Scorpio Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 24 2023

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023

Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio. This week’s Scorpio Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Scorpio Horoscope can also be viewed here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio how are you today thank you so much for being here today and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days

time this doesn’t resonate with you please feel free to go and see your ascendant and your moon sign so let’s go what energy do we have for Scorpio one energy for Scorpio Place main energy thank you Scorpio love love is going to be the main thing for you this is a card that shows that through strength through being together love is above all number six is stability and I feel that this next 7 to 14 days there’s going to be a huge amount of stability in the people around you people that you can count on people that make you feel loved you’re going to find that through hard times they still give you that stability of togetherness and how important you are in their lives don’t ever feel like you’re alone because he is Scorpio there are people that are there to catch you when you fall to hug you when you need one and there are people around you that are genuine about who they are and what role they play in your life beautiful for some of you here you may be thinking quite a lot about your current love relationship about how that is affecting you or what that means to you whether you’re ready to take on that next role that next step and concrete something a little bit more uh put things into more of a concrete situation so that’s there as well let’s see what Archangel Michael has for you see what message increase your knowledge Scorpio education brings opportunities take a course pick up a book or find a mentor to teach you what your soul longs to know so there are quite a few Scorpios here that are wanting to learn more and this may be so you can advance in what you’re doing right now learn more ways of doing things differently having different perspective of what you um what you know right now to what you need to know and also this could be that you would like to change your career as it is today and in order for for you to do that you need to study and dedicate yourself in knowing more about that new move or or a new career altogether something that you’ve always wanted to do and now you’re putting yourself forward in wanting to learn more about that and this could be the love as well you at right now I feel that there are Scorpios here that are looking at what they really want to do in life looking at what they really love in life and they and if they need to increase their their knowledge then they’re going to do that see here how we’ve got a one and a five that’s a six which is stability I feel that a lot of scorpios here are working towards their stability working towards a new way of life that’s going to give them the stability that they so crave okay let’s see what we have here for Scorpio plays tarot what else did you want to tell Scorpio here foreign for some of you you may sign new contracts here for work you may have a promotion that’s going to allow you to love what you do or it’s a position you’ve always wanted to do however there is going to be contracts attached to that the only thing I say when there’s contract’s attached to anything is please read the fine print because you just don’t know if there’s any little things in there that later were later on in life will come to be a problem okay let’s see what have we got for Scorpio please what have we got for Scorpio today thank you wow okay all coming through I’ll lay it out and then we’ll go through it the Knight of Cups something coming in a hurry there’s something coming fast and some and something that’s determined someone that is determined the temperance making decisions that is all about making decisions on where you’re at where you want to go where your intuition is guiding you it’s using your intuition and your wisdom as well the empress beautiful the the queen above all queens and she is a Creator creating new things in life this is also for those Scorpios that want to have a baby now is your time now here is the time of fertility try for that baby or that um that opportunity uh to have a baby if that’s what you want to do but that now is a good time for that the empress also talks about being creative in what you do new ways of looking at things new ways of doing things it’s it’s an abundance card and it’s also an nurturing card the two of swords

sure okay I’ll go through it I’ll go through it let me just put the cards down oops too many too many well that one wants to stay so that is the seven of Pentacles

thank you

the king of cups

three more cards please thank you thank you the nine of Pentacles very good I like that the fool I love that [Music]

