Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Tarot Insights for November

by | Nov 2, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me and today we’re going to do a different reading which is we’re going to put out what each house of the astrology chart Z in zodiac signs has for you so we’re going to look at yourself your money communication your romance your career your spirituality and in-depth Secrets or uh unconscious things that you think about so let me know if you like the reading at the end of it and I’ll do that every month if you do um remember it’s not a general reading so each house is going to be given to you as uh a forecast but it may or may not resonate with you check your moon and your ascendant also Scorpio if you want a private reading there’s details below how you can book that private reading with myself via Zoom via telephone or via a video link that I can send you as well okay what have we got for Scorpio please energy for Scorpio main energy for Scorpio for November November horoscope for Scorpio is The Wheel of Fortune look at that the main energy for November for you Scorpio is going to be the wheel which means changes changes changes changes New Beginnings end of delays a changing direction that offers happiness so if you are waiting for a change to take place then that is it you will see that change in November you may see it at the beginning you may see it mid November you may see it at the end of November and while I’ve got you happy birthday to you because Scorpio we are in your birthday season and it’s no surprise that things are going to start changing you now release the 2023 energy and you start going into once your birthday is over you start going into the new cycle of 2024 also November Scorpio is a month where a lot of horoscopes and star signs sorry a lot of zodiac signs start to put plans in place for 2024 they evaluate their life and where they’ve come up to in 2023 what they’ve achieved and what they would have liked to achieve and they start planning for 2024 so a lot of changes do happen in November and start to happen in November because the vibration is quite high and also we’ve got an eclipse on the 28th of October which is tomorrow I’m I’m videoing on the 27th um and you’ll find that the eclipse brings in some action there as well okay what’s the last energy we have for Scorpio the before we go into each house and tell you chopping wood chopping wood Scorpio it’s a time to chop out anything in your life that no longer serves you you’re going to uh get rid of old clothes that no longer fit you or have got holes in them clean out your wardrobe clean out your shoe rack clean out things that you no longer want to carry with you there’s going to be people that you move you away from um in no November saying no that relationship doesn’t do me any good and I don’t want to take that into the new year um there’s going to be situations that you do or you’ve done that you no longer want to do anymore and that is your call Scorpio it’s you re-evaluating what means what means a lot to your life and what doesn’t bring so much to your life and that’s why you’re going to put the changes in The Wheel of Fortune the wheel is you starting to change things by by setting that vibration of I want change and I’m going to change what I’m taking with me into 2024 and in November the whe starts to change in November for you okay let’s see what we have for Scorpio let me just get these cards right sorry okay what do we have for Scorpio reading for November for each house please go mentors thank you what are we going to tell here what are we going to tell Scorpio here for on November for each house okay house one is self so it’s how you’re going to be in November you personally what does Scorpio have house for house one in November please oh Scorpio you start the you will be in a battlefield in November and what I mean by that is you’re not taking any more rubbish that’s the sort of vibe that you’re putting out in November it’s you starting to believe in who you are and saying enough is enough for too long I’ve dealt with people that have brought me uh chaos I’ve dealt with people’s attitudes I’ve dealt with people’s way of thinking opinions and now I’m putting an end to all of that and if I have to do it in an Abrupt way well they’re going to get the message I need to sort out things that no longer serve me I need to clean things out that have just been bringing me down and I Want to Be Free of things that are no good for my life anymore so this battle that you’re going to go into you’re not going to muck around in November this is me this is what I want and this is how I’m going to get it there is no ifs BS or Mayes with with Scorpio in November it’s a month where you take control of where you want to go next okay money for November please what do we got for money for November for Scorpio money has to for November for Scorpio thank you strength here Scorpio it’s be strong in your finances know what you’re spending and what you know what you’re spending and know where your money is going it’s asking you to be strong and only spend what you have to don’t overspend don’t spend more than what you make don’t get yourself into debt because here they’re saying you’re going to need some strength Scorpio although you like to buy nice things and wear nice things Scorpio in November it’s time to maybe look at things in a different way what do I need versus what do I just want so it’s asking maybe for for you to tighten up the belt a little bit in November don’t be so Carefree with your money November have the strength to say no I’m not spending my money on that no I really don’t need that okay house three communication what is Scorpio got for commun o beautiful you are going to have some wins with your Communication in November there’s going to be things that you want and you’re going to communicate them very clearly you’re going to be very precise about what you want and you’re not going to be pulling punches here you’re going to say things the way they are and your communication is in topnotch in November where everyone understands who you are what you want and what you’ll put up with and what you want very very direct but you’re going to have wins through communicating so if your job involves communication you’ve got Victory coming to you if your job involves uh convincing people talking to people your sales you know you could be in sales you could be um uh an entrepreneur on on YouTube you could be an you could be an influencer you could be a teacher you could be a lawyer uh a barrister anything anything that brings communication you’re going to have victory in that it’s going to bring you victory in that in November okay house five Romance what have we got for romance for house five for Scorpio November please romance house five for Scorpio November please what have we got for their romance thank you beautiful Scorpio you know how we said that the battle you’re going to be on a battlefield here and I do feel that some of you are not going to I’ve got two scenarios here for some you may not put up with rubbish anymore in your romance and you’re going to set someone free yes that can happen you can leave a location or or a a relationship because you’re no longer going to allow that relationship to drag you to where it’s been dragging you in the past you’re freeing yourself from chaos and from negativity for someone else here what that means in your Rance is that you could take a holiday with your partner and rekindle rekindle the flame rekindle the relationship itself and you’re going to you may go on a ship you may go on a holiday on a boat in November or you may go over water in November but whatever it is there are Scorpios here either going on a boat cruise or they’re going on a holiday um over water in

