Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 2 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and from psychics live.com.au we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so we’re going to start off with the energy with the angel cards then go into tarot and then we’re going to go into the angel cards at the end so let’s see what we have for you Taurus beautiful Taurus thank you you so much calling in my angels guides and mentors to help me for the message that you want me to pass on to Taurus for the best and highest good of themselves please I also ask for my protection with any energies that come through for the best and highest good of myself so let’s see the energies for Taurus please energies for Taurus opportunity Taurus a beautiful opportunity that’s going to present itself to you I don’t know if you’re waiting for this to come through but you are going to receive a beautiful opportunity in the next 7 to 14 days let’s see what this is about I’m excited so excited Taurus please what’s the other energy what’s the other energy that’s a beautiful card it’s like you’re you’ve for someone here you’ve been waiting for this call for this communication for this thing to happen in the near future look at that if you are in doubt whether you are going to get this job if you are in doubt whether you are going to achieve something then there it is the opportunity finds itself to you and it’s going to happen in the near future sooner than what you think let’s see what they’re saying here look at this choose a new Direction on the bottom so it’s like you’ve applied for a new job and new place or you’re moving to a new location or it’s something here that brings you a huge

opportunity what are you doing Taurus what part of your life are you changing because there’s change here and this huge opportunity I feel like it’s it’s long waited for here what are we talking about for Taurus okay yep patience I know that you’re at the end of your patience for some of you you’re starting to think that it’s never going to happen for some of you you’re debating whether you even have hope for this anymore and they’re saying stay stay with that hope stay with that light with that beautiful vibration of ready to

accept there’s someone here that needs to hear this message I feel that you’re at a point of Despair and and anxious whether this is ever going to happen look at that the Five of Cups there’s the anxiety there’s the maybe this is never going to happen maybe I’m not meant to find this person or this place or this job you starting to doubt whether this is ever going to be

possible this could be an opportunity for a new love a new job look at this the 10 of Swords it’s like your you have either left somewhere already that absolutely took a lot of mental energy from you or you are heading in a New Direction you want to leave a place that is that is leaving you in anxiety in in pressure in sadness in emptiness you you want to leave this place that you’re at but you want this new location this new opportunity to present itself it’s like you’re leaving a job here that you have no nothing there anymore the people the job itself it’s not fulfilling it’s making you sad you you hate go going to work every day and you’re waiting for a new opportunity to come in so that you can leave this job you’ve applied for jobs and now you’re waiting for answers and they’re saying have faith be be patient and have faith what’s meant for you is going to come look at that ace of cups this could also be a relationship this could also be someone that you’re waiting on to call you someone you’ve met someone that you have wanted or you really like this person there’s a definite passion here and admiration and respect for this person and you’re waiting waiting for this person to call you whatever situation you’re in it’s going to be great for your heart it’s like your heart is going to sing of Happiness a new beginning with something or someone who I can call my own and love it may be a job that you’ve always

wanted everyone’s on a different Journey so it may be something different for each one of you look at this the tower the tower comes into our lives when what we’re going through is not good for us but we’re not ready to make a change so here I feel that you are throwing in this Tower it’s like I am putting an end to this rubbish I don’t want to be part of this place with these people I don’t want to be part of where I am right now I need to find my light and I’m not staying here I’m going to throw it Tower and I don’t I don’t care what my you’re at the point where you have no admiration or respect for the P person people or or place that you’re leaving that you don’t care at the moment how that’s going to impact them with you leaving it’s like I’ve had enough and I need to make this

change the temperance I need my rest I need my peace and I need my Tranquility I am waiting anticipating I am waiting with holding my breath for this thing because I need to rest in peace I just want to know that I’ve got this job and I can then rest my mind my soul and my

spirit the F this fell upside down I’m going to take it upside down the Five of Cups upside down this opportunity is going to take you away from a place that abandoned you never realized how good you were never appreciated you all they did was give you little bits they never paid you or looked at you or appreciated you the way it should have been the way you gave yourself to to them is not what you received and the more you gave them the little you got back you’re freeing yourself from a place that made you feel empty feel alone feel

