Sagittarius Horoscope Weekly Psychic Insights for October 2023
FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Insights for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings Sagittarius this is a general reading remember that it’s not going to resonate with everybody and if it doesn’t release it back to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun today we’re going to do your forecast for the next 7 to 14 days and let’s see what we have for Sagittarius oh lot of nervousness here sag oh jeez what’s going on Sagittarius let’s find out what’s going on Sagittarius
please Community is your first one regeneration and energy of regeneration that explains it to a certain extent
breathe and on the bottom deep knowing look at that Sagittarius here we have a situation where Something’s Happened and you’re trying to regenerate what took place for someone here their world fell apart they went through a hard time and they may have been dealing with people either in the community or a communitybased process or situation that took place something happened that that Recon that took you out of your well-being something happened that made you question what you were doing or where you were going and I don’t know why I’m getting this but for something here you learned something about a social Gathering a group or something here that became knowledge to you you your higher power told you that this community this social event the these people were not good for you in some way or shape or form for some reason someone here was dealing with people or was dealing in a career or a job that dealt with the community this could be a police a a policeman or a woman this could be someone to do with the community a judge a barrister something that you’re dealing with that deals with the community issues there’s a deep knowing here that something is telling you that you need to change or you need to do something that’s different I feel that someone here has been challenged in their role or what they’re doing or there is a situation that knock them about it’s something that by the book it’s something that you don’t want to do anymore that is taxing who you are so it’s it’s a situation or a circumstance that you are currently doing that is taking you out of who you truly are you’re not being true to who you are doing this thing doing or going through this process something here a situation has really rocked who you are does that make sense because I don’t know why I’m getting that information but that’s what they’re trying to say and now I feel that you’re rebuilding that you’re re building either your career your self-esteem yourself from something that took place that brought a lot of chaos and conflict in your life you are now regenerating who you are regenerating your beliefs your career your outlook on life your but you you’re breathing through this process it’s like you’re going through a court case maybe that you’re going through a process of a court case and you need to breathe through this in order to be able to regenerate your life back into order or you’ve had to do that why am I getting that that’s pretty strong it’s a strong vibration here for someone that’s going to make sense but whatever it is that you’re going through there’s going to be a a remedy there’s going to be a conclusion on this thing through something that you learn you’re going to see something different something in your intuition and your higher power is going to bring you information or or a conclusion to something that that’s going to allow you to move away from this situation that that was quite taxing on your health on your mental your mental health your physical
being I don’t know what that is I’m sorry it may it might it might sound confusing but I’ve just told you what I’ve heard so for someone here it’s going to make
sense hunger is the first card what are you wanting to change what what is it that you’re hungry about Sagittarius what is it that’s making you hunger hungry to
okay this could be a situation that of someone being being desperate to clear their name of something desperate to clear their name and H and bring prot protection back to their Community bring protection back to who they
are something that you really want to do in order to generate protection you you want to do what’s right to bring back security and protection to either a community or regenerating something oh the unexpected something here happens that’s going to be expected look at that you’ve learned a lot from this Sagittarius I don’t know who I’m speaking to here and what this circumstance is or this situation so help me out if you can in the comments below but this is a situation that through learning you leared a lot through a situation you went through you leared a lot
about about something that broke down that really tore you part and and it could be your beliefs or what you stood for or your reputation or what you were doing but something destructed that you learned a lot through that process this could even be someone that went through something that you ended up in prison for example you’ve learned a lot through that process you learned a lot whilst you were an inmate I don’t know what this is but help me out and and let me know but something here that that shook your world made you realize that there was a lot to learn about life that life whilst we take it for granted it can also be taken the the beauty of life can be taken away from us very quickly if we’re not careful the freedom the understanding you’ve whatever this situation is or whatever you’ve been through Sagittarius this may only be for one person here but someone’s going to know what I’m talking about because they’re giving me this message for a reason whatever you are going through just know to breathe as I feel that there’s someone here that’s waiting for someone for something to conclude you’re trying to protect Pro you you want protection to regenerate something in your life and they’re saying breathe through this situation because something unexpected is going to happen that’s going to free you from this torment that caused you it’s someone here want someone here wanting to bring out truth into something that
