Scorpio Horoscope | Weekly Psychic Insights October

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Weekly Psychic Insights for October 2023

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Insights for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your forecast for the next 7 to 14 days Scorpio remember it’s a general reading it will not resonate with everybody so if it doesn’t resonate with you please release it back to the universe and check your ascendant which is your Rising Sun or your moon sign as I’m sure there’ll be a message there somewhere for you okay let’s see what we have for Scorpio please what messages do we have for Scorpio clean it up

Scorpio clean it up number three it’s going to bring you growth

peace beautiful for the changes changes are bringing you

peace Yang number one [Applause]

Yang and unfinished Symphony look at that Scorpio I don’t know what we’re talking about but there’s a situation in your life right now that is a bit unfinished and for you to be able to move on you’re going to need that’s going to come to an end now it’s number 10 which says this unfinished Symphony that you’ve been waiting for something to finish or to end for you to move on and clean up it’s now going to take place you’ve grown up a lot and what I’m saying by that is grown up within you quite a lot and you’ve grown so much so through this cleanup that you’ve done in your life and not grown up and when I say grown up not grown up as in height but grown within you to the extent of knowing now who you are and knowing what you want and you’re put up with there’s a lot here that you won’t put up with anymore this unfinished Symphony once this is over you are going to clean it all up and make sure it never presents itself to you again I feel like this is a an experience or something that’s com to your life that you’ve experienced it you’ve leared from it but now you’re very much finished with it once this all takes place Scorpio you’re going to find the peace the changes that you make then are going to create the peace that you want and you start a new Journey ready to create your new your new world your new Being Yourself creating yourself again how you want to see yourself how you want to be your peace once this symphony is over and the music’s finished and you’ve cleaned up all your surroundings it’s going to bring you peace which will allow you to move forward in whatever circumstance or situation we’re talking about it’s new beginning a new life a new being a new you what are we talking about Scorpio for everyone it may be a different thing but you’re going to find your peace once this this is over it’s something that you’re that’s been around you for quite some time but now it’s come to the time where it’s time to clean it up and once and for all Let It Go surrender you’re surrendering to the Divine you’re surrendering and giving yourself totally to be able to finish what your what you’ve started to clean it all up and finish it off so it’s done and

dusted oh selflove look at that selflove and peace you’re going to find the selflove and the peace once this circumstance or this situation or this relation Rel ship is done I don’t know what it is in your life that needs to come to an end but this situation has been hanging around for too long it’s taken your peace and your selflove you’ve questioned yourself quite a few times whether you were doing the right thing or not there’s advancement here that changes five and then six you’re going to find your peace again and your self love will be restored once more you’ll and remember I said to you you’ll know what you want in your life what you won’t put up with that all comes from your selflove understanding who you are the other card that fell was wisdom remember we said you’ve leared a lot they’re all your books look at all that you’re standing on them now you’ve leared everything those lessons came to teach you and now you’re reaching up to the sky Master number of 22 you’re now wiser smarter than ever before you understand what it is that you went through you understand why you went through it you have an understanding of what why the processes had to be the way they were and you know now that you’ve come to this spot knowing everything that’s happened in the past had a meaning and a purpose and you start your new beginning knowing a lot more than

before and underneath the unexpected unfinish Symphony for some of you here you’ve been waiting for this to take place for so long that you’d given up and they’re saying don’t give up because just when you least expect it that’s when it’s going to end it’s going to be finished the end of that song finishes it’s number 10 It’s The End The Unfinished Symphony now has an ending and it’ll be unexpected for some I think you’d given up that it’s been taking that long that you’ve given up and the universe says no don’t give up because just when you least expect it that’s when it finishes and allows you to be to move on and find yourself again give yourself the self-love that you deserve after all the lessons you’ve learned you deserve it Scorpio pleas

Scorpio for many of you it took you to your knees a lot of false promises a lot of false um ideas a lot


betrayal and for many of you you’ve given up you had given up put your flag up and said I’m done I can’t do this anymore but they’re saying no no don’t don’t give up until the the song has finished The Unfinished Symphony and when you least expect it the unexpected occurs and shows you that there’s two more opportunities here that are going to take place after all this is done and

said oh

o it’s no mistake look at that the world the the end of a cycle that took so long to complete the end of a cycle that now gives you peace and self-love

back the end of a cycle that wor you down at

times Knight of Pentacles now you’ll see things differently you’ll do things differently you’ll find your magic again with all the learnings and the the determination that you have now to start new not only do you start a new Journey you started as a master number 22 and you’re more determined than ever to make your success count you’ll have the stability you’ll have the perseverance and the determination to make what it is work you find your Gallop again you find your your step again the selflove the peace security and look at that the Queen of Swords and you’ll be ready to cut out anything that in future that stops you from having peace you now know what it means to you to have your own peace of mind to be true to who you are and no longer are you going to allow other people a person or a situation put you in a place of questioning yourself questioning your ideas questioning your integrity questioning who you are the Queen of Swords knows who they are you’ll know who you are you’ll be true to yourself you’ll be true to others you’ll put them in their place especially es if they’re causing chaos with your peace and you’ve got ideas that are going to take you to another level you’re ready for the battle to begin a New

Journey beautiful Scorpio beautiful let’s see what we have for relationships for Scorpio

please oh too many just two cards for Scorpio please for relationships thank

you codependency addictions are affecting your romantic life for some of you here through the trauma through the the waiting period through the everything that’s gone on you may have taken up something that’s that you know is not good for you but it’s something that your codependent on right now but it’s not something that you can’t work on Scorpio if that’s what you want to do

children your love life is being affected by children for some of you here you may have children and I said this in the last one I’m not sure if it was with Scorpio but just because you have children doesn’t mean that you can’t have your life and your love life and a new chapter in your life your children will love you forever just as much as you love them and they’re your world for any parent your children are your world and because you go out or have a good time doesn’t mean you love them any less so it’s finding the balance or finding someone to look after your precious gems to go out on a date it’s allowing yourself to also have time out because happy Parents make happy family which in turn creates happy kids so it it’s a a a a a domino effect so please don’t feel guilty if that’s what you’re doing feeling guilty about going out and leaving your kids with someone that you love and know has their best interest at

heart I hope that makes sense to somebody okay Scorpio let’s see final message for Scorpio please final message for Scorpio thank you

Scorpio lighten up lighten up and although sometimes we as humans when we go through things as we’re trying to find ourselves again and we’re trying to clean things up and get our life sorted we tend to get really tense and and worried and go through anxiety periods and our personality changes the universe is saying lighten up because from here on in it’s only going to get better it’s only going to allow you to see a different world and a different In a Different Light if you just lighten up and let life flow let it flow go with the flow don’t over plan don’t overthink and just lighten up and enjoy every day for what it is Scorpio I hope that that’s given someone the message they needed to hear lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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