Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Forecast February 2024

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February 2024

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for February 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful people my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and we’re here to do your February horoscopes we’re going to start off with relationships then career then finances we’re also going to do it a little bit different this month and go straight into how your zodiac sign is going to get along with other people in other zodiac signs for the month of February stay tuned hope you enjoy And subscribe like share and comment as that all help hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re going to do your February horoscope starting off with some energies then two tarot and then the message from the Moon cards so let’s see what we have we’re going to go into relationships career and finances and finally how you’re going to be with other zodiac signs in February so let’s see what we have for Scorpio pleas energy for Scorpio the unexpected Scorpio can I tell you something you’re definitely definitely going to have something unexpected happening to to you in February I started your reading and I had bookings the phone was going crazy before so I had to answer the calls and here this card came out in your first try again I had to stop your video and that came out so there is Def something unexpected going to happen in February for you without a doubt it’s not by mistake that I mix the cards quite a few times and the same card comes out twice so there’s definitely something unexpected and now I’m K to know what is it that’s coming your way what is it what’s the unexpected thing that’s coming abundance abundance Scorpio you’re going to have something unexpected financially or an opportunity come your way that’s going to bring you a lot of abundance it could be a relationship you when you meet somewhere where you least expected and how you least expected it abundance comes in many forms it can be Financial it can be opportunities it can be a love that comes into your life but whatever it is it’s something that you’re not expecting or not in the place you expected let’s find out what else is coming up for Scorpio I’m excited Scorpio that does not happen things don’t happen by mistake I always say that let me know in the comments anytime in February what it was that was unexpected because there’s definitely something here let’s see what have we got for Scorpio for un expected and abundance relationships please relationships Three of Wands for someone here you may meet someone that’s not from where you are it could be someone that’s from another country another city another state or another suburb but it’s going to be someone that lives elsewhere this could also be that you’re on a holiday and you meet someone where you least expect it you may meet someone in another country in another city in another state you may be going on a trip or a business trip and where you least expect it is where you’re going to find it for some of you here you’ve been through quite a bit for some of you you’re going through a relationship that is tested in your patience you’ve been losing sleep and you’re worried and it may be either you’re in a current relationship or this is a past relationship it tore you apart for some of you here you may have moved away from a relationship ship that tore you apart that made you very uneasy and very depressive at

times look at that the 10 of cups without a doubt Scorpio someone here is going to meet the love of their life someone that’s passionate caring family orientated has an abundance of love to give they may be financially abundant as well but majority of you is going to find someone who you can share your life with a genuine person and it’s going to be so unexpected for you that you’re going to think what did I do to deserve this abundance what did I do to deserve this

person W how beautiful you may have come from an area that you you had a bad relationship a ship that you had to face and look at this here for someone here you’ve you’ve gone through some battles in your life with relationships you’ve lost confidence you’ve lost the belief of Finding Love Again you’ve lost the the the belief that you’re you deserve love that you’ve got love to give because you really don’t want to be part of a relationship of something that hurts you all the time and here they’re saying Scorpio open up because where you least expect it is where you’re going to find your abundance you may meet this person in the most unexpected place in the unexpected circumstances or with something totally unexpected but whatever it is it’s going to bring you a lot of Joy a lot of happiness and a lot of togetherness so open your heart and be a little bit vulnerable with where the love is concerned especially if you’re looking for

love for some someone here it’s the opposite you’re in a relationship that’s tested you you can’t take it anymore you’ve given it everything you’ve got and there’s no movement of improvement here and once upon a time it was fantastic but now it’s no longer you’re in a bit of Despair and you just don’t know what to do you can’t live this way forever so I do feel that there’s one person here that leaves a relationship and the minute you leave that relationship is where you find your abundance and your balance again your internal uh your internal battle is over the minute you live leave this relationship so there may be one or two people for that but but everyone else is expect the

unexpected okay what have we got for career and finances for Scorpio in February please career and finances for Scorpio in February thank you what we got for career and

finances The High Priestess there’s going to be a situation where you’re going to have a decision to make or you’re going to get a huge int intuition on what path to take there’s going to be something that happens in February and you may be given either two opportunities or two paths to choose from and you you will need to take time out to connect with yourself in order to get that feeling inside that voice inside of you that will tell you the right path to take or the right decision to

make what else have we got okay for some of you here you may have to travel for work or you may get work in another city state or country and this is you looking at do I make this choice or do I stay do I take this opportunity of a lifetime or do I stay I do feel that it’s going to be quite challenging in the decision you have to make but it will be a decision that’s going to bring you a lot of abundance so Scorpio look at these cards or just turn them over and realize that there’s a huge huge opportunity here for you someone here is going to be offered a position elsewhere and it’s going to be in another country another city or another state and you’re going to have to decide whether you take that or not there’s absolutely an opportunity here for you what else have we got for Scorpio please career and finances for February thank

you a new opportunity a new proposal a new position a new project a new career move and a new decision that’s going to bring you a lot of abundance for someone here you may have been waiting for this opportunity or this job offer or this project to commence or to be offered however the Knight of Pentacles is slow moving they come but they come with certainty and here you’re going to have that opportunity to do that and to start that new that new job that you’ve applied for I feel here that someone’s applied for a job elsewhere look at that and going to master it Scorpio whatever it is that you get offered here you’re going to master it and it may mean that you move locations that you have to travel for work or that you have to move into state or to to another country but this is going to be a career move that’s going to bring you a lot of abundance and a lot of certainty and balance in your life again finances are not going to be an issue if you take this opportunity cuz I really feel that you’ve got what it takes all the knowledge the determination the experience that you’ve got other people need so there is a huge need here for your experience for your your determination and for your knowledge look at that on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the death card and that means it’s time to transform it’s time to leave things that no longer serve you behind and move to the new and I do feel here that in the job that you’re in or a career or a project or a business that you are doing it wasn’t it wasn’t what you needed or it wasn’t matching to your wants it there was something here missing and I do feel now that the transformation is here it’s like I leave something old behind to start this new opportunity and it may be that you need to travel for work but it’s going to be worth your while I do feel that here it may also be an unexpected opportunity that comes your way you didn’t see it coming but now that it’s here it’s it’s going to require you to make some decisions and quick decisions as well it’s going to be an opportunity that you don’t have much time to think but you’ll know deep down that what’s right for you and what’s not let’s see the last last information we have for Scorpio

