Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for March 2024

by | Mar 30, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for March 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-forecast-february-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings Live and today we’re here to bring you your horoscope for March 2024 so let’s see what we have for Taurus please energies for Taurus please thank you wow I just got that for Gemini and I’ve mixed it and mixed it surround yourself with protective energies let’s see what else it’s like you’ve got to protect yourself from negativity in March Taurus protect yourself from negative energies protect yourself from

negativity dream and journey look at

that they’ve given me two and it all makes sense but let me just see one more energy please there you go release the old and rest there you go things that no longer serve you in March Taurus need to be put to bed so people that are negative around you and don’t fit the way you think and feel today you need to walk away from those people with that NE with that energy you need to walk away from things that no longer make you happy you need to walk away from things that suck your energy you need to walk away from situations and people that don’t give you peace and

Tranquility the old needs to stay behind you for the new to come to come towards

you I’ve got here a different energy than what I had with Gemini so it’s a different different way that’s come out but it’s like you’ve got people from your past or you’re doing or you’re dealing with situations that has have tested you and no longer fit into your life today they don’t think the same way anymore they don’t you can’t see either eye with these people or or feel that this situation belongs to you anymore this job this group of people these friends seven of Gabriel

I’m going to take all the cards out and we’ll go Ace of Raphael yeah okay that makes sense the world absolutely there it is eight of Gabriel

wow the the Emperor of course and the Knight of

Ariel and underneath we’ve got the nine of Gabriel Taurus this is something here that you need to stand up for what you want in your life and you need to stand up because this is like the seven of Gabriel is the seven of Wands and the eight of Gabriels eight of Wands what we’ve got here is you need to stand your ground in a particular belief that you have and your opinion will not be someone else’s but it doesn’t mean that yours is wrong so you may find that in March there is either a debate or something that comes up a situation that takes place that you’ve got every right to think a different way you’ve got every right to see things in a different light you’ve got every right to want something different to somebody body else because how boring would life be if we were all the same however here I feel that you’ll be put up against someone that is one negative but is trying to convince you to not have an opinion and think the way that they do do what they want you to do and you’re going to it’s going to require you to stand your ground and say no that’s not the way I see it that’s not what I want that’s not how I believe in it and I do feel here that you’re going to be able to make your statement here with this person because if you don’t they’re going to Forever try and overtake what you think how you feel and the way you approach things so here this person may be release the old and then rest it’s not your problem that they don’t see what you see it’s not your problem that they’ve got a strong opinion and you don’t agree with

it you’re entitled to your opinion you’re entitled to think

differently here we’ve also got for someone that’s looking for work get ready because there is um there is and someone that’s looking for a relationship as well there is a you may meet someone at work or you may find this beautiful new person this person is going to be very sure of who they are they’re going to be determined they’re going to be um very grounded very real very sure of who they are and this may be the person that you need to stand your ground with your beliefs your opinion and your

upbringing so you may meet someone who is a bit of an entrepreneur that knows a lot or they think they do that but they come in good light that’s the thing this person may be very sure of who they are but they come in good light for someone else here if you’ve applied for a job you are going to receive a job offer here and it’s not going to be a a small job offer I don’t feel that it’s small tourist I feel here that it’s something that puts you in charge of a certain area a certain section and a certain group of people it’s a it’s a job that’s going to pay you well it’s a new beginning and it’s a new job that or a new promotion even it’s a promotion that will give you more financial abundance but more responsibility will come with that Financial Financial abundance so I do feel here that for someone here you’re about to take on a role of more importance of more stature and something that’s going to bring in more money but at the same time require you to give more of yourself I also have here that you’re going to um there may be a situation here where you have ended a relationship and it’s taken you time to really wind that up how you felt about it how you felt about how you felt about it how you approached it you’ve dealt with all that went on and it’s come to the end now where you know that you know you so know that you don’t want that person back but you’re also comfortable with what happened you now understand why things took the took place the way that they did and in comes a prince charming here so you may be at the end of a cycle where you’re ready to date now and as you’re ready to date you meet Prince Charming someone who is understanding someone who is trustworthy someone who is devoted but they’re also funny someone who’s got your best interest at heart someone that’s going to show you adventures in life but also look after you and nurture you and care for you that Prince Charming that you asked for for some of you here you may have lost faith in love you may have thought that you were never going to meet meet that special somebody but now a very happy ending to that thought of never being able to meet someone else again you will meet Prince Charming here and you’re Mee him at a good time a time where you’ve grown from past experiences a time where you are now ready to develop a new friendship a new relationship a new love with your wall coming down with your acceptance of what’s happened in the past and leaving that there here it’s saying to me Taurus that whatever situation you’re in whether this be in the career aspect or the relationship in March just stay determined stay determined and don’t let other people’s judgments or words or actions deter you from getting what you deserve getting what’s yours even if people don’t agree with it even if there’s gossip behind you who cares at the end of the day you live your life your way you don’t leave somebody else’s life and they don’t live yours so it may be hard to swallow what gets heard and what gets said by others but you’ve got to understand this is my life my choice choices and my way you now realize that anything in anyone that no longer serves you or no longer sees wants to see you happy or has your best interested heart needs to leave your life by you walking away from it you walking away from that group of friends you walking away from that negative relative you walking away from that negative circle of people walking away from that negative

job it’s your time now Taurus your time to shine and protect yourself and surround yourself with positivity with people that are happy for you people that want the best for you look at that Unleash Your kindest self even if you’re getting un even if you’re getting the opposite give people kindness doesn’t matter what they give you in return that’s their baggage always look at situations kindly look at people kindly even if they’re not kind to you they’ll have to answer for those not you be the best that you can be even if you don’t get the best back just know that that’s not your problem take a breather it’s take time take time out especially those that are starting a new job are getting that promotion um that’s going to require more hours more time and those that are starting a new Rel relationship take time out to enjoy life take time out before you know you get involved with this person or in this job it’s important that you take time out by yourself with yourself

and think it through if you’re uncertain about anything just think it through but think it through and release anything that no longer serves you release any situation even though you give it thought and it might upset you in some cases but it’s okay come to terms that not everybody is meant to grow with you at the same rate that you do

Taurus I hope that that’s made sense to somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much



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