Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Forecast January Week 1

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your horoscopes for the next 7 to 14 days Scorpio we’re going to go in with an energy and go straight into the tarot and that is it it’s a very straightforward uh response and and reading here today for you in the meantime I’d like to tell you that our channel has been um put forward for membership so if you want to become a member of the Channel please feel free there’s going to be perks in each of the stages bronze silver gold the gold obviously being the highest and with that there’s Zoom calls that I do where you can ask me questions direct and I’ll send you a link of the zoom meeting when we have the zoom meeting with all the members and there you can ask questions I’ll also do the occasional uh private reading and send it out to our Gold members um via a link so you can watch it at any time so that’s just certain perks that you get from being in the gold membership apart from that you do get videos Upfront for people that don’t want to become members you’re more than okay you’ll still get these videos as I love to help people and if I can reach one person then it’s well worth my time so let’s go so nothing will change for non-members for members you get more perks obviously okay let’s go Scorpio what do we got for Scorpio pleas main energy for Scorpio thank you fourth chakra Archangel Raphael the heart chakra Scorpio what is it with you and the fourth chakra here it says that something is not balanced out here sometimes our head says one thing and the heart says the other but here there’s something that’s bothering you and it’s heartfelt it’s something that you’re either not discussing or you’re feeling but let’s go into it and find out what this fourth chakra means where are you off balance in your fourth chakra or what’s happening with that fourth chakra because sometimes it’s not off balance sometimes it could be that things are taking place in your personal life and especially in your relations with Rel relationships um now too many that’s too many cards too much energy here Scorpio okay they want to come out Knight of Pentacles you may be divided into what you love doing and what you want to start new or this could be that you want to start something new but you’re just not sure whether right now is the right time or the right moment for you to make that call this could be with carea it could be with relationships it could be with anything but it’s like you’re looking at a new beginning you’re looking at your new new prosperity it’s like this new new feel of prosperity new feel of um something new that’s going to that you want to follow it’s like you know what it is Scorpio and they’re telling me but they’re talking so fast it’s it’s like you’re looking at something new wanting to bring it to fruition whether that be a relationship or a job but you’re looking at it thinking do I follow my instinct do I follow my instinct or am I just going to stay where I am right now oh TW Five of Cups yeah you’re worri you’re worried here about the it not working out whatever it is that you’re looking at that’s new you’re worried about it not looking out not working out it’s like you’ve done things before or you’ve been in past relationships or past you’ve taken opportunities in the past past or risks and they haven’t worked out the way you had planned the seven of Cups this is you looking out and thinking do I give this another opportunity do I give this relationship another opportunity do I give this uh job do I take this opportunity do I make something out of this what do I do I’ve tried in the past and it hasn’t worked out how i’ cled so what do I do

here the four of Swords so many of you just sit and don’t make any moves because you’re not sure whether this new relationship or whether this new job is even worth um pursuing you’re not it’s it’s not singing in your heart your heart’s not in it totally there’s still doubts it’s like you want to do it but you’re worried that it’s not exactly the way you want it or it’s not the way you planned it or it doesn’t make you feel secure the six of cups look at that it’s like there’s going to be you’ve gone from the five of cups to the six of Cups so there’s movement here it’s like you’re inquiring about either somebody or something and you’re starting to really feel like I need to follow my heart I need to do what it feels emotionally not so much rational rational you are worried you’re worried you’re taking time out it’s not the time to move it’s not the time to act but emotionally it’s saying why don’t we give this a go what have we got to

lose so I don’t know what it is that you’re doing Scorpio but there’s something here and it’s attracting you to something whether it be a person or a situation it’s making you look at something and see how here we’ve got a cup with a heart in it look at that it’s like you’re looking at this cup with this heart is this the right person for me is this the right situation for me it’s like someone holds your heart or a situation holds your heart but you’re not sure whether to follow your your feelings or think about it in a rational

