Scorpio Horoscope Changes coming in July 2023
FREE Scorpio Horoscope Changes for the month of July 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Scorpio Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next week so what messages do we have for Scorpio please remember whoops wow that wanted to come out very quickly a leg up a leg up means you’re ready to move you’ve got that approval that you’ve been waiting for you’ve got that answer that you’ve been waiting for it’s now time to move forward you’ve been given an opportunity or you’ve been given an answer that allows you now to move forward what are you doing Scorpio let me know because that just flew out so whatever it is in the next week or two you’re going to receive some news or some direction or or a proposal or an opportunity that allows you to move forward not for you for some some of you here you’re either in a relation or you were in a relationship or in a career that was not for you and you knew that you were just there for the sake of being there off of out of fear for some of you you were scared to move out of there for some reason or you felt compelled to be part of that person or that place couldn’t see a way out but now this all changes this is going to allow you to get the stability that you’re after the faiths things happen for a reason don’t ever doubt that anything that happens has a purpose and a reason sometimes we fail to see what the purpose and reason is whilst we’re in it but there’s always going to be a purpose and a reason for why things worked out the way they did why this opportunity comes along you understand that why it took so long for this answer to come through unfortunately Scorpio our time is not the universe time and we need to comprehend that and say well you know we want things to happen yesterday like all humans do but sometimes the universe says no I’m going to give it to you at the right time and when you’re exactly ready or you’re you’re going to be grateful for it because it didn’t come easy but there’s always a reason for everything and just know that something that didn’t work was never meant to stay in your life for more than that time so a career that didn’t work for some of you that lost your job that was all it was meant to be up until that time now you’re being pushed to find something new for those of you that came out of that relationship you’re now starting to understand that it wasn’t for you that it there’s luck and there’s new things for you coming everything has a purpose and a reason one more message please for Scorpio oh thank you chopping wood many of you have in order to find your stability again you’ve had to walk away from people or situations that no longer serve you you’ve decided who you’re going to keep in your life and what and you’re going to decide or you are going through the process of deciding who the people are that stay in your life and who you need to walk away from in for your stability more than anything else you’ve got two sixes here look up 66 and number six angel number um on Google and there’ll be a message for you Scorpio there’s a message there for you 66 or 6 is going to mean something and message in the bottle we did say that you may in the next week or two get a message that gives you the answer you’re waiting for that brings you the the reason why things ended the way they did in order for this new to begin there are new things coming into your life Scorpio and there is a leg up there is an answer here for you to move forward that will allow you to move forward let’s find out what the Tara has for you many changes coming through
many changes coming through Scorpio
the eight of Pentacles some of you have been working extremely hard to make something work some of you have been dedicating your whole time and your effort to making things work now you start to get the answer that you’ve been waiting for or the result that you’ve been waiting for you’re going to find that the nine of Cups there’ll be people there to celebrate with you and the ones that aren’t happy for you that’s part of the chopping wood sometimes when you know we usually find who our real friends are when we have success and those people that say oh how did you get that or how did you manage that not congratulations you deserve it you’ve worked hard they’re the two different people that you’ll be making um making sense of who you keep and who you don’t The Wheel of Fortune the change I told you there’s going to be change here and that change is going to bring you the answers you were looking for the hard work you put in you’re about to receive the fruits of it page of swords for some of you you’re going to have to take this approach of this is a new life that requires a new me a new way of thinking a new way of looking at situations or looking at the friendships I have right now who do I want to keep and who do I want to let go
Three of Wands for some of you this transformation is going to take you overseas to another place and another opportunity and here I feel that some of you here may work overseas or in another city or another state is going to bring you the fruits that you want [Music] some of you here you may have worked hard to allow yourself to go on a holiday to enjoy what you’ve worked so hard to do for some of you you were saving up for a holiday that you’ve wanted to do for quite a long time
and there you are the celebration comes and the fruits are now here to be had Scorpio many of you are going to collect the fruits of hard work and you’re going to celebrate with the true people that are in your life
you’ll know who true who the true ones are and who aren’t hermit many of you find in your light finally it’s here finally this situation has happened finally I get to see what I’ve worked so hard for or finally I understand why that relationship didn’t work because I was meant to be on a different path meant you know how sometimes we have circumstances where had we not ended that situation or that relationship you would never have gone somewhere else well it’s a bit like that had you not ended something that wasn’t for you or a situation or a job you never would have found the light you never would have found the the true purpose of where you’re meant to be or go that’s the feeling I get here and that’s why the fake card is there too because that’s exactly the feeling I got here of things were meant to work out this way things were meant to be this is what I see some of you saying at the end of this decisions and choices you’re going to make some choices and we did say that with the page of Swords new ideas new choices about who you keep in your life what situations you keep what places you want to be at where you want to go what Social Circles you want to be part of now a lot of reassessing who you are now and reassessing who’s true and who’s not true or what’s meant for you and what’s not
for some of you here there is a new love coming into your life it’s a new beginning of you feeling the love for you and others offering you love I do feel here that there may be one or two Scorpios that meet someone that’s beautiful in the next week or two and that new beginning is going to release you from the uh now I see why I went through that now I see why that person wasn’t for me because had I still been in that relationship I wouldn’t have met this new person let me know if this resonates with you
okay more messages for Scorpio place what other messages do we have for Scorpio please thank you a woman holding a heart number 44 which is a master number and I I said that a lot of you here are going to have a clear understanding why the past relationship or the relationship you’re leaving is not the right for you you’ll have an understanding about the people in your life that aren’t right for you you’ll understand more why things happen a clearer understanding [Music]
the first chakra Archangel Michael and he’s so beautiful he’s my favorite Archangel but here Archangel Michael says the base that you create is what is going to keep you strong and passionate and Powerful so make sure Scorpio this message is all about you being sure about who you are despite what others think despite what others say and despite all the judgments people are always going to judge you cannot allow other people’s judgments to rock your solid base you’ve got to understand and know who you truly are because who we are is concrete no one can change that and despite what others think and say it shouldn’t matter if you’ve got a huge strong base of understanding Who You Are angel of balance you’ll find your balance Scorpio you’ll find the balance that you’ve so been looking for the harmony between where you are and where you want to go where who you want in your life and who you don’t this is going to bring you a balance of understanding of appreciation and of being very comfortable in your own skin and I’m just underneath we have the envy you make decisions here that are going to leave others very jealous so be very careful who you tell of your plans only discuss your plans with the absolute people that have the best interest your best interests at heart other people may have come across like they do but they really don’t or even if they do they may tell others and others don’t so be very careful who you discuss your your plans with because sometimes when we tell people we uh kill the vibration of things happening only tell people once it’s happened and there’s no breaking of vibration for anybody
Scorpio I hope that’s resonated with someone here please let me know in the comments and if it hasn’t please check your ascendant and your moon sign lots of love and light your way thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)