Taurus Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Taurus. This week’s Taurus Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Taurus Horoscope can also be viewed here https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-by-marie-rose-june-4-2023/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for coming here today and my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days remember if it doesn’t resonate that you visit your moon and your ascendant sign let’s see what main energy comes up for Taurus thank you the call Taurus there is a call here for you to be as true as you possibly can with who you are number two and zero is decisions there’s a call here for you to make decisions something that’s bothering you right now or something that doesn’t seem right is asking you to make the call that’s right for you the call that you’ve always wanted to make and here it’s saying through these decisions you’ve got to make that call it’s asking you to be um true but also make call that’s going to be right for you not what suits others but what Suits You let’s find out what that’s all about what call is it what sort of call is going on here
what message from Archangel Michael do we have for Taurus please Archangel Michael please thank you what would you like Taurus to know today thank you so much change is coming I am here to guide you through this exciting transformation this is a time of joyous opportunities Taurus you are going to have the chance here to make change in your life you are going to have a chance here to transform something that you’ve wanted to change in your life for quite some time there’s a calling here for you to make the decision that’s right for you I did feel that as soon as I put that card down that whatever you decide needs to be a decision that is right for you be true to who you are and there is change coming so adhere to the call and make that change for some Tauruses here I feel that you’re a little bit scared to make a change you like to know where you’re going you like to have certainty of where you’re going and some of you it it is scary to think that you need to make a decision that may alter that that may alter the stability that you’re in right now what have we got for Taurus or plays very sharp new ideas new ideas that you may be having Taurus that you need to put into practice if you ever felt that you had Grand ideas that you never felt that you could put into place now is the time the sword is about truth being true to who you are and to what you believe in making the change that is right for you making the change that’s going to count
there’s a calling now for you to do what you want to do
and the Queen of Wands the queen of all she is the queen that knows what she wants this could be a male or a female it’s an energy it’s an energy that’s very strong and knows what they want in their life wants to make a move that’s going to take them forward they’re not going to look back and the decisions that they make are going to be Concrete in their life when they make a decision to do something then that is it and there’s only one way and that’s forward so I feel Taurus that you have had some Grand ideas here that you’ve wanted to put into place and for some reason in the past you haven’t been able to do that or you haven’t had the courage to do that however I feel that with this call that you’re going to receive within yourself your soul is going to call for you to do what it is that you want to do make that change that you want to make and be true to who you are this could be a change in home you could move to another location this could be a change in your career it could also be a change in your relationship something that’s not right right now that’s been calling for this change the nine of swords for some of you here you have sacrificed a lot you have been at your bottom you’ve been in places and with people that only dragged you down you’ve done things that you don’t necessarily like and you’ve done them because you you felt you had to do them to put food on the table or to please others and you never spoke your truth you always remain calm and you remained in a a very idle position not going forward and not going back but things are now going to change Taurus there’s no more position like that for you you’re not going to be in a place of Despair and disagreement within yourself and the internal battle that you go through you’re going to take truth in the new ideas that you have and the new way that you want to leave
the Knight of Pentacles here we are the Knight of Pentacles brings you an about a to a new place new ideas that are coming through a new job opportunity a new project a new business and a new promotion something that’s going to be grand for you that you’ve always wanted to do or you felt that you deserved that
there are definitely new ideas coming here and there is a calling for you to make that change it’s do not be afraid to make that change it’s time Taurus for many Tauruses here you’ve been procrastinating or you’ve been putting it off and now the calling says it’s time to move here we have the king of cups for some of you here you have got a loving partner or a loving person beside you or you will meet a masculine energy that comes in good faith that comes to offer you the love and support that you need for this new change you are going to be supported by this masculine energy and I feel here that you may be dealing with someone in Pisces cancer or Scorpio but that is very strong here so you may be dealing with someone that comes to help you through this process this may be the new boss that you attain through the new opportunity that comes forward
or the new associate you may be getting a new associate in your life look at that that’s the Ace of Wands there is only one way forward here Taurus and that is you are moving forward there is no backward step for you here you’re answering the call of what you want to do there may be for some of you here there may be a promotion you may have at one stage been without a job however there is that calling here from this person of this masculine energy here that holds exactly what it is that you want or exactly what it is that you love and they will give you this they’re here to present you with an opportunity of a lifetime and here that calling is coming from the from the universe to you you have asked for this in the past now the calling is there change is coming and it’s up to you to make that move
