Taurus Horoscope by Marie Rose | May 26 2023

by | May 26, 2023 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope for May 26 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi Taurus thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your reading for the next seven to four then days my name’s Marie Rose from tarotreadingslive.com and also look out for the new stars for June that are going to come out um next week so let’s go what have we got for Taurus Universe oh action Taurus you’re on the move power and strength one and seven is eight which is power and strength and you’re in action what are you actioning there Taurus when we have action it’s either you need to action something that is bothering you or you need to take action with someone in your circle um of you in your love life or in your family some action here is being called for what is it that the universe is calling you to action in the next seven to 14 days one more card please what is it that you want not too many too many sorry too many one more card for Taurus please thank you doors to personal healing and happiness

doors to personal healing and happiness Taurus that’s calling for you to action anything that’s not allowing you to be happy or to heal something in Taurus’s life or some Taurus’s lives are a burden at the moment within and that could be that they are a burden in day-to-day living or it’s something that you’re not happy with something that is bothering you in your day-to-day living that is not making you happy it’s time that you action what it is here the universe is calling you to attention to action anything that is not right he’s saying I am opening the doors to your personal healing and happiness so for some Taurus here you are actually in either pain sorrow grief sadness or some type of emotion or going through some anxiety that needs to be healed so that you can be happy again and the Little White Dove there is the dove of Peace bringing you peace Taurus and the rainbow showing you the light bringing you peace so you have peace in your life again so that that tells me here um that there are Tauruses here that need this Dove of Peace in their life right now number three and four is seven which is don’t give up don’t give up Taurus

and your being called to action don’t give up and put plans into place put plants into a place that’s going to change your situation you know what you need to do now they’re showing you the they’re showing you sorry the um the doors to healing and happiness tourist place thanks nine of cups you can be happy again and find the pleasures in life if you just allow yourself to action what it is that’s not making you feel this way this is what you could have Taurus but the way a lot of Tauruses are feeling right now is not that way at all

for other Tauruses for other Tauruses you are going to find peace within if you’ve got past the stage of actioning the things that were not right in your life or the the how other people made you feel then now you’re at this stage everyone is at a different time in their Journey so for some taureans you are going to find the door of personal growth healing and happiness and this is you enjoying everything that you’ve put into place this is a person here that’s gone reassessed everything in their life and has taken out everything that no longer served them whether it be people or situations in their life that no longer serve them

[Applause] for others of you you’re still in this position in the position of loneliness feeling alone feeling distraught you can’t find answers but what you’re not realizing Taurus is here is a key and there’s the door all you have to do is put your head up find that key and put that into the door and get inside into the warmth not out in the cold like you feel right now so there is a solution to your situation it’s about you finding what you need to find to be able to find that warmth again

putting things into action to change your situation

so we’ve got two groups here absolutely for some of you you’re going to find your Victory you’re going to find that happiness that you’ve been looking for you’re going to find that love in your life that’s going to bring you peace happiness and tranquility you’re going to find that beautiful job you’ve always wanted to do you’re going to find so many meanings to so many things that you wanted to do you found your your purpose in life for some of you you have found your purpose in life

the victory is there for you to take for others you’ve got a lot of work to do still but until you action what it is that’s that’s making you feel this way

you’re always going to be in that position if you don’t action anything I think sometimes sometimes we get into a rant and we just think we’ll just play it out and see how it how it works out but here they say no you need to put you need to put plans into action to get yourself out of here the universe can’t give you things in your lap you need to get up dust yourself off and do what it is that you need to do they can guide you they can show you ways and things can happen around you that can make life easier but they can as they help you through it but they can’t make you get up

the world for some people a cycle comes to an end this cycle once you’ve actioned it comes to an end it’s all about the action Taurus for this group here for this group of tourists that I’m speaking to you need to action what it is that’s not working in your life get yourself up from there and complete that cycle get rid of it because it no longer serves you obviously

take that leap of faith look at that enough with the fighting look at that walk away look at those three cards in the bottom of the deck

that are out in the cold at the moment with a situation that is tormenting them you need to take action you need to take that leap of faith and not worry about what people are going to say how you’re going to be judged and how things are going to work out it can’t get any worse than being out in the cold on your own you need to put things into action there’s been too many arguments and too many fighting it’s time to walk away in many cases you will walk away and the minute you walk away from that circumstance that has really pulled you down is the time that you’re going to find the Victory and the completion of a cycle that tore you apart you need to complete it before you can find your victory

take that full approach taurus take that full approach you need to just go out there and throw it all to the wind and so that’s it I need to do this for myself because if I don’t it’s not going to get any better for others you’re already enjoying the luxury of life and for that enjoy because you so deserve it after being through such a hard time

what else have we got for tourist Place universe thank you the ace of cups the new beginnings you’ll find new loves in your life new new interests in your life new expectations you’ll heal you’ll find the security you’re looking for for others you may be scared to get out of this position but it can’t get any worse than what it is okay so here we’ve got the Justice card and with the Justice card it’s legal situation or document so here when we’ve got or it could be that the Justice comes in so it says you need to be just with yourself you need to take the correct actions in order for you to get the victory that you want in your life so finding the Justice in in what it is that you’re looking for is going to be so important

being just with yourself just with yourself so ten of swords that ten of swords that is Rock Bottom Taurus that is that situation here you are you’ve hit rock bottom you’re feeling it you’re lonely you’re sad you can’t see a way out of this situation you don’t know how you’re going to action this or how you’re going to find your way out but they’re saying just take time to understand that only you can change the circumstance that you’re in only you can make the changes because once you make that change in your action the the thing or the things in your life that are really draining you that’s the only time you’re going to find your complete happiness the devil the fear of making those choices the fear of putting plans into place some of you are scared of what the outcome may be some of you are scared that you’ll be out on your own um or you don’t know how you’re going to get away from this situation the Queen of Pentacles you’ve got a beautiful thing waiting for you you’ve got the star of an eternity there and the duel which means that you’ve got a lot going for you if you just take the time to make those choices and take those actions there you go you’ve got what it takes you’ve got all the elements the knowledge and the and everything that you need the magician is all about you being absolutely the right person to make the right choices only you can make the choices you need to you’ve got everything you need to do that you’ve got the knowledge the determination you’ve got all the elements working for you you just need to take the first step Taurus to get you out of that situation let’s see what what angel that the universe is going to send you to help you with this situation for others of you well done and you’ve found the love and you’ve found your personal happiness again um but you did go through a hard time

look at this look at this the angel of past issues letting go of the issues from your past letting go making the change two and three is five which is changed angel of past issues means let’s get rid of everything that no longer serve you let’s get rid of the past that only brings you turmoil and unhappiness let’s get rid of things that don’t work out for you anymore this angel of past issues is going to help you have the strength and the power to stand up for yourself and make it work

tell me in the comments is this you that needs this angel angel of encouragement look at that not only the universe is not silly far from it the angel of past issues and the angel of encouragement the universe encouraging you to clear out the old so you are able to enjoy the beauty that lays ahead and they’re going to encourage you to do this they’re going to give you strength and power within but they can’t get you up the only person that can get yourself up is you they’ve given you the key they’ve given you the key to that door of happiness it’s about you now getting up and finding your key to happiness

Taurus I hope that’s helped some people that needed to hear that lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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