Taurus Monthly Horoscope for July 2023
Taurus Horoscope: Igniting the passion in your life in July 2023. Watch the video from beginning to end as there are quite a few messages for you. I will also be releasing the Taurus Horoscope on Relationships and Career for JULY 2023 shortly. If you would like to get them as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
I would also suggest you to look back at the June Taurus Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive in July 2023. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-by-marie-rose-june-4-2023/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
hello beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re going to I did a short with with the energies for July 2023. so today it’s about going through your horoscope for July 2023. what’s July going to bring you Taurus first card we got was know you are loved knowing you are loved Taurus is going to be a very big point in July 2023 something happens or a situation may take place that people are going to assure you that you mean the world to them they’re going to share with you how you make them feel what you mean to them and how much you impact their life you’ll know that you are loved this is a new moon in Libra Libra it’s Venus it’s a beautiful sign of nurturing of caring of um abundant in love Libra if Libra scales when they’re in love their scales are very balanced and here I feel that your partner or your husband or your children or someone around you is going to share with you how much you mean to them knowing you are loved is so important for us we need to love ourselves which is the most important love in the world but when we know that others love us as well love who we are for who we are love us for what we bring and what we do is just amazing and we feel complete this is a completion card Taurus I feel that in July 2023 you’re going to be at peace with the lover around you with being appreciated for who you are and being accepted more more about being accepted for who you are not what you have to be or how to please others no no this is all about who how people are going to love you for purely who you are not what you bring the love you give is going to be appreciated who you are is going to be appreciated and just you being you people are going to love that and a lot of love will be shared in July 2023 I also had him by the book and here you’ve got number 11. we can’t multiply that because that is a spiritual number by the book is something that see how there’s three elephants here and the big elephant here which is probably the mum has got the two children here or that may be the male elephant taking his wife and his children but I’ve I got the feeling when I put this card down this was the mother figure or it could be the father figure if you’re a male and with some with your the most peop the most important people in your life by the book is you being very very open but very strict in a way of how you think things should be spiritually you’re going to ingrain into your children how you um the the morals that you were brought up with the things that were important to you the family culture that you grew up in the um ways you saw things the way you did things that’s all going to be passed on to Generations to come and I feel here that some of you may even be thinking of writing something that’s going to stay as a family um book for generations to come or you’re going to look at things and say this is how I was brought up this is what I want to instill in you what you decide to do when you’re an adult is totally up to you but I want you to grow up with my values my morals and my teachings how you decide to do that later is totally up to you I think that you’ll lead by example you’ll show uh future Generations how things were done or how you did things but here I feel that someone is going to be very um very in tune with who they are where they came from and what got them here very important it’s going to be a month of celebrating who you are celebrating where you’ve come from and more importantly celebrating what you have to offer offer others that will come after you offer others the incentive to broaden up their their um to broaden their confidence through them believing in themselves the spirituality that they have within the power that their soul gives them that will all be teachings that will be very very important Taurus okay before we go to the tarot and see what that’s got for us Taurus I just want to um give you some messages so the first message is for this we do a mid-year celebration in July 2023 and the reason I do that is because I want you I want to give back to the community I do this and I do this for the love and to share with people so the first one that we have the first news is that I’m offering two free readings as I did last time to two of our subscribers for half an hour session for free for two of our subscribers so if you’re not subscribed as yet please do so as it’s important for us um to grow our Channel and it doesn’t cost you anything so it’s a bit of giving back and we would be so appreciative of you being part of this beautiful group so thank you in advance the other thing I want to say to you is that in July it’s all part of giving back we’ve got to media and we’ve got the rest of our year to change things around if we’re not happy with them so the other message I have is that we are just for the month of July no more just for the month of July we’re going to give everyone that books a 30 and 60 Minute reading with us a 50 discount all the details are in the description below how to book how much it is and um that is only for July so for July 50 of our only on 30 and 60 Minute readings and for you to book it’s below the information is below in the description and the costings now saying all that we need to make sure that we get in as quick as possible because after that I’ll be closing it and the reason for that is I can only do five or six per day and still keep my current clients so if you want a personal reading to get your life um a little bit to get some direction in Life or some advice in either relationships career finances or whatever it may be um please book below and put it Forward on WhatsApp and then I will get in contact with you on the days that are available the times and you can pay via Paypal which is a secure payment okay let’s go into the tarot what have we got for Taurus please universe Taurus messages wow moving forward Ace of Wands for santorians here I feel that in July 2023 there’s going to be some new occurrences new circumstances and situations that you begin there may be some new projects for some of you or you’re thinking of changing your career and the new beginning is now start things that you want to take forward don’t leave them for later procrastinating some of you may be thinking wow it’s July already and I’ve done nothing for six months I need to put plans in place this is usually a time where people start to really think about what they’ve done up until now from the beginning of the year till now and July I feel that many Tauruses are going through that they’re going through the new beginnings we need to start this new new project new places new doing things differently and new but moving forward this is all about moving forward moving things forward if you had dreams or goals then now you’re going to put plans into place to move that and move it forward
