Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au we’re here today to bring you your April horoscope forecast and with that Scorpio it’s going to be a message that’s not for everybody I get that ever I want to bring you something that I need you to think about in on the 20th of March Saturn came in the energy of Saturn is now with us Saturn amplifies everything which means that if you remain positive you plant your seeds you work hard this year and you put everything in place to the best of your ability are they going to be ups and downs absolutely but look at the positive of why things took Place rather than looking at the negative if you can if possible Saturn is going to help you through that and push you forward for those of you that decide that it’s too hard 2024 is not for you you’re going to bring on those negative vibrations thoughts and energy then it’s going to amplify times to so if you thought it was bad it’s only going to get worse so just a word of advice that if you can at all times think about the positives in your life and see things in a positive light if possible are there going to be times where you you cannot see positive absolutely maybe but try and get yourself out of that energy as soon as possible the other thing I wanted to ask you Scorpio if possible was if you could find the generosity in your heart to like this video whether you uh resonate with it or not you would allow it to be shared to other Scorpios YouTube now are not promoting videos that don’t have much interaction so in order for us to get this out there for other Scorpios to listen to I need your help to like this video remember if it doesn’t resonate with you that’s okay release the energy check your moon and your ascendant sign and there’ll be a message there for you let’s go we’re going to start off with two energies here for April then we’re going to clarify that with the tarot then at the end we’re going to give you two words of advice or two Clues on how April can work for you so let’s see what we’ve got

Scorpio okay guides mentors and energy please come in and give us what we need to know for Scorpio please what is it that we need need to share with Scorpio for April 2024 Scorpio April 20 thank you poised poised it’s a time to

stand very comfortable in who you are and what you have it’s a time to look around and assess and reassess what you want in your life what you want from here on in and put plans into place if nothing else if you’re not going to action anything cuz poised is also a standing still for some Scorpios here it’s asking you to stand still in what you’re doing or what you’re thinking but start putting plans into place of where you want to go it’s like it’s asking you to take time to plan Scorpio it’s not so much action for you in April it’s plan ahead plan what you can do now to gather what you want later so plant your seeds now plan which way you’re going to go have a plan A A Plan B a plan

C it’s poison yourself enough for you to be able to take a step back and look at things from an outside perspective sometimes when we’re too close to situations Scorpio we can’t see clearly what’s there for

us one more place one more

energy soulmates soulmates Scorpio for some some of you it’s to assess your relationship reassess what’s important to you what’s your ideal partner who is that what do they bring you what characteristics would they need to be your ideal partner sometimes the changes we make the thought process we have changes when we meet someone who is totally different and sometimes what we think we want is it necessarily what we need so here if you’re in a relationship Scorpio and you’re thinking about taking action just wait wait and look at that relationship look at the the circumstances look at what you

want or look at doing things differently if you’re looking for somebody if you want to find your soulmate how are you going about that what are you doing differently if you haven’t found them

already so for someone here you may even meet your soulmate in April so get ready get ready Scorpio because here you may just meet somebody in April look at that Treasure Island on the bottom of it taking the time to plan taking a step back from what you’re doing is going to bring you a lot of results a lot of answers and a lot of um projection to what you need to do to achieve what you want and if that’s finding your soulmate then you need to look at it in a different way or project yourself in a different way doing things differently is going to bring you what you want so that’s going to be probably the key element for you here in

April what are you going to do differently how are you going to see things differently if things haven’t worked out the way you wanted them to up until now what are you going to do

different Scorpio please what have we got for Scorpio thank you no too many too many sorry on the bottom of that I had rebirth the golden rebirth transformation so I feel that you taking this look at that aligning yourself ground yourself Scorpio take the Earth take the Earth you may have um Virgo in your sign you may also have Taurus or Capricorn in your horoscope in your chart if not it’s time to take what they do best and them being Earth signs it’s about you aligning yourself realigning your purpose your reason but with your body and soul and spirit all aligned as one sometimes we feel something however we do something else sometimes we want to do something but our mind plays games and says no that’s not going to work so we give up on our goals and our dreams on trying things new that are new trying things in a different way what else do we have for Scorpio please decisions uncertainties are going to be decided you may be undecided about someone or something in your life or something that you want to do and they’re saying the only way you’re going to find that certainty is you being aligned with who you are with your purpose with your beliefs with what you want so grounding yourself is going to be important I I just had this for um who was it

Capricorn or Sagittarius actually it was Sagittarius I had it for they’re a fire

sign and I asked them to ground themselves and you here Scorpio being a water sign this is your opposition water and Earth it’s now time to get out more of your emotions get out of the emotional emotional aspect of the Scorpio that you are and find grounding to see things truly for what they are sometimes your emotions take the better of you or make or don’t allow you to see things for what they are the queen of fire look at that look at

that Scorpio it’s asking you here to take an approach of what is it that I need to do next what is it that I need to do

differently what am I missing am I missing the passion in this relationship am I missing the passion in finding in starting this new project putting myself out there to find a new person or a new situation or a new opportunity what is it that you haven’t been doing that you need to do now in

