Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for November Week 3

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 3

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November Week 3. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days thank you so much for all the beautiful subscriptions that we’ve received so much love and light your way thank you for liking the videos commenting on the videos and sharing the videos I’m so forever grateful and you’re part of our family so thank you okay Scorpio remember it’s a general reading if it doesn’t resonate please check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun Scorpio and what have we got for Scorpio this week next 7 to 4 oh milk and honey Scorpio how beautiful is that straight up beautiful higher power wow Gemini wow Gemini oh my Lord you may be dealing with dealing with a Gemini Scorpio you may be dealing with a Gemini I don’t know why I got Gemini there

Observer and Treasure Island look at that okay and under Neath to the Sea so Scorpio what I see here first off in the first line is that some of you may go on a holiday and with that you may find that in this during this holiday or your or your your travel time with this you may even go with your partner cuz I do feel here that it’s with a partner you’re going to have some fantastic times it’s going to allow you to see that person for who they are and what they are for some of you here you’re taking the time out right now to observe someone who you’re with or someone that you’ve just met you’re using your intuition your rationality to look at something and look at this situation or this person and make a decision whether this is for you or not you’re as much as it’s beautiful and as much as you as much as it’s inviting um and this person can be caring and nurturing and does all the beautiful things that you want you’re now questioning whether this is the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with or this is the one the situation that you want to stay in for quite some time whatever it is that you’re going through right now because everyone will be different and every journey is different but you’re really using your intuition and really looking at things for signs red flags or anything that’s going to Veer you off um being part of this situation or relationship you’re going to look at things in a very rational manner taking the emotion out of it you’re going to let your intuition tell you whether this person or this situation is milk and honey for real is it true are they going to bring me the stability that I want is this situation exactly what I wanted it to be is this person the person that I can live with for the rest of my life it’s things like that that you’re asking you don’t tune in and a lot of people don’t tune in to their gut feelings and their intuition and really observe something if it’s not something that you’re wanting to make a decision on and here I do feel that many of you are going to find that this personal situation has a lot of beautiful qualities what you need to remember Scorpio is this that not everybody is going to be perfect and sometimes you may be looking for that perfect the one that ticks all the boxes that you’re never going to find ever because there is no one in the world that is going to ever be perfect and if you um are happy with what you see then I feel that this is going to be something that you’re going to think about later on making a commitment to whether it’s a situation or a person what else do we have for Scorpio please what else do we have for Scorpio oops this deck I haven’t used very many times so it’s still very very stiff okay what else do we have for Scorpio please what is it that you want to oops okay the sun look at that SC Scorpio the sun with milk and honey wow you know you want to find light in a situation or in the relationship and it brings you a lot of good things in

life the Knight of Michael that’s you wanting to go forward and you want to move quickly in this situation but your intuition is saying hold on before you make your commitment before you you want to be part of this for a long long time you need to be sure that everything is above board how you feel counts you’re using your intuition to make a big decision in your life whether that’s a new business a new project a new relationship or your current relationship that you’re in whether you want to take it to the next level do I want to marry this person do I want to be with this person and move in with them little things like that not actually not little things cuz it’s actually a big thing it’s a big move whatever it is that you’re wanting to do it’s something that you want to be totally sure about before you make that decision eight of Michael you want to feel at peace you want to be able to be free at making a choice that’s going to be right for you you’re being guided you know this observation that you’re doing is saying to yourself I want to make sure that the there’s no regrets here I want to make sure that I look at every detail and every little thing that may be an issue later on and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the two of Gabriel this is the indecision that’s you saying do I do I not do I go do I stay do I try it do I not do I propose or do I not do I move in with this person or do I not it’s you saying whilst they’ve got all the the beautiful qualities in the world is that something that I can live with the the beautiful qualities are the Treasure Island is your Treasure Island but do they have everything or does this situation have everything that I can live with all the the pros and the cons can I live with all the pros and the cons and your intuition is saying I just want to commit I want this to get stronger I want to do this and it’s not any that’s not great because it’s beautiful you don’t get honey and milk and the sun it’s actually something that’s very very beautiful in your life but there is there must be some doubt there Scorpio for you to even go to your intuition and observe because this intuition with the observing is something that you do when you’re absolutely ready to take the next step but but you don’t know if taking the the next step is the right thing to do at this point in time tell me if this resonates with someone here is this what you’re going through are you going through being unsure about what to do are you going through this feeling of I know I love this person I love this situation I want to be part of it but I really need to think deep and hard about all the pros and cons and all the the cons can I live with them if that was to be what it looked like for the next 10 years of my life could I live with that let’s see what else we have for Scorpio