and the Seven of cups

okay Scorpio and on the bottom we have the four of Pentacles Scorpio here I have a few instances we have someone here that wants to make a move wants to make a move in their current relationship and this may be a proposal or wants more of a commitment from their partner that you want it and you want it now you’ve been together for so long and you know what you want in your life you know that this person is the right person for you although one of the parties is just not sure whether right now is the right time so it could be you Scorpio that this person comes to you quickly and says right I know what I want in my life what are we waiting for let’s get on with life and let’s get married let’s get engaged or some commitment there that I know that you want me and here there’s a bit of unsurity about here and I feel that it’s got to do with stability you’re worried about how will I get married or I’d get engaged and not have the stability yet that I require the material part that will allow us to live with a stable life some of you worry here about having the foundation right before you can actually commit and here I feel that you are and you have got the abundance you are abundance you have the abundance the Knight of Pentacles talks about um the abundance that you have around you you’ve got a lot of love here and this person here may be just the one for you you will know Scorpio because you’re very intuitive you’re not silly so use your intuition sometimes when we wait for too long we take the spark out of the relationship and I’m not saying that you need to propose tomorrow but this person here is very keen if that that may be you you and the other part is the one that doesn’t know yet but this I feel is someone else coming towards you offering you the love that they have and yet you’re not able to decide whether right now is the right time you don’t want to let them go but I don’t feel that you feel stable in your life enough to be able to build that Foundation right now at this point in time here I have some decisions that need to be made for some of you here you’re going to have an opportunity to invest in something or take a new job or be in a new location there’s going to be choices you need to make but these choices are going to allow you to grow your financial stability and I feel that some here some Scorpios here are going to take the leap of faith you’re going to decide I need to do this for my future I know I can make more money elsewhere it’s a decision that you need to make about how and when you’re going to make that move the other thing I see here is there’s going to be if you’re single right now you are very in tune with what you have around you you’re very comfortable in where you’re at however Along Comes someone else that wants to offer you their love and you’re just not sure whether you want to take this person on you’re not sure whether they meet all your criteria so to speak and I know that’s that’s looking at it from a um a very egotistic egotistic uh egocentric really way but um you’re not sure if everything that you’ve built up until now you have your stability you know where you’re at you know who you are and you know what you want you’re very stable in your position and I feel that this may be someone a little bit older so here there’s someone that comes along and wants to be part of your life wants to offer you the love that they have to offer this person comes in Good Nature they have a god they have got a lot of love love to offer and they’re offering it to you Scorpio and saying I am true and I am genuine and I want to be able to share my life with you however you are looking at all the options here you’re looking at what that means for you is this person going to come into my life and create instability are they going to come into my life and create chaos as I’ve had that before in my life are they going to come into my life and want to rule me and tell me what I can and can’t do all these options you are weighing up right now you’re not sure if that’s what you want so there are people here that are going are having an offer here but you’re not sure what you want for some of you here whilst you’re very undecided about the learning you need to learn more and and create more stability but at the same time you want to keep the love that you have you’ll find that you’re going to find a way to make that work you’re going to find a way of coming together and having a very common ground about what you want in life Scorpio and you may decide that yes right now is not the right time but let’s put things into place already maybe let’s buy something together let’s move in together first see if that Foundation Works before you go and totally commit especially while you’re studying or expanding your knowledge I feel that this may also be someone that wants to start their own business and whilst you’re working at doing that you’re not ready right now to commit to something else right now that’s taking your focus away from this

for some of you here Scorpio there’s going to be something that you have kept inside you and this may be something that’s always bothered you and this may be for a while right now but you’re keeping something towards you that or inside you that you need to let out you need to discuss and this may be to do with a decision that you make and it may be to do with a mother figure there may be something that you’re keeping deep within that is to do with your mother or a mother figure and you’re not sure whether you should approach your mum in regards to this this could also be for a Scorpio here that their mother is getting involved with somebody else and you’re just not sure whether you want to speak your truth right now you don’t see this person being ideal for your mum however you’re keeping those feelings deep within because you’re worried that if you speak then things may turn but intuitively and within your wisdom you know that this person may not be right for your mum I don’t know why I got that but that was what they they passed through let’s see what I enjoy the universe is going to send Scorpio but Angela was sending Scorpio today Universe thank you if this reason doesn’t resonate with you please check your ascendant and your moon but there are quite a few options there no too many cards one card please one angel

we can’t send Scorpio all the Angels the only one thank you yeah the angel of soul mates you have found your soul mate and you have found that person that is the right one for you you feel it in your bones and in your body that this person is meant to be yours is meant to be for you but it comes back to the stability you’re trying to create for this relationship to never have any difficulties later on in life you want to make sure that you’re the provider that you always dreamed of being that you you bring to the to the table exactly what you wanted to bring um or what you feel that you should bring so I feel that here whilst there are some Scorpios that are very unstable yet about their Foundation that they’re trying to lay the love that they have currently in their life is the love of their life is the soul mate that they’ve wished for for a long long time I hope this helps Scorpio lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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