Taurus Horoscope by Marie Rose | For the Next 6 Months

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Free TAURUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Taurus Horoscope for the Next 6 Months of 2023

FREE Taurus Horoscope for the next 6 Months of 2023. I have also be released the Taurus Horoscopes For the month of July and the Love & Relationships For July 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Taurus Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-by-marie-rose-july-2023/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi beautiful Taurus thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose and we’re here to do your six monthly forecast I don’t know if you saw the shorts last time but we um we got two energies for each sign for the next six months whilst before I start and I want to tell you if you want to be part of that free readings that are going to be announced in the first week of August please put yes in the comments below that way I will know you’re interested because sometimes we might draw someone and they’re not interested in it so if you want to be part of those free readings the subscribers that are part of that free reading put yes in the comments below thank you okay your first card that came up when I did these cards was healer of all ages numbers five and one which is six and it’s stability Taurus for some Taurueans here that have not been feeling well or have been feeling like their their current um either social life family life or their work life has been a bit unsettled here for the next six months you’ve got the Healer of all ages you’re going to start to see the stagnation move out of your life you’re going to start to see things taking a very positive outlook and you’re going to feel that within you a lot of this here is getting healing from your guides and your Angels or your higher Creator and mentors and they’re healing you for some of you here this may have been um you’ve been drained through a situation that you went through or a relationship that was a little bit toxic and those energies get drained and they really need some work and I feel here that a lot of you here are starting to feel it but not to the full extent as the next six months happen you’re going to feel that things aren’t so hard to do anymore a lot of you may have decided to do something and think God that took forever or you know God it was hard you know when it shouldn’t have been but now that’s going to change you’re going to start to see you things that you do come to you easily things that you put into place get put into place quite easily you’re going to have this sensation of Liberation within you like something’s been lifted off your shoulders that a sacrifice has been taken away from you you’re going to feel that your your paths are open up more you meet more people that are positive all those negative negative energies around you start to to move away from you and you may find that you start to have friends or Associates or even people in the family that held this huge negative power a power around you that they’re going to start to move away and not some of them not permanently but you won’t have to deal with that negative situation on a day-to-day basis or on a weekly basis they’re going to move away and allow you to start to feel good about yourself again the positive people come back into your life positive situations start to happen you start to feel great so a lot of here is healing that you are receiving from your guides and your mentors even without your knowledge and that’s going to bring you a huge amount of stability you’re going to find yourself a lot more stable a lot more comfortable and a lot more at peace with yourself here we also got the garden and Taurus the garden is all about in the next six months I feel that you may get involved with different communities different people people that come into your life for different um that you’re going to start to be part of a social environment that you weren’t before you know number two and zero is two which is decisions you’re going to make decisions within yourself to be part of certain things to want to go and do something that’s going to be something that you like and I feel here that the decisions that you make will take you more out into the community you’ll feel more at peace you’ll meet new people new cultures new ways of thinking and that’s going to only benefit you you take what you want and you leave behind what you don’t you associate with who you want and the people that don’t um grab your energy you don’t need to associate with them the choices are yours and they’re the decisions that you’re going to make within the next six months you’ll find that you’re starting to really look at people and situations in a more relaxed environment in a more relaxed way that’s going to be super important for your tourists you’re not going to burden that you need to do something [Music] hey let’s find out what role about the Healer of all ages what else is that we want to tell Thomas please what else is there yeah Taurus I said to you that you were getting a lot of guidance through your mentors and your angels and your guides please give them gratitude look up into the sky it doesn’t matter who you believe in just think the lucky stars that your life is changing to a more peaceful and Serene way of living you find that you have more peace in your life for some of you here you may start to visit a religious Place more or you feel that you you need to get in touch with your spiritual side more that a lot of you have come away from that and that’s why you’re feeling uneasy that’s I’m not saying that that’s why you’re feeling uneasy but you will feel that that’s why you’re feeling uneasy so a lot of you will start to get in touch with your spiritual side just so you find that peace that you’re so looking forward to [Music] New Beginnings for some of you here you’ll be healed in the way of now I can start this now I’ve been procrastinating on something for so long it’s now time for me to put that into place new ideas come to you new places are introduced to you new opportunities just pop out of nowhere and you look and you think really I never thought of that so there’s going to be opportunities and people that come your way to bring you new ideas or New Opportunities or even you yourself are going to feel like I’m ready to take on something new I want to study something new I want to better my knowledge I want to better who I am and that you will start and many of you here have lost a lot of motivation have lost your self-confidence or may have even lost that want do things you’ve procrastinated along the way but now that energy is changing and that’s going to bring you into your life

