Scorpio Horoscope | Weekly Tarot for October 2023

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio how are you today thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from Tarotreadingslive.com and psychicslive.com.au today we’re here to bring to you the forecast for the next seven to 14 days so let’s say the first energy that we have for Scorpio please listen to your intuition Scorpio make no mistake the universe wants you to listen to your inner voice listen to what it is that is telling you within within you and go with that intuition don’t ignore it and because sometimes we do ignore our intuition and we just think oh maybe I’m feeling this incorrectly or I’m thinking of this incorrectly but your intuition will never lie so if you tune into your intuition take time out to meditate and really listen to what your inner voice is telling you there’s a lot of a lot that needs to be said and heard

okay one more energy there please for Scorpio thank you big happy changes Scorpio it is going to allow you to see things for what they truly are but make you see paths that you couldn’t see before big happy changes are on the way and I don’t know if it’s Scorpio that I’ve been saying this for quite some time but there’s changes coming and they’re not just some small changes there’s going to be some big changes I’ve also done Capricorn horoscope and that had a lot of changes so I don’t know if you’ve got Capricorn in your horoscope uh in your sorry in your um in your astrology chart whether it’s your moon or your ascendant or you’re dealing with the Capricorn but big happy changes are coming for you Scorpio

beautiful listen to that intuition you can never go too far wrong our intuition is our tool to guidance within us it will never lie to us go deeper have a clearer understand of what it is that you’re your soul and your spirit is yearning for go deeper to understand and have a have a very clear indication of where you’re meant to be in life what’s next for you where do you see yourself going where do you see yourself going in one or two years time go deeper into understanding who you are and what you stand for and that’s a new man in Scorpio which is your your new moon you finding yourself when you go deeper you’ll see things that you didn’t say before answers that you didn’t see before

lighten up Scorpio this is just saying to you you need to lighten up don’t take life so seriously things will always happen to each and every one of us You’ll Always Find a few Stones along the path that you need to avoid or you need to look after or you need to take care of and those little Stones make us stronger as we go on and appreciate things when we get to the end but lighten up and understand that nothing’s ever going to be Rosy from the beginning till the end there’s always going to be hurdles that have to be crossed but lighten up and and love life for what it is

and appreciate Who You Are because sometimes we’re so involved in making money or when involved in taking different steps that we forget we forget what’s really important at the end of the day mixing for Scorpio plates what would you like to tell me if a Scorpio plays Scorpio energy for Scorpio thank you energy for Scorpio if you can hear snoring that’s my dog beside me

as he attends all the readings that we do okay Scorpio please what is it that you’d like to tell Scorpio the emperor Scorpio come on you are in control of where you go you’re a master at what you do you this could be you that is knowing where you’re going your opinions are strong you have a very clear indication of where you’d like to go you stand firm in all your decisions and you voiced your opinions when they need to be voiced either that or you’re dealing with someone that is super strong

you’ve carried a lot of burdens in your life and there’s been certain hurdles that you’ve had to cross none of them were easy but you did it and those hurdles each one of those hurdles brought you strength brought you growth guided you to be where you are today made you the person you are today for some Scorpios you’re going to go on a holiday move to another location to another job something is taking you forward and that forward is you knowing where you want to go or you are involved with someone that is is asking you to move forward this could also be for one Scorpio here it could also be that you’ve been dealing with a father figure or someone of great importance in your life a male figure and whilst you’ve carried a lot of the burdens that happened with this person with this man in your life you are now moving forward and creating your own fortune your own life how you see fit does that make sense that someone here has been dealing with a male that’s very strong and prominent in their life and it could have been a father figure that very that voiced his opinion very strongly on you made you believe certain things that today you see are different you’ve carried a lot of burdens trying to make this person happy but now you’re releasing all that and you’re moving forward listen to your intuition it will tell you when it’s time to go and the big happy changes that are coming through are all based on you finding your own path eight of Pentacles you’ve worked extremely hard for some of you here you’ve become the emperor Yourself by all the hours of work that you’ve put in what you’ve built what you’ve done with your hands and your mind you’ve created the fortune you have today