November okay and with their romantic partner of of course all right what have we got got for health what does house six look like for Scorpio please house six health for Scorpio for November house six Scorpio November please thank you the death and don’t don’t think that this is the death card you’re going to die no no no the death card is saying there’s going to be a transformation in your health and this could be one you giving up smoking you’re going to transform what you were doing to what you start doing in November it could be that you stop drinking you start a a a gym regime you start a yoga class you go to Pilates you’re going to transform your health this is you paying attention more to your health so the death card does not mean that it’s death itself it means it’s a transformation from the old to the new beautiful okay what else have we got what are what does relationships and Partnerships in general have for Scorpio which is house seven house seven is relationships in general for Scorpio house oh Justice there’s going to be a beautiful balance in your relationships in November nothing great nothing not great it’s going to be very balanced very stable overall your your relationships with people are going to be okay the only ones that won’t be is the ones that get in your way um with your fiery I’m going to go and get it this can also be that you’re going to get you’re going to have a passion and a path that you want to follow and that you’re not going to allow people to get in between that so but your your relationships overall are balanced and they’re going to bring you a lot of stability so nothing nothing to worry about there okay what’s your debt like and your joint F finances in November Scorpio house eight debt and Joint Forces joint sorry joint re resources in November for Scorpio house eight house eight for Scorpio the world and the world says guess what Scorpio you anything that was outstanding that you hadn’t paid that you’re in debt or in November you get on top of all of that that’s why they asked you to have strength here where your money’s concerned that strength to limit what you spent is going to allow you to put an end to anything or any bills that were outstanding beautiful the end of debt for some the end of worry with the changes that are coming here in the wheel and you chopping wood which means getting rid of things that you don’t want you may generate enough money to be able to pay your your bills and your debt if you hold any okay spirituality house 9 what have we got to spirituality house 9 for Scorpio November Thank You Adventure king of Pentacles this is you being in control of what you what you want and how your going to get it for many of you here you’ll feel at peace within yourself once your finances are in control you feel at peace within yourself and you feel blessed blessed in many ways when you’re financially secure so I feel that in November when you get yourself um sorted if there are any debts they’re paid for if there are any new Adventures you want to put into place then you put them into place and you start to generate Financial reward coming through any promotions that you’ve had any communication that’s brought you in a lot of money anything things that you’ve sold that’s brought you in a lot of money that’s all going to bring you peace spiritually and when we’re at peace with ourselves we then start to feel the joy and the peace that our soul has within which allows us to really comfortably connect with the Divine connect with the higher the higher power and we allow ourselves to be at peace with ourselves so being financially stable is going to help you through that okay what else do we have for Scorpio here for career house 10 for Scorpio please house 10 for Scorpio career house 10 for Scorpio thank you eight of Wands think things move forward Scorpio not only did you get the wheel that you start in November there are new changes New Movement forward you start something new you will start a new project a new career a new business something that’s going to excite you and something that’s been a dream of yours for quite some time that communication remember came in as a victory so all this is tied in together where you put a change in into something that you want to change and everything falls into place your career is going to move forward your communication brings Victory the wheel of of Fortune is turning and I feel that you’re turning that Wheel of Fortune on your own you’re making the difference you’re making the different choices that are going to bring that on okay overall friendships what do you like with your friends in November Scorpio house 11 please house 11 for Scorpio friendships thank you in November beautiful overall beautiful everything’s clear everything shines bright there may be some truths that you find out about certain friends in your life um Scorpio in November there may be things that come to the Forefront that you weren’t aware of and the truth is seen but overall um it’s it’s a a pretty beautiful card here but there there could be things that you weren’t aware of that all of a sudden come through and uh will show you things that you couldn’t see before okay what is the overall overall uh unconscious thing that you have in your mind what’s the unconscious that you have in your

