Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days and I hope everybody’s well we’re going to start off with Archangel Michael um message from him please for Scorpio calling my angels my guides and my mentors to guide me through and see what message you want me to pass on to Scorpio today please what message do you want me to pass on to Scorpio angels of healing are with you a time of healing is about to bless your life accept Archangel Raphael’s emerald green light while I enhance your strength what are you going through right now Scorpio a lot of hurt and pain

Archangel Raphael is the green and turquoisey blue light in the next few weeks try and either light a candle that’s green or blue and vision your worriors going to Archangel Raphael whether you believe in the archangels or whoever it is that you believe in Imagine That being released from you and going into the universe allowing that worry that you hold that pain that sorrow that you’ve got inside releasing that and letting it go into the universe they’re there worrying about you and they want to enhance your strength so give that worry over to the universe and say please take this worry from me please help me get through this this pain this worry this anguish that I feel

inside what are you going through

Scorpio decisions you might have to make some decisions and and you’re worried you’re stressed about things that you’re going to have to

decide Scorpio please what two thank you be fearless and bold this cards come out a lot today in the readings you hold a fear here it’s like you’re holding a fear you hold this fear of being vulnerable of a fear of not being accepted a fear of not speaking your truth you you’re afraid to speak your truth you’re afraid to let others know how you feel you’re afraid of what you the circumstances you see yourself in something has worried you here Scorpio or scared

you life is a mystery sometimes we will never understand why things turn out the way they do Scorpio sometimes we don’t understand why people certain people cross our paths and go sometimes we will never understand why we went through that reason and that why we went through that the reason why we went through that period in our lives of fear of pain of Anguish of worry I I feel here that life is a mystery it it’s a mystery why things take place the way that they do but never forget that there’s always a purpose and a reason for everything sometimes things happen in our lives that come to test us to see our strength to see how we we’ll react to make us stronger more determined to believe in ourselves not to not to um trust give all our trust and all our our ourselves to others we need to be comfortable in who we are in our own

skin does that make sense it’s like someone here is being tested or has been tested how strong are you

Scorpio why are you scared of certain things what scares

you let’s see what we have for Scorpio here please but they’re bringing you healing here Archangel Raphael is saying I am here to give you the healing through blue and green light if you meditate Scorpio then close your eyes when you’re meditating and and see that blue and green light come in and feeling the cure go through your body from head to toe and releasing that energy let’s see what else have we got for Scorpio please the empress I could be talking to a mother here who’s extremely worried or something’s happened to a child here you may have lost a child you may have lost a pregnancy here but you’re you’re in pain here you’re you’re extremely worried and in

pain what is that coming to teach me how can how can I be taught something with this much

pain and Archangel Raphael is saying I’m giving you healing I know what you’re going through I know I can feel it and I know what you’re going through I’m sending you healing through blue and green

lights Knight of Swords for someone here you may have lost your mom or you may have had an argument with a mother figure you may have left a relationship of someone of huge importance in your life but it’s like you you’re walking away from this person you’re walking away from this this pain this anguish this worry you just want to run you want to run away from it you don’t want to have to deal with the pain that you’re going through you don’t want to have to deal with the

sadness Justice

Scorpio you know what I get here for some of you here you’re walking away from a woman an important woman in your life or they have upset you in a big way something that they said or they did and you you’ll leaving this situation this could be a partner a wife a mother a sister

seven of Swords this person’s hurt you it’s like it’s either a group of people that have said things or or done things to really upset you here or there’s one particular person here that has really betrayed your trust has said some awful things to you has made you feel that this person’s not who you thought they were they’ve betrayed your trust they’ve hurt

you for someone else here you may be going through the justice system with this person they’ve taken you to court over something or they or or they’re taking you to court or they’ve I don’t know what’s happened here Scorpio but whatever it is you’re you’re you’re running away from something here that’s absolutely hurt you in a big big way and for some of you here could be either a divorce or a court case but that to do with children you may be going through a court case to do with children here with a partner I don’t I don’t understand for everyone it’s going to be

