Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 1 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au we’re going to start off with some energies then go straight into the tarot so let’s see what we have for you for the next 7 to 14 days for Scorpio please guides mentors please guide me and what you want Scorpio to know for the best and highest SC of themselves and protection for the best and highest good of myself thank you Scorpio energy for the next 7 to 14 days what have we got first one growth beautiful growth is your first one wanting to make some changes to grow the void

mhm okay one more

please one more place

Scorpio next again Scorpio please one more thank you Scorpio one more growth forid and what else thank you patience patience look at that and change on the bottom of

it okay Scorpio you know what energy I’ve got here I’ve got that there’s a Scorpio here that is determined to achieve something and there’s a particular void in their life and you want something it’s like I I want a relationship I want this job I want this opportunity it’s the only thing that’s missing in my life I want this in my life and what they’re saying is you may have asked the universe to give it to you and I’ve got someone here that’s near giving up you’re lying there hopeless thinking hopelessly thinking I’m just not going to get what I’m asking for I’ve been asking I’ve been begging and I’ve been wishing and something here is just not coming it’s not happening it’s not happening and here they’re saying patience as change is


for someone here it’s like there’s things that you need to know before this change takes place there’s things you need to accept or there’s things that you really need to look at before this change can

[Music] happen what is it that you want so much Scorpio I think see here the timing it’s like I’m waiting time’s ticking and I’m waiting for this to happen this waiting and you got patience is teaching you that patience is a virtue your time is not the universe time that alone you waiting and having patience is going to bring you growth you’re going to learn how to have patience you’re going to learn that things don’t happen when we want that’s what the universe is saying to you be calm there is another world for you there are opportunities for you there is someone for you but you need to have patience

and someone here is saying it’s just never going to happen I am tired of waiting for things to change waiting for my life to change I want change I want to know what I need to do to get what it is that I need you’ve got you’ve got knowledge here they’re asking you to use your wisdom because you’re number 22 you’re a master you know what you need to do but there’s something here that needs to happen first so let’s find out what this is tarot explain the growth what is it the Gemini sorry you may be dealing with a Gemini what is it that Scorpio needs to know about growth what is it what what’s going to bring them the growth in this change what is it the Scorpio needs to know about

growth eight of

Swords okay what

else the queen of Cups wow

Eight of Cups eight of swords and Eight of Cups Scorpio look up number eight and 88 there’s going to be a message there for you Scorpio you know what I’m getting here that someone here is feeling like they’re bound and tied to a relationship and you’re not seeing a way out of this it’s like or you’re or you’re looking for love but you’re not seeing a way on how to achieve that so I’ve got two people here one is walking away from a relationship that is stagnating them that is claustrophobic making them claustrophobic that that they they feel they can’t do anything they can’t go anywhere they can’t talk to people they can’t see anyone because the minute you do it becomes an issue then I’ve got the other Scorpio here that is looking for love and you you can’t see how you’re going to find this PL per person how you’re going to find this love you feel like no matter what you do you always end up alone that you’re in this someone here thinks that they’ve got a curse on them that they’re not meant to be loved or find love tell me if this is you is this how you’re feeling because it’s okay that you feel that way no one is judging you here but someone here is feeling like they’re in a place of Despair because no matter what or who they meet it never works out and you feel tired you don’t understand it and yet we have this void so for the first group you’ve got a void here of not being able to live a life that you want to live because someone is suffocating you someone is is smothering you and doesn’t allow you to be your own person or do things away from them for the other group it’s your you’re in spare because the only thing that’s missing you’re successful in every other way it’s just finding the right person why is it that everybody else can find love and yet every time I find someone it never works out or they’re not the right person for

me what’s the void tell me about the

void the nine of pent I said that you’ve got Financial Security here the person I’m connecting with is financially

secure I’m looking at these cards going I understand what else what’s the void no too many too many you give me too many it’s too much energy what else is the void what else is missing

the four of Swords

rest I feel suffocated I feel like I I can’t be my own self I’m exhausted I’m tired I work hard why can’t I meet the right

person what else is the void here two why two look at that all I want for both groups all I want for both groups of gem of Scorpio sorry I I was going to say Gemini again I don’t know why I’m nowh near Gemini reading so someone here may be dealing with a Gemini but both groups of scorpios here whether you are feeling suffocated by someone that you’ve got a relationship with or that one or the other Scorpio that is looking for someone you just want a happy family you don’t want arguments anymore you don’t want to have to battle in any relationship you want to find someone who’s just going to be amazing and and have a family you don’t you’re sick of the arguments you’re sick of the chaos in your life you’re sick of the way this person makes you feel or you’re sick of the way way that your past relationships have made you feel you just want someone to call your own and you want someone who’s going to be healthy in your life that’s what’s missing it’s like I’ve got everything I need but I’m missing that happiness that fulfillment that partner that I can have a good time with patience there’s the emperor look at that patience please patience what’s

