Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For October 2023
FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Scorpio how are you today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 10 7 to 14 days roughly and we’re here to see what energy and what messages come through remember it’s not going to resonate with everybody my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings for those of you that don’t know me and there are also messages in the description about getting a uh getting a reading if you want one of these readings a personal reading that is just for you there is um information in the description below so you may want to visit that okay let’s see energy for Scorpio oh two oh three no too many too many bit nervous this Scorpio are you a bit nervous
stand your ground stand your ground Scorpio so something this week is either one um going to H um force you to stand your ground something that you truly believe in and something that is annoying you it there’s obviously a disagreement with someone or some about something and that is going to test your patience this week wise one grow within your current situation for those of you that um don’t see any growth or want to make a change or I get here that you’re a bit nervous about where you are right now but what they’re saying is Scorpio grow with grow your knowledge where where you are right now in the place you’re in right now that’s sorry I’m trying to get all this information at once and it’s just confusing me what they’re actually trying to say here Scorpio is stand your ground in something that you believe in but also grow within your current situation there is movement for you to grow where you are and I don’t know if it’s if you’re um wanting a promotion somewhere where you are or you’re wanting to get more knowledge to then open up your own thing but they’re saying be wise for now and stay where you are it may not be the right time for you to start something new or it may be that you’ve still got things to learn let’s see with the with another energy here let’s see what they’ve got to say and this is a Tarot as well so I’ll get two cards from this tarot and then we’ll see what what what comes of it king of Gabriel keep your eyes on the big picture leave the details to others experience that leads to success genuine concern for others I had that straight away it was like there’s something that you’re not understanding fully that you staying where you are for a little bit longer will give you the extra experience that you need I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with but it’s for someone that wants to leave however they’re saying there’s still more for you to learn in that place whether you feel that you know everything right now about the job there might be another Dynamic that happens where you are that puts you in a position that’s going to teach you something else that you need to know before you go the 10 of RA Raphael love and blessings fill your life harmonies relationships with family members happily ever after so this is a Scorpio at the moment that is enjoying the the beautiful family that they have around them and I don’t know what’s happened of late but it may be that you’re welcoming a child into your life or you’re just appreciating what you have in your life right now you know deep within your heart that you may not have everything 100% where you want it but your family life right now whether you have your own family or you’re part of your family that whatever circumstance you find yourself in you’re going to feel loved in many many cases you’re going to feel supported and you’re really going to feel like you belong and and you and the L you’re going to feel lucky for being part of that group or of those people that love you back let’s see what else we have for Scorpio please information for
Scorpio okay what else have we got for Scorpio please thank you the king of
Pentacles the star
beautiful the nine of
Pentacles and choices look at that Scorpio there is no doubt here that there is someone here that is wanting to make a change however you now see clearly that for you to be in the king of Pentacles stage that you need a little bit more experience in something that you’re missing or knowledge and it could just be how to run a business business knowledge figures financials how to deal with the financial side of things if you ever left or if you’re whatever it is is you need to whilst you want to a a promotion there is still more or a little bit more that you need to learn in order to get that for some of you it might be a promotion for others it may be that you want to leave to apply for another role or for others it’s that you want to leave and start your own business whichever case and whichever scenario you see yourself in just know that there is still more to learn in that place okay things are going to become clear for you in the next couple of um weeks and you may find that you are given a choice and that choice may be a job position you may find that there’s going to be some rescheduling or reshuffling within your career within where you work or within your mindset and that is going to ask you to make a choice whatever it is choices are always good because you get to choose basically where you want to go and where you want to set your path but that is going to be very prosperous whatever choice you make it’s for the best so you’re not going to lose out from
this if there’s something you really really want you need to stand your ground because we got that card to begin with there may be a few challenges that you may have to go through but know that if you stand your ground they will listen or someone will listen the king of Cups beautiful for some of you you may be dealing with a Pisces a Scorpio or um a cancer the four of
