Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 4 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and we’re going to see what comes through so if you resonate with this Reading Please feel free to uh comment as I love to hear from everybody and I will respond the other thing is if you feel that you have a friend family member or someone that needs to hear this please pass it on and share thank you okay Scorpio what’s the energy for SC be fearless and bold be fearless and bold Scorpio that’s the first one the badger

Spirit t to the small things

let Spirit be your

guide like the

haulk see things from a hawk’s perspective the Miracles are endless and on the bottom you are clearly now oh sorry You See Clearly Now obviously I can’t see clearly now because I wasn’t seeing it the owl you’ve got two powerful animals here sacred in the the cow for some and you’ve got the the hawk and The Owl which is they have got a vision they can see from a different perspective so what it’s saying to me here the en I’ve got here Scorpio is that you need to look at something in a different

way sometimes we look at things and we can’t see we can’t find the answers or the solutions we don’t know what where to go we don’t know how to action it we don’t know what what needs to be done we can’t see a a a solution to get ourselves out of something and and they’re saying here you let Spirit Guide You by using the hawk the hawk attributes which is the hawk is that their vision is very sharp they look at things in a different way and you see clearly now is an owl it’s like you’re you’re going to begin to see things in a different light but everything now is going to make sense so make your dreams real is the other one look at that I feel that someone here is trying to achieve something but you’re not finding the answer or the solution that you need to complete this or to make this work and what they’re saying here is be fearless and see things from a different perspective look outside the box step outside the Box don’t look at things how you would normally look at them look at them from a a a different perspective a higher perspective put yourself in another person’s shoes and see what they

see and tend to small things look for the small things because the small things are what’s going to count what they saying here is that instead of looking at things in a as well as sorry as well as looking at things in a different way which they’re asking you to do also look at the little things you couldn’t see

before that’s why they’re saying you see things clearly now because you’re starting to pay attention to the small detail that you overlooked before does that make sense Scorpio here you’re very intuitive you’re very connected so what they’re asking you to do is look at the look at it from a different perspective let’s find out what this is about I’m I’m curious I am so curious and they’re also saying the Miracles are endless when you start to see things in a different light you can create or have anything you want when you start to look at things differently and pay attention to the small detail let’s see what what are we talking about here for Scorpio I’m excited I’m also very

curious the four of Pentacles it’s like your you’re keeping something close to your chest instead of your you’re scared to approach something or somebody you’re scared to try something you’re scared to put yourself out there you’re you’re you’re you’re scared to do things in a different way so you do the same things and get the same results it’s like I’m I’m Clinging On to this thought or this feeling it’s like you’re not letting go of something that’s not helping you does that make sense here you’re you’re attached to something and and you know you need to do it differently or you know you need to action it but you’re not letting

go Knight of Pentacles [Music]

you know what I’m getting here Scorpio it’s like I’m waiting I’m waiting for things to happen and there’s something new coming here there’s something new that’s approaching and it’s a new contract a new project a new uh promotion something new here and what they’re saying is look at the Small Things make sure if this is a new job offer a new contract a new proposal that you look at the finer detail in any contract you receive any agreement you need to sign look at the small print that’s going to be your make or break situation there so that’s a bit of a warning here Scorpio it’s like that’s okay there’s something coming towards you but just be really careful careful about the small details in it because the small details can and will be a problem if we if you don’t look at that let your spirit guide be your guide look at that connect with yourself take time out away from everything and everybody because in your silence you’re going to find your answer Scorpio when you’re in silence and in

solitude you will see things in a different way when you take the time out to really look at things for what they

are or how they present themselves it’s like there’s details here you’re not looking at

some of you are doubting you’re doubting you can’t see a way to make something work you’re you’re starting to question or you’re you’re at a Crossroads how do I how do I make this work how do I do this how do I achieve

this and they’re saying the Miracles are endless Miracles are endless if you just find in yourself what it is or look at things in a different way you’re going to see things you couldn’t see

before look at that a new idea look at that you see clearly now that there’s a new way of doing something there’s a new idea that you come up with that makes the difference that makes the difference what’s

missing you will get when you take time out for yourself what is what the answer what the solution is it’s here but you will only find that when you take the time out look at that the hangman take time out and that new idea is going to allow you to move forward look at those three cards I’m telling you nothing happens by mistake your new idea will come to you when you stand still and make no decisions make no moves in your silence that’s going to take you forward you’re going to find your answ and solution when you look at things in a different

light for some of you you’re carrying a lot of burdens that don’t belong to you you’re carrying a lot of worry and a lot of you’re doing a lot of things that are not your

responsibility what else do we have for Scorpio

please upside down the Battle Is Over the minute you let go once you decide that’s it I need to let go of holding something so tight holding on to something that’s not serving me your battle disappears when you look at things differently the battle will

disappear Scorpio cuz I got all these cards wrong okay say what else have we got for Scorpio

please what did I say look at that that’s the Chariot again remember I we said here when your idea will come when you stand still and you move forward that’s twice two cards that are the same there is movement forward the minute you take time out that’s your secret here Scorpio it’s taking the time out to come up with a a con uion a solution a new idea celebration the celebration will come the answer will come the solution will come and you’ll think why didn’t I think of this before because you weren’t looking at looking at the situation or whatever it is in a different light in a different way you weren’t taking the a step back away from it to see it from a different

perspective the two of cups for some of you it was to do with a relationship you you couldn’t see how you were ever going to meet someone or make a relationship

work you couldn’t see how you were going to meet the love of your life you couldn’t see how you were going to partner up with someone or make a

decision because they’re two two and two look up angel number 22 that’s a master number the minute you master the minute you master the way you look at things your life

changes your life changes

Scorpio time for celebration look at that time to celebrate time to celebrate New Idea you see things clearly now and now you celebrate pretty straightforward really but not really the universe has a way of presenting everything so it looks easy and it probably will be if you just do what the message was that came through here

shine shine Scorpio shine don’t be afraid to jump out of the norm don’t be afraid to let go of everything that hold you back don’t be afraid to let go of the past and things that no longer serve you that you hang on to shine [Music]

release your blocks we just spoke about that I’m not going to repeat it again release What’s blocking you what’s holding you back what’s making you scared talk less feel more Scorpio remember we said take time out not once twice three times don’t talk about it once you take the time out to feel you will know you will know your answer and your solution will

come I hope that can help somebody here Scorpio lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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