Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April 2024
FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here my name Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your a April forecast and we’re also here to ask you if you can feel the compassion to like the video below even if it doesn’t resonate with you because it gets shared out to millions of other tans that may need to get this message YouTube have changed the algorithm and now they’re not putting forward any videos that have got interaction with them so your generosity and good heart to share with other Tauruses that may need to hear this message would be highly appreciated for both them and for the channel so thank you in advance Taurus also just wanted to bring you a little bit of news we’ve gone into Saturn energy on the 20th of March Saturn came into 2024 and what it does it amplifies exactly what you’re putting out so if you’re putting out negativity you’re going to get twice as much as that if you’re vibrating positively then it gives you twice as much and pushes you forward so even in the hardest times of your life which I know is extremely hard to find a positive try and find one little positive at least to hang on to and understand that everything happens for a person purpose and a reason even if we can’t see it at the time if you can stand strong with that Saturn will push you forward and get you out of that however if you fall into that low vibration with hate pain and anxiety and despair you’re going to get more of that so please be super careful this year um and I hope that you can get through it today we’re going to start your um horoscope with some energy see the energy that’s coming for you in April going into the tarot and then we’re going to give you some advice at the end with the oracle cards let’s see what the universe wants to bring you remember if you don’t resonate with this release it to the universe and let it go check your moon and your ascendant sign okay what do we got for Taurus please energy for April for Taurus energy for April for Taurus please oh a little bit of agitation there Go the Distance Taurus Go the Distance someone else had this and I can’t remember who it was so check your moon and your ascendant sign because if you’ve got it twice then it’s absolutely For You Go the Distance don’t give up number four and seven that’s 11 which is a master number and what they’re saying is keep going don’t give up be the master of Your World you’ve come so far it’s it’s not time now to give up and let go go that distance whatever it is that you’re doing go that distance and believe believe you are so close to that Finish Line wishes dreams goals that you’ve implemented keep going a change in the wind look at that number one and two which is number 12 which is three it’s growth whatever it is that you’re doing you may not see the finish line right now you may think that you’re just working for nothing that you’re pushing yourself for nothing and you’re not seeing the results what they’re saying is here do not give up because this is going to bring you growth the challenges the obstacles that you’re facing right now is what’s going to make you grow you’re going to be such a stronger person for everything that you’ve been through or that you’re going through right now there’s going to be a change in the wind that changes things and I know you can’t see it right now Taurus but the universe is trying to say to you there’s going to be changes hang in there hang in
there tell me in the comments if this resonates so far because this is someone that is waiting for things to
change look at that the Crone and and on the back of that I had um I had you moving on moving on with as much as little as you had let’s see what the tarot brings if that’s those cards are meant to come out they’ll come out Taurus please what have we got oh for April emotions try and balance out your emotions if you can try and balance out those emotions when things get tough sit and meditate if you can to bring yourself back ground yourself in nature go for a walk and look around you there’s going to be something to be grateful for there are going to be emotions that are going be going to be up and down in in April but what they’re saying is it’s going to bring you a lot of balance in April you may have been going through a hard time and now in April you’re going to see that your emotions are get balanced out that you start to see why things happened the way that they did that you start to see how things worked out here there’s someone here in despair look at that it’s like now you’re in despair not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel but they said by April the end of April you’re going to feel a balance in your life you’re going to feel more connected with what’s happened and more understanding of the processes that took place you’re going to get out of this situation of despair of pain of Sorrow the changes that come through Taurus are to get you to understand and give you a better balance in your emotions look at that the nine of air which is you about to lose your mind not being able to see things for what they are you’re you’re not finding answers you’re not finding Solutions you’re you’re feeling like everything is out of place that you don’t know how you’re going to fix this and you don’t know how you’re going to get the answers or the solution for what you’re going
through they’re saying don’t give up don’t give up I know that some of you here are are about or thinking about giving up on a situation on a person or some there’s your victory card look at that Taurus what did I say to you there’s going to be a change and you’re going to hold the TR trophy that belongs to you this is you winning your battle this is you getting to the other side the other side of that tunnel you see the light now you understand you get what’s yours it is yours Taurus you’re the winner in this situation you are going to get what is yours and as much as what you’re going through or you’ve been through has been challenging in April you get results you get answers you get what is
yours you get that
job things are sorted out it’s like you’ve been through chaos look at that look at the power here Taurus the Crone no one messes with the Crone this Crone energy is powerful a status that you don’t mess with it’s a an energy of I am empowered I am not going to give up I need what is mine it is right that I have what is mine and I’m going to fight to the end Go the Distance remember Go the Distance fight until the end I don’t know what it is that you’re going through Taurus right now but whatever it is it’s saying fight till the
end you’re going to see things so much clearer when these changes take place and it’s changes that were unexpected something happens unexpectedly but it’s not a miracle it is meant to be it’s a purpose and a reason that these changes are