different five of Wands a lot of disagreements a lot of conflict a lot of Chaos people all fighting for the for their own right it’s like there’s pushing and shoving here with you’re right I’m right there’s no there’s no agreement here there’s a huge discussion here with a group of people I’m getting here it’s a group of people and and there’s a lot of chaos happening around you it could be to do with a mother

figure this could be as well to do with um inheritance you you having a hard time with brothers and sisters or parents in in regards to inheritance something that that there’s been a lot of arguing about a lot of disagreement a lot of pushing and shoving or you don’t have to be pushing and shoving physically but words going left right and everyone seems to think that they’re right their way is right there’s a lot of unrest here Scorpio a lot of unrest and I wonder Archangel Raphael is sending you healing it’s like I I feel now that you you need some healing here you’re you’re absolutely distraught you never thought that these people or this person would do this to you you never thought that you would go through this again and again for those of you that are losing a child those of you that have lost a child you you you just want to give up you don’t want to deal with this anymore it’s brought so much chaos into your life those of you that are in court over children who’s going to keep the children that’s caused a lot of

Anguish Ace of Swords that fell upside down it’s like I don’t have any answers anymore I don’t have Solutions anymore what I thought was going to be has not worked out that way people are not behaving in the right way people are not not helping each other we’re just arguing with one another the conflict is way too big the trust is gone I don’t know what to think anymore I don’t want to think anymore I don’t know what to think

anymore you’re in a situation that’s causing a lot of anxiety a lot of four of Pentacles that’s you keeping things very close to your chest some of you are leaving here leaving a situation with this huge pain within you but you’re not willing to talk to anyone you don’t want to see anyone you don’t want to talk to anyone you want time to yourself to understand what you’ve been through the pain that that’s that has caused you the hurt that you’re going

through for someone it’s got to do with finances The Inheritance

bit for others it’s this huge pain inside you that you don’t want to talk

about the eight of Wands look at that eight of Wands upside down there’s no movement forward look at that no matter how hard I try to balance my life out to balance things out to make things right nothing seems to move forward no one wants to move forward no one wants to make this work

I don’t want to go forward anymore it I I need to stop where I am I’m not going to listen to these people anymore I don’t want to deal with this situation anymore I just want this over and done with so I can move forward because at the moment I cannot move

forward I don’t know what you’re going through here Scorpio but whatever it is it’s not allowing you to move forward look at that Temperance which is patience they’re saying Scorpio please try and have some patience through this period we’re going to send you some healing and please try and have some patience don’t be scared and bold remember and life is a mystery it’s life has got things around the corner that we can never see life brings us things that we need to deal with with some way or another and here they’re saying have

patience move away from negativity if you need to move away from negative situations or people but have patience here it’s all going to work

out some of you have lost your patience you’ve had enough you don’t want to deal with this anymore you it’s like I can’t move forward from this situation I just want this done and look at that the king of Pentacles I feel here that there’s there’s someone involved here to do with money for someone

here or you’re arguing with someone over money there’s a group of people here or somebody here that you’re arguing over money they’ve either taken money off you or or you you’re having to fight for your own right what belongs to you someone here is fighting for what’s theirs and this has been driving you crazy it’s taken a lot of energy out of you a lot of nights that you couldn’t sleep look at that it is going to move forward Scorpio it is there’s going to be movement here there’s going to be movement

here the lovers I feel it might do to do with a couple so it could be for someone here it could be that you’ve either lost a baby and you’re and you’re both going through a hard time right now trying to understand what’s next and you just want to leave this place and not and give up on trying for others it’s an inheritance fighting with people in regards to to each person’s inheritance and for others it could be a husband and a wife that are fighting over the children who are going to keep the children for everyone it’s going to be different here but there’s definitely unsettlement here there’s definitely a huge amount of animosity pain

life is a mystery so have hope have hope that you’re going to see the rainbow after this storm Scorpio after a storm there is always a rainbow look forward look forward until that rainbow

comes it hasn’t been an easy time for you Scorpio has it it’s been a time of Torment of of torture something times you

feel I hope that this helps but it is there’s going to be a change here that changes things and starts moving things forward so lots of love and light your way Scorpio thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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