Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

by | Jun 16, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi everyone my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and psychics today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into

[Music] you okay Scorpio let’s go and see what we energies we have for Scorpio for the month of June let’s see Scorpio what what do we have for energies for Scorpio please for the month of June let’s see what we’ve got two energies

please peace Scorpio peace how brilliant is that in June you may find that you make some changes to bring more peace two and three is five which means changes welcoming in New things going to new places but I feel that you’re you’re craving peace in June and you’ll find that it’s like there’s going to be a sense of calm a sense of Tranquility in June for you things are falling all into place there’s no up upsets or anything like the community you’ll be doing things in conjunction with other people doing things that will benefit the community I don’t know what it is that you do for work but there’s going to be more of an emphasis here on you providing a service to the community or doing things in conjunction with other people in the community all for the better good that’s what I’m getting here it’s all for a good reason a good purpose finding the peace with [Music]

others okay let’s see all right the three cards let’s see what we’ve got for our three cards let’s bring them

out and let’s see what we’ve got for c for Scorpio please it’s going to say Capricorn then Sagittarius look at that you may be dealing with a Capricorn or Sagittarius Scorpio in June but let’s see what we’ve got okay one card please that mix it okay mix it

again agitation are you agitated about something Scorpio there’s a a big feeling here of heaviness agitation let’s see card number one for career card number two for relationships and card number three for finances let’s see what we have for and got card number one what have we got for career beautiful eight of Pentacles you’re going to work extremely hard in June there’s going to be things that happen around you that is going to force you to work more hours than usual you’re going to dedicate yourself to that purpose to that reason to that project to that career something here is all about work and it’s going to be quite busy in June for you don’t know what you’re doing in June but it’s it’s you’re going to spend a lot of time at work or you may be doing extra hours in June a busy time in June of the Year let’s see what else have we got for Scorpio pleas for career that fell upside down that Ace of Swords which means that it’s more doing than thinking you’re not going to be able to think much much in June it’s going to be quite busy but at the same time it’s going to bring you a lot of Peace it’s like there’s not going to be much time for thinking or you’re not going to give it much thought you know know what you need to do you know what you want and there’s not going to be much thought about that you’re very clear about where you’re going and what you’re doing eight of Wands you’re just going to move forward moving forward with those those plans that you had already putting things into practice now after months of planning um bringing bringing stability into your life again you’re feeling like you’re you’re now moving forward with things things may have been stagnated for a long time but now there’s going to be a lot of

movement 10 of Cups family is going to be hugely important for you and you may even help get a lot of help from your family the other thing I’m getting here is that this person is very family orientated you work hard and you want the best for your family

two cards one one card please one card Scorpio career the world you’re going to either here it’s like you’re going to complete something in June you’re either going to complete a contract which pays you well and that’s going to bring you a lot of peace and Tranquility it’s you may be a builder and you finished off a build and now you’re getting the rest of your money you may be um a solicitor that gets money at the end of a case whatever it is it’s like you’ve worked for a community you’ve done something for a community or you work in the community itself and it’s going to become final here but with that is going to bring a lot of work but a lot of Peace at the same time you’re going to feel at peace once this completed does that make sense to anybody here because once it’s completed it it pay it’s payday and you don’t mind working the hard yards provided that you complete something and on completion you get paid that’s what I’m getting here the hangman for some of you here once you complete this cycle or this contract or whatever it is that you’re doing here you’re going to take time out that’s where you’re going to find your peace you’re going to take the time out to rejuvenate to it’s like something here was bothering you and now June comes along and you finish it off and Here Comes Your Peace I’m not worried about that anymore I’ve done it I’ve completed I’ve finished that project I’ve finished that assignment I’ve finished that build I finish that that case something here is going to bring you a lot of

prosperity and on the bottom we’ve got the three of swords and the five of Wands it may have been something here Scorpio that was really tearing you apart this was a project that you couldn’t wait to see the end of this was a a a case that you couldn’t wait to finish and you worked extremely hard right to the end to make sure that you tied up all loose ends and that it’s done it’s complete it’s finished this may have been bringing you a lot of nights losing sleep and worry and anxiety about this project or this this thing that you’ve been doing and now that it’s complete it’s over over you needed a lot of strength to get through this it’s like it was a hard task it was a hard time in your life that you just wanted to complete and close the door on and finished it’s no longer here anymore I’ve done it so I don’t know what you did let me know Scorpio if that makes sense to you you but whatever it is you’re completing it it’s finished you don’t have to think about it anymore that’s why there’s no thinking about it anymore it’s done

complete card number two relationships so what do we have for relationships for card number two for Scorpio please mixing for Scorpio card number two remember I said to you at the beginning there was agitation and there’s still some agitation around card number two relationships the devil passion you may in June have some real passionate moments with your loved one with a partner with someone you meet someone that that you’ve got a huge um chemistry with someone who brings a lot of passion into your life

excitement someone who you can’t stop thinking about you may meet someone in June that gives you that Scorpio someone that you want more of it’s it’s like this passion this excitement an addiction you know like it’s like you’re addicted to this person or you’ll be addicted to this