please look at that the Queen of Wands the Queen of Wands is someone that doesn’t mck around this is a fire sign you may be dealing with a fire sign and that could be an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius and this is where you take a stance either this person is those stars and this is them or you take a stance and uh and think I need to be sure here I need to be sure that my next steps and my next moves towards this relationship towards this situation is exactly what I need and what I want so it’s you taking the intu intuitive that you know the queen of wands is is what we call the psychic of the tarot and very intuitive very very monitored very powerful fire in the in the belly fire in what they know what they know what they want they know how to get it this is an energy of power really and then you’ve got the N nine of Cups you know that this person brings you a lot of happiness or this situation you know that making this step could be the best thing in life but you need to observe and be totally

sure and I yeah look at that sometimes Scorpio if you look too much you may just self- sabotage yourself or you sabotage this relationship or this situation sometimes when we’re so um um so forceful in finding the darkest bits of PE people or situations we end up we end up focusing on just those and nothing else be careful that when you’re observing this situation or this person in this relationship that you’re not only looking at their their weaknesses that they may have a lot more strengths than weaknesses and you’re focusing on the Red Flags rather than having a look at the person as a whole so be super careful because sometimes when we Overlook at things or judge people we may be just focusing on their their challenges rather than all the beautiful things that they bring into our lives the beautiful person that they are on the bottom of it is the Six of Pentacles for some of you here it could be that you’re worried about about letting this person or this situation in and losing money losing things that if any if you ever broke up that it would mean that you would lose your financial stability that you would lose everything you’ve worked hard for can is someone resonating here with this because I feel that someone here is scared to make the next step is scared to get involved into a situation is scared to create this partnership that’s been offered to you and that is because you’re very cautious about everything that you’ve worked for and you don’t want things to go sour where this person takes what is yours or rattles your stability and your foundation let me know if you can resonate with

this very powerful reading Scorpio is very curious and very cautious and you’re using your cautious side in this reading Scorpio you’re using that that very CU curious side of you look at that you want to find stability you want to make something of this situation you want to start a new situation here or a new step in a new relation in in this relationship your current relationship or you want to start a new relationship all together but you’re very cautious but now this is is saying to you Scorpio it’s time that you put that to bed have a look at the things from an outsider’s perspective and look into that relationship what do they bring you how do they make you feel does it matter that they haven’t got much financially or are you feeling like they’re liking you or wanting you because of your financial stability what you have to offer is that what is what’s at the back of your mind let me know in the comments one more please there’s a doubt here for some reason there is a doubt this is a Scorpio with a doubt that you’re just wanting to make sure but why is it that you’re just wanting to make sure is it just out of curiosity or is something happened that’s made you feel this way and there we have a figure of a man or it could be that it’s uh a woman in this Sunan energy um a woman with a very a very strong woman at that and if she’s a fire sign by any chance and that’s Aries Leo or Sagittarius then guess what she’s going to have a lot of masculine energy in her because they don’t mck around the fire signs are very strong in what they want what they need and who they’ll put up with look at that on the bottom of that deck is number one which is Straight Ahead straight ahead and you know funny I said that because I just did Aries which is a fire sign and they had the same card in the same position it’s now time to move forward if you feel in your deep heart that that is right for you the other thing is focusing too much may get you into trouble or may may make you lose something that’s very valuable sometimes we need to give and take and everyone’s going to have good bits and bad bits that we need to negotiate with what’s the negotiation that you’re willing to make or are you is it way too hard that you’re not willing to negotiate what is it Scorpio let me know in the comments one more card for scor thank you take note of intuitive messages there you go take note of intuitive messages and on the bottom of that deck choose your path Scorpio listen to your intu inition don’t observe observe but not overly but your intuition has the answers you need you don’t look need to look far and low you just need to listen to your intuition and what is that telling you if it feels right it is if it doesn’t feel right then maybe it’s not but whatever it is it the answer is within you listen to that

intuition Scorpio I hope that this has helped somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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