for santorians here you have the five of cups and you’ve come from a place of suffering or you’ve come from a place of rejection in some areas of your life this may have been a relationship or it may have been that you’ve applied for jobs and had no success Tauruses don’t give up there are two cups behind you that you are not seeing there are possibilities there that you are not having and look at so look at things differently see things differently and you may just find that solution you are looking for if things haven’t worked don’t do the same when you do the same you get the same result think outside the box think outside the square and come up with new options or new directions on doing things differently moving forward in a different manner for those of you with relationships there are people coming into your life you may have two options and two people that come and make a difference in your life however out of those two people you’re going to need to decide which one’s for you some of you have had relationships that fell apart or made you suffer in those relationships through fear or manipulation or narcissism some of you went through a narcissistic relationship some of you went through deceiving and lying now there’s going to be two new possibilities that come towards you in July 2023 out of those you’ll see that there’s going to be a change in the energy change your energy and you will find the love you’ve been looking for and you know why because you will know that you are loved you will thank the universe and say thank you for giving me what I asked for because I feel that in July 2023 there may just be some Tauruses here that find their soulmate that find their partner
and also I feel that you will be restrictive in when you meet someone because of all the hurt and pain you’ll be going very much by the book as in this is how I um do things and I’m going to take it slow elephants are really slow and you may want to take that you’re going to set the rep the the standard you’re going to set the um the rules in how you want to move
and you won’t do it any other way you’ll do it your way the queen of Cups you are look at that I said about two cups and two options and there you have two little dogs see that two options and two decisions that you need to make in order to find your love the queen of cups is all about love it’s about showing love it’s about receiving love it’s about finding the love and respect that you deserve Taurus so in July read listen to this again during the month as it may take time to come through but in July you are going to meet someone that makes a difference foreign
New Beginnings new loves the page of Pentacles for those of you that I said about starting a new job there it is for those of you that have applied for a job and you’re waiting for something to come through just know that that’s going to come through there may be some contracts that you may need to sign but there is absolutely a new job here a new career path for someone that was looking for that and that you’re going to receive that answer in July um and that’ll come through as quite successful you’ll move forward with this and you’ll actually enjoy it Taurus I feel that this new move is actually going to be extremely good for you I feel that some of you have come out of that feeling blocked and isolated and not finding a way forward but now I feel that you’re going to find that
the aim said that you’ve been looking for the job the project that you’ve wanted to be part of or you want to move forward with is going to take place the devil for some of you here you are in a position of um self-sabotage you’re thinking that there’s no love for you anymore you’re thinking that you are some of you here are thinking that you hold a curse that you can’t find someone to love and no one’s going to love you for who you are or what you bring that you’re not interesting and that you don’t have what it takes to hold a relationship please Taurus get out of this energy in this thought you will only attract negativity if you stay in this thought know that you are loved know that the Universe and the higher Creator which is uh you know God Buddha whoever you believe in in your angels and your mentors you know that you are loved you are loved you are a child of the Divine and here they’re saying know that you are loved because this is no way to think about yourself there opportunities you’re just not seeing them right now tourists so there may be Tauruses here that really need to evaluate their thought process and their actions because I really feel that their thoughts and their actions are bringing them the the people that are not suited to them therefore you’ve got these broken relationships if you say to yourself I am great I deserve respect I deserve the best and I will only deal with that then you’ll start to find new possibilities coming forward you just need to get up from that kneeling position you need to stop self-sabotaging because you are great and you are beautiful
we need to get out of that frame of mind Taurus
you know the law of attraction I know a lot of people speak about that but it’s more the vibration you set if you’re down the only thing you’re going to attract is more down when you’re upbeat put some music on dance to that music by yourself in your room lift that vibration when you shine people can see it when you smile people can see it but when you’re down and out people can see that too and the other thing is we attract negativity around us even by um Souls that have left this planet we attract Souls that are a bit lost in this universe so please light a candle put some music on get the vibration moving
the Six of Pentacles for some of you here you are weighing things up you may be weighing who is important in your life who you’re going to keep in your life and who means well for you you’re looking at your finances in a very specific way and you’re very aware that other people here are taking you for granted for some taureans here I feel that you may be an entrepreneur or someone that has got employees here I and you give them love you give them options and you feel that they’re not being honest with your finances you’re weighing up who you’re going to keep in that business who you’re going to allow to be with you in that project when we give ourselves and we give love to others we want to the same back but not always are they the same you’ve got these two hands here that are just looking for hands outs just be aware of that around you especially on getting here that I’m speaking to an entrepreneur that has their own business or their own project they’re working on right now and someone is trying to help themselves to your finances do your books do your balances and really have a look at what you need to look at sometimes the pain the person we least expect is the person that’s taking our um our love and our generosity for granted so there’s an awareness there Taurus for you
