Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for January 2024

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024

FREE Monthly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-reading-for-december/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com for those of you that don’t know me today we’re going to do your January forecast for 2024 so we’re going to start off with Archangel Michael who’s my beautiful favorite Archangel then straight into two tarot and lastly but not least the moon um cards to give you some sort of insight into the finish of your reading okay Taurus I just want to let everybody know that I am totally booked for readings up until the March the 17th so today is not going to be a long reading it’s not going to be the round table reading that I usually do for the month because I really just don’t have the time and I didn’t want to leave you with no reading for January so I have got two two appointments open for um January but as of March the up until March the 17th zero I totally booked out up until then CU everyone comes in past and present clients wanting to know their 2024 forecasts okay let’s see what we’ve got if you want to book any appointments please go on to www.ar readings live.com or go on to our Australian web website which is psychics live.com.au and there we’ve got some fine numbers as well that you can have all right let’s go what have we got for Taurus please energy for Taurus no that’s too many how much information do you want to know Taurus some of you wanting to know something in particular or more than one thing at that cuz that was quite tense and I’m getting tired in the arms so it’s like some of them you some of you are tired have no fear yeah some of you are tired fear is a trap of ego allow me to use my sword of light to free you from the distinct the dis quietening feelings holding you back what are you scared about Taurus you know I said I had really tight arms when I was doing this and it’s like someone is tense here there are some tense situations taking place what are you fearing there’s someone here fearing something

and it’s all about the ego they’re saying like sometimes our own mind could can be our our worst enemy making us scared of things scared of changes scared of situations that we really don’t need to be scared of another no no one one card please one

card embrace the magical moments you are in the perfect energetic space for manifesting miracles allow your wishes to be fulfilled so this is all an illusion the fear you feel is all an illusion that you’re feeling it’s it’s a fear of what if it’s not actually that Something’s Happened already it’s you’re fearful of something happening you’re fearful of somebody and they’re saying embrace the magical moments lose that fear that you’ve got within you for others it’s you wishing for something to come your way and now is the time for you to manifest ask for the universe to give you what it is pray ask meditate do what you need to do if you’re wanting something different and you want something different to start in January now’s the time to start

manifesting and someone else here is fearing a change there’s definitely a change coming through and that is scaring you that change you’re not certain about what that change is going to bring where you’re going to go what how that’s all going to work in with what you want tell me if that’s

you Taurus please

desire there’s a certain desire here Taurus and you’re either afraid to voice your desire or follow the path to your

desire there’s definitely something here that’s scaring you but deep down in your heart and your soul you know what you

want and for some it’s not what you’re living right

now but you’re scared to change you’re scared it’s like you’re not happy where you are right now but you’re saying better be where I am than to move and not know what I’m going to does that make sense for somebody

here the nine of air you are losing your mind over this change or this fear it’s making you not even think straight anymore Taurus you’ve got this fear that you’re not even seeing things clearly anymore your whole mind is boggled by fear uncertainty

indecision does that make sense for somebody here it’s like you desire to do something you’re just not sure one how to do it or you’re not sure if you want to do it because you’re scared of the consequences the mother the mother this may have to do with your mother the fear either one you don’t want to leave your mother behind to follow your desire or two your mother may have made you feel guilty about

something but something here about mother

Taurus it’s like or or it could be they’re saying she’s pregnant the mother is like the empress in the tarot normal tarot and it’s saying it’s something that you want to create in January or put forward but you’re worried that that’s not going that it may not work your idea may not work your sacrifice may not work your investment might not

work you’re putting yourself through fear you’re self- sabotaging your

ideas you’re worried that you’ll get wrong it’s like here you’re worried that someone’s going to trick you or that it’s not going to work out that you’ve been lied to you’ve been promised the world and you’re worried that it’s not going to work

out it’s like your you know what it’s like here it’s like someone here is taking a risk but the risk is quite big it’s not a small risk if I do it and it doesn’t work I’ll lose I’ve got a lot to lose but if I do it and it works I’ve got a lot to gain it’s like you’re playing poker with this