what else do we have Place one more card absolutely the magician no other with this huge amount of energy that’s coming towards you um Taurus in this second half of the year you’re going to feel like you’re in more control of what you’re doing you’re going to feel that there’s more sense in what you want to do that you you’re going to feel like you’re a master of what of your own world you’ve put things into place you’ve made things happen you’re going to use all the knowledge and the determination that you have to take things to another level to introduce things into the world a new project a new business a new something that’s important to you that others will want you are going to be a master of things that are new [Music] and that all comes because your energy has improved out of sight and look at that the Knight of Pentacles opportunities coming your way opportunities are definitely coming your way I didn’t ask for another card there but they wanted me to make that very very clear so for some of you here all the hard times all the hard feelings that you were feeling and now going to move away and new new opportunities new feelings are going to emerge okay Garden Place explain to me about the community and the decisions the strength you’re going to find for some of you here tours you’re going to find this Inner Strength that you haven’t had in a long long time for some of you here you like to spend a lot of time on your own or for some of you here you are always scared of what if it doesn’t work you know I don’t want to risk um risk that and not working because I’ll look like you know a bit of a failure there’s nothing here to be scared of you’re going to gain strength amongst your community you’re going to gain strength within there is no such thing as fail every time something doesn’t work you try something new and you’re going to gain that knowledge through that strength of putting yourself out there I feel here that we’re going to have a touristy that is no longer going to stay at home they’re going to Branch out if they want to grow and you’re going to know that look at that the night of Pentacles you may meet someone of a male it could be a male that you meet that is very in tune with who they are and what they want they’re very successful and they know a lot about finances this may be you talking to a bank manager or you talking to your boss about having a raise or being ready for a new promotion this might be you talking to a new person that comes into your life that is very tuned in into finances and this is a person that gets you out of the comfort zone and makes you really use your gifts that you have remember because you’re the magician here this may be someone that introduces introduces you to thinking you have got a lot of qualities that can make a lot of money you have got a lot of qualities that are going to benefit you in the long run I feel here that it’s more like a guide someone will come and guide you so for some Taurus is here I feel that you’re going to take on something new in the community look at this having choices you’re going to think of new things how to do things differently how what’s what is what it is that you want what are the opportunities that you want to gain what are the opportunities you want to take advantage of what are the choices you’re going to make

so there’s some choices there that need to be made or that are going to be made and a lot of those choices will have something to do with Community um with the community in itself you may you may you may decide to open a new child care center and that’s a choice that you’re going to make there’s going to be a lot of decisions that need to be made but you will be benefiting the community you may decide that you’re going to open up a new something that you know a new business will start a new project that will benefit the community in some way here I have the Six of Pentacles a lot of you are weighing up ideas you’re looking at your finances and you’re starting to strategize on what it is that you need to do next many of you may be looking at your finances and thinking how can we make our money grow just be careful of people that take you for granted or people here that want your ideas make sure you if you’ve got some Grand ideas Taurus keep them to yourself do not disclose Big Ideas to anybody only disclose that once it’s come to fruition and people can see they’ll never understand how hard you work to get there but that doesn’t matter what they think what what what the important thing here is what’s important to you what you’re happy with but I see a lot of you here are measuring the finances that you have and that’s how and how that’s going to work for you let’s see what other message comes through from with the moon Oracle for the next six months tourist place

thank you two cards for Taurus please thank you

new moon in Leo shine

I don’t think I have to say any more Taurus with that card the new moon in Leo something new that makes you shine we just spoke about all of that this just comes to confirm that whatever it is that you put into place whatever it is that you want to start you will shine know that this is a calling for you for the next six months to really go out and do what you want to do [Music] remember I said to you there’s no such thing as fail there’s always learnings you’re not going to fail here oh a card went flying and I don’t know where that went

oh there it is lighten up last quarter moon in Leo you need to lighten up and remember I said to you about some of you here are scared to fail lighten up there is no such thing as fail it’s all a lesson we learn from our mistakes we learn from what works and what doesn’t um 90 of entrepreneurs 90 I would say 99 of entrepreneurs have all made mistakes all of them and the one percent that haven’t is because they’ve taken on a family business that the the family have made the mistakes