way something still holds your heart what is it Scorpio it’s like there’s still something that holds your heart and look at this The Wheel of Fortune whatever it is that holds your heart and you still look at that with a lot of prosperity and pride it’s something that’s going to change there’s something this’s change is coming through for you that’s going to allow allow you to mend that fourth chakra that of your heart it’s like something there may be someone new that’s coming into your life that’s going to mend that hurt that pain that sadness that once was left there by somebody else if it’s a new opportunity it’s something that destroyed you at one point or made you extremely disappointed or sad and now you’re going to give it another go it’s like something here you want to give a second chance to and the changes are coming through Scorpio the changes are coming through sometimes when we’re scared to make a change the universe throws us the Wheel of Fortune which forces us to change so we don’t really have an option we either go with the change or we battle through it because we’re fighting against the tide does that make sense and I feel here that someone’s been fighting against this tide you’ve been prolonging making it a decision prolonging following your heart because of the fear of getting your heartbroken again or or having

disappointment the hofan there is no getting away from this Scorpio you’re going to need to make that decision make no mistake with the Wheel of Fortune and the hofan they’re saying it’s time for you to act on what your heart is telling you follow those emotions allow yourself to feel to love and be loved and stop stop putting yourself through a hard time stop putting yourself through that hard time to not want your heart to get broken again or not want to go down that path of what if it’s time now to live those emotions Scorpio for some of you here you’re you’re you’re wanting to control your emotions wanting to control how things work and they’re saying sometimes you can’t control it Scorpio sometimes you just got to let it be and every situation has a learning process to it the Queen of Pentacles look at that you’re going to find your abundance your opportunity your wealth and your well-being if you just let go of the fear and follow your h heart you’re going this calling is going to make you prosperous this change is going to make you prosperous it’s like you need to change the way you’re coming forward to someone or something holding yourself back can only last so long how long are you going to hang on to that four Scorpio that’s what they’re asking it’s now the calling for you to change for you to go with your your heart do what you want to

do there’s no point delaying something that needs to happen or that’s meant to happen the King of Swords how appropriate the king of thought the king of processes the king of I cannot make a move until I’m absolutely sure I need to speak my truth and although my heart’s telling me one thing my mind’s telling me something else I’m overthinking a situation I’m not allowing my heart to speak I’m allowing my mind to speak louder I’m looking for things that that I may have missed you’re you’re looking for stories that don’t exist red flags where there are

none it’s like here Scorpio your

you’re how would I say this you’re

actually avoiding making a decision with fear of bringing more torment or hurt into your life does that make sense for somebody here it’s like I can’t let myself feel I can’t show what I feel because what if they do the wrong thing by me what if I get hurt

again there’s a fear here of you here they’re saying you need to listen to your heart that’s the biggest organ we have that keeps us alive and and allows us to feel in the most purest way don’t be afraid to use that organ don’t overthink it the high

priestess spiritually they’re saying to you Scorpio you can take as long as you like to think about it but it’s destined you can’t change what’s meant to be yours you can’t change what’s meant to happen all this thinking process is a waste of energy follow your heart it’s telling you what to do our intuition our soul and our spirit speak through our heart not so much our mind our mind is a tool that’s there to guide us but sometimes it can do the opposite and guide us in a way of Destruction when we overthink

things tell me if you can relate to this Scorpio are you stopping yourself from making a decision in regards to the the heart something that you truly want but you’re still looking at it as if do I do I not what if I get hurt look at the way he’s looking at that heart in that

cup it’s only so long that you can question that and eventually The Wheel of Fortune gets thrown in and you know what that’s because you’ve delayed things and delayed things and this process this person this situation was already meant to

happen it’s time to move forward look at the bottom of the [Music] deck you’re going to come to realization look at that heart there look at that see that you’re going to decide that you’re going to follow your heart you’re going to move forward with what you have to do and the prosperity and everything else will follow you’ve got already what a lot of people would love to

have Scorpio I hope that this makes sense for somebody here let me know in the comments if you’re scared to make that next move if you’re holding back because you won’t be holding back for much longer in January the Wheel of Fortune is there and it’s going to require you to either go with the flow or you’re going to battle fighting with the tide lots of love and light Scorpio thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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