Sagittarius Horoscope | Weekly Horoscope for October

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today, My name is Marie Rose from Tarotreadingslive.com today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so stay with me as I’m going to go through relationships General and any future energies that you need to know okay Sagittarius please thank you unless your kindness self unleash the kind of self that you are Sagittarius for someone he you may meet someone in the next week or two that need your help and they’re saying here just release that kind of self of yours and and help people that you’re capable of helping allow yourself to be somebody else’s son and what I mean by the sun is s-u-n not Sun as in children but allow yourself to be the bright side of someone’s life step into your power allow yourself to step back into your power Sagittarius allow yourself to use that power within you to make decisions on goals or where you want to go in life allow yourself to release any of the energies that no longer serve you and do it in your kindest way to yourself

allowing yourself to be who you want to be where you want to be and what you want to be

pleasure just for a Sagittarius place thank you in the near future things are going to make sense in the near future everything that you um put out is what you’re going to get back Sagittarius and here it’s saying if you give the best of yourself to any situation to anybody around you or someone that’s needing you you’re going to find that in the near future Things become clearer one more energy place Sagittarius thank you look for a sign step into your power and look for a sign for someone here you know what you need to do and you’re in doubt whether you should or you should not do it and here they’re saying step into your power because you know what you need to do look for a sign because you’re more than capable of seeing Beyond what you need to see you’re capable of getting the signs and understanding the signals that are being sent to you for some of you here you may have some psychic ability or your third eye is working extremely hard and you’re in tune with what’s going on or what’s coming through for you

open up yourself to receiving messages open up yourself to getting those answers to those questions you’ve got

do it again do it again

okay thank you all right messages for Sagittarius faced with a Tarot thank you the Ten of swords for some of you you are in a place of pain despair questioning where do where did I go wrong I’ve been through so much in my life and I’m at the stage of I don’t know what to do next I don’t know what the answers are now I have got to a place of going through so much sacrifice so much pain and despair situations and people that disappointed me and I’m now at a place where I don’t know what to do next and the universe is saying here listen to your intuition nothing happens by mistake mistake Sagittarius people in paths are changed in our lives for a particular reason and there’s always a purpose listen to your inner self understand that you are the higher power here the high priestess and the step into your power is exactly the same thing it’s about you listening to your inner voice allowing yourself to step into your power of who you truly are

you carried burdens that belong to others for too long you’ve carried other people’s burdens and been there for everyone else now it’s the time for you to release that energy release that energy and know that now it’s time for you to set yourself be unless your kindness self to you this live nature kind of self is for you to be kind to you you have felt every every sword there in the back in your back you felt every pin of those blades coming into you you have felt like there was no there’s you felt the Betrayal of others you have felt the failure for some of you you feel like you failed you failed what you said to do and you lost that power now Sagittarius take time out take time out to realign yourself with your importance be the kind of self to yourself that you can be and step into your power again because in the near future there’ll be a sign that explains everything to you you’ll understand why things happen the way they did look at that the broken heart is and that came out that way this broken heart is what destroyed you the disappointment of others

disappointment and betrayal from people that you didn’t imagine could could have happened the seven of Swords today with this spiritual guidance that you have within with your mentors and your higher Creator you have been praying or you’ve been wishing or you’ve been asking for guidance and for you to be able to see the light and they’re saying to you stand and be firm after all the betrayals and all the deception that you’ve had to face you came out standing you are stronger than what you know you are so now is not the time to give up Sagittarius now is not to the time to put your hands up in the air because you know why there is The Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune is going to take you out of this place you’ve learned the lessons you came here to learn you’ve gone through the circumstances and the situations that you needed to go through to today being stronger than ever before I do feel that I have a Sagittarius here that allowed themselves to be vulnerable to others to be accepting of others way of disrespect accepting other people’s deceptions for too long and you gave up on finding love you gave up on loving yourself you gave up on believing that love is ever possible

you allowed others to to dictate and take your power because of everything that they did to you you lost faith in humanity you lost faith that love ever existed and more than anything else you must find that you’re ever going to be able to love and they’re saying no no Sagittarius that’s not the case at all the reason you had to go through all of this is so that you learn about what you want in your life and what you don’t want what you put up with in your life and what you will not put up with in your life from here on in the deception that you went through the Betrayal that these people put you through the endings that tore your heart out of your chest that all came because today anyone that’s gone through that anyone that’s here that can resonate with this story is no longer the person that they were before they went through this the person today the Sagittarian today that has gone through all of this today you are totally different to who you were when you started

too many I’m going to give it because they want me to give it okay look at that the queen of Cups and the Ace of Wands make no mistake you are going to be the queen of cups again the love you have inside is not going to be wasted the universe is coming here to say Sagittarius yes you went through some hard times but we always had you you had to go through those to understand and learn what you don’t want in your life for the rest of your life we gave you those lessons and we put you through those lessons so that you understand what never to accept again in your life you’ve got beautiful beautiful things coming into your heart and into your life Beautiful People situations and a new beginning in a new place and a new adventure with new people

you are no longer the same Sagittarius you were in the past no longer

do you know how we meet some people Sagittarius and six months down the track 12 months down the track they’re still the same person they haven’t grown much they haven’t moved much they’re still in the same job living the same life this is not you this person that can resonate with this reading here is someone that went

to the bottom of that pit but but got out got out through pain use your pain and your betrayal the Betrayal that people gave you you use that pain and that destroyed soul to get yourself out of that that tunnel that hole that someone left you in you use that power to get out of that hole that’s why the universe is saying to you here step into your power again release all that negativity you’ve got a lot to live for Sagittarius and a lot of beautiful new experiences to live

what a powerful reading wow two more cards Place whoever this is for you’re going to understand what I’m talking about they left you by yourself in the middle of nowhere isolated alone and in Despair and pain

at times you felt that you couldn’t even work you had to get help to get your finances back in order because you the way you felt took you to a poverty line of not making not being able to even get up to have the strength to

to move yourself forward financially but guess what that now all ends because Sagittarius you’re about to take your throne again you have got a lot of gifts and a lot of a lot of teaching to others use your experience your pain and everything that you’ve been through into a positive and how do I do that Marie how do I do that you turn your experiences of everything you went through to help others and through that I guarantee that you’re going to be abundant in so many ways financially mentally physically and soulfully you’re going to help other women or men or people that are going through or with or are going through everything that you went through use

the most painful time of your life to create the most positive time of your life wow