person family upside down the 10 of Pentacles upside down this person may not want a family or you may not want a family but I feel that whoever you meet it it’s more about passion and not wanting to commit I don’t feel here that someone here that you meet in June is someone who you’re attracted to brings a lot of passion into your life and a lot of excitement but it’s not someone who you can Envision Envision marrying for some reason I think this is more of a good time not a long time page of Wands excitement I said that excitement and passion so there’ll be a lot of excitement and passion in June but I don’t think this is a serious relationship I think this is you having a good time look at that eight of Swords what they’re saying here is here is Scorpio whilst this is great you may also be self-sabotaging yourself meaning that if you want someone to commit to later on you’re you’re You’ you’re going to the wrong person or you’re meeting the wrong person here and self-sabotaging is you know that they’re not family family orientated or that’s it’s not someone who you would want to grow old with but you still have fun and that they’re saying are you doing something that’s benefiting you which you might in the short term but in the long term is that going to bring you a lot of heartache and

pain I think maybe I’ve got a Scorpio here that’s hoping that this person’s going to change but they’re not going to change look at that picture there of someone crying this person will bring you a lot of Heartache if you’re not a if you’re not aware look at that the Three of Wands it’s you looking forward to something else or maybe you’ve been through this you’ve been with someone who didn’t want a family who didn’t who brought you a lot of excitement and passion and fun but it’s not what you wanted and they self they made you self-sabotage yourself in thinking that you may have had a future with this person however I I see here someone leaving this situation leaving a situation that’s not true to them anymore does that make sense to anybody here you may be leaving someone who doesn’t want to have kids and have a family wants to be free and that’s not what you want I think June you’re going to look justice justice blocking it it’s just look at that I’m going to leave that card where it is it’s like justice is serving itself here you now see that this person is not going to bring you what you want it’s not going to bring you the the balance that you need it then not going to bring you what you’re after in the

relationship leaving this situation and being true to yourself rather than sabotaging yourself is probably the best thing you can do and I’ve got to hear someone leaving this situation they’ve now come to the realization that it’s not fair that that this person can be fun and passionate and and abundant in happiness and fun but you want more than that the Five of Cups I really see someone here giving away the the fun bit to this person and going at it alone feeling alone now when you’ve come to the realization that this person is truly not going to change this person doesn’t want what you want doesn’t have the same drive as you do the same Wars the same morals the same ideas for

life look at that and now you’re looking back at the past and that brings you a lot of headache it’s like now that I’ve made the move in June I look back and I should have known better I should have seen it but I let myself get involved with someone for the wrong reasons for the passion and the fun but I wanted more than that so I brought myself a lot of headaches through looking at something in a different way when I look back now I see that does that make sense to anybody here Scorpio let me know in the comments okay card number three so we’ve got card number three here which is finances what do we have for Scorpio for finances please for June mixing for Scorpio card King Of Wands taking control of your finances taking the lead on the finances making Investments that are going to be great for your future moving forward with decisions moving forward with things that you want to put into place if if you want to buy a new home then this is going to be the time to do it if you want to invest your money to make it grow make money from money you’re going to do that in June I feel here that you know what you need to do you’re very aware of your finances and what you want to do with your money what else have we got for oh it for some of you it’s brought you a lot of headaches in the past you’ve been through a lot that you’ve had to work through in your finances it was not always

easy or for someone here it could also be that you’re you’re now needing to put plans into place to action something and that’s bringing you a lot of headache it’s like you you’re you’re having to make decisions now in regards to your finances look at that the six of Cups something from the past something that you may have done in the past with your finances or you made decisions on on your finances or you’ve invested is now giving you headaches but it’s something that’s not from now it’s something that you’ve done already that’s coming back and you’re going to need to take action on this to solve

it the Knight of Wands you’re going to be okay everything’s going to be sorted out you’re going to sort things out in a good way you’re going to see the you’re going to get answers or solutions to help you with this situation from your past in regards to your finances nine of P Pentacles this is you going in the right direction making your money work for you going and making Investments or doing something with your money that’s going to be important to you so you’re on the right track I feel that what you what you had to work out from your past you’re going to get answers

on there’s a solution here for this problem High Priestess there’s going to be information and ideas that you have in regards to solving this past issue and you’re going to have the right the right frame of mind make the right decisions and take action to solve something that’s happened in the past but you’ve got what it takes and you’ll get a lot of intuition of which way to go look at that although it’s going to require a little bit of strength from you to get through this you’re going to find the answers and solutions okay last message for Scorpio please last message for Scorpio what’s the last message for Scorpio here please reconsider don’t know what it is that you need to reconsider in June Scorpio but here they’re saying reconsider so either reconsider something you said no to or reconsider something that you said yes to you’re having a change of mind here and you’ve got every right to change your mind if you want to don’t let anybody pressure you into making decisions you don’t

want perfect timing look at that look at that June is going to be the perfect time for you to do certain things get the answers the solution action problems that have been bothering you the perfect timing is now in

June and on the bottom peaceful look at that peaceful resolution whatever it is that you are going through whatever it is that you’ve had to deal with there’s going to be a peaceful resolution and that’s all going to finish in June you find your peace amongst the community remember the peace there are changes coming to you Solutions and answers that are going to bring you peace how good is that Scorpio there’s nothing else like peace in our lives is there let’s see what else we have here for Scorpio with the animal spirit what are the two message oh that came out quickly the there is always enough you will always have enough of whatever it is you will always find a way you will always have enough so don’t worry don’t worry is what they’re

saying Scorpio please [Music] Scorpio be generous of spirit sometimes we need to be generous in the way we look at things in the way we speak to people in the way we um project ourselves or give a helping hand and here I feel that in the community someone may need your help or may ask you to volunteer or may ask you to do something that benefits the community in June and they’re just saying Scorpio sometimes it’s important that we give back and giving being of generous Spirit can only be good and can only bring good things back into your life because when we give good that’s what we get we get good back so always remember that and I feel that you’re going to have you’re going to help out somehow in the community in June lots of love and light Scorpio thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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