the world for some of you here you know what I’m getting it could be just for one person let me know if this is you but for someone here you’re dealing with a father figure or a grandfather that you tried to impress for a long long time you gave it everything you had you showed them everything you could do and they never appreciated you or gave you the value that you were worth now I see you moving away from this energy from this location from this place that whilst you gave it everything that you had I don’t feel that you’re appreciated as much as what you should have been and for many of you here or for one person only you’re saying enough of this I don’t want to carry somebody else’s burdens anymore I don’t want to carry somebody else’s goals and dreams anymore I now want to create my own fortune with all the hard work that I’ve put in with everything that I’ve learned I’m now going to escape this and go and find my fortune my goals my dreams I’m understanding themselves free and finding the king of Pentacles you are abundant in many many ways you have got the abundance that you need to be successful you’ve got the learnings you’ve got the the the go forward you’ve got the hard work behind you you can create your fortune now it’s the end of a cycle of working for someone else or working for somebody else that didn’t appreciate you

oh the king of Wands I’m telling you if you’ve got Capricorn anywhere in your sign go and listen to the Capricorn horoscope because they got exactly the same theme of cards and this is the king of Pentacles with the king of Wands two kings not only have you got the capability to bring in as much abundance financially as you want but you’re going to move forward and create your own uh Masterpiece you’re going to create your own Imperium you’re going to create your own uh business that’s going to create your financial abundance for too long you did it for others I feel he that it’s someone that’s going to take the reins and go and do what they need to do leaving someone strong behind with their opinions where they belong and you with your hard work your creative workmanship that you’ve got your your your potential to build your fortune you’re going to move forward to new projects new new abundance for some of you you are great at what you do and this is where you now stand on your own two feet you know you’re capable of making your own fortune and that’s exactly what you’re going to do oh my Lord the King of Swords fell here with the Six of Pentacles and the six of Wands absolutely look at this your guy you’ve given you’ve given a lot to others you’ve given a lot of your time a lot of your knowledge a lot of your energy to other people now you leave and you’re going to speak your truth you’re going to stand up the who you are and for the first time in a long time you’re going to use your creative ideas to create your fortune your goals and your dreams I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with but this is someone that’s releasing what they have been doing for somebody else and now creating their own Empire of growth and financial abundance that they are capable of go deeper and lighten up enjoy life for what it’s giving you it’s time to enjoy work hard but take the time to enjoy what you’re working hard for listen to your intuition whenever you’re in doubt and there’s big happy changes coming here so don’t give up don’t give up on the bottom four of Pentacles the star and the Seven of Pentacles make no mistake here Scorpio you’ve worked extremely hard and been given little in return now you see the light and now you’re starting to say I need to do what’s right for me I need to escape being what others want me to be I’ve got the capability to make my own business work to make my own Empire to do what I want to do for the first time in my life I’m going to do what counts for me beautiful Scorpio beautiful let’s say let’s say what Lena Mart has for Scorpio place Leo show me what you’d like with Scorpio wow

a woman is a first card and the heart for some of you here you’ve got a love in your life right now and you’re going to work hard to make this relationship work not only are you going to work extremely hard at your financial being and growth but you’re also going to dedicate yourself to a beautiful woman or or a man in this case but a beautiful woman that means a lot to you and if if you’re a woman you’re going to dedicate yourself either to your daughter your mother or someone that means the world to you you’ve put work ahead of spending time quality time with people in your life

makes sense to you the bear for many of you here you felt cheated you felt that you have given your all and it was never good enough for others he you’re feeling like it’s time now for you to take control of this relationship take control of your life even for one person here I do feel that you may have to protect somebody against either your family not liking them or them not fitting into into an area that was expected them to fit into there was expectation here for someone I don’t know what that is child something new arises for some of you here you may be bringing a beautiful child into the world and this will be a time of Happiness a time of growth a time for you to build your family now and not live under the shadow of others and the garden for many of you here I don’t know what you’re doing for work or what it is that you do but you’ll be very public in what you do and it could be that you’re on the Internet or you’re very well known for what you do but you will be well known your product or what you’re doing is going to be very popular with the market with people wanting what you have people wanting you because they want what you have to offer so Scorpio make no mistake there is beautiful things coming for you let’s say in relationships what do we have for relationships for Scorpio please for all the singles they’re married what do we have for Scorpio

