Taurus Horoscope for 12th June 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today today we’re doing your reading for the next 7 to 14 days for those of you that don’t know me my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and I hope that everybody’s well let’s see what we have for your next 7 to 14 days Taurus
Taurus the first card conclusions are within reach something that you’ve been looking for or something that you’ve wanted for quite some time and now it’s all coming to the Forefront a lot of you here will start to receive some news within the next 7 to 14 days and that will bring the conclusion that you are after the conclusion that you were waiting for Taurus so be aware of news that comes through but I feel here that there’s some people waiting on some news waiting on things to happen for them to be able to conclude a certain cycle not sure what that is but let me know in the comments below what it is that you’re waiting on Taurus oops two messages was flew out luck is on your side whatever it is Taurus I have no doubt that this conclusion here is going to bring you some Fortune it’s actually going to bring you the answers that you want and I feel that a lot of Tauruses here will be excited about this news it’s something that you’ve wanted or it’s something you’ve been waiting for but whatever it is it will conclude and it will bring you a lucky aspect to your life
and the other card that came out don’t let pride get in your way sometimes we don’t do things Taurus because we’re too proud or sometimes we hold back because we think no I’m not going to put myself out there or I’m not going to do that because what will other people think and the universe is saying put your pride aside do what you have to do be proud of who you are but more than anything else don’t stop others opinions or judgment stop you from being who you are you came here for a purpose leave that purpose in truth to yourself and don’t worry about what other people think don’t worry about what other people are going to say at the end of the day we’ve got ourselves and if we aren’t proud of who we are or we’re scared to act on what we should be doing then that leaves us feeling that we haven’t completed what we came here to do Prosperity lies ahead make no mistake Taurus whoever I am connecting with here it might be just one Taurus here but you’re going to get a conclusion don’t let don’t let yourself down by not putting yourself out there because Prosperity lies ahead you came here for a purpose a reason and this is your purpose so live it love it and be true beautiful
Taurus there’s some good things coming your way Taurus there is some good things coming your way and luck is definitely one of them so don’t question whether you’re on the right path don’t question whether the answer that you get is right for you go with the flow and understand who you are let’s see what the Tara has for us Terror for Taurus please thank you it’s knocking a bit of agitation out of the cards let’s go thank you judgment is a calling for you and I felt that as soon as we put that card down of the answers are coming towards you you have been called for a purpose see that he’s blowing the trumpet and now this calling is meant for you you’ve been Guided by the universe or you have asked for this to happen in your life go with the flow believe in who you are and believe that this is here for a purpose and a reason and that will be sufficient enough for you to succeed and bring the prosperity that lies ahead you are meant to be doing this if any of you are questioning I feel here we have some Tauruses that were questioning their purpose questioning their reason for a particular thing or a particular situation and here the universe is very clear this is your calling this is what you came here to be this is what you came here to to do
the Knight of Cups go in love Taurus someone comes to you with a message in love and for some taureans here you may feel um sorry for subterians here that are single you may feel that you have met someone exciting someone that really brought you a lot of excitement and you want to know more the only thing I would say here Taurus for those people here that can connect with that is be careful because with the Knight of Cups they come in love but they go very quickly too so just be aware don’t give too much up front and really suss out the situation before you give your heart in total
I’m not saying that it won’t work because these people this person that comes into your life has got some love to give the only thing I would say though is just just be aware that sometimes there you go the moon a major Arcana card which comes to say don’t let yourself be um taken by by illusion don’t let yourself see what you want to see rather than seeing the truth for what it is and here the universe is saying it’s time to be true to who you are and this person here is going to bring you a lot of excitement in your life take it for what it is enjoy it for what it is when we have someone like this come into our lives they come into our lives for a purpose and a reason and it could be to teach you how to relax and how to have fun and how to enjoy life for what it is how to love love you know because I do have a lot of love the only thing is that they their love might not stay around for a long long time so don’t let yourself fall for things that you imagine or don’t let yourself fall for people that show you something that they’re really not very big message there for someone that meets someone here
the six of Wands Taurus for those of you I spoke about before what it whatever it was that you’re waiting on there’s your victory card the six of Wands is all about I have put myself out there I have given it everything I’ve got and now your Victory comes has it been easy absolutely not I’m speaking to a few Tauruses here that have put everything into either a project a career a prospect or something that they’ve put themselves and dedicated themselves for many many hours to make it work and now the victory comes your Victory is here for you and now you’re going to be able to see all the fruits of all the seeds that you planted come to fruition underneath that cloak on that horse that he’s got is a lot of Anguish a lot of anxiety a lot of hard times but this is why the victory is so sweet it’s sweet because it didn’t come easy
and underneath here we have the Ace of Pentacles New Beginnings a new Financial burst a new Financial um Outlook security coming into your life I feel here that this may have been people that have applied for a beautiful job that they wanted and now this comes to the Forefront the conclusion comes to the end and your calling is here for you to take this role for you to take this job things don’t come for uh by mistake they come for a reason and a purpose and here you’ve been called to do this beautiful job that you’ve wanted to do and it’s not only going to be something that you wanted it’s going to be very profitable and bring you Financial stability which is what you’ve been craving for some taureans here you’ve been craving that stability that peace of mind when it comes to finances and here it will come and it this is your time to enjoy that moment just don’t be afraid to take it by the horns and really look at that and I did say horns but look at those horns there take the opportunity by the horns and make it work this is yours for the taking Taurus make no mistake tourist place any more message for Taurus
Taurus what can I say conclusion is one and nine is conclusion which is the Sun you have found the light you are looking for you have found the abundance you are looking for your wish has come true and everything that you asked for is coming your way everything becomes clear at this stage everything becomes very um very noticeable to what you put in to now what you’re getting out for some taureans here it could be that you started extremely hard and you’ve always wanted this particular job and now it comes to say this is for all your hard work the sun brightens up your future lets you see the light the light at the end of the tunnel that you couldn’t see before and concludes concludes a period of uh worry concludes a period of uh question the seven of water living in Bliss the seven of water is the seven of cups living the life you imagined it to be for someone here you have found someone that or something that has brought you a lot of excitement this is a dream or a goal that you’ve had for quite some time and now you’re sitting there looking around yourself going I need to pinch myself what is it how did I get here God it was tough but the glory is worth celebrating
beautiful beautiful
enjoy that moment Taurus enjoy the moment of Victory enjoy the moment that you’ve worked so hard for and well that one just fell in my lap the messenger of air put your mind to rest let it rest and be very rational in all your decisions sometimes we need to take the emotions out of it and be grateful for what we have but at the same time we need to be real about what we’re doing we need to be real about what we’ve achieved and be proud of that be proud of your achievement this is not just something that happened overnight this took a lot of patience determination and strength to get here the messenger of air is someone that brings in the rational side of it and makes you realize that sometimes we need to put in a lot for us to be able to celebrate our Fortune at the end of it and on the bottom of the deck we have the queen of fire that is you Taurus that energy is you this is an Aries card you may also be have areas in your ascendant or your moon sign but this is an energy that you’ve taken on you have taken on this energy to be the queen of moving forward you all of a sudden understand that everything you’ve worked for has been worthwhile everything you’ve worked for you deserve and here you stand very firm in the decisions you’ve made and those people that questioned you and said you couldn’t do it or said that it wouldn’t it would never be possible you are standing here with a lot of wisdom determination power and strength you did what you had to do Taurus and now you need to reap those rewards they’re yours for the taking the victory is yours Taurus what a beautiful reading I hope that answer comes quickly within the next 7 to 14 days more 7 days than 14 and and I wish you all the best in your endeavors lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)