April the six of air and that’s the Six of Swords not everything is so black and white you’re going to need to find a medium ground because in that medium ground is where your answer is between your emotions and your passion you need to look at things in a true form of what they represent of who you are in order to find that balance in order to find the middle so not thinking too rationally not overthinking things and not over feeling things staying very grounded so that what you feel and what you think are

line oh wow Scorpio look at you allowing yourself the freedom to be who you want to be have what you want to have despite what others say and think allowing yourself the freedom to live the life you want have the dreams that you want and with that remember I said to you it’s time now to align yourself to find that purpose that reason and to align your heart your mind your body and soul into one being very clear about what you want and how you want it being very clear about what you want to achieve who you want in your life what you want to do next what things mean to

you it’s you aligning yourself to find your purpose that’s going to bring you everything that you want because when we’re aligned we attract things that are meant for us when we’re out there and not doing things but not thinking about them nothing works out everything needs a

plan the counselor with this uncertainty that you have something that’s been bothering you something that you’re looking for answers you’ve been looking for answers in in a with something in your life whether that be a relationship a career path a purpose a project you’re uncertain about certain things here it’s asking you to maybe get some advice look up different options talk to people you don’t have to tell them what your plans are but you gather their thoughts you and you don’t have to follow what others say that’s not what I’m saying it’s about you getting advice from others before you that have done what you want to do it’s about looking up and informing yourself with what’s

real finding the information that you need putting plans into place with people putting plans in place by what others have in a conversation so you may be with someone you may be in a place where you either see something or someone says something and that in itself is enough to take you out of that uncertainty you may ask for advice from someone who you know is done what you want to do

alignment being true to who you are aligning that passion That Fire Within you the the wanting to achieve with your purpose and your reason sometimes it’s okay for us to want to achieve it’s okay for us to want to move forward with our plans but have you done everything else are you aligned with your own internal purpose are you certain of what you’re doing is exactly what you

want and is your mind and your heart and your body and soul on the same page is it singing the same

song look at that look at that Scorpio this doesn’t happen very often but this card these cards fell and look at this side on one side it’s asking you to find your balance remember we talked about that if you don’t find your balance in a situation in a relationship if you don’t see both sides of the coin then it’s only going to bring arguments and worry chaos into your life if you don’t see the the both sides that not everything is black and white there are Mayes there are things that are not explained there are things that you haven’t allowed yourself to see if you have a beautiful balance in your life with listening understanding others things yourself then you’re going to find the answer and the prosperity that you want so you’ve got two sides of a coin here you either choose to keep going without planning without looking at things for the real that they are and you’re just going to bring continue to bring chaos uncertainty in your life if you in April decide I need to change what I’m doing I need to think about things differently here it’s not all one way or the other there is a middle ground if you start to think and feel in the same balanced way you’re going to find your Prosperity here so there’s two sides of this situation there’s two sides to a story there’s two sides to a coin which you choose is up to you finding the balance is going to give

you the arguments the chaos or the prosperity and happiness you’re looking

for I’m going to put those together because they fa together they’re meant to be together this was just a way of me explaining to you what they’re trying to say one more placee for

Scorpio got to go get that

Scorpio there’s the victory card the six of fire and the six of fire is the victory card it’s you holding up your trophy look at that and you know what this card flew and fell on the ground it’s like your if you plan and you look at things in a different way you’re going to have the best in life so being too rigid in what you think and what you do is not going to work for you in April it’s not going to work for you in 2024 April is a month of you expanding your mind to look at things differently and be different if you’ve done things in the past and they haven’t worked don’t keep doing it don’t keep pursuing something that’s not working find Solutions find a middle ground and find what’s important to you but at the same time seeing both sides of the coin both sides of the story both opinions matter both reasons

matter that’s what’s going to bring you Victory when you’re able to see that not everything is very rigid that there’s two sides to every story there’s two sides to every

situation final final advice for Scorpio please or April

speak your world into being remember we Spike at the beginning about Saturn if you didn’t listen to the beginning I suggest you go back if you want to understand it but Saturn is going to help you if you speak your world into being so if you say I am not capable of doing that then guess what you’re never going to do it in 2024 because sad is going to multiply what you’re saying and what you’re thinking into action so speak the world into being speak the way you want to you want the results to be speak and feel what you want to come towards you speak and feel how you want things to turn out because that is going to be Amplified

Saturn doesn’t mess around so the energy the vibration you portray is going to be Amplified assess the situation this is just confirming everything we spoke about everything we spoke about your your result your Victory is going to depend on it Scorpio as assess the situation and you will find your

Victory look at that take inspired action remember we talked about planning ahead remember we talked about looking at things in a different way in a different format a aling your feelings and your thoughts so they’re both in the same direction they’re both in alignment with one

another take inspired action and you’ll see that the result is going to be amazing

amazing Scorpio that is going to be your April so there’s a bit of work to do here and a lot of growth but Saturn’s going to help you along this path keep positive lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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