patience the 10 of Pentacles look at

that wow 10 of Swords underneath that one I’m going to take that Scorpio here there saying to you you need to have patience right now although you may feel like you’re in control you may feel like

you have everything you need not having that partnership ship or that dual respect or that equal respect is draining you no matter what group you’re in whether you’re looking for someone or you’ve already got someone that is not desirable it is draining you it is making you are exhausted you’re tired of this you may have mastered your financial status but for someone here you haven’t mastered your life love and that’s all you want not having that person in your life the ideal person in your life is destroying

you that’s all you’ve ever wanted to have someone by your side that understands you that loves you like you love them that gives you the space to allow you to be who you are

that understands you that’s on the same page as you and doesn’t want to argue and fight all the time you just want happy you want a happy family you want a happy

partner and you’re exhausted either group whichever group you’re in what’s the change something has to change here either you have to hear what they’re saying Scorpio is there has to be change here something has to change what is it that has to change with Scorpio I got an intuitive message straight away but let me see what the tarot says what is it that Scorpio has to

change change again whe of Fortune is about change there has to be a change something has to change here what is it that they’ve got to change what’s the change coming in for Scorpio or do they have to

change the six of Cups upside

down yep and my intuition was B on I heard a message here and I thought let me just check it with the tarot look at that look at that upside down the moon card and the cards aren’t upside down Scorpio look at that Scorpio here 100% there has to be a change you need to make changes and what they’re saying here not only once but twice the change card came up they’re saying change your old ways or old ways of thinking you grew up believing something you grew up in your childhood you were taught something you were taught how to think or how to see relationships something in your past may have happened that’s made you lose faith in relationships you may have seen your parents grandparents separate you may have seen a lot of chaos and fighting growing up the moon card came upside

down so in turn what that’s done is that’s made you question everything the Moon upside down is the Dark Side of the Moon it’s the dark side that we hold in our subconscious we’re not even conscious of what what makes us think this way but somewhere deep down in your heart and soul there is a fear of letting others love you or you loving them in fear of getting hurt so what happens is the minute someone loves you and shows you love because you’ve got someone here that loves you you feel suffocated isolated Because deep down somewhere there’s a fear of getting

hurt the other group that don’t have a partner is that exact thing is happening to you except if you’re going to make a relationship

work you’re going to need to let go of anything that you saw or felt or experienced in the past and not having that as fear that it may happen to you because your parents grandparents have separated and it might have been a uh a very chaotic and disruptive breakup that scared you in both

cases you’re holding inside you’re holding something that’s happened in the past and that is scaring you which means that if anybody is to come close to you and show you love you quickly find a reason not to love or you quickly find a reason to feel that you don’t want that love and it’s not that you don’t want to be loved it’s not that you don’t need love you do you want it but you’re scared of it something in your past has scared you

I don’t know if this is going to make sense to somebody here but someone’s going to understand me so what happens here you need to change how you feel and how you think about love take time out Scorpio take time out to heal and understand that what your ancestors what your parents what your grandparents went through doesn’t make is going to happen to you you need to trust you need to love you need to respect that they will love you just like you are just the same if not more if you just allow them to or if you allow yourself to

love that’s the change that needs to happen pretty profound Scorpio pretty profound and remember I said before that the person that can’t find love and wants love and there’s a void there fix the way you feel and think about love and that void will go because if you allow people to love you and you allow yourself to love them you’ll see that the change is going to be different for those of you that have got someone that loves you dearly love them

back okay what oh I was engulfed by that message Scorpio

jeez okay that was a heavy energy hold on one sec that was a heavy energy I’m just clearing some of that heavy energy so you can feel a little bit more clear okay two messages please for

Scorpio dream and journey look at that look at that the dream and the journey it’s you

finding your dream one sec Scorpio I just realized I put a lot

on we’ve got D coming in here as well so the cards have been a bit funny sorry about that dream and journey I’m not going to delete this video cuz it’s way too strong so you need to dream and allow yourself to follow the

journey allow that dream to become your

journey apologies if the video is dark Scorpio but I can’t delete this now I really can’t it’s it’s important that I keep it shed old skin what did we talk about what did we talk about look at that shed old skin we talked about letting go of things that have scared you in the past in regard to relationships and love it wasn’t your baggage so let it go allow yourself to experience it share old skin of things that happened in the past and let the past memories negative memories

go Scorpio I hope the video didn’t stay too dark for you and I hope you got this message because it’s it’s so important for somebody here lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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