happening for everyone it’s going to be different I don’t know what you’re going through right now but this Taurus I’m connecting with is going to find themselves again again and not only find themselves they’re going to find their internal power and know how strong they are remember I said to you that whatever you’re going through now is going to bring you growth number one and two is growth everything you’re going through right now when this change happens you’re going to see that you’re a totally different person today than what you were two years ago 5 years ago not even to mention 10 years ago you’re wiser intelligent powerful and no one is going to mess with you because you’re not going to give
up the king of Earth look at that if this is a job don’t be surprised if a new job comes along you’ve got what it takes you may be dealing also with a Capricorn a Virgo or or a Taurus like yourself but I do feel that this person here is you you taking control of your assets your finan getting what you deserved after all the heartache and pain that you’ve been through I don’t know if people took things off you or if people robbed you of something or were trying to rob you of something that was yours and you couldn’t see a way of battling through this and you are sick and tired of this situation but in April you are in control you get what you need and what you deserve and what’s
yours it’s a turning of of the tables this change of wind is a turning of tables here it’s like there’s this loop hole that you find or you’re dealing with someone with a solicitor or someone that gives you information that sets you free look at that the three of Cups celebration setting yourself free from this anguish this pain this this you know at some stages you felt abandoned like what else can go wrong what what what else is going to happen I need to solve this issue and I don’t have anyone beside me that can help or shed some light on what I need to do next and and you about it’s like you were about to give up because you felt like you were losing your mind there was so many things going through your mind that you couldn’t think straight you couldn’t see straight but the minute this change happens you free yourself from this this situation that you just want buried you don’t want to deal with this anymore you want to forget this situation as quick as you possibly can it took a lot of mental energy physical energy it made you [Applause]
sick look at the win and the freedom look at this look how much passion energy enthusiasm excitement there is here Taurus look at that the victory card with setting yourself free I am finally free I am not giving
up don’t give up whatever it is there is beautiful times ahead in April Taurus so please don’t give up you need to somehow find this in you this energy this powerful energy inside you that says no way is anyone going to take me for a ride no way am I going to let people take what’s mine I’m going to fight until the end and I’m going to fight for my rights I don’t know what it is see people saw you as this little girl here look at that a lost little girl when in reality this is who you are so you need to go from that feeling lost in the middle of nowhere to gaining this power that’s not going to let anybody anybody mess with
you you’re going to gain this wisdom this internal power look at that someone’s going to give you a hand here I feel that someone here someone that you come across someone that’s going to help you through this situation you’re going to find someone with a heart of gold with a heart of gold with the the most beautiful heart in the world and and you’re going to have someone beside you helping you get through this situation giving you strength giving you courage giving you wisdom there is someone that here that’s going to help you and this person can be a Scorpio a pises or a cancer but someone is going to give you a hand and it could be someone that you have a lot of affection for or you will have a huge of admiration for look at that there were tough times there were indecisions you didn’t know which way to go some days you were ready to give up other days you had this huge passion within you but at the end Taurus Go the Distance that’s what they’re telling you go the distance no matter what day you’re having here keep going keep going cuz look at that Finish Line it is right there and when you get to that Finish Line there is only success and victory here for you that’s all there’s your there’s your your
trophy what a beautiful beautiful April Taurus be I don’t know who I’m connecting I hope I’m connecting with everybody here because this is a beautiful reading it’s someone that needs to hear this because at the moment it’s someone that’s suffering in a big way suffering mentally physically and they can’t see a way out of a situation it’s important that you like this video Taurus so it gets to the right place so the right person can hear that there is a Finish Line at the end of it relax relax look new moon in cancer relax and let things play out things are going to be okay Taurus seriously I know that many of you can’t see that right now but if just relax try to if you can there’s going to be an answer here for you reflect on your priorities what’s important to you Taurus reflect on what’s important on the things you you are grateful for on the people around you that you’re grateful for on what you you have focus on that try and focus on the positive of everything that you have and start being Greatful in advance for this Victory to come even though you haven’t seen this Victory or you haven’t received it yet say thank you to your higher Creator your mentors your gues your gues your angels and say thank you for helping me reach the end and win the situation even if you haven’t done that already because that’s just going to bring bring in more and focus on what is your priorities what are you grateful
for look at that are there going to be testing times to finish this off absolutely there’s going to be people you need to watch out for especially one person you need to watch out for cuz there’s a Scorpio here and Scorpios can can and I’m not saying there a Scorpio but this is an example of there’s someone in your life that can be dangerous or can try and jeopardize everything for you don’t allow it breathe through the tension don’t be scared don’t be fearful of what’s to come stand strong stand firm stand firm this is you and know that you’re going to be okay because when we when we stand firm and when we stand like we are going to conquer this at all cost then people back down and they start to see that you’re not messing with this little lost girl over here you’re messing with the Crone and the Crone is very
unpredictable how beautiful Taurus I hope you win this challenge which I know you will you just need to relax and let things happen be grateful for what you have in your life and breathe through any obstacles that to come your way just remember I’m going to win this and I’m going to go the distance and nobody is going to put fear into me so that I can give everything away or give up it’s not the time to give up lots of love and light Taurus thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)