Scorpio Horoscope | Psychic Forecast for October 2023

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Monthly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio how are you today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings Live.com and we’re here to do Scorpios October forecast for 2023. so Scorpio I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again this is a general reading it may not resonate with everybody and listen to the end as I’m using quite a few oracle cards today and the tarot as I want to get more information out for you so there are going to be some POI important key points in the reading that you may want to listen to if it doesn’t resonate release it back into the universe and check your moon and ascendant okay Scorpio let’s see what we have for beautiful Scorpio energy thank you flexible Scorpio time in October to be flexible about certain situations with certain people in certain areas of your life you need to be a little bit more flexible this month and it’s going to be a month that drives you to do certain things but it may not happen in the time or how you want it to occur so what they’re saying is Gemini I don’t know why I’m saying Gemini you may be dealing with a Gemini Scorpio but um Scorpio this is to say to you be a little bit more flexible with those around you and what happens around you you may have to make plans or delayed plans but be more flexible in what other people want or what they’re saying to you thinker for some of you you’re thinking a lot number 44 is a master number there’s something that you’re you’re thinking about quite a lot and this is a situation that’s that either you’re contemplating on actioning or you’re thinking about whether a certain person or a certain situation is exactly what you want in your life

being more flexible may help you see things a little differently

let’s say

what other energies do we have for Scorpio place other energies do we have for Scorpio thank you

energies for Scorpio place for October October Scorpio thank you October for Scorpio Scorpio

thank you Release Control Scorpio I could feel that here for some of you you’re you may be wanting to control something though and and I’m not saying that you’re a control freak but you may want something to happen a certain way or in a certain time and what the universe is saying to you here is release the control because whether you want to or not your timing and your wanting is not necessarily going to be at the right time the universe gives that to you or makes that happen for you so if you release control of a certain situation that you’ve been thinking about and you’re more flexible as to when and how that happens you may feel that October is a lot more pleasant For You release your blocks for some of you you’re thinking about doing something or creating something oh but you’re creating some blocks at the same time you’re questioning whether something is right and you’re putting up these blocks of protection I feel here that you’re protect you’re trying to protect yourself from getting hurt and you’re putting up these blocks and thinking whether you should allow those blocks to drop a little bit let someone enter your life a little bit more allow someone to know more about you for someone here I feel that you’ve been through quite a lot in the past and you’ve you’ve withdrawn a lot of information from the outside world and here it’s it’s in October you may have to release those blocks you may have to think about releasing those blocks if you want things or people to come your way or be part of Your Life release the control of holding information release the control of holding things back in fear of other people having that information and hurting you with it does that make sense I don’t know if that makes sense to some Scorpios let me know in the comments if that makes sense and Scorpio tell me where you’re watching this video from I really want to know where our subscribers are coming from are you coming from the US and where in the U.S are you in Canada are you in Australia whereabouts and are you in India in Pakistan in Philippines where are you tell me where you’re coming from

the Knight of Wands you wanting to take action someone here is wanting to take action forward and the night of Warners is you’re taking action but very cautiously you want to move forward but you’re still very cautious about something the six of cups for many of you this cautious Behavior may have been presented or come through from something that you experienced in your childhood something that it you’ve either saw or experienced in your childhood has made you become more uh withdrawn more careful about what you’ve what you share with others about how you see things you see things differently After experiencing something in your childhood

for some of you that’s what brought on the cautiousness the emperor for many of you it could have been with the father figure for some of you here only some maybe one or two you may have dealt with either a father figure or someone that was inner Father Figure position and you’ve something happened with this person or this person did something that in your childhood that made you question about being open with others it made you seclude from being the open person the the naive person you know when a child is quite naive and they’re not aware of any barriers or anything that they’ve got to control they they see things for what it is they say things for what it is sometimes they say things they shouldn’t say but that’s children and that’s the beautiful thing about them that they are genuine and pure however as children we witness things that make us be aware of what not to do of what not to say of being careful about what we do and what we say maybe here you were raised with someone that was narcissistic or someone that was violent and that has made you withdraw as a as as a child and withdraw as an adult that’s had the impact into your adulthood or here you’ve dealt with a situation that today you’re scared of making that decision because for example an example this is only an example your father may have walked out on the family and now you’re worried about making a a choice with a partner of yours or making a life decision because that leaving gave you that feeling of Abandonment of of not being not being able to trust who you thought you could trust does that make sense Scorpio I don’t know five of cups for some of you it created disappointment in your life it brought a lot of disappointment in your life for many of you you’ve had relationships that were just as disappointing and you’re questioning now I wonder if there’s all this disappointment came from what I saw my parents go through came from what I witnessed and I I became a part of does that make sense I don’t know if that makes sense I hope you can save the cards properly because we’re having a difference in shade here

let’s see what else have we got for Scorpio I don’t know how many Scorpios is going to resonate with but something in your childhood has forced you or to believe a certain way or has given you reason to put up blockages just it’s Justice what you’re doing because it’s something that you’ve experienced it’s what you know it’s what you saw it’s what you felt so it’s not like you’re behaving in a manner that is crazy or that is that is unjust it is just the Justice card is there you’ve experienced something that made you believe this way you’ve experienced something or or that that’s made you see things this way