decision so this explains the fear and the Magical moment it’s like I want to take the risk because if it works it will be fantastic but I am petrified if it doesn’t

tell me if this makes sense to somebody here the father wow you’ve got a couple here there’s a mother and a father here this may be a family risk that you’re both taking cuz I’ve got the mother on one side the father on the other and the risk taker in the middle this could be a couple here that are that are talking about starting a new business a new project investing in a new investment buying a new home something but you’re just not sure you’ve got a huge fear in regards to this purchase to this financial investment to this new idea this business idea and it’s you’re losing a lot of sleep in this process

the six of water you just want to be in peace and Tranquility you just want to be loved and love you just want to live and love life that’s all you want for someone here it’s like you’re being guided to make this decision that you’re so unsure about all you want is peace and Tranquility to find the meaning to life without

worry tell me if this is you Taurus this my only be for one person check your moon and your ascendant sign if it doesn’t make sense but someone here is being asked or invited to make a decision or to to make a sacrifice or to make an

investment but you’re not sure if you want to play poker you’re not sure if you want to take the

risk your desire to just stay

put your desire to just be still and where you

are that being messed with is making you lose sleep you’ve got certain desires

too but you’re not you’re not willing to take this big risk it’s like a big a

risk you’re going to have to speak up Taurus it’s asking you for you to speak up tell someone how you feel tell someone about this situation or how you truly feel because your head’s going to explode if you don’t have your


it could be a good investment because Archangel Michael is saying here allow me to use my sword of light to free you from the disquieting feelings holding you back so it could be something and then they’re saying embrace the magical moments it could be a good buy a good investment a good project a good career but you’re scared the four of cups you’ve been disappointed in the past with different options or different opportunities or different encouragements and offers and and that were offered to you there were empty promises but now the universe is saying you know what this could be the one that changes this creation this invention this Prospect this possibility could just be the one

it may just work

Taurus you’re having a hard time transforming from what you know to the new you want a better life you want to take risks but it’s scaring you to let go of what you

know it’s like you want to buy a new house but what if someone loses their job or what if you can’t pay the mortgage it’s a risk everything is a

risk it could be very transformative however you’re worried what if what if

and that’s you you just don’t know what to do and I feel here that this could be with a partner this could be with a

partner for someone else here Taurus it could be that you’ve met somebody but you’re worried that they’re going to trick you just like you’ve been tricked in the past with false promises

you desire a new relationship you desire to be in a relationship and have love and give love but you’re scared to involve yourself because of what’s happened in the past this could be so a relationship yes it could be an investment

yes look at this this look at this Taurus you’ve got what it takes to create your tranquility and your peace you just need to believe in who you are you’ve got all the elements you need you’ve got the intelligence you’ve got the skill the knowhow the determination to find your love and your peace it’s now up to you you whether you invest in that business career opportunity

relationship what do you want

Taurus losing the fear is going to be your first and embracing the magical moments that come your

way have no fear embrace the magical

moment anyone that has found their beautiful partner took a risk because you just don’t know if it’s going to work or not anyone that got themselves into business or bought a new house has always taken risks it’s whether you want to or not Taurus and no one can tell you otherwise this is just an indication of what’s going on but what you decide is totally totally up to you you need to do what’s right for

you if you feel that you want to go into this beautiful new relationship in this opportunity of a lifetime into this purchase that’s going to change your life the universe is saying go for it but you need to feel totally comfortable with that idea no one can force you to do anything Taurus only you

know see the bigger picture see the bigger picture have a plan A and A Plan B if plan a doesn’t work can you live with Plan

B and on the bottom open up to change isn’t that bizar how these cards all talk to one another open up to

change Taurus I can only tell you what the cards have said your decision is totally your decision and no one can make you do anything but in January it’s going to be very prominent here very prominent that this is going to be a situation that May Scare You but what what you do with it is going to be up to you lots of love and light hope this makes sense for somebody here thank you so much

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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