so lighten up and allow yourself you don’t grow if you don’t make mistakes you don’t grow if you don’t put yourself out there you’ve got a lot to offer Taurus and the next six months is a great time to either put that into place or start working on that now you’ve got a lot of gifts that a lot of people want

beautiful okay let’s say what year

for you thank you oops

22 a master number how appropriate how appropriate

the roads the the paths are all going to open up for you the minute you put things into place and gain that confidence that you need

the Master number 22 is you are going to conquer your fears you are going to conquer what it is that you were doubting you are going to conquer that new project that you so want 29 the man I really felt this because you’ve got a man here and a man here there’s definitely a man that’s going to come to help you or give you the the ideas or the financial backing that you need to put this into place there is no mistake that you’ve got two beautiful men here

two more cards please

the woman and New Paths are going to arise from this this it’s coming to an end where you will not know yourself at the end of the next six months you will be a totally different person to what you are today you this could be a woman or a man it doesn’t matter this is an energy but you’re going to have a lot more love for who you are you’re going to have a lot more confidence in what you’re able to achieve and you’re going to really know yourself know your debts know your weaknesses know your um and I don’t say weaknesses in the challenges and your strengths your strengths are going to be beyond anything else you are the magician don’t forget you’re going to find this person that’s hiding Within and that person is going to come out fighting that person has got a lot to offer I love how these cards all come and say exactly what we’ve just spoken about but this next six months Taurus it’s a month’s so this next six months is months to grow the cross reassessing everything that you’ve been through many of you here have made sacrifices for others many of you here have been making sacrifices for you to be able to uh learn something you’ve gone without in order to invest into gaining knowledge and determination but here the sacrifices end you now with the help of this person the sacrifices are going do you remember I said to you this help that you’re getting from here that you’re going to find that things come to you more easily the past brought a lot of sacrifices things were always hard they didn’t just fall into place you had to work extremely hard to make things work here you’re going to get help and here the light is shining upon you you’re getting all the help and this might be a mentor this might be one of your guides helping you getting out of this sacrifice feeling to a feeling of absolute um Pace within yourself and how you’re going to know who you are the new you that you find

for some of you here you may have someone that dedicates their time to help you through this and it could be a partner you may discuss things with your partner for others here it could be a husband in life that are going to find different paths so for some taureans here I do need to say what I’m seeing and for some taureans here there might be a separation here for a couple you might find that you go your own way and they go theirs but it comes from sacrifices that you had to deal with with these two with being a couple sometimes we meet people but they’re only supposed to stay in our life until we’ve learned the lessons that we had to learn or that we will take lessons into the future that we needed to learn so I feel that there may be a couple here that were on a journey but now that journey is going to end New Paths are going to be formed and it won’t be together it’ll be a sacrifice that you had to make in order to take on learnings but today you’ve reassessed and you’ll know what you don’t want in your future

for us please

Taurus All That Glitters one and six is don’t give up so that one and six can you say that do not give up All That Glitters remember I said to you you’re not going to know who you were what you’ve gained and where you’re going you’re not going to know where you where you how you dealt with the situations that you did but you’re going to be in a more beautiful lit up place that you’re going to leave your masks behind those those masks there represented somebody that was scared someone that went through sacrifices someone that had to work extremely hard to make things work had to work extremely hard to put things together make things happen but today these two people don’t exist this person doesn’t exist anymore and I feel that some of you here it could be this couple that leaves their paths together behind you are now both going to find a new path that you’re happier in so just know that 28 and 29 once if you find that your paths don’t make sense anymore I feel that you’re going to leave each other but you’re going to leave on a very positive note I don’t feel you that you’re going to um you’ve come to the realization both of you that you’re better off alone than together you’ve had your time together for other taureans here everything that you put your hand to will turn to gold everything that you put your effort in and the the drive that you have will turn to Gold see the new you here that’s you looking down going that was me this is now me and I’m beaming I’m Shining I’ve created gold I through my knowledge and my determination and the help that I had it got me to the place I needed to be at peace with who I am

Taurus I hope that that makes sense for a lot of people remember to put yes if you want to be part of the the subscribers that will be choosing two free readings with myself and put yes in the comments below and we’ll know who to pick from okay so I hope that this has made sense for some of you if it hasn’t please pass it on to other Tauruses that may need to hear this lot of love and light your way and thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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