mind unconscious house 12 has 12 for Scorpio thank

you oh king of Cups you just want love and you want to be loved Scorpio that’s all you want in life you want to love and you want to be loved and here it’s it’s no different that’s all you crave a Scorpio here that just wants to love and be loved for some of you here you may meet somewh I feel that this is you cuz you’re you’re the water water sign but you may also meet another scor iio a Pisces or a cancer or this may just be you looking for love and wanting to be loved or investing in your love life in November feeling at peace with who you are and really really being at peace with your your love your the love for yourself the love for others and your romance you just want to be loved and that’s it you don’t ask for much and you don’t want much you really just want to be at peace in harmony with love really okay so Scorpio that’s it there what have we got for one last message for

Scorpio okay Scorpio what have we got for you what have we got for Scorpio two cards Scorpio two cards the high Mystic power you are very powerful you are very intuitive here they’re asking you to use that intuition in November use that intuition of internal power and understanding understanding who you are where you want to get to and what you want to do next so it’s asking you to be very in touch with your needs your want and who you are as a person but use that intuition for any decision that you need to make and the other one is winter take care of your needs absolutely take care of what you want of what you need it’s now time to put yourself first Scorpio use your intuition to bring what it is that you want into your space in November and there on in let’s see last message for relationships last romantic message for relationships for cool that flew out codependency addictions are affecting your romantic life Scorpio so for someone here this message wasn’t by mistake this message is to say that someone here who is a Scorpio could be only one person your codependency is affecting your romantic life and that could be that you took up drinking you took up elicit drugs gambling something that is not allowing other people people to come into your circle they’re not allow you’re not allowing them to come into your circle because you yourself may have decided that this was the way the path you wanted to go down so for some of you in November you may come to the realization that this what I’m doing is affecting me from finding someone beautiful I keep on finding people that do what I do and that’s not what I want so for someone there’s a realiz ation here of I need to maybe tone down what I’m doing or stop what I’m doing in order for me to find the love of my life I don’t know who that’s going to resonate with but someone here will know that okay Scorpio I hope that’s made a lot of sense tell me if you like this reading as a monthly reading lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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