five of Wands there are a lot of arguments for someone here Scorpio there were a lot of arguments in your growing up there was a lot of arguments maybe with a male figure in your life someone of great importance in your life and here this is you trying to build your life now trying to be more flexible so you’re not like what you saw and what you had to experience but it’s making you think about a lot of the past it’s making you have control but there’s like release that control Scorpio not everybody’s the same just because your family may have gone through certain things doesn’t mean that you’re going to go through them release the blocks that are holding you back from being a person you want to be you truly want to be because I feel we’ve got a Scorpio here that truly wants to laugh again that truly wants to give their heart and soul to somebody truly fully but from past experiences and especially in their childhood and with people that they trusted and loved that they saw a different story here that’s carried on into their adulthood temperance you’re battling between what’s right and what’s wrong what was right and what was wrong what did I learn and what should I let go of what was what do I see myself being and what will I not be you battling between the rights and the wrongs you battling between your past relationships and where they took you but what you’re not seeing is that there’s possibilities behind you Scorpio that are really there for you if you want them for the single single scorpions here I’m speaking to there is two possibilities coming your way for the others it’s a couple that either they’re going out and you’re not sure whether you’re willing to make that commitment to your partner because of the perception that you have of taking that next step of marriage or or moving in together or whatever it may be you’re scared for some of you here you may be had been asked to move in with your partner or propose and they’re saying when when are we going to get married when are we going to move in together and you’re holding off making that decision because you’re not sure whether you want to move in with someone and it’s going to spoil that relationship you’re not sure if you want to take that step and marry that person because it might wreck the relationship what you’ve got now you don’t want to be what you grew up with or saw the Knight of Swords

there’s going to be a situation in October Scorpio that you will need to make a decision and for some of you here you’ll need to say that’s it I need to fly my own my own wings I need to make the decisions I need to make I need to free myself from all that Karma and all that negative energy that I grew up with I need to free myself and cut cut away all the negativity around me I need to free myself from that place from those people not but not in a permanent way I don’t feel here it’s a permanent way it’s the thought process it’s more I need to cut cut out all the thoughts and the experiences that I had because I can’t let that keep on putting me in a position of indecision I can’t let that sabotage me I need to fly high like that eagle and be true to who I am I want to live my life my way despite what I grew up with or despite what I’ve seen does that make sense let me know in the comments if you resonate you don’t need to tell me your personal story because this is someone that has gone through a bit in life and that is now trying to find their their way their path their life the king of Cups that’s all I want I want to love I want to create love I want to be passionate about who I have in my life I want a beautiful friendship a beautiful marriage a beautiful love that’s going to be with me forever for the rest of my life I want that same person that wants what I want I want that same experience and that same that same things that you imagine a marriage or a relation or a good relationship to be I want love in my life I don’t want the chaos that I grew up with from someone of a father figure or someone of great importance to me I’ve been there done that I’ve seen it all I’ve seen the conflict I don’t want that for me and that’s you looking deep within and making the choices that you need to make for some of you you’ve really thought about this process and The Thinker didn’t come here by mistake you’ve thought about this process you thought about the pros and cons and you’ve thought about the fears and the the barriers that it brings you but it’s now time to release those Scorpio release those fears because look underneath look at that that’s what you want and that’s what you’ll get just because you grew up in that environment doesn’t mean you’re bringing that environment to you you’ve got a choice of making your own environment you’ve got the choice and the decisions you make are what’s going to take you to this place of Harmony peace and Tranquility with your partner with a loved one with a relationship that you so want even though past relationships weren’t that don’t paint all of them with the same paintbrush

all right let’s go what else have we got

what else have we got getting a bit darker here let me just lighten this up a little bit

we’ve had some clouds come in that little bit clearer no you say oh too clear okay that’s better um still the same okay Scorpio let’s see what Elena mod has for you

changing skin Scorpio which spoke about that the snake is all about changing the skin don’t give up don’t give up on changing changing the not changing you but letting go of those barriers so you can change the circumstances in your life this is all about changing the circumstances in your life from what you experienced to what you live can be totally different huh live the love that you want to live my sweetheart live the love that you want to live change change what you saw and let allow the love to be look at that that’s marriage that’s new beginning that’s New Beginnings are on the horizon Scorpio don’t be scared don’t be scared to let go let go of all those old memories let go of all those old fears of what it was in other people’s relationships because we’re talking about yours let’s see what the last card is here for Scorpio what’s the last card that’s coming through Angel for Scorpio for October please

sorry Scorpio we’ve just had the Sun change over clouds and now it’s just really causing chaos in this let me say that’s better a little bit better I don’t know okay one more Angel Card for Scorpio please hope you can see those properly Angel Card for Scorpio what Angel are you going to send Scorpio we’ve gone through quite a few cards Scorpio it’s a special one

Scorpio there is no mistake angel of learning learning that everything that we’ve experienced in the past isn’t necessarily what we’re going to leave learning that there’s lights that belong to you everyone has their own Journey everyone has their own beliefs and everyone makes their own paths believe in your goals and dreams believe in what you know a relationship to be in your mind not what you experience but in your mind and create that for you create that love and that relationship for you because you deserve it and with that Scorpio I’m sending you lots and lots of love for October 2023 thank you so much for being here thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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