please open up to change look at that things don’t happen by mistake Scorpio you need to open up to change now it’s your time now to take on that challenge to move to the new and expand expand who you are using your knowledge and everything that you’ve experienced in the past and bring It Forward open up to change both in relationships and in career it’s asking you to open up to change let the change happen go with the flow don’t try and control things clear your mind what did I say it’s time for you to hear to take some time out and clear your mind before making that concrete decision before taking on that option at the at the time that you hear about it or you meet this person or you have this opportunity it may mean it may take you that much by surprise that you get shocked take time to observe what’s happening take time to really connect with why this came forward for you everything has a purpose and a reason Scorpio let me know in February I don’t care what when in February but let me know what the unexpected thing is that comes your way be proud of yourself be proud of who you are what you’ve achieved how far you’ve come and what you’ve what you have in your life sometimes we give very little credit to ourselves and it’s time now Scorpia that you give the credit to yourself that you deserve okay Scorpio so let’s see how you’re going to go with other zodiac signs in February let’s see Scorpio with other zodiac signs place in February tell me what’s oh Sun beautiful Scorpio let me mix that they’ve told me to mix it again one card’s up we can’t do it okay let’s see Scorpio please with other zodiac signs thank you okay with Aries let’s see what we have with Aries Two of Wands you may be dealing with an aries when it’s time to make a decision so this may be a person that offers you an opportunity or comes into your life and offers you an opportunity and out of those opportunities you’re going to have to make a decision but that is an Aries you may be dealing with Aries when it comes to Opportunities Taurus the star someone in Taurus is going to make something very clear to you or bring you some clarity in something that you’re doing or something that you want so there’s going to be some information that a Taurus brings you in February that’s going to make things clear I need to hide that card because there’s nudity and YouTube delete nudity videos so what have we got for Gemini Temperance you may be dealing with a Gemini when it comes to decision making or or a Gemini offers you something that’s going to require you to make a decision based on something else so here it’s decision-making with Gemini then cancer what have we got three of Pentacles cancer you may have someone who’s cancer around you that offers you something but it’s not something that you see as Grand it can be a good opportunity however or it can be a person that you meet but they’re not everything that you expected if that makes sense Leo what have we got for Leo Knight of Wands if if you meet someone who’s a Leo they’re going to give you energy and enthusiasm to move forward they’re going to energize you or give you ideas or through conversation or or or thoughts that that’s going to make you want to move forward so here you might get some advice from a Leo Virgo seven of Wands get ready to stand up to someone who’s a Virgo Scorpio in February and here you may have to stand up for your beliefs your opinions but I do feel that Virgo is going to challenge you in February so just be ready to stand your ground and voice your opinions and stand firm what have we got Libra the hangman here you may be dealing with a Libra and they’re not seeing things the way you are you see things one way and they see things another you may also have someone that’s a Libra who may stagnate you in some way shape or form in February so just be aware that the Libras aren’t ready to move quickly with you if that’s what you want they need to contemplate what a plan a and plan B is okay another Scorpio if you’re dealing with another Scorpio like yourself a Knight of Swords it’s TR time for truth if you have another Scorpio around you or you’re dealing with a Scorpio it’s going to be time to sit down and nail knuckle down on truth you want the truth you want everything out on the table you want all the cards the right way up you want to make informed decisions and a lot of ideas will come from this so that’s another Scorpio if you’re dealing with a Sagittarius the fool this if you’re dealing with a Sagittarius they may encourage you to take opportunities or take or make a decision on the Fly just be careful Scorpio here cuz Sagittarius sometimes are really flamboyant and they love adventure for for someone here you may want to take a step back from this in order to make make a decision when you’re ready to make it okay Capricorn if you’re dealing with someone in Capricorn beautiful if you metet someone who’s a Capricorn they’re going to give you a lot of love a lot of care and a lot a lot of nurture they are going to put themselves out there to you and this can be in Romance or it can be family or in your close associations but if you’re dealing with someone of Capricorn you can count on this person and you will have a blossoming relationship with someone of Capricorn as well they’ve got a lot of love to give and you’ve got a lot of love to receive so here we got Aquarius Aquarius Justice if you’re dealing with someone of Aquarius just know that they’re going to be very just in the way that they do things there isn’t going to be any shortcuts don’t approach an Aquarius and and expect favors or don’t approach an Aquarius and expect them to do things um that are hidden or secret they’re not going to do that they’re very upfront very direct and very just so uh be careful if you’re dealing with an aquarius because you may find that you may um be put back dealing with an aquarius they’re quite strong and they they know what’s right and what’s wrong Pisces what have we got for Pisces the nine of Pentacles you’re going to find a lot of abundance with a Pisces a Pisces is going to bring you a lot of fulfillment not only abundance in in financers but abundance in love in care in nurture being someone there that’s right beside you to back you all the way they’ll believe in you they will encourage you but more than anything else they’ll want you to be abundant or they’ll help you get the abundance you deserve well Scorpio I hope that that’s giving you a clearer perspective of February let me know if you like this reading let me know um how you found it and lots of love and light your way thank you so much


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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