happened and through the knowledge that you’ve gained and the wisdom that you’ve gained you’re now going to be able to free yourself and regenerate what was taken away from you I don’t know there was a lot of learning here a lot of process of learning and now you are more determined than ever to make this situ situation different for others or for others for no one to be able for no one else to go through what you went through there’s a determination here to change the way the process is to change the way the justice system is to change the way things are seen and done does this make sense I don’t know someone will know out there let me know in the comments Sagar ious what this
is two of swords at first you couldn’t see how you were going to get yourself out of this situation there was a no win situation here and there was two directions that but you couldn’t see those choices you were taken there’s two things here that you there’s a situation here that you couldn’t see a way out of there is no way out of this you couldn’t see clearly of how to get out of this situation and now there’s a hunger for you to improve things you battled there’s a battle here I feel that deep within that there is someone here that’s battled to get protection to be able to regenerate what they’re creating who they are their reputation who who they what they stand
for oh eight of Pentacles you’ve worked extremely hard for someone here you’re working extremely hard at changing a system a process a justice system something that’s not right in the community that you want to change it’s something that you stand so strong for that you want to change you want to make a difference in somebody’s life in a community’s life you you want change and through everything that you’ve learned and has become apparent to you it is now you’re now going to find the remedy that you need and the answers that you need through something unexpected that
happens Eight of Cups this is you looking for new ways of doing things for new possibilities for New New Paths to be created you’ve been disappointed by what you’ve seen by what you’ve lived by what you’ve had to deal with and now you’re ready to make a change you want to make a change in your place of work in your life in your family in your community there is a huge hunger here for someone here to make a change that’s going to count for generations to come for people to
see and you’re going to do that with all the wisdom and the Deep knowing that you’ve learned through your experience through your
vision wow okay let’s see what else we have for Sagittarius love and relationships for married and single in Sagittarius you’re on a mission here Sagittarius the person or the people I’m connecting with here are on a mission to complete something it’s it’s like they’ve got this Soul Journey this journey that they need to complete as part of their mission on this Earth something that’s going to be important for many years to come and many any generations to
come give your relationship a chance work on your partnership for some of you here like I said it may be that you’re going through a court case but this relationship give your relationship a chance you may get a chance with an ex partner an exboyfriend an ex-husband that wants to come back into your life Sagittarius wants to make things right now and it’s going to be up to you if you give that relationship a chance another
chance honeymoon enjoy the Bliss of holiday time together so for someone here Sagittarius it’s if you’re in a married relationship and things have stagnated of late it’s now time to take a holiday together regenerate that relationship re re um re restruct that relationship with passion ignite the passion within that relationship once more enjoy time together away from the chaos the the commitments and children or anything that’s taken your time away from being one another sometimes when we’ve got so much going on and we’re creating a new life or we’re creating this life of abundance and family we forget to enjoy our past like we used to when we first met them oops yep and for someone here that’s exactly what needs to take place it’s it’s the energy of it’s time to let go see how the cards just spread themselves out it’s let go of things you’ve got to let go of your mundane things to make this relationship work allowing yourself to love again like you you did at the beginning allowing yourself to enjoy time together without the constraints of others or
situations last message for Sagittarius what a reading wow step up and Lead look at that step up and Lead Sagittarius if you believe in something so strongly you step up and lead and I do feel that this reading here was all about someone taking action for what they stand for for what they believe in and making a difference to either their lives or or lives of others constructing things that are going to be important in future changing the way things are seen or said or done I hope this has made sense to somebody here lots of love and light and lots of strength because you’ve got unexpected things happening here that your hard work is going to p off thank you Sagittarius all the best [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)