Pentacles the emper the empress beautiful Empress I always smile when I see the empress and the page of Pentacles look at that okay here you may be dealing with in your work life or in your with your partner I I don’t know what scenario this is going to match up for you you’re holding something back and I don’t know what it is and it could be in your relationship it could be to do with your career you’re holding something back and you’re not willing to let go of that information or those feelings that you have and you could be dealing with um like I said a female or a male that is either Pisces cancer or Scorpio there’s a lot of Prosperity here and you will find that with your creative flare and who you are I feel like here Scorpio you’re going to take on
a take on someone that or you’re or you’re keeping something from a female figure in your life and that could be your mother it could be your aunt it could be your sister something that you’ve found out that you’re keeping from a female figure in your life and it could be to do with their love life or their partner something here is being kept the other scenario too I have here is that those people that are dealing with a Scorpio like yourself or a Pisces or a um cancer that you may be holding something back from um someone a partner that you have and that partner may be a Libra cuz this is a Libra card or it could be an air sign as well which is a gemini or an aquarius there’s also very much a big feeling here of if you want to fall pregnant uh within the next couple of weeks it’s you are there’s a super fertile energy here and that may take you to get that wish that you’ve had for someone here it’s going to be about a choice that you make in order to have children or to start something new that you’re creating whatever it is that you’re creating in your life it’s going to be something new that you want to create and that creation could be bringing a baby into the world it could be starting a new career or a new business in your creative field whichever one it is it’s highly profitable there because the energy is quite High in f fertility and also for Creative purposes so I don’t know which what where your scenario fits Scorpio but there is a huge um thing here look at that bottom of the deck is Ace of Wands which is a new beginning it’s a new proposal a new opportunity that comes your way so within the next couple of weeks don’t be surprised if you if there is a new opportunity or a new proposal that comes your way the four of
celebrating and this could bring celebration to the family yeah the 10 of Wands this is some some you’re finally going to celebrate something that you found quite heavy in your life and that could be that you were trying extremely hard and working the long hours to prove that you are capable of getting this promotion it could also be that you have been dealing with family issues that have been quite heavy for you but now things are starting to turn there’s a lot of Happiness here and things are starting to go back to normal even though that load of dealing with the situation was quite heavy the moon for some of you here you’re questioning whether your creativity and everything that you know right now is sufficient for you to be prosperous in what you do and the universe is saying yes you’ve got choices how you implement your creativity and what you do with that knowledge and experience that you have um is going to be totally up to you but don’t doubt and don’t have fear because you have look at that if you let go of the fear and the self-doubt the self sabotaging of looking at how how someone here is saying I don’t think I’m good enough I don’t think I can do that change that vibration to I know I can do this I was born for this and I know that I want this that’s going to bring Prosperity so please don’t doubt your creativity whatever new thing that you want to do and for those of you that want to fall pregnant don’t have doubts that it’s not going to work because you’re actually going to to be surprised if you rest and you take care of yourself that now may be the time because it’s very high
here okay beautiful let’s see what else we have for Scorpio in Romance please for single partnered and married thank
you it’s time to take back control of your life free yourself from something that’s holding you back Scorpio free yourself from either one that um that guilt feeling of you’re not ready to move on or that feeling of I don’t want to move on because I’m I’m scared that my next relationship is going to be like my last one free yourself from what holds you back that fear and that negativity that you hold around relationships and that you feel that you’re not meant to make your new love don’t let that go let those thoughts go let those words go think positive and attract positive put the vibe out there I am looking for my Mr Right I am looking for my prince charming because calling it is going to take place so free yourself from things that are holding you back from finding the right person what else have we got for SC oops romantic feelings your feeling things are real and worth exploring for someone here you may have met someone and you’re still holding back because you’re scared that if you let go you leave yourself vulnerable to getting hurt again and that’s not the case here Scorpio sometimes people cross our paths and I’ve said this millions of times and they’re meant to come across our paths to teach us lessons so that we know what we don’t want in future or that we do want in future people have got good qualities and not so good take the good and want the good because here you’ve got romantic feelings but you’re stopping yourself from experiencing that tell me in the comments if this is you and for those of you that are getting married there’s a beautiful honeymoon ahead enjoy the Bliss of holiday time together whether it’s a honeymoon um after being married which I do feel here that some some will get married some will begin a new life together some will make their prosperous Beginnings together I also feel that this could be for couples as well that are going to reh have their honeymoon they may have been married for 10 20 30 years and now they’re going to take a holiday by themselves they’ve raised their children and now they’re ready to have time away together by themselves like a Honeyman Scorpio I hope this has helped lots of love and light your way thank you so much
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)