betrayed you’re moving away from this place now to find your

opportunity this you know for some someone here you are so disappointed with this place that you’re leaving these people you’re leaving behind it could even be a person but I feel more like it’s a job it’s something to do it could be a relationship it can you’re leaving a relationship behind that just tore you apart you’re leaving a place behind and people behind that just disappointed you didn’t give you the credit you

deserved what are you leaving behind Taurus let me know in the comments what is it that you’re leaving behind it’s like you’re waiting for an opportunity to make this move you’re going to make a move here that’s what I feel I feel like you’re making a move as soon as this opportunity presents itself look at that you know for somebody here there’s two cases here for someone here if it’s a relationship you have found out that your partner may be having an affair it’s not for everybody but this person this Taurus I’m talking to right now has found out already it’s not like you have to find out no you know you are part of a threepers relationship and you want out you you’re waiting for something to come through so you can get out of here for someone else you’re going to celebrate an occasion that you’ve so been waiting for if this is an opportunity of a career you will be wait you will be celebrating celebrating with your

heartfelt happiness of having found something for someone else make no mistake this is you getting out of a relationship that left you abandoned left you in despair left you in in a a place of

loneliness we may have two cases here one it’s a job that you’re you’re dying to move to and the other one is a relationship that you’re moving away from which one’s your story Taurus tell me and and you found out you have only recently found out about this deception you’ve only recently found out about this

deception for those of you that’s a

relationship you’re going to you’re going to move away from this look at that this could be something from the past what you’re going to or what you’re moving away from may be some something or someone from the past

here there’s a past here there’s a story of a past it’s like you’re leaving your past behind you’re leaving what you know

behind you’re leaving this past

behind it no longer it no longer fits for someone here it’s a team remember I said about work you’re leaving a group of people behind for others it’s you leaving a relationship behind do you see how these two cards came out there are two circumstances here Taurus one is work the other is a relationship either way you have been waiting to get out of here there is not a day that doesn’t go by that you don’t think I need this to stop I need to walk away from here but it’s like you’re waiting for an opportunity you’re waiting for something to come through before you can make this move there’s something that’s still holding you here whether it be finances if it’s a job you’re you’re holding on to this job just until the new one comes along or here you’re waiting for some information or something to happen before you walk out of this relationship I don’t know what it is that you’re waiting on but someone is waiting on something here and they’re saying it’s going to happen but whatever whichever way you’re walking away to find your truth and your

light what’s the two angels we’re sending Taurus tell me about the two angels we’re sending Taurus now in this

situation power

Taurus I’ve got something in my throat which means that you may be feeling like you can’t speak right now there’s something your holding inside that you can’t verbalize now it’s like I can’t I can’t say what’s going on I can’t say how I’m truly feeling I need to be patient here here they’re sending you the angel of power you’ve got the power to change your destiny you’ve got the power to change whatever it is that has caused you this huge amount of turmoil in your life your internal power is stronger than what you think now is the time for you to find that internal power and go with all your Force to find what belongs to you what awaits you the internal power is huge and you’re going to have help with that you’ve got guides and mentors and Angels here that are going to help you find your power angel of learning look at that whatever situation this may be Taurus this is the angel of learning it’s the angel that says to you you know what Taurus you’ve been through a lot you have been through a situation that we wouldn’t wish upon our own enemy but but with a capital Buu you have learned a lot you are not the person today that you were you’ve gained this knowledge which has given you the power to now make choices on your own for yourself for your future things don’t happen by mistake for some of you you lost yourself in this job in this relationship and now that this has happened you have something has happened here that’s made you realize that you don’t have to put up with this rubbish anymore you don’t have to put up with not being the one you have internal power that is going to be in its highest element in the next few days to get you out of this situation and take your learnings but don’t take the toxic baggage leave that where it belongs in that place or with that

person angel of procrastination the you’ve been procrastinating making this move for someone here you’ve been procrastinating should I go or should I stay and the agent angel of procrastination is going to get you out of here you’re going to have the courage you need to make your move no more procrastinating no more wh ifs no more Mayes it’s now or never it’s now Taurus this to the tarot only comes to tell us what you’re going through and the messages that come through are used to

eliminate anything that in your life that shouldn’t be there and your guides and mentors are giving you that message giving you that courage to move on however at the end of the day the choice this is going to be yours and only yours no one can make you do anything it’s free will and that you need to make a decision lots of love Taurus thank you



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