Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for April

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 5 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 5 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what energy comes up for Taurus please energy for

Taurus first one time to go you’re leaving a place a situation a person person or something in your life that no no longer makes sense to you that’s the feeling I’ve God here it’s it’s I’ve had my time here I’ve lived what I had to live and now I I I pick change I want to leave this place I want to leave this person this relationship this this workplace this friend group that no longer make sense in my life where are you going going to this is a situation you’ve had enough of Taurus it’s like I’ve had enough of this situation I can’t do this anymore my life is very uncertain while I’m here Faith have faith what are we talking about here for Taurus what do they need to have faith with and time to go there’s someone here leaving where are you going Taurus what are you leaving behind what have you had enough of

what’s this for Taurus please where’s Taurus

going okay we’re going to do past present and and what’s coming out for you so let’s see what the past holds for you what was the past for Taurus please wow okay expl oh okay the tower chaos conflict your life turned upside [Music] down the past six of Cups and the five of Pentacles wow Taurus this is something that you’ve gone through that turned your life upside down it was something unexpected you didn’t expect this and I feel that it’s to do with someone from your past and this has left you very disillusioned very um abandoned you feel abandoned like no one was there for you this person or or this situation changed everything that you you once believed it’s like everything I thought I thought was right came to a total halt to show me that it was totally the opposite something that you’ve you’ve held on to or something that you’ve been through um that that brought in this huge amount of chaos and conflict turned your world upside down and I do feel it’s got something to do with your past or someone in your past and this has made you feel like you’re all alone you don’t know how how to make sense of this you you’re you’re you’re distraught to some point or you were distraught let’s see what have we got where where’s Taurus at at the moment where’s Taurus at at the moment tell me if this is you Taurus where are you at the moment what have we got for Taurus at the

moment king of

Pentacles two of cups

and the Three of Wands Taurus the person I’m speaking to here or the group of people I’m talking to here it’s like you’re involved with somebody who hugely disappointed you this person it could be a an earth sign which is Virgo Capricorn or um Taurus like yourself or this is you and and this person I I feel this is a person you’re dealing with but you had a very Financial secure life with this person or this could be you and for some reason that was all turned upside down it’s like someone either cheated you financially or tore your world apart by leaving which you couldn’t then afford to have everything that you had here I feel that it’s definitely to do with a partnership a friend or a or or a husband here and I feel here that you’re moving away from this situation you’ve had enough it’s time to go you’re not going to give this person or this situation a second chance it you’re done you’re finished you’re in a place of Financial Security to a certain point but you’re going to leave this situation behind because this tore you apart and I do feel here that it can for some people here it’s to do with finances someone cheated you of your finances someone asked for money and didn’t pay it back or someone borrowed money from you to to invest and that was the worst investment that they could have made it’s something to do with that but I feel here that you’re going to cut your losses your losses cuz you felt quite lost and you’re going to leave but have faith they’re saying have faith Taurus that when something like that happens to us we need to go through certain situations to see certain things that we couldn’t see before but I do feel you know what feeling I’ve got here that things are about to change and you can feel it too it’s like I may have gone through all of that where my life was turned upside down but now I feel that it’s about to turn like something good is going to come of it something good is going to happen and look that look at that this card came out of that deck while I was talking and that’s the Queen of Pentacles there is hugely hugely an energy here of abundance for you there’s something coming through for you with that mistake of financial success here I don’t know what it is that you’re going through whether you’re going through a court battle or you’re trying to reclaim money that was taken from you it could be that you know you were disillusioned by a husband or or a partner that did the wrong thing by your strength look at that you’re going to gain your strength back Taurus make no mistake you’re going to gain your strength back yeah and it’s to do with love look at that for someone here it’s you need that strength you need to give yourself that self-love you need to believe that you are who you are for a reason that everything that happened to you you you wore that you grasp that and although it was the most difficult time in your life you got through it so here they’re saying use that strength Taurus to rebuild yourself give yourself the love the care and the nurture that you give to others it’s now your time your time to prosper your time to smile again your time to come back in your own footsteps and understand that you are the important one here I don’t know what you’ve been through Taurus but it’s it hasn’t been anything that’s been a walk in the park look at that you lost a lot of nights woring and sleep you lost a lot of sleep you lost a lot of nights worrying about this situation trying to understand it trying to put pieces together trying to understand how you didn’t see this happen but that’s not your baggage to carry what you need to know is that anything that was done to you is not yours to carry anymore let whoever did this to you carry their own baggage because the universe and your guides and mentors have a way of providing you know karma karma comes back without a doubt and you remain positive as positive as you can possibly be don’t try and make sense of somebody else’s mistakes don’t try and make sense of somebody else’s um ill behavior let’s put ill so I don’t say anything else on YouTube that shouldn’t be said but let them deal with their flaws and their weaknesses because this is someone who was weak someone who prayed on the vulnerable prayed on someone who gave them everything and had everything given to them and yet they still did

wrong four of Pentacles you’re going to keep everything close to your chest from here on in it’s like you’re attached to something and they’re saying stay strong and be attached to recovering and getting yourself out of this there are things that are going to happen that are going to allow you to be that strong person you came here to be and to have for someone here you’re going to fight your own right you’re going to fight for what is yours you’re going to get back what they took off you or some of it for someone here seven of Swords not trusting anybody anymore and this comes back to the self love you’ve got you and at the end of the day Taurus the only person that’s going to stand beside you that’s going to stand with you 24/7 is you here you’re walking away from someone who meant a lot to you or you loved and you’re walking away from trusting people they’re saying here Taurus it’s time for self-love it’s time to understand that not everybody’s the same but you’ve been through a lot here and you may still need to go through a little bit more while this is sorting itself out I do feel that someone here may be going through a court case to sort this situation out and that’s why you’ve got lot of sleep hanging on hanging on to tight to your beliefs and walking away from someone you can’t trust anymore so I do feel here that there is a resolution and you may still have to attend a court case or attend something to sort this stuff out look at that the king of Wands on the bottom of it and the Knight of Pentacles and The Chariot you’re going to be able to move forward love you are you’re going to be able to move forward with certainty here of what’s yours is yours and here you may be dealing with it could be someone that’s helping you or the person on the other side could be a fire sign which is um Aries Leo or Sagittarius I’m not sure if you’re dealing with someone of those star signs but here it’s they’re going to either help you or they are the other person who you’re going to combat with to get what’s yours let’s see what else have we got for Place let’s see the Gypsy deck says they usually confirm what we’ve said already but let’s see if there’s anything else that we need to do have faith that everything’s going to be okay have faith and look at that the home your home is your your peace your home is your Tranquility for some of you you may be trying to save a home or you’re trying to sell your home to get what’s yours look at that someone here your fighting a battle with someone in regards to your home or something about your home here and they say don’t lose Faith keep going show them the strong person you are and don’t back down for one minute Taurus there’s a home involved

here you’re going to move forward without a doubt and look at that there’s the person there whether it’s a man or a woman it doesn’t matter but that they come in as a person you’re going to make your way to your future now you’re going to walk away from it in a very precise tranquil and peaceful way you may have had to go and battle with this person but I really do feel here Taurus that whatever this is whatever situation this is that you’re going to get what it is what’s yours and what you deserve I I feel that the Universe here your guides and mentors are working extremely hard at helping you rebuild what was taken away from you or what happened to you lots of love and light Taurus thank you so much bye-bye


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