Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December Week 3

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 3, 2023

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot reading live.com and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days I’m going to start off with two energies then go into two tarot and then finally I’ll give you a last message with the moon oracle cards just to finish off that reading okay let’s go and see what we have for you just see also Scorpio not sure if you know but 2024 predictions and December predictions are out now so feel free to go um and check those out they’re on our Channel and for all the beautiful people that have subscribed commented L lots of love to you always okay let’s see what we have for Scorpio please main energy for Scorpio thank you main energy for Scorpio

strength Scorpio in the next 7 to 14 days it’s going to require you to have some strength it’s either strength for yourself or strength in dealing with others or helping others for everybody it may be a different story but it’s asking you to grab that strength that you have show that strength be the strength whatever it is it’s prosperous and it could be that you’re going you’re you’re about to achieve something and you need the strength to go all the way to complete the task complete the goal people look up to you and they need you to have that strength see how the mice is looking up to the snake it’s like do you have the strength to help me so it could be that someone needs your strength or you need the the strength but either way you’re going to need strength and there’s a heart here Scorpio which says to me that in the next 7 to 14 days it might not have anything to do with it it might be just for one person here but there may be somebody that’s suffering from a heart condition near you and you’re going to have to need that strength to help them through this let’s see what else comes up for Scorpio what else do we have for Scorpio please I’ve already mixed all these um cards in your energy so let’s see what other energy we have for Scorpio


ancestors the strength of your ancestors that’s what I’ve got here and and again strength eight and eight two and two and six is eight then you’ve got a number eight eight is the strength card the major strength card what they’re saying here Scorpio and I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with if it doesn’t please go and see your moon and your ascendant but it’s asking you to have the strength of your ancestors solid foundation remember where you came from the family around you the family tree the family may need you at this time you require strength at this time I know we’re going into the festive season and holiday season but for some reason here they’re asking you to have to show strength be the strength or have the strength and it’s to do with family the tree is all about family foundations ancestors let’s find out what else comes up Scorpio it’s obviously not going to be for everybody so if it’s not for you there might be other messages that come through here something this will make sense

somewhere what else do we have what do we got for the strength card why do we need Scorpio to be strong what’s the strength

card the page of Swords new ideas new ways of seeing things new ways of doing things new understandings New Beginnings a beginning understanding the processes the new processes the

solutions it’s also about one sec let me just get the other two cards the lovers card making decisions you may be required Scorpio in the next 7 to 14 days to make an important decision to make a decision that is rational not

emotional and you may need the strength to do this it’s like you may need the strength to make an important decision in your life or or a decision that’s going to be important for your

life let me know what this is Scorpio does this does this resonate with you Ace of Swords speak your truth it’s like here you’re going to speak your truth you’re going to say exactly what it is with no emotion in this it’s like you’re going to make a decision and it could be about a relationship it could be about a career it could be in the family because you’ve got your ancestors there it could be something that is important in your life that’s going to require you to make a decision and when you make this decision it’s going to be very upfront there’s no ifs or buts there’s not going to be time for emotion it’s time for truth it’s you being true to who you are you having the strength to be true about who you are and what you are and what you

want it’s like you’re standing up for yourself you’re standing up for yourself with someone else like you’re you’re projecting exactly what you expect what’s this is what’s good for me this is what I want you need to be strong long enough to say that I feel here that for some Scorpios you’ve just been going with the flow you’ve let someone manipulate you or throw their opinions on you made you feel like you didn’t have a say when now now this Scorpio is saying uh-uh this has gone Way Beyond where I wanted it to go now I need to be true in who I am I need to speak my truth and I need to start something that’s true for me that’s going to be good for me if it’s not good for me I need to cut it out of my life and you’re prepared to do that with the strength for others it’s you having to be strong about a decision that is required of you what have we got for ancestors what’s that what why is ancestors here the oak tree the oak tree is all

about strength re resilience strength

resilience foundations build staying true to your foundation staying true to who you are the Judgment yes there’s a calling for you to be true to who you are but be true to your ancestors and those that have that have departed keep your faith and keep your your dream alive but make decisions and be the person that your ancestors were don’t allow others to make your ancestry less of importance for example if you’ve grown up in a certain culture don’t let anyone put that culture down or not want you to be part of that culture that is your heritage that is your ancestors that is your base it’s like I’m standing strong with my

beliefs you’ve had to defend yourself a lot Scorpio you’ve had to defend the way you think the way you want things you may have had to defend yourself against others not understanding who you are where you’ve come from you may have had to defend yourself and your your culture your wants your

needs but now it’s saying no Scorpio you’ve defended yourself and you’ve gone through battles before it’s now time for you to stand strong understand where you came from understand who you are and understand that your ancestors are within

you I don’t know what this is Scorpio so help me out here if anyone can resonate with this reading I I don’t for some of you here look at that for some of you you’ve been ridiculed you’ve been left alone you’ve been disowned you’ve been treated badly in regards to where you come from where you’ve been who you are what your belief system is

it’s like people are judging you or made you feel worthless made you feel less

important look at you like you don’t fit in is this to you Scorpio let me know what is

this what is this why are you feeling this way

your stability here has been rocked your stability your foundation has been tested you’ve had to defend yourself to keep yourself above water you’ve had to defend yourself from others others that made you feel like you weren’t important made you feel like you didn’t belong that’s what I’m getting here that’s what I’m hearing here so I don’t know who this is for let me know if this is how you