Sagittarius if there is a Sagittarian that can take that experience of that pain and turn it into a positive

my hats off to you and I send you a lot of love and light your way

because that is a powerful turnaround

wow and look for a sign this reading may be the sign that this person that’s gone through this needs

oh thank you Sagittarius for allowing me to pass this message to the person that needs to hear this and if you know Sagittarian that’s going through this please send it to them because it’s important that they know okay relationships for Sagittarius please wedding this situation involves marriage for some of you here you may be getting married Sagittarius on a nice lighter note and congratulations is in order in advance from me to you so for some of you here you’re getting married

calling in your soulmate your prayers affirmations and video visualizations help bring you together you may meet someone Sagittarius for those of you that have met someone and getting married congratulations for those of you that don’t have anyone right now this has been someone that’s been asking to meet their soul mate you may just meet your soul mate in the next few weeks or in October sometime and it doesn’t mean that you’re going to get married straight away but it’s going to lead you to that place of finalizing your relationship in a beautiful way your love life is being affected by children for someone here and I had this card with another sign what was it I can’t remember what other sign got this card but check your ascendant and your moon sign you may just find that that has message for you but this is for someone that has got children and is not allowing themselves to go out and meet other people in in fear of letting go of their children or being seen as letting go of their children our children are our most precious jewels for anybody that is a parent here you’ll understand what I’m saying that there is nothing else that makes your heartbeat more than your children and although you feel that way about your children you still need to have or be happy and have someone to make you happy and even if it means that someone mind your children for you to have be able to have a date night or go out and allow yourself to meet other people then that doesn’t make you a bad parent that makes you a fulfilled and balanced parent that loves their children with all their heart but at the same time needs to be happy because your happiness you pass that on to others

so for those of you that are feeling guilty about leaving your children to go out and meet someone please don’t your children will love you no matter what if you go out or if you don’t they can stay with their grandparents or their aunties or a friends that you trust with all your heart but it’s okay to allow yourself to still have fun and still meet other people even if you do have children and on the bottom of this card pay attention to red flags for someone here it’s pay attention to red flags the signs are cautioning you sagittarians you there may be someone here that you’ve met someone and that’s someone or that mating or that diet didn’t sound right or didn’t feel right to you that person didn’t sound right with what they were saying or how they were behaving or something there wasn’t right you walked away feeling like I don’t know if I want to see this person again or I don’t know this I like him but there’s something or I like her but there’s just something that’s not right guess what the red flags may be exactly that so don’t ignore those red flags don’t ignore those red flags

okay let’s see what other energy we have for Sagittarius here one more energy or two more energies for Sagittarius please the path Sagittarius the party you finding your new path you’re going to have your new path again you’re leaving this old behind and you’re going to climb that ladder and find your new world your new path your new meaning your new place of being whatever whatever it is that you want it to be and you’ll gain your power and your strength through that

remember I said there’s someone here that’s going to use their experience to turn it into a positive that’s it everything that’s dark on this side you’re going to make positive and light on the other side

patience be patient with yourself allow yourself to feel and take your time take your time at understanding that everything you went through wasn’t in vain it it happened for a reason and a purpose and when you can see that you’ll understand that more allow yourself to feel what you feel and remember unleash your kindness self on yourself don’t be hard on yourself and think I should have known or I should have seen that coming or everyone told me but I didn’t see it Sagittarius everyone can tell you everything doesn’t mean that they’re right no until we feel and we see and we experience that’s what counts that’s what brings you the growth that you needed everyone can tell you everything and you might have people saying I told you so that’s great but had I listened to you I never would have experienced that yes could I have avoided all that pain and all that deception and all that

uh drawing of my self-confidence yes I could have avoided that if I listened to you but would I have been a different person today knowing what I know already no because I wouldn’t have experienced it someone can know something but until you experience it you cannot speak about it you are not experienced enough to talk about it unless you’ve experienced it

boundaries for many of you here you’re going to form boundaries I get that whilst you are recovering you’re unleashing your kind of self on yourself and you’re stepping into your highest power there are going to be times of boundaries you’re going to set your boundaries but those boundaries are going to bring you growth bring you understanding of what you’ve been through bring bring you to understand why you went through what you went through so those boundaries are healthy in some circumstances and don’t be afraid to set those boundaries from others set those boundaries to protect yourself while you heal yourself


Sagittarius I know you for those people that have gone through that or going through that you can’t see it right now but you are going to find your light and your world again

although you can’t see it right now because everything is cloudy and everything is not allowing you to see the positive in the future you are going to see that what you hold in your heart in your soul and in your spirit that you’re going to draw in all the positives into your life again It’s The End number 10. it’s the end of that cycle of not being able to see

Sagittarius I hope this makes sense some to somebody if you know someone that needs to hear this and is a Sagittarius please pass it to them if this doesn’t resonate release it to the universe and check your ascendant and your men sign lots of love and light Sagittarius thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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