a lot of thinking processes you’ve been through some rough rough periods Taurus for the tourists I’m communicating here with or I’m connecting with the group you’ve been through some tough decisions you’ve had to make you’ve been through some battles and you felt like you were wrong done by in other circumstances now that all changes now you speak your truth you go to the new and you leave the old behind I feel this may be some Tauruses that were having a hard time at work either getting bullied at work or not getting paid enough but something here tells me that you um for this Taurus in particular there is a new job coming and you’re going to leave the old that’s just upset you in the past Five of Swords you had to battle to get what you wanted in the past you’ve had to battle and go through it all to the point where it actually started affecting you mentally and and when you think about something so much you end up paying for it in your health and your body starts to show what your mind is thinking I feel that here there’s been quite a few Tauruses that now are going to stand up for who they are now they’re going to leave that past behind and go forward with only one direction and this may be in a relationship as well for some taureans here you may have dealt with a partner who was either obsessive with you a manipulator or even a narcissist made you feel that you weren’t good enough made you feel like you uh were never up to their standard and that’s how you felt by their words and their actions and now you make the call you say enough of that I’m not going to be treated like that anymore and made feel like I don’t belong like I don’t have worth someone he took your power away from you Taurus and now you’re gaining that power back you’re walking away from this narcissist and this manipulator you you have put your sword up and said enough is enough this is where I take control of my own life now foreign
oops now too much energy too much energy but look at this I have to show you these three cards they came out for a reason the strength card the nine of Wands and the six of Wands look at that there is a lot of Wands Happening Here Taurus you are moving forward without certainty and you may have the fire sign here you may have someone in Aries Leo or Sagittarius that it’s helping you through this process so that is Leo Aries or Sagittarius helping you through this process or you have those signs very strongly in your chart but here you’ve gone through the hard times they knocked you down and you still got up after all of that you gained the strength to take your power back and here you have your Victory you have what was meant to be yours all the time and you did that with Elegance but with strength within you knocked out the people that thought they were they were going to knock you out you you left situations that were tearing you apart you found the strength to move forward and win this battle
beautiful beautiful Taurus usually I didn’t take that many cards but they they were absolutely what needed to be sent and here on the bottom of the deck you have the the film The Fool is all about you taking that risk you being bold and knowing who you are and when that calling comes and you receive you will feel that calling within I don’t feel that this is someone calling you out I feel that this is your soul calling you to act and when you start to feel that call or you hear that call so loud from your intuition and your wisdom you are going to take that leap of faith and make no mistake there is no turning back you’re not going to worry about how others perceive your moves or your decisions you’re not going to worry about other people’s judgment or opinions you’re going to do this because you want to do this and you deserve to do this Taurus because under no circumstances is anyone meant to be treated in this manner to feel like you don’t belong this change needs to happen for many of you it’s through work you’ve had enough at work for others it’s with a partner that has manipulated you and has made you feel like you are not good enough questions you make the call now that’s going to stick you make your call of what’s right for you now Taurus let’s see what Angel the universe is going to send you because you are on fire here and there’s a lot of fire and passion within here so this is someone that that things just haven’t happened and this is you reacting this is something that’s been boiling inside you for quite some time this is something that’s taken you to the next level when and that happens sometimes oh okay now it didn’t fall on the table but it wants to go
if it’s meant to come it’ll come what’s the angel okay let’s see angel of Dreams it’s about time the other one that came out was the angel of solitude for some of you here you’ve spent some time in solitude and now you’re attending to your dreams pay special pay special attention to the dreams that you have at night have a pen and paper next to your bed and write any dreams that come through they are messages that are being sent to you via the universe if you are ever in doubt pay attention to your dreams because through that you’ll have answers to your questions make sure you stay true to who you are because through everything that you’ve been through and the hardships that you’ve had to face now is the time for you to have your answers answer that call and make that change because there is nothing here that’s Stopping You Taurus now is the time for you to do what is right for you
beautiful Taurus I hope someone needs this message because it’s a powerful message and I just want if I can help one person through this message I’d be more than happy lots of love and light your way thank you so much Taurus bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)