thank you getting to know each other as you Reveal Your innermost selves to others you’re you deepen sorry you your bond deepens so this is you opening up scorpion I know sometimes Scorpios are very cautious about letting out how they feel they’re very cautious about what they say to others in case they’re taken for granted but here the universe is saying allow yourself to open up remember this lighten up this lighting up didn’t come for no reason this lighting up is saying Scorpio if you want to find real love you need to lighten up you need to share with others a certain amount of information about who you are that’s the only way that you can see if you’re compatible or not with somebody else you don’t have to tell them your whole thing you don’t have to tell them where you’ve come from right now at the beginning but tell them what you like who you are what you stand for and see if that matches trust this situation is calling for you to have faith I said that Scorpio I got the feeling that you’re still very cautious about getting into a relationship cautious about what others may do to you and take you for granted and you’re very very much on the back foot when it comes to trust but sometimes we need to realize that not everybody is the same not everybody’s putting our lives to create chaos in our lives sometimes many times people come into our lives and teach us good things our beautiful people that were meant to cross our paths and we need to allow for that to happen too

new love absolutely I could feel it coming for those of you that are looking for a relationship there is a new love on the way the universe is saying I’m gonna give you a new person has stirred your romantic feelings I’m going to give you this new love but you need to trust that not everybody’s out to hurt you you need to trust that not everybody it needs to be painted with the same paintbrush and getting to know each other you’re going to have to allow that person Closer to You by letting them in a little bit to who you are not straight away do you have to put out your boundaries and and let go know what where what the universe is saying to you is do it trust and do it slowly because the more you let go of who you are and the lower you drop that wall the closer you’re going to get to this new person

beautiful okay let’s see what the last message for Scorpio is Scorpio you’re in for some beautiful times ahead new relationship use your intuition with that too listen to your intuition it will tell you it it will never be too far wrong if you’re in doubt about someone that you’ve met or someone that you are not sure whether you want to start a relationship with listen to your intuition because big happy changes are ahead

the masculine many of you here are using the masculine energy you’re creating your stability that’s fine but lighten up see how it fell the first card you whilst you still need to show your muscular masculine energy you need to lighten up and get some feminine energy we’ve all got masculine and feminine energy in US it’s finding the balance between the two if we’re too hard and too harsh we’ll push people away

and that all comes because you’re scared of getting hurt that’s what it is self-reflection look at yourself in the mirror and see the powerful beautiful person that you are for some of you here you doubt yourself that you’re capable of moving on on your own in this business venture your some of you doubt that you’re capable of finding your love and that there’s love out there for you self-reflection you need to reflect and ask yourself am I worthy of absolutely your worthy and you need to believe that talk to that reflection in the mirror and tell that Reflection from an outsider’s point of view what you think that they should do because that will be your intuition talking back at you foreign

you’re growing German Gemini wow you may be dealing with a Gemini I don’t know why even Gemini came into my mind because I did Gemini’s forecast and it’s already out so you may be dealing with a Gemini maybe you’re blossoming into a relationship with the Gemini I don’t know or you’ve got Gemini High in your in your Ascent in your Ascender or your moon sign 33 you are mastering what’s important you are mastering Scorpio what’s important to you and where you want to go next you’re now starting to understand that I am capable of being the master in the business that I can be I am capable of finding beautiful love in my life and allowing yourself to Blossom mastering what’s required of yourself not others you need to be absolutely sure of who you are before others can be sure of what they’re getting

and the void for many of you here it was a start there was something missing in you that or there is something missing in you that hasn’t completed the puzzle of your life and I feel that once you know what that is by using your intuition and being true to who you are that you’re going to find what it is that you’re missing you’re going to understand that whilst you don’t need other people to complete you they can add to your life you need to be complete within yourself first and then add them as uh cherry on the cake if you like but you need to be the cake does that make sense I don’t know if this has made sense to anyone here but if it has fantastic let me know in the comments Scorpio and if you know Scorpio that needs to hear this please send it to them lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for sure letting me share this with you thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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