Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Forecast For March Week 2

by | Apr 10, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for March Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of March and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics we’re still in a different location and but I thought it’s better to bring you the reading than not do it at all so next week we’re back in our location okay let’s see what energy we have for Scorpio please for the next 1 to two weeks what energy do we have for Scorpio for the next 1 to two weeks

Scorpio look at that the sun the sun and that’s number four three and one is four it’s you’re consolidating everything of importance for you you’re bringing together everything that’s important to you right now and not only that it’s bringing you warmth it’s bringing you realization you’re seeing the light in something that you’re accumulating and here we have the books underneath which means learning this could be a new contract that you receive it could be a new possibility to learn more you may have got into um a an education institution that you’ve been wanting to get into you’ve been wanting to learn something new bring something new into your life you may have things that you want to do and now is the time to do them now is the time to put into play everything that you want to do for some of you you want to go back to studying for some of you you want to learn something new and here it’s saying to you go for it now is the time for you to get out of your comfort zone and do what your heart is telling you to do there’s some people here Scorpio that you’re being pushed to to learn something new and you feel it you know it there’s something here that you want to learn you want to do and you want to start and now is the time let’s see what else we have with the tarot for

Scorpio do we have for Scorpio please yes doing a reading for Scorpio the sun that’s correct beautiful mentors and guides with me Six of Pentacles look at that you’re working extremely hard Scorpio just be careful that whatever you’re planning on doing whatever you’re working on at the moment whatever you have in mind to do and whatever you’re balancing in your life be careful not to share that with others because any idea that you have may be taken away by somebody else so be very very careful in what you say or who you share your things with because there are always going to be people overlooking what you’re doing or looking over your shoulder to see what you’re up to whatever it is that you’re doing or whatever it is that you want to get into is going to be quite prosperous and it’s going to be a balancing act between keeping everything afloat but please be careful who you trust in this process or who you discuss your ideas with

this this here is for you not for you to share with others right now because you can share with others once it’s all up and running but I do feel here that it’s something new you want to do once you’ve got into um the facility or once you have this job or once you do this then you can discuss what you’re doing but until then make sure that you explain that you keep to yourself what you’re doing the 10 of Swords Scorpio wow the 10 of Swords you’re exhausted you’re tired you’ve been working extremely hard for someone here you’ve been working extremely hard for others and all they do is suck your energy they take more and more and more from you and that’s become very evident to you lately to the point where you think no I need to take this into my own hands I need to do something for myself I’m tired of working extremely hard and everyone else taking the profit everyone else taking the benefit of what I put

in else have we got here what’s this 10 of swords under the moon for some of you you may be really really uncertain about what to do you may feel scared or you have this fear of leaving where you are or making that move because you’re you’re fearful what if it doesn’t work out what if my idea doesn’t work out what if I go and study and I can’t support myself or what if I do what I want to do and for some reason I end up worse than what I am

with a 10 of Swords here it’s it’s you at your lowest it’s you at your most stressful time tired exhausted of living what you’re living right now so something needs to change you’ve taken a lot of learnings a lot of learnings from where you are and where what you’ve done with that learning you can make your future yourself and I know a lot of you here are thinking of that that you’re afraid to make that move you’re afraid to take that risk you know things have to change because when you have a 10 of Swords it has to change there’s something here that’s just not right and it hasn’t been right for a long long time it’s got you to a place of Despair in some

cases that’s have a Scorpio thank you look at that it just comes to confirm Scorpio I love what I do this is the victory card the six of Wands you may have been through some turbulent times you have gone through questionable times where you asked yourself when’s it going to stop when am I going to find my purpose and my reason when is my luck going to change when am I going to have these opportunities and that’s the victory card don’t be fearful and do what you want to do go with your heart go with your mind and do what it is that you want to do your intuition is telling you it’s screaming Scorpio now is your

time whatever you choose to do learning can never ever be too much look at that the Knight of Cups you’re going to leave a location that people would just suck in your energy it was chaotic it was nerve-wracking it was bringing you anxiety unrest you didn’t feel complete you had to balance and watch everything you said all the time it’s like you had to watch your back all the time but now that time is over you’re going to make a decision here and you’re going to do something that you want to do now leaving a location of energy draining

behind didn’t fall I’m not taking if it doesn’t fall I can’t take it options look at that although you were in the 10 of Swords which is your lowest of low you’re going to find that within the one to two weeks choices are going to present themselves you’re going to have more choice of what you do where you go who you communicate with and you’re going to understand that learning or starting something new or learning something new is only going to open doors for you so that is what’s going to bring you options in the future that is what’s going to bring you more Prosperity than where you are right

now what else do we have for Scorpio please mhm look at that that you’ve you’ve got this internal battle and sometimes you you’re battling with yourself because you know what you need to do but you’re afraid to make that move for others it’s people at work or people in your family or people around you arguing and disagreeing with you which gives you doubt of your capabilities you may want to learn something you do something you move to a new place and yet that idea is causing disagreements with others around you but you need to ask yourself what is it that you want what is it that’s important to you listening to others may bring some doubt into your mind may bring a lot of

fear sometimes you just need to take that risk because you want to take take it what oh look at that this just flew out the magician look Scorpio I have no no hesitation look at that the victory cards with the magician you if you take whatever it is that you want to do into your own hands and you create your magic there is only Victory so if you are in doubt about something that you’ve wanted to do something that you have always wanted to do it whether that’s going to be successful or not then look at those two cards look look the magician and the victory card it doesn’t get better than that and you’ve got the

sun now is the time to move Scorpio believe in yourself believe in your capabilities believe you’ve got everything you need to succeed and don’t let others put things into your head don’t let your mind tell you silly stories because the mind is our most powerful thing but it can also be the the thing that destroys Us by giving us uh stories that don’t that are not


you’ve got what it takes look at that the hermit if you’re not sure take time out isolate yourself away from everything and anyone and you’ll soon see that you’ll be able to listen to that inner voice your soul and your spirit is screaming for you to take control of what it is that you need to do so when you take time out away away from everything and everyone it becomes very very clear what your next steps should be go with your heart and your soul because there’s a voice inside you that wants to talk to you and that’s called your intuition so listen to it and don’t ignore it for now Scorpio I hope that that has reached the person that it needs to reach because you’ve got a lot of potential here and a lot of Victory to be won you are a magician you’ve got what it takes you want choices do what you have to do to open new doors open new opportunities lots of love and light thank you so much for being here


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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