feel ah understood understood Scorpio for somebody here they they they’re saying to me look back look back and I’m thinking Look Back Where I understand for somebody here Scorpio and it might just be one person everything else I said stands but for one person here it’s like you need the strength against your family your an you’re going against Customs you’re going against your family your family’s beliefs you’re going against what what they want for you they want you to marry into the custom they want you to socialize with people in your your tribe your people your custom your way and you’re fighting that you don’t want to be part of what your ancestors what your parents and what your grandparents have done you want to change things up we are now in the 20th century and you want to be like everybody else you don’t have to be with or marry within your culture you are you now want to speak your truth you want to be with someone that loves you respect you shows you abundance and caring and nurture despite where they come from what color they are or who they are what matters is how they treat you what matters is how you and they feel and you have you are going to need the strength within the next 7 to 14 days to fight this to Stand Tall against all beliefs of your ancestors and your parents and grandparents today it’s like you you’ve got a battle you’re going to make a call call or you’ve made a call and you’ve had to stand firm even though sorry that one was upside down even though you’ve made a call that you’re going to be different you’re going to do it differently you’re going to be who you want to be despite what culture what beliefs your ancestors and parents and grandparents have you’re going to do it your way and that has caused an enormous amount of judgment against you it’s caused you you needed to be strong to face all of

that but here here I have a celebration because you have had to stand tall and strong against the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life and that’s go against the ones you love go against the what you grew up in your your Customs your culture you’ve gone against the tide and when you’re swimming against the tide it is tiring it is exhausting and you’re on your own everyone else just swims with the tide and it’s easy that make sense but there’s going to be a celebration your they’re going to celebrate your strength and think Scorpio did not give up on their beliefs they stood strong for what they wanted and who they

are wow let me know if this is you Scorpio if I reach one person that needed to hear this it’s someone that’s challenging what they’ve grown up in their culture their beliefs their family’s beliefs their their stability their foundations it’s you saying I don’t want to do it that way anymore I don’t want to be in an arranged marriage or or who you pick for me I want to choose my own look at you look at you the page of Wands it’s you moving forward with truth you’re going to move forward with truth and

excitement you’re going to cut you you’ve started something new that that I had you’ve started something new it’s like you’re the the black sheep in the family you’ve had to do things that no one in the family have done

before the judgment you believed you believed you prayed you wanted this person to be part of your life and accepted by your family and your friends and you prayed for this genuine person to come into your

life for others here if you’re not in this predicament have yeah you believed you believed that you were United and you’re going to speak your truth we are together in this choice we are together in our stability we are together where a bond accept us or you don’t have us you accept who I love no matter what color skin no matter what culture they come from you accept who I love and who I

want it’s you standing up to an to your an ancestors beliefs does that make sense to somebody

here king of Cups this is the person that brings you it doesn’t matter man or female this is an energy this is the person that you love that respects you that shows you the love and respect that you need the nurturing they’re everything to

you you have thought about this for a long long time it’s not something that’s just crawled up now now this has been on your mind for quite some time you’ve been seeing this person for quite some time but now you know even though you’ve had to battle you’re glad you did because you’ve paed the way for your siblings cousins to do exactly the same it’s like you have a legacy in that family

of breaking tradition to be the true you that you came here to

be you did there was a lot of suffering a lot of name calling a lot of disrespect you felt alone you didn’t know what you were going to do you had to fight this on your own but you had to break it and it’s either you know you had this thing of if I don’t do it this is going to keep going on and on and on I need to be strong I need to break that tune I need to break that

expectation for people beside me and for for people after me for my generation and generations to

come and look at that the nine of Cups you celebrate your success you celebrate your truth and look at that look at all that gold in that treasure you have spoken Your Truth today you stand in respect for yourself if nothing else you stand with your head held up high that you just didn’t fall for old Customs for old traditions for old expectations for what was once upon a time is no longer what it is today and you break you broke the molds

it’s like there’s a joke and I don’t know but there’s a joke in your family about look at Scorpio thank God for Scorpio because if it wasn’t Scorpio this tradition this custom would go on forever and ever and ever you had the strength in the whole family to do what you did and you probably gave people a heart attack when you announced what you were doing and not not a a real heart attack but

just you stood against you stood against what was always the

tradition congratulations Scorpio it takes someone super strong to do that super strong to do that and that’s why you’ve got both strength cards here you’re no pushover Scorpio you’re no

pushover full moon in Leo you may have Leo in your in your um in your chart but it says go wild go wild it’s like you got on this Mission and and you said I’m not going to finish it and I’m not going to back down and I don’t care how many people I am going to annoy and pee off I’m going to stick in there and I’m going to do what I need to do I’m on a mission and a truth that I need to

complete cool you your emotions sometimes you need to know when to call it Scorpio sometimes you know you can explain yourself and you can do all the changes that you do but unfortunately we can’t change others and you know that person that says this is how I was born this is how I was raised this is how I will die they will never change and you need to accept that so all your emotions when it comes to people like that you’re never going to please

everybody we can never please everybody and if you want to please everybody you’re never going to achieve it you’re going to Forever battle and this person here doesn’t care about pleasing everybody this is someone that’s gone against everybody and everything that was ever in their family let your fears dissolve don’t let your fears don’t be scared full moon in cancer your family will always love you if they they want the best for you let your fears dissolve don’t be you know when people are unsure about how to take things they try and scare you so you move away from that and they might say to you that person doesn’t will never understand us will never understand our culture our Traditions we’ll never understand this we’ll never understand that in order to put fear into you let your fears dissolve and take each day for what it is go with your

intuition you’ll build your family the way you want it and your ancestors will be proud of you believe it or not they will be saying she she or he Scorpio broke our Traditions our customs but you know what they were true and they saw the light their

light they were true to their light and their

being Scorpio this is probably only going to be for one person but let me know if you’re that person because this message I don’t choose messages that come through whoever this is message is for please let me know lots of love and light thank you so much all the best


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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