Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to bring you your um May horoscope for 2024 and I hope that all the energies come through that you can resonate with we’re going to start your reading here with um two oracles and then a Tarot so I call in all your guides and Angels my guides and angels to bring the messages that we need to hear today for Scorpio please tell us what we need to know and if anything doesn’t resonate here Scorpio Please Release the energy and check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be news or more information for you there okay let’s start off with the first lot of energies with the oracle card and find out what we have for Scorpio pleas in May 2024 what do we have for Scorpio please what does May resistance what are you resisting Scorpio there’s a huge resistance it’s like you don’t want to let go of something you’re holding something pretty tight and it’s something that means the world to you or something that has huge importance in your world but you’re holding on to something extremely tight not wanting to let go of this person or this

situation not giving up it’s like you’re not giving up I am not going to give up on this I am not I believe in it and I want it and I’m not giving up on it what else have we got for Scorpio please what are you

resisting Trust trust and here it’s change it’s asking for change but I feel here that you’re trying to protect yourself you’re protecting it’s like you’re resisting the change you don’t want to make changes you want to stay where you are who you’re with and you don’t want to make changes it’s like you’re protecting yourself hiding or or not wanting to make that change you’re not giving

up and they’re saying trust that this change may be good for you Scorpio let’s

see let’s see what comes of

that it’s it’s like you’re hiding away from people or a situation so you don’t have to make that

decision blossoming number 33 that’s this change is actually a good thing Believe It or Not sovereignty look at that look at that it’s you taking control of your world you speaking your world your truth truth your

being change number five again you’ve got two fives and you’ve got a 33 in between which is this change is not by [Music] mistake this is something that’s been that’s intuitive here it’s spiritual Scorpio you’re hanging on to something for dear life that if you let go of it you may see that it brings you the change that is going to allow you to be in control of your life your Universe your decisions it’s going to give you more control of who you are what you want where you want to go there are new things coming in for you but those new things cannot happen happen until you let go of what you’re hanging on to so tight does that make sense for anybody here it’s like there’s there’s new here there is new and it’s not small it is powerful it’s blossoming it’s sovereignty it’s you taking control of what happens next but you can’t do that if you’re not letting go and you’re hiding [Music] you’re hiding there from the change three and two is change and here you’re hiding and they’re saying trust that this change is for

you wow what is it that you’re hanging on to beautiful Scorpio what is it that you’re holding on to for dear life and for some of you here you know what I I get here that you’re scared to make that change because what if it doesn’t work what if it

doesn’t happen what if you lose what you’ve got already and and you don’t make that change what if that change is it’s like you’re insecure about what’s ahead of you because you don’t know yet what it is

let’s see what have we got for Scorpio please resistance what are they resisting

here Scorpio whether you like it or not there’s a new beginning here and you’re hanging on tight to something and not letting go due to fear due to the known and you don’t know what else is out there you you can’t see it yet but there’s going to be a whirlwind that happens that forces you to change to a new beginning to a new way of thinking to a new way of living I don’t know what it is but it’s like something’s going to happen in May which is a good thing a good thing is going to take place in May that makes you realize that hanging on to your past or hanging on to something strongly there’s no room for that

anymore I don’t know what this is but let’s find out more what else is that the Scorpio please and it’s no mist M AK that this Whirlwind is going to happen and it’s going to happen to make you think differently see things

differently look at that Resurrection Scorpio the resurrection remember here they said trust that these changes are good for you don’t hide away from the change the resurrection of something is happens in May it’s something that you would never have imagined happening it’s a surprise here I feel like Scorpio you know what I get here it’s a surprise it’s something here that you didn’t see coming it’s something that is going to resurrect from where you least expect

it there’s a feeling here of you’re going to be shocked at first it’s like a Lotus is born from the most dirtiest water you would never imagine Beauty to come out of a swamp but it does in the form of a Lotus and that’s what I get here when you’re letting go of the way you think and the way you feel about something or someone the unimaginable

happens it’s you know I’ve just got this feel here

of you’re worried about the change but you don’t know what’s to come yet that’s why you’re worried if you knew and you could look forward to the end of May you would let go of that without question that’s what they’re saying here it’s like this new change is going to bring in so much good and surprise you that you’re going to think why was I hanging on to that for so long was I hanging on to it for security reasons was I hanging on to it out of fear was I hanging on to that place that person out of insecurity because let me tell you what’s coming in May is going to take you to a new level wisdom what number have I got Scorpio number five five represents change you’ve got five here you’ve got five here and you’ve got five here you’ve got two Master Numbers 22 and 33 here it’s not a mistake that this is

happening tell me Scorpio at the end of May what happened because 100% something amazing is about to take place here and the wisdom what you learn through this change is going to be enormous what you learn and what you discover is going to make you solid and grow stronger and stronger it’s like it’s whatever happens is going to stabilize you in a way of of strength power

success you’ve got a lot happening for you here Scorpio in May healing look at that many of you whatever happens here is going to bring you a lot of healing it’s like this happens at the right time time in the in the right time at the right place or at the right time in the right place it’s going to bring you a lot of peace tranquility and Harmony into your life it’s something that is unexplainable that’s going to happen in May that you’re going to be a different person or see things totally different think in a different way by the end of May and that’s going to allow you oh look at that this healing that comes your way not only is it going to allow you to take control of your life and make positive changes but your internal power is going to be next to I don’t know what it’s going to give you the this growth this peace this Tranquility that you’re going to feel like you can accomplish anything you want do anything you want so I don’t know where you were before this Scorpio and what you’ve been going through but let me tell you this healing number nine is the end of a chapter of suffering of inse security a chapter of fear Letting Go being fearful of what comes next uh insecurity I get here insecurity a lot it whatever you’ve been through has brought you a lot of insecurity and what happens next in May whether you’re going to meet somebody new start a new project it’s a surprise it is going to happen for a reason and that’s going to bring you a lot of healing a lot of healing Scorpio that’s all I can say to you here it’s not happening by

mistake and what you’re hanging on to you won’t be hanging on to much longer this this turbulence of shakeup is for your new

beginning what else do we have here for Scorpio please what a be look at this queen of fire this is you taking control Scorpio this is you finding your passion your happiness your abundance once again the queen of fire you don’t mess with the queen of fire this energy is an energy of nobody is going to trick you overtake you redirect you nothing of the sort you’re going to be so sure of Who You Are by the end of May that you’re going to surprise

yourself whatever this beautiful surprise that comes into your life in May own it and call for it Own It own it start thanking your guides and your mentors here because someone here is bringing a beautiful change look at that it could be the mo the the most beautiful love story yet to be lived it could be the most amazing person that walks into your life it could be the most amazing decisions that you make

but there’s a love here there’s a love for something or someone here and that’s going to bring you an enormous amount of healing enormous amount of healing your world is going to

change look at that picture Scorpio look at her face how surprised she she is look at that flower do you know what that is a

Lotus like I said to you before lotuses come from where you least expect it when you least expect it and how beautiful are those flowers remember I said a a surprise that may shock you that you didn’t expect that it will come when you least expect

it not once but

twice Scorpio I want you to come back and tell me about May you’ve got something amazing here that’s going to change your world your thoughts and is going to bring a lot of healing to your mind your soul and your

spirit lots of love and light Scorpio all the best thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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