Taurus messages 2023 for Taurus please thank you beautiful new idea beautiful okay Taurus we’ve got the King of Swords new ideas there’s going to be some Tauruses here that are going to make some decisions for some of you here you may meet someone that offers you a position and is going to be someone that’s very rational not someone that’s going to be very emotional you might be taken back and you might have gone to the interview and thought there’s no way I’m going to get that job because that person is really um dry you know when we meet someone that’s really dry and we don’t we there’s there’s that they have a poker face you can’t tell whether they like you or they don’t or whether they’re going to give you the opportunity or they’re not but here Taurus I feel that you’re going to meet someone who is very rational this may be um you may be dealing with someone that’s a Libra a gemini or an Aquarian they have got Big Ideas big thoughts and they’re very rational and you may make someone like that that gives you the opportunity for you to move forward for other taureans I really feel that there’s going to be some new ideas that you have in place right now and those ideas are going to be grand you need to believe in those and move forward with whatever you need to do believe in your goals and your dreams as these ideas may just be what people are wanting out there you may be surprised that these ideas that you have been procrastinating on or you’ve been putting on the back burner is exactly what you need to go forward and that is going to bring you some new beginnings and new profits your way thinking differently may just be the what what takes you to that next level
here we’ve all said oh she’s beautiful the Queen of Wands and the Queen of Wands he says Taurus for those of you that were doubting yourself that were um questioning whether you deserve love or anything good in life that you are not good enough and you can’t see yourself getting out of the mess that you’re in right now then you need to take the energy of the Queen of Wands Queen of Wands is a person that takes rubbish from nobody that this is an energy that knows what they want they will go forward with whatever it is the Aries this is an Aries energy you may have Aries in your uh your uh horoscope chat check if your ascendant or your moon is in areas because if that is you you need to take that Aries attitude you need to be in control take your power back to you and know the value and your worth the love that you need to have for yourself this is a person that loves themselves knows themselves and knows how much they’re worth and what they’re capable of so you need to take that energy and get rid of that self-sabotage here you need to stand firm here and believe in who you are because until you do there’s no one that can help you unless you lift that vibration
for others here I feel that you may meet someone these two opportunities here are introducing are introduced to you by someone of an Aries cancer or Scorpio star sign and you may meet that person they’re going to be quite strong and and know exactly what they want so for those of you that meet that new person just remember that they may be um the Aries the sorry the Aries the Leo the Sagittarius that’s Aries Leia or Sagittarius is the fire signs and that’s who may be the other thing is you may meet you may have cancer or Scorpio in your your ascendant or your moon sign because I feel that I’m speaking to someone here that’s got some traits of Scorpio and cancer here and the person that you may be meeting will be that Aries lay our Sagittarius strong firm and knows what they want
this may just be the person that takes you out of this self-doubt of this self-sabotage the four of Wands I have no doubt that some of you here are going to be very prosperous and happy and you’re going to go this is the love that I feel you know how they said you were loved you’ve got the Queen of Wands in the same line and you’ve got the four of ones for some of you something special in the family is going to happen that’s going to allow you to see your importance in that family I feel that your family is going to be appreciated for who you are and they’re going to show you love in different ways you will be you will know in July 2023 that you are loved and Taurus you will show a lot of love but here you’re also going to get a lot of love and I feel that you’re concreting and cementing a beautiful family and morals and and learnings that you’ve had to build a successful family that shows a lot of love
that’s beautiful Taurus I feel that love here and a lot of you will feel that in July 2023 especially if you were doubting it
pardon me let’s say one of the messages we have for Taurus what other messages universe and then we’ll go to um the angel they’re going to send you in July 2023. now too many okay imagine you got the Imagine card so imagine what you are capable of imagine what you can do if you get yourself out of this position imagine how beneficial you can be to yourself not others but what you can do for your soul you deserve to think better imagine the best and you will get the best remember I said turn on some music turn the vibration up change the thought process imagine the imaginable imagine the possibilities the solutions everything that can come to you two and zero there that’s decisions through the decisions you make make decisions that you imagine yourself where you want to be you imagine how powerful you are how strong you can be and how much you bring to this to this family to this Society to these people to to yourself above all to yourself Imagine The Impossible and make it happen make decisions that are going to take you there in July 2023 it’s now time to change your thought process Taurus take you to the powerful you that you can be oops Tick Tock time is ticking Taurus time is ticking here 3-0 growth time is ticking for you to imagine what you are capable of doing what you can do what who you can be don’t let the self-sabotage get you down don’t let that position of you being on your knees affect you anymore stand up look around see the possibilities talk positively think positively turn up that music and really let it give you that vibration to imagine because time is ticking your growth depends on that you grow as a person when you change that vibration Taurus
beautiful up to you Taurus the only one that can change is you you are loved you are setting beautiful things for your family imagine and go angel of positivity look at that look at that and that just popped out two and two and five is seven do not give up do not give up Taurus even if I help one person here I am doing what I love and I am doing what I’m meant to be doing and passing on the energy and the messages from the universe do not give up they’re sending you the angel of positivity here take that grab that and turn up that volume on that music turn on that vibration of bringing the positive in lots of love to you Taurus really and don’t forget um to be part of that subscribe to be part of that free readings if you’re subscribed thank you my love thank you and I really appreciate it for those of you that aren’t subscribed please do so we’d love to hear from you and be part of our family lots of love take care bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)