with you please release the energy and check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun thank you let’s start off with two oracles and then go into the tarot let’s see what we have for beautiful Taurus here thank you Taurus let’s go do we have for Taurus Taurus energy for Taurus please for May 2024 Taurus please first one resilience resilience Taurus a time of growth through everything you’ve been through let’s keep going what other energy selflove wow Taurus you may have a little bit of Gemini in you if you’re on the cusp they just got these two cards as well let’s see what this one brings pure

it and on the bottom trust

trust Taurus you know what I get here it’s like you have been through quite a lot you’ve had to carry people’s problems your problems and everything else on your shoulders there’s a huge responsibility here on your shoulders you’ve had to carry other people’s wants and needs fit into other people’s lives and you’ve forgotten about yourself where do you come into this after everything you’ve done for everybody else and the time that you dedicate to others here there saying Taurus start to reverse that back to you you need to take control back of your life and the self-love that you deserve it’s okay to help others it’s okay that you’ve dedic ated your life to wanting good for others but now it’s time to be a little bit selfish in me and bring that love that care and that nurture back to you it’s time for you to be the important one in May there’s also here a purity and what that means is be as pure as you can and there may be something here that you need to be honest about with somebody or about something something that you’re holding inside and you’re not saying how you feel you haven’t been discussing how you feel and it’s like all this energy is blocking up inside you what they’re saying here is Taurus in May it’s time to be as pure and as simple as you can be be honest with those around you don’t hold don’t hold that um heaviness that you feel inside you it’s like you you hold something inside you that you don’t feel that you can discuss because there may be repercussions or you’re worried about how someone reacts you need to be as pure with others as with yourself and it’s about you allowing yourself to tell others how you feel and what you think without being scared of actions of words it’s about you being as pure as you can and releasing any energy that’s blocked inside you that you carry with a heavy heart I don’t know who how many people this is going to resonate with but it’s like you’ve got to let go of this feeling or these words that need to come out and in May that’s what needs to happen trust that you are protected trust that the Universe your God’s mentors and your higher Creator is protecting you from anything that you may be afraid of the changes need to happen and I feel for someone here once you discuss what is heavy in your heart or in your soul that you’re going to feel more easy about yourself that you’re going to feel lighter like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders and allowing other people to understand where you’re coming from and what you have to say is going to be the best thing for you that’s going to be a change in itself trust that you’re protected here and boundaries look at that both of you both cards here are you hiding in a bubble it’s like you’re trying to defend yourself from someone or something here and you don’t feel like you can be yourself or say what you think of fear of of being hurt of fear of how the other person or or how the Situation’s going to play out but there’s a fear here and you it’s like you’re protect protecting yourself from outside forces you’re not being honest because of you’re scared of the repercussions that may take place does that make sense to anybody here in May that’s going to change you you’re going to find the strength you need within you once you dedicate yourself to your self love in May you’re going to have the courage and the strength to bring that up tell me if this resonates Taurus if you’re holding something inside that needs to be put out there what else have we got for Taurus please and I’m feeling this heavy weight on my shoulders it’s like something is really worrying

you what else have we got for Taurus

please Roach there’s going to be a huge change that comes in something is going to change in May it’s like this huge windfall a a huge um gust it’s like a gust of air it’s going to come through and clean things up for you it’s there’s a huge gust of air that’s going to come through for you to start new with this gust of air it’s going to give you a new outlook on life it’s going to give you it’s like it’s a breath of fresh air in May things change for you you go from carrying so many problems and worries and and dramas to being relieved of all of that there’s a new beginning here for you in May Taurus it’s either a new way of thinking a new way of feeling but something inside you is saying I need to change my circumstances because if I don’t I’m going to keep getting the

same home many of you are going to make some changes around the home part of your selflove is going to be about giving love to yourself but the also giving love to your surroundings making your your surroundings more comfortable more Pros profitable more prosperous it’s about for some of you you may decorate your home move things around have a different perspective on what you want to look at when you walk in the door look around the home and see what needs to be changed there’s a whole energy and vibration left here not only in yourself but around in your home so some of you may be dedicating yourself to refurbishing ing or even just realigning things in your home giving it a bit of Fenway lifting vibrational moving things around to give you that different

feel what else have we got for Taurus please navigation you’re being aligned here Taurus you’re being navigated to be as pure as you can possibly be I’m getting Goosebumps here right now it’s like someone is pushing you to be true and I don’t mean that you’re not true I mean that you will speak your truth whether that hurts somebody or not whether that has repercussions or not you’re going to find it in your heart that you need to be honest you need to be honest about the way you feel despite what others feel and think you need to be honest about the way you think despite the Judgment that comes from others you need to be able to be your true self in your true element this is going to allow you to navigate through your feelings through your words what exactly what it is that you want to let go of it’s part of the self-love this is you releasing all those all that worry all that anxiety all that those things that bottle up within us it’s like a volcano it’s like you’re going to purify your soul and your spirit the minute you explode and let people know deal with situations that need to be dealt with you’re going to be navigated to get that done in May

Detachment for some of you you may decide to go on a holiday on your own you may decide to move away from situations or people that no longer serve you you may decide to spend time alone in in at home and being in your own peace and and element allowing yourself to detach from everything and everyone to have the time to think about what’s important to you how do people make you feel how does certain situations make you feel what do you want to keep in your life after May what do you want to move away from who do you want to move away from Detachment is going to be a huge huge part of closing chapters that no longer serve you in May

what else do we have for Taurus please look at that that flew out Destiny all working towards where you’re destined to be what does your destiny look like who do you want in your life in the future where do you want to be in the future how do you want to live in the future where do you want to live live what do you want to what do you want to do live I got here big it’s like your you’re starting to think about do I want to live here for the rest of my life am I destined to be in this place or my destiny is no way going to be here I where I am

today Le came out twice there they repeated that twice

you’re going to look from up above look at that that’s an eagle there looking from up above saying what do I want to keep and what does my life look like in 2 years 3 years and in 5 years

time the essential this is what you’ve been feeling how you’ve been feeling what you’ve been thinking about and what you want to say what is it that you want to say what is it that you want for your life here in May you’re going to do a lot of soul searching you’re going to also do a lot of grounding you’re an earth sign Taurus you’re an earth sign along with Virgo and Capricorn and here you’re going to allow yourself to ground yourself spending time in nature grounding yourself taking your shoes off and walking along the grass feeling all that you can standing alongside a tree hugging that tree and releasing energy that doesn’t that you don’t want to carry anymore allowing yourself to to listen to the bird’s chirp to look at the the branches of trees to look at plants appreciating the beauty of grounding yourself in the most beautiful nature that we

have on the bottom it’s you feeling aligned by the end of May Taurus you will feel aligned you will be ready to conquer anything that comes your way you’ll be ready to start anything new that you want you would have done a lot of soul searching in May and aligned your chakras all one by one really understanding who you are where you’ve come from and where you want to go huge huge month of self self- understanding

here Taurus I hope that makes sense to somebody tell me if you feel like you need this time to do that because May promises to be a very very successful month in self-love self acknowledgment and self- belief lots of love